the card cousins.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

visitaion day. went over to MM's house. cute little er grandcousins (cousin's children)? delectable chinese new year goodies. collected more than 50% of my haul there. hahah. then headed down to ta ee's house. lip-smackering good mushroom minced meat for lunch. was sooo good, everything else tasted really blah. haha. luckily today there were CARDS. so the card cousins bonded over them! haha. last stop, grandma's house for pohpiah again. cute grandcousins were there too. pohpiah was good. so much good food today. came back and did two rounds around the estate again. go me! :D

no more visitation tomorrow. so i have a whole free day! wheeee

reunion dinner.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

sji was funny, entertaining and extremely stupid. ac celebrations was plain boring with a capital B. but yay for the early day :D went down to lido mos for lunch with fi shar zach chris ian. then went to meet xues chris and grace for shopping. got a comfy new skirt. :D wheee. then went home with chellies. and made it back by 2.30! wow. the wonders of an early school day. haha

was planning to run. but was so very tired. so bummed around online and then took a nap. then prepared to go off to grandma's house for reunion dinner. i love my new bluebutterfly slippers :D dinner was really good. the usual milomeatballs. the very yummy pohpiah. the tender chicken curry. etcetc. it was really really boring tho. at one point, i was like, hey didnt we have the SAME conversation last year?? o.O yeah well. saw nat, hansel and er diana (i think? =\) at the dinner. was interesting seeing them again. it always is, seeing people from your childhood memories. heh

i've gotten an unexpected shower of blessing in the form of twothousandandfivehundred doollahs. what i really really want to do with it is spend it on a spiffy laptop for myself! a personal computer is what i've been really wanting for a long time. the simple desire of wanting to have my own desktop wallpaper, to the very big desire of having all the hard drive space to myself for songs, songs and videos. plus then getting an mp3 player would make so much more sense. :D so all you chichi personal notebooks out there, beware for i am on the lookout for the one for me. hahaha. also on my things to get list is rain's vol3 and all of ftts' other albums except 1, 2 and5. but they all seem to be sold out :( buying things really is quite a good form of release of tension. haha. ok should sleep soon. more visitation (money) tomorrow! haha

it could only have gotten better.
Monday, February 07, 2005

i ran two rounds around the estate yesterday. i've made up my mind to exercise regularly during this cny period so as to balance out the gorging on cny goodies (i.e., pineapple tarts, my loveee). anyways, i feel myself getting fitter and fitter to a certain extent. at least my breathing has become much more regular. no more panting and wheezing and gasping for air. :D

anyways, today was one of those days where you wake up feeling like you've already endured a whole day of shit. i reached school so early that i was the first person at the class row. i waited for agees for someone to appear, so long that i was even worried that i would be the only one in school. haha. and i dearly miss my school sweater. was freezing without it, and felt empty and comfort-less :( but the worst thing about today was my BAD HAIR DAY. i hate my hair right now. NEED. TO. DO. SOMETHING. ABOUT. IT. time to cut cut cut it. x(

all that aside, today wasn't really that bad. school was quite relaxing cos so many people weren't in school or pinked out etcetc. after school, went to deliver the editorials with shar. physically, it was horrendously torturous. acsi to shenton way to the esplanade. we walked, bused, trained and WALKED. plus the hot sun and heavy bags. but we did what we had to do so whoopee. had some good talking time and ice cream and banana crepe and doodling at the esplanade library. :D

chinese new year is here! wheee. my second favourite holiday season after christmas. AND, to my knowledge, there is no homework for this break! whoopadoodleee!

it's raining tssssaaaaaaaaaaahh.
Saturday, February 05, 2005

spent my whole saturday reading the guy holding flowers. shld really stop my fic reading. not good for my eyes, my heart or my brain. i've been playing around with the idea of writing one actually. haha. and i think i probably would. after terms. writing would be a really good outlet. :)

feel kind of guilty for not starting on my e4 assignment. and i have the horrible feeling i'm not going to be able to finish it in time for monday's deadline. better go take a look at it later. tomorrow's gonna be a pretty full day of church and shopping with the family, so gotta to get a headstart on it!

mtv asia aid was a pretty cool concert. apart from the reeeaaallly long commercial breaks and aliciakeys' monotone hosting. rain's stage presence is tssssizzling hottt. i could watch the it's raining dance over and over again and not get sick of it. xD yeah i'm starting to become pretty partial to mrhotsmalleyeswiththesmoothdancemoves :D

go rain! xD

thankful for even a hint of..whatever.
Friday, February 04, 2005

pe teacher is 100% cool. to the point that even i am feeling quite cheated for the lack of a workout we got today. haha. but well, we shall be thankful for the small things in life. feel quite stupid for doing pe while people are chronically skipping it and getting away with it. but then at the same time, i'm really too mentally tired to skip pe and then having to go through the whole "will i get caught or will i get away with this" shit. besides, it's not like pe is really tough or whatever now. in fact i kind of look forward to it most times. haha

ANYWAYS. I GOT HOSTED I GOT HOSTED! it's pretty exciting. the first time i actually applied to be hosted, i got accepted! i'm utterly thrilled but am trying to contain my embarrassing excitment. haha. anyways, mucho thanks to my wonderful new hostess jen for accepting me! currently, my domain is called monologue.cranberried.net. but i'm thinking of getting it changed to inexplicably.cranberried.net because i seem to be inexplicably attracted to this word. hahah. ooh i'm so excited. i shall work on a new layout tomorrow. for march! and plan my site etcetc. it's really retarded how excited webdesigning is making me. LOSER. ok WEBGEEK. ok WHATEVER. hi. i shld have gone poly and done webdesigning all day and be happy. i mean computers are the future of this world!

the weekend is here! so now i can rest my weary body. i hate how i feel so tired but really dont have an excuse for feeling this way. i mean it's not like i study late into the night. or have physically tough trainings. i'm a BUM and yet i feel so tired all the time. STOP BEING SO LAZY YOUNG GIRL!

mi ahn hae.
Thursday, February 03, 2005

argh i really hate this. everytime i bitch on my blog i end up feeling damn bad. so i'm sorry. (hah if you think it's you i'm talking about here, then well, says something doesnt it?) but yeah i'm sorry for saying what i said. i'm sorry for hating my life. i shouldnt, because i know that i'm really too blessed. i'm sorry for hating myself, because God created me the way i was for a reason, i just need to find that reason. truthfully, knowing this is the only thing that's helping me keep from falling into depression/self-hate/public bitchiness etcetc. sometimes though, i wish i had this major tragedy in my life. so i had the excuse to feel the way i do sometimes. 75% of my feelings are second-hand emotions, derieved from music/books/movies/television shows. sad huh.

i need to fall into peace and contentment.


i hate how you've got this hold over me. i swear it can't be that i like you cos everytime you're around i feel like running away. in fact, if you died, i'd probably even be happy cos then you wouldnt be around to affect me anymore. is it normal to feel this stupid??

didnt go to school yesterday. :D finished up a&c essay. the feeling of finishing up an essay beforehand is freaking amazing. haha and studied econs. so yesterday was quite productive. mwuaha. i treated myself to a good stay-home lunch. egg croissant and a peach tart from delifrance. :) then chilled to an hour of koreantv. haha loveletter's really funny. my junjinnie is so strong xD read Tainted Memories of Issey Miyake. it's reallyreallyreally good. i reccomend it to anyone who has a coupla hours to spare. i pretty much couldnt tear myself away from the computer until i finished it. heh. korea is like the country of romance. haha rarghh why couldnt i be born korean :(

school today, as it always is on thurdsays, was really nondescript. but i got thinking today, how i am so unfortunate to know of two extremely different but equally annoying bitches. one, is not afraid to act like a shameless slut. the other, hides behind an angelic demeanour. she makes it impossible for you to hate her by always having something nice to say. honestly, i cannot say which is worse. but being around them is like making me go crazy. i know i am twofaced. i mean how can i not be, bitching about them like this and yet having to smile and be all pally around with them. i really hate myself everytime i laugh with them or be nice to them or whatever. i hate this bloody situation.

so emotionally stressed up, i opted for some sugar theraphy. frosted chocolate malt with d at the airport. a lil too sweet but good nevertheless. and i saw lotsa sia air stewardess there. i reallyreally want to be one. flying around and getting paid. wtf. that's too good to be true la. just don't make me clean up someone's sick. eurgh.

last year this time, i thought two years was too little.
this year this time, i think two years is too freaking long.

scuzzy school.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

that means DISGUSTING; "a possible blend of the words 'scum' and 'fuzz'". might not be right in the context of school or what i'm trying to get across but hell, i like the word :) and school is disgusting anyway.

anyways, wheeheeheehee! i was sooo excited about my new blogskin that i put it up in school. haha. ok i am a loser. i know ok. x( SCHOOL IS A DRAAAAAG. i hate blogging about school. it is so S-A-D. but unfortunately, my sadsad life just has to revolve around it. SIGH. ok let's see. what happened in school today. oh. guess what? nothing.

ok moving on. went down to tm with gracie to search for some stuff after school. unfortunately, we had no luck today. first we couldnt find the damn shop. then it turns out the person we're looking for didnt come for work. then we go look for the other shop. which, amazingly, has decided to pick itself up and move to novena. marvy. so we went searching for pillowies. but we couldnt find appropriate ones. awe i'm sorry it turned out to be such a baaad shopping trip :( but it was kinda nice walking around and such and eating nice tm food.

i think alex polstra is extremely hot. and extremely funny. he's really mean too x( which makes him even hotter. haha. yay for extreme gourmet reruns! (even tho they make me a slightly gaggish)

i really don't want to go to school tomorrow :( (oh great, we're back on the topic of school. i can't help it!) stupid pe and double gp. rargh. oh ok. this is superbBBBB. now i have to use my screwed up blouse tomorrow cos the non screwed up one is not washed. SUCKEROOS. bleargh to everyone. x(

Making mountains out of molehills.

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February 2005
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