out of here.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

i don't know what i'm doing. but it's not like i wanted to go anyway right?

anyway, i've moved!

i carry things that remind me of you.

crazytiring day of eating junk, watching good movies (or movie actually haha), boderline shopping and good old chitchat. :)

wedding crashers is crazy funny and super perverted. hahah. and i love rachel mcadams! she's like a better looking version of jennifer garner. haha

i can't believe that while i was watching the second last disc of MISA i find out that it's defective. no one can understand how bloody annoying that is - cliffhanging. rargh. and the stupid vcdshop is out of stock so i have to wait till goodness knows when to get a replacement. argh i feel like my life can't progress!

argh actually i'm just very irritated today. VERY.

my left knee hurts.

mental post

why do i feel like the world has ended when really nothing's changed?

strange, but i just like playing out the drama in my head.

and stupid, but even this makes me happy. well not happy, but idontknowwhat. some other feeling that i like but hate. and i'll only be happy here until you leave. then here becomes what it actually is - nothing.

i dont make sense. i need this year to end in a hurry!

caught in suspension
Monday, August 29, 2005

post prelims have been good good good.

got down to repairing robey on sat. gotta wait a week for it tho. PLUS all the bloody songs will be gone. pftt. doesnt help that my comp's harddrive got cleaned so all the songs i uploaded are gone. so i guess i have to dedicate a day to uploading songs. rah. did some shopping on sat too. spent quite a bit. haha but i say anyone who sat through prelims deserves to let loose!

been watching MISA the past two days. i LOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE it man. bloody good. 4hours on sat, 6hours on sun, 2hours so far today and possibly gonna finish the last 4hours later tonight. hehe this is THE LIFEE. shopping and koreandramas and sleeping in and loads of good food!

went down to the club with dad to swimmyswim too. felt damn good and the weather was nice and sunshiney today too! hehe ok back to tvland!

friday was always my lucky day
Friday, August 26, 2005

the day has comeeeeeeee!

prelims are A-O-VER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

e4 yesterday was pretty damn bad. they sure did save the best for last. not only was it a poem for passagebased (which i didnt even know was possible) but the two discursives were so bloody undoable! beat my own record and wrote two pages for the discursive. two highly pathetic pages. and for the poem, i tried a new tactic, it's called 'refer to other texts minimally' and it worked so well i only referred to three books. i can't believe i actually aimed for a D for lit.

and this certain lit teacher is a bloody stresspill. she suffocates me with her presence i swear. after sitting through a shitass hard threehour long paper after only fivehours of sleep the night before, it's really not cool to have someone tell you not to have fun after this two weeks of pure hell.

i thought i was going to be screwed for econs today but thankfully it turned out to be not that bad. mcqs were pretty kind, and thankfully they gave trade for drq and labour for case study instead of the other way around. nonetheless, no high hopes there. and the aircon in the badminton hall was so bloody antartica cold today i was literally shivering. i wish i wasnt sitting so close to the aircon :(

anyway. lunched at scotts with karen and fii. then shopped a weelittle. i bought james blunt's cd...because...the cover was really really pretty and...i had a voucher and stupid borders had like zero of the cds i want. so i paid $0.95 for a spankin new pretty cd! wooot. watched my first movie in august..bewitched! really funny movie. i love nicolekidmannn! she's gorgeous and her voice is lovelyyy.

i hate taking public transport alone. and idiotic pasir ris aunties who ALWAYS cut my queue at bengawan solo. it's like there's an 'aunties first, ignore the student' policy there. bloooody annoying. but i like the pandan cake so i have NO CHOICE but to wait for all the aunties to go first. hmpf.

ok this sure is a long and random entry.

almost there.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

prelims are almost overrrrrrr! i feel the soon-to-be-achieved joy and freedom bubbling up. haha

let's see. i think i've pretty much screwed over my lit papers. i can't understand how people can find so many things to write! other people dont have enough time, i dont have enough words to put down! which is why, i absolutely HATE the fact that all three of the lit papers are three hours long. YUCK. i averaged two and a half sides for each of my e1 and e8 papers. which is really really really pathetic. as compared to the science ppl sitting in the column next to me who kept asking for paper. as compared to the average arts person who writes at least three if not four sides. and i can't believe i did drama for e8. i swore i never would. hahah. but i've learnt to be wary of doing poems cos i always seem to interpret something wrong, without fail. i am like so looking forward to e4, a chance to 'redeem' myself indeed.

and i absolutely suck at stats. it's got to be the most confusing thing on this planet. tried to self-teach myself these abstract concepts of probability, sampling, estimation and hypothesis over the weekend but failed terribly. haha. today's math paper was horrendous. there i was hoping that the pure math section would help me pass until i realised that 45mins had passed and i hadnt even solved a single question. i can't believe how evil the setter was being! oh and had a little pre exam panic attack when i realised that i had forgotten to bring the oh-so-very-very-important entry proof just as i was going to sit down. thank god the teacher didnt check so i just put my exam timetable, all folded up, at the corner of the table. hehe.

was planning on buying myself the pink studs i wanted for so long to cheer myself up but they do not exist anymore! :( spent some time looking at carts and carts of earrings and other pretty cool stuff but didnt buy anything! haha oh wells. had good ole twister fries tho! and nuggets with the not so fantastic new sauces from maccas. then trained home right smack in the middle of two er very interesting characters. happily got on the train then suddenly this dude babbled something something MATI! before we could be shocked from that, this other dude on the other side shouted back MATI! righttttttt. so we tried to move away but the train was too crowded. so we were stuck in the middle of the two of them. the first dude was really unnerving. have no idea whatsoever what language he was speaking. and it's not like we wanted to eavesdrop on his coversation (with himself it seems), but he was bloody babbling so loudly like the neighbouring carriages were staring too. it was quite funny actually. there was this range of amused, disapproving, frightened, wtfed and blatant staring people. hahah and the other dude was like drooling as he rocked back and forth. then when his phone rang (like at every other stop) he would answer at the top of his voice and drawling his words too. weirddd. but it made the trip that much quicker. haha

swing no more.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

i seem to have lost my momentum for the prelims. haha yes, my momentum of two papers. afternoon killer math paper doesnt do good things for your brain. had a perpetual headache and urge to sit in front of the television and vegetate. which i did, wasting time to watch shooting stars which is really bad but for some strange reason i can't stop watching it. then i spent three hours reading econs words but not absorbing anything. was planning on staying up till 12 but couldnt. so went to bed and woke up late in the morning. thank god time seemed to crawl in my favour as i rushed to make the train. :) crammed some last minute stuff. but for some reason nothing was clicking. like sometimes when you read econs and it makes sense it clicks and everything works. but nothing was bloody clicking! haha that's when i knew that there was no point anymore.

the irritating thing is i don't think the paper could even really be called hard. just that i didnt know enough. but whatever it is, it was such a relief when the teacher said times up. hahah happily capped my pen once i heard 'finish your last sentence' even though i was no where near done with that last essay.

very sleeeepy. three lit books to devour by tmr. growl. but then first week of prelims will be over! that calls for a celebration!!!

so far so not-so-bad.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

the prelims are going so far, so not-so-bad. gp and math were tough but i expected so much worse. really dreading the lit papers that are gonna be coming soon tho. eeeks. once again, I HATE LIT. :)

sugar craving is creeping back. i stopped my daily chocolates and have been staying away from sweet drinks cos the doc said i was almost diabetic and 'insulin intolerant'. but chocolate craving plus stress is near irresistable! today i succumbed greatly and had like nutella bread in the morning, milkyway nuggets before math paper, popped sweets like mad during the math paper (cos i refused to drink water haha), had icecream after the paper and there are three bars of kinderbueno and a box of honey gold flakes (the best cereal in the world!) on my table but which i'm NOT going to touch. haha

i dont know why i'm blogging. i just dont want to read the econs notes. argh. i realise i have only less than 4 hours of mugging left if i want to sleep by 11. and i have to or else i'm gonna just fall asleep writing the essay. and i want to watch shooting stars. and stairway to heaven. and i should just go now.

the night before.
Sunday, August 14, 2005


i can't believe prelims start tomorrow. wait, i haven't even come to terms with me being j2. pretty bad situation eh. hahah. i just realised how retarded the school is for making us go through with this so early. but also how semi kind they are for giving us more time to panic for As. for the past two years, you hear of seniors and how they mug like hell for the oh so important prelims. and how pre-prelim period is the period where you learn the most through consultations and blah blah blah. but uh, is it just me or did none of that happen? haha. oh wells, but then again, considering how i was considering not to even take prelims at all, i've come a long way :) i just wanna get this stupid so called important exam over and done with. then it's party timeeeee baybeeee!

anyway, great quote from today's sermon..

"in the end, everything will be okay.
if it's not okay, then it's not the end!"

i love that. haha it's so comforting :)

ok. should go study for geee peee, my most disgusting subject after (or maybe before even) lit. i dont even know what to study. yikes.

Friday, August 12, 2005

whoa my instincts are on overdrive today mann.


academic highh.

dragged my ass to school. cabbed down so as not to be late. and what happens? we end up standing outside waiting for 15mins before class got cancelled -.- oh wells. did some work up at oldham before heading down to holland with shar and karen. subway+gelare and some econs reading. then cabbed home cos the thought of being on the train made me so sick. i spent like twenty bucks or more on cabs today man. eeeks. but i guess it's alright since i havent been spending money. haha.

ANYWAY. unexpectedly got back chinkie results today. got a call from laoshi while in subway and i thought that since i wasnt in school to collect the results i'd have to just find out on monday. but she went oh i'll tell you what you got now. and i freaked out man. i was like no no no wait wait dont say it. hahaha but yeah anyway, i moved up two grades! which is farrrrr more than what i ever hoped for man. :D wheee. pretty much made my day. or week. or month maybe.

happy camper.
Thursday, August 11, 2005

the internet is evil!!!

but it's back! and so i'm a happy camper :) (if not a screwed one).

these days (monday, tuesday, wednesday, and now thursday) have been a blend of trying to be productive, coughing coughing coughing and feeling strangely empty.

yesterday, i went out to the beach with dad. and we hung up hammocks on the coconut trees and for a few hours i felt relaxed. even though i was reading stupid econs notes.

i'm hungry! this had been fun :)

Making mountains out of molehills.

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