i've been running on empty.
Monday, October 31, 2005

courtesy of my sistaa. haha

overloaddd of econs today. eeks.

i think the stress is getting to me. i simultaneously feel like puking and eating.

if it's true, what can be done?
Saturday, October 29, 2005

oookay. was supposed to go study with chellies today but someone couldnt wake up! hahah. but i got a nice big bk breakfast from aunt and sis :D then went out to meet karenn at orchard to study at bk. and my goodness. i realise how LOUDLY some people talk man. there was this guy sitting at the immediate next table to me. and OH MY GOODNESS. i wanted to kill him. not only was he talking so loudly. his voice was so bloody irritating and he was being CONDECENDING to his girlfriend, if that's what she was. eww what a piggg. then wenta meet limingg. shopped a bit. bought alot. hahah. caught MAPADO ISLANDS. really really good movie! haha super funny. good stress reliever :)

argh. the internet is losing it's appeal to me.

oh yes, it's debbie's birthday today! wheee HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY! :)

i love this

And secretly
I want to bury in the yard
The grey remains of a friendship scarred

bored board bought!
Friday, October 28, 2005

i'm bored.

using windows messenger is depressing. i feel handicapped using it for some reason. but stupid msn 7 keeps disconnecting my internet. ARGH

do you think it was because of what i said?
if so..
:( :( :(

we're heading for destruction.

when i was preparing to take my olevels, i practically copied out my entire bio textbook. and i know copying stuff out is considered to be a BIG FAT WASTE OF TIME, but it actually worked and i got my grade up from a c5 in prelims to an a2 (unless it was just a freaky coincidence). hahah. so i seem to be doing the same thing for econs right now. it's just that this is the only way for the words to sink in instead of flying off the pages and bouncing right off my eyeballs. but my copying speed is like really slowww this time round. spent the ENTIRE day doing notes for national income. which isnt even very important..

aaanyway. spent the last three days in school. eating yummy school food. not doing very much work. today was the worst. i went to school just to sit in the hub and give up on the bloody aj math paper, eat alot, hang out. yeah. sighh. and i don't know why i'm so tireddd. gosh just another 4 more weeks and this nightmare is over.

oh and survivor today was quite depressing :( my tribe lostt :( but MAN OH MAN. brandon is so hotttt. can't stand it. hahaha.

The corner turns,
And it's always another mile.

my stomach's smaller than my eyes.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

the more you try to stay away from something the more you think about it and the less effective it becomes. haha anyway, i've decided that it's bullshit studying all day and then somemore at night. i think the overstudying has taken it's toll on my brain and memory and body. anyway, yesterday, was supposed to go down to school to study/litmocks. but woke up feeling so BLAHHHHHHHHHHHH. so obviously i was going to skip 2hrs of public transport + 3hrs of lit since i could help it. went over to aunt's house again. she's decided to give us the keys so we can just pop over whenever we want without her having to come all the way down. haha. didnt manage to do alot tho. just a math paper. poo. then came home and FINALLY started filling in my studyplan. i havent put in any lit work into the timetable tho. i just dont know what to do for it! argh.

woke up early today. headed down to ikea. which was totally draining for some reason. but good meatballs! good icecream! and lotsa cool furniture i want! all i got was a pink rolly box tho (and come to think of it, i dont actually have anything to put in it.) headed down to aunt's house AGAIN. did econseconsecons and a bit of math. sigh. it's really tough trying to keep up with the studyplan! my head hurttts and i just want to crumple up and dieeeee(or hibernate till the 24th). dont knoww if i'll go for lit mocks tomorrow. i know i SHOULD but argh the thought of it. X(

my favourite numberr.

off xue's blog..haha

Seven things that scare me
- falling
- vomitting
- having to face the world alone
- the unknown
- being trapped
- physical pain
- lizards

Seven things i like the most
- watching tv/movies
- the internet
- nice people
- junk food
- my favourite songs
- shopping with money
- brandon bellinger :D hahaha (for now)

Seven important things in my room
- money
- wardrobe
- the mirror
- studytable and study stuff (up till 24nov that is :D)
- old photos/letters
- my stuff i.e. phone, camera, mrobe.... (i cheat i know)
- ME

Seven random facts about me
- i can't swallow pills
- i can't put contact lenses in my eyes
- i rather give up than fail
- i obsess over things alot then lose interest and never look back
- i have a dog
- i don't sleep in my room
- i think i have selective memory

Seven things i plan to do before i die
- travel alot in luxury
- fall in love AND get married
- learn to cook really well
- have my own house
- resolve any major relationship problem
- be a good christian
- enjoy life

Seven things i can do
- eat alot of junk food
- daydream
- type
- walk
- see
- breathe

Seven things i can't do
- public speaking
- play sports
- speak/read chinese properly
- stay away from the internet when it's only 5 steps away
- finish my food
- make conversation
- smile when people are watching

Seven things i say the most
- haha
- okie
- eh
- oohhh
- seriously?!
- you just scared the hell out of me
- i can't hear you

Seven people who will have to do this
- i
- don't
- know
- that
- many
- people
- :)

LAST DAY (hopefully) ONLINE.
Sunday, October 23, 2005

who believes me? hahahah

wenta church today. was supposed to go for the earlier service so i could go fleamarket with shar! but suprise suprise i couldnt wake up in time. :( so went for the usual servicee. then headed to TM for mosburger! haha reading all my old entries about unagi rice burger really got me craving. but damn the stupid unagi poisoning thing that i dont really know about other than there being NO STOCK for unagi aaaaall over the place. bah. and i love my sis la. even tho she's ALWAYS FULL OF SHIT. HAHA.

didnt do any work today! other than paper two of vj's math prelims. watched a knight's tale, which was really pretty good! hmm other than that i spent a shit load of time online today. you know, enjoying every bit of online time i can get while it lasts. hahaha.


who i am hates who i've been.
Saturday, October 22, 2005

i just spent like two hours reading my blog from last year and a bit of this year's early posts too. and wow i realised i changed alot alot alot in the past two years. like ALOT. hahah. and i also realised that i'm really glad that i've graduated. i mean sure there were the good memories but, by golly, there were a hell lot of shit memories too. =x for one, those super embarrssing j1 history moments. oh gosh i SHUDDER thinking of them. last year was really a MESS. a big fat mess i don't think i want to go through again. in fact i'm marvelling at how i got through that messy year. =x reading those entries, i realised just how childish i was in j1 haha. HOWEVER. despite it all, i'm grateful for those two years. for the FRIENDS i made, for the good memories and for the lessons learnt. :)

anyway, today was significantly less productive than yesterday :( slept damn late last night. like at 2am, cos for some reason i wasnt very sleepy. (probably too pumped from my productiveness HAHA) so was just onlinee, savouring my last three days of internet freedom. (and i'm glad i did what i did. hehe.) hmm woke up preeety early today at 9. so proud of myself. haha. headed down to holland v to study with fi, karen and debs. it was terribly unproductive though. shopped a bit at that coldstorage place. i love that place. full of interesting shops :) hehe then headed down for tuition. damn i was falling asleep (as usual!) haha but i love mrslee :) she's so damnn nice. and she gave me pineapple tarts! hahah.

ok i'm gonna go try do moree workkk. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

oh and this is my sad attempt to make me love lit a little more..

pretty pink ribbon to tie up them damned books. butttt it's a bit too weak. HAHA talk about sad attempts.

did you know... my heart dropped for 8seconds last night?

there's something on the tip of my tongue.
Friday, October 21, 2005

this is judd. the singularly most unattractive survivor on guatemala. AND I'M NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT LOOKS HERE. haha although he is a pretty darn strong contender there. rah he's like the epitome of disgusting male ego. stupid hotel doorman.

ok ANYWAY. today was a damn productive day! arguably the most productive day i've had ever since prelims. went over to my aunt's house for unsatisfying survivor off satellite. then studied for FIVE STRAIGHT HOURS! i did like one math paper, read two factsheets and did two essay plans for gp! woot go me. haha. her house is greeat cos there's no computer, no cable and very condusive study spots (i.e. not cluttered with my shit). yay ok and i'm going to do a case study for econs later. wow i'm so impressed wth myself! hahah.

i've also decided that i WILL swear of the computer as of this sunday. so for the two weeks up to prelims i WILL NOT use the computer AT ALL. ok wait. haha i shan't be too ambitious. everyone needs a bit of leisure anyway. so... i will only use the computer for one hour max a day. yeahh. start small then you'll get somewhere. :)

cause waiting on love ain't so easy to do.
Thursday, October 20, 2005

studydatee at liming's today. headed over in the morning. studied a bit before going down to the club for lunch. we were supposedly going to go to the readingroom to study buttt it was too crowded and they didnt allow shorts so we crashed into the tvroom which is totally cool! big sofas and beanbags. and the room was all ours. only catch, there were no tables. HAHA so we took stupid embarrassing butt videos instead. hahah. then headed down to the poolside to study a bit more before going back to her house to watch innocent steps! greeeat movie! about ten million times better than aprilsnow. see it wasnt hyped up to be one of the biggest tearjerkers but it was really sweet! and it was so much more romantic without any sex scenes at all! hah. gorged alot on haagen daz and potato balls tho :( i've been eating too much these dayyys. prolonged PMS i say. although i dont know how it's even related but whatever, i blame everything on PMS. haha.

paparazzi calling xD

we're in colourfulbeanbagland!

yet another toilet mirror pic. xD

can i swallow this bottle whole?
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

ok here comes my daily train complaint. bloody hell. i couldnt even get a seat at PASIR RIS this morning. wtf! clever working people from tampines (i'll bet) took to pasir ris first so when the train got here it was ALREADY FULL. bah. fine quite smart of them. but what does that leave me? standing up aaaaaalll the way to buona vista :( anyway, met liming at rafflescity and walked to school together :D math mocks was quite dumb. people kept leaving so after two hours we decided to leave too. haha. had lunch. then wenta study with kareninaaa. not very productive..all i did was print a ROTN article and read it. well done eunice.

trained back. (i got a seat this time! faints in amazement. an aunty fell asleep practically on me tho but that's another story..) then got ready to go for graceee's birthday. met chels at the station. long time no train ride together! :) haha. met the rest and had dinner at billybombers! then trained back again. gawd my life revolves round the bloody train.

group picc. before jac, peis and joan camee.

i like billybombers lighting! hahah

chellieeees HEARTHEARTHEART. hahah

birthday girl with the bigass mango cake :D


hey you, wassssssup with that mannn.

someday we're gonna have it all.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

woke up at 9.30 to fifi's phonecall about math lesson. couldnt be bothered to rush down, but got up anyway to meet karen for lunch/study. yummy chicken rice :D haha. i'm really gonna miss school food. does it only taste so good because there's only that many days left i can eat it? anyway i spent about 4 hours in the hub and accomplished close to nothing. : thank goodness for math consulation or today would have been a FAT WASTE OF TIME. rah.

headed down to redhill for chweekueh with xuee. then got back into rush hour. damn i hate the bloody train. i'm SICK AND TIRED OF IT. today i had to get off at aljuned because, even though i was sitting down, i felt so damn suffocated and trapped in i just had to get out. and when i got out i didnt know why i just walked down and out of the station. then i just decided i'd walk to payalebar. yes WALK. haha i just followed the train track. was quite nice actually. listening to robey, walking walking walking in the slight rain. and when i got back on the train, it was much less crowded. hehe :) i have this crazy idea. that i'll walk the distance from buona vista to pasir ris. not all in one day of course. like maybe each day i'll walk from one station to another. HAHA. i've already accomplished city hall to bugis and aljuned to payalebar. hurr. ok i'm nuts. i dont mind walking it all in one day actually. would be quite an accomplishment.

i get all my bad habits watching you.

edit- printing lit stuff makes me feel like i'm actually doing something for the subject. hah. anyway whoop new skin! :D

hollow and of no use.
Monday, October 17, 2005

gp mocks. they are trying to FREEZE US TO DEATH. bah. anyway the mocks were sucky. real sucky. kept thinking of food and of the warm outside the whole time. oh and school food tastes so damn gooooood these days. mmmm. yumyumyum! hahah. had class lunch and cell. we're spending more time together now that school has ended.. weird or what! hah.

headed down to national library at brasbasah with shar. lousy library doesnt allow you to even bring in your bags or notes or ANYTHING. so we settled down at hans instead. sat there for like 3hrs and studied for about 1? haha xD went to look for lit books and photocopied articles..which was QUITE FUN! i think i wouldnt mind working as a photocopy girl if i have good company...like sharr! hahaha. anyway, concluding statement is that the new national library suckkkks. it looks way better from the outside. it's too damn quiet. it doesnt let you bring stuff in. and they have alot of irrelevant books (i.e. nothing on hardy!)

yeah so anyway, as we were going homee. there was like some stupid out of point rush hour going on. trains kept coming but they were too full. the guy even had to announce that no one was to board the train. and more and more ppl kept gathering at the platform. i was like so overwhelmed i decided i would be 'smart' and go out, grab a cab and cab to like eunos where it would be hopefully less crowded. but when i got out, the taxi stands were SNAKING man. so i kept walking and walking with intentions to go to the main road and hail a cab. but as i walked and walked and walked, i very cleverly got lost -IN FREAKING SINGAPORE. i was so damn scared, and tired and all the bloody cabs wouldnt stop for me and it was getting darkkk. thank goodness for liming who talked me all the way to bugis where i finally got on a not too crowded train. (: hehe

i'm the girl who wanted to end it with a bang, not like this at all.

look what you've done.
Sunday, October 16, 2005

i felt a wave of nostalgia looking at the most random thing ever - a little tub of ben and jerrys at the supermarket. somehow it reminded me of first three months, when we stayed over at lavinia's. and then you know how one thought leads to another etcetcetc. and also, i've been looking at old pics (cos we're trying to scrape together class pics for our class page, but that's another story) mannn. i feel so sad now that ac/jc life is over. and i was just thinking.. two years ago when i was in australia i was frantically trying to get my appeal through for ac. i remember the phonecall from daddy telling me they wanted to do a phone interview. i remember the phone interview with ganga in my cousin's room! haha she was so super damn niceee. and so were my cousins. and in two months time i'll be back in australia again. and it'll be just like two years ago yet so very different! the past two years were really the longest, shortest two years of my life. sighh. and then there's the whole moving into adulthood thing which really suckkks. I DONT WANT TO BECOME AN AUNTY :(

anyway, i can't stand my unproductiveness. i did like one stats paper today. THE END. only good thing about today is i found really CHEAP black studs, also bought a bottle of peanutbutter and FINALLY GOT MY BANANAMUFFIN! wheee. (:

i'm the girl who's trying so unsucessfully to spite you, and you don't even have a clue.

was it all in my head.
Saturday, October 15, 2005

i'm lazy to talk about bacclaureate. anyway it's already fading away. basically the service was not bad but really not very sad or whatever. i guess it hasnt really sunk in that there's no more school for good. no more morning assemblies. no more tutorials in the nls. no more recess in the voiddeck. no more canteenfood. no more mass visits to the toilet etcetcetc. the arts videos were more emotional i suppose. despite not actually being involved in the arts fac, it was really kinda nice belonging to it, and i'll miss the culture :( oh and the video the teachers showed was SO FREAKING CUTEE. mass phototaking at the concourse after. it was very confusing and i hate situations like that. hurr. then our class invaded the girls toilet and took pictures there. haha yes we are weird like that. more photosphotosphotos then cabbed down to taka for lunch at breeks. wow we actually had a class outing with a turnout of SEVENTEEN people! that's a real record. haha. headed down to watch karen/shar pierce ears. then went down to fareast with shar and got my cheshire cat! hehehe. i can't wait to see it on monday. haha. met li for aprilsnow after. the movie really sucked btw. it was so darn slowwwww. the ending sucked. the dialogue was practically non existent as was the plot, and they kept showing syj in her bra. HMM. the only thing is that i must now admit that byj is QUITE cute la. haha.


re-take of last years pic haha.

a rare class pic at breeks. record of 17ppl! :O

i lost myself at your show last night.
Friday, October 14, 2005

ok before Depressing Blog Post..i have to embellish my blog with BRANDONBELLINGER pictures. omg i'm so in love with this farmboyy!


he's perfected the ireallydontwanttobehere look (which i think is really hott)

borringg (but so hot!)

when it comes to challenges though, he's the superstar!

watch him go through that ropee!

UHUH. i likee hahaha

awww cuteness.

and in case you were wondering why he's always in a hat. hahah.

ok gotta go whitesands to pass chellies something and hopefully get a bananamuffin! survivor makes me happy :)

even all the bad songs ain't so bad.

i'm having a really really bad craving for a bananamuffin. i even dreamt of it last night... cept i only dreamt of holding it in it's plastic, without getting to taste or even smell it.

for the next hour or so everything will be alright because i can watch survivor right off satellite. and then i'll come back here and blog about the Depressing Day yesterday.

mixtape's making me cryyyy :(

you gave me the best mixtape i have.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

last day of lessons todayyyyy! freakyshitt! sure didnt feel like it tho. cept for the more-than-usual phototaking action going on.

last official train ride together! haha byebye to long train rides on a regular basis! but i'm gonna miss morning chats with my twinnie :(

seat buddies :)) econs is like designated phototaking time hahah.

look at terence! hahaha

man i seriously still can't believe it's the last dayyyy. kinda relieved, kinda sad, kinda scared. tomorrow's baccalaureate and then it's CRUNCHTIME! aiyah dont know what to say already la. haha. very sleepy from doing nothing. shall go stone for a while............

all hail mr a to z.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

went to school with intentions of going for the econs mocks. but well plans changeeee. haha headed down to cityhall for icecream and pizza instead! spent some time in hmv too. shitty man. cds are bloody expensive! there are so many i want tho :( i swear i'll be the happiest girl if i got like a thousand dollar voucher for hmv :D a hundred would do too. hahah.

i really really really really really want this!! :( BUT IT'S 36BLOODYBUCKS!


i want this too! how cute! it says, "Put on this shirt and be the Geek In The Pink!" hell yeah! haha

and this! how freaking CUTE!

(it means i'm a FAN btw. hahah)

sitting, waiting, wishing.
Monday, October 10, 2005

bored bored bored and sick of a levels and anything even remotely connected to it.


And maybe you been through this beforeBut its my first
timeSo please ignoreThe next few lines cause they're directed at

I see you everydayI guess we walk the same wayTo wherever
we're goingEvery morning and every nightDo you smile to be politeNo way of

And I'll never get into your heartThough I don't even
want to startI'll never get into your heartI'm just happy to hang

Sunny daysWhere have you gone?I get the strangest feeling
you belongWhy does it always rain on meEven when the sun is shiningI can't avoid
the lightning


why does it always rain on meee.
Sunday, October 09, 2005

wooot now i'm totally digging travis. haha

anyway, in reference to the cat, queen and rabbit.. i tried my luck at the machine in cine yesterday. and refused to open the ball until i reached home. when i opened it..

i was quite like hmm what's this....

and then i was like RARGH why the fugly queen and not too adorable rabbit?? hahah

although her bottom's pretty cute xD

a levels are in less than a month. we're all in deep shit, me especially. i think i'm backsliding......... how did i fall into this rut?? oh and fix you by coldplay is the most comforting song right now :))

i wanted the cat, not the queen, or the rabbit.

had tuition like after a reeeallly long time. tuition never fails to make me really sleeeeepy. yawns. but it also makes me feel like i've done a whole lot of work :D haha. anyways, headed down to town to catch goal! with li. nice movie. the dude is hottnessss! i had a really asking-for-it dinner of wedges, potato chips and ice cream. eeeks. i'm going to get fat. not to mention i feel gross and bloated now.

how do you feel happy for more than a day at a time???

Friday, October 07, 2005

brandon brandon you are so hotttttttt!
but why do they keep taking yucky or no pictures of you! :(
hahaha i'm mad. but shit survivor is damn damn damnnn fun to watch. xD

little miss living.

woot! blogger's back to normal :))))

school was quite productive today. i did one drq. and yes i'm being sarcastic.

econs tutorial! i think joycesaw's given up on us. hahah. so we took pictures instead! wheee.

quite the family potrait eh. hahah

we look like puppies for sale! hahahah cute ones of cos! xD

haha now that school's ending we shall all whip out our cameras and take LOADS of pictures! hehe. cabbed down to town with karen and sharr. saw greenshirtguy! hahah. went to watch corpse bride, which is too overrated i think. but pretty entertaining la. shopped a bit after. and i want my cheshire catttttttttttt :( damn little thingie is only sold in set of four alice in wonderland characters for 20bucks or on it's on for 8. damnittt. had The Afrodisiac at bigO. quite damn yummy and veryvery pretty! hehh :)

my stupid mrobe has a new problem now. the leftside of the earphone died! it's sooooo annoying listening to stuff on one ear. and apparently earphones are quite damn expensive! 70bucks for ipod, 40 for creative..and i havent really checked out others yet. arghhh. what a waste of moneyyy! ok anyway, tv marathon tonight! :D

same old same old.
Thursday, October 06, 2005

school = boring X 100000000000000.

WHY DID I COME TODAY! hahahaha. i'm such an idiot.

had mini othello 'tuition' with d. slept/ate most of the time at her house tho.


one heart at a time.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

so one, dreams are scary. because they create a memory that doesnt exist.

two, i'd rather kill you than let you kill me. (figuratively of course) so as we stand at opposite ends, just two more months and you're out again!

and three, such good moments are far and few, but i love them all the same :) (so keep em coming!)

oh yes, and i'm leaving in dec. on the austrain airline. :[

what i go to school for.

boring boring cold and rainy day in school. i'm so sick and tired of school and the people in it yet i feel kinda sad that it's all ending. it's hard to believe there's only five more days of proper school left! oh and the first page of my timetable has been completely crossed out already, without me even filling it in. wth! haha. got back report card. i must say i like the moderated grades :D cept for sucky lit which remained the same. bleah to lit. lit SUCKS. haha. or at least mine does la. today, during lit lecture, ganga mentioned something about how the prelims were a month ago. which really SHOCKED me quite alot. because i dont remember it being that long ago! and the sad and scary thing is i havent really done anything substantial since then, especially for lit! and the sadder and scarier thing is i KNOW this yet i still can't bring myself to do something about it. it's like i've detached and am now watching myself spiral into disaster zone.

gone give a damn.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

oh man i'm totally digging jackjohnson now. haha

anyway. my first monday in a long time yesterday. wasnt too bad. chapel/assembly's always nicer when you're closer up front. and no offence but it rocks with the j1s not around! haha. the canteen, void deck and generally whole school just seems bigger and with more air. heh. just got my funfair tickets, just as everyone else is returning them. haha. i'm trying to decide if i want to go down for funorama next year tho. hm. lit lecture was quite useful maybe. cref is really really smart. i'm like in awe. too bad when she speaks, you get it for about one sec before it's gone. and cos she speaks so damn fast it's damn damn hard to keep up =x

headed down to cityhall with shar after school to get a black top for the dinner. thanks for the company :) haha breadtalked. checked out the new surfergirl at citylink! oh man i want about 328974986 things in there. haha. got a new pf wallet! oh and got the black top too (not from surfergirl). i like citylink, on a monday too. i just like things when they arent crowded. i think i'm mildly claustrophobic. no wait, i know so. haha

the dinner was really gooooood. everything was so yummy and the dishes kept coming and coming and coming. it was freaking LONG tho. we left the house before 7 and came back at 12. : and i think i ate too much. felt so YUCK on the way home. but i fell right asleep the moment i plonked my head on the pillow at 1. so obviously i didnt go to school today. anyway, all these weddings are really making me feel like getting married. haha. the bloody groom was so freaking sweet during his speech i tell you i nearly cried. haha and their slideshow. *BAWL* :( plus my supergorgeous-until-i-couldnt-recognise-her cousin and her husband of like 8 years i think who we were sitting with are so damn cute and sweet with each other i was just like awwww. haha.

oh and aforementioned cousincouple are really cute. for about half the dinner they went on and on about how me and my sis look alike. then the next half, they went on and on about how we have such different features. uh wtf? haha anyway for the record i dont think i look like my sis at all.... tho it would be a compliment i suppose. haha

soul fatigue.
Sunday, October 02, 2005

omg i dont know what's wrong with me.

why can't i studyyyyyyyy?!?!

going through the motions.
Saturday, October 01, 2005

i LOVE this pink layout. haha loved the other one too but it was really a bit too green for me =x and now i have a comment thing too, just in case anyone wants to say anything. lol.

anyhow. was shih-ling's wedding today. my cousins keep getting married! it's true. haha we went for her sister's wedding just like 10months ago. and this other cousin of mine's getting married in january. but i dont really mind. i like going for weddings, kind of. i saw my primary school discipline teacher. omg it was scary stuff ok! my mum called me and my sis over and i nearly dropped my food. she was really really scary in primary school!! =x ok anyway, she seems nicer now. :)

hmm anyway. mums was thinking of leaving in january instead of december since we can't seem to get tickets. the good is that it wont be so rushed. and if we go in jan we can take SQ instead of some funny austrian airlines we're trying to get tickets with now. haha AND also, i get to spend more time with liming before she leaves in feb :(:( but the bad is that we dont get to spend christmas with the guys in australia :( oh well. ok i think i should go study or something now. i mean the As are like in barely more than a month's time. eeeks.

Making mountains out of molehills.

January 2005
February 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
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July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
February 2012
April 2012
June 2012
July 2012
November 2012
