a little rain, i'll say, is fair.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

i crown today the king of wasted days. from 8 to 4, i just went for two briefings that didnt particularly concern me, moved to and fro my temp table and proper table three times, ate two yummy meals, snacked alot (they feed their teachers really well! there's like snacks and candy gifts everywhere and everyday?! haha) and read alot. oh and also pmsed alot. and whined alot. i was so happy when 4 o clock came :D

oh yeah. and this morning i had horrible sinking realisation that i have become one of the flock of working people walking to the busstop/mrtstation in the morning. it was very depressing... i really don't want to grow old... and i dont really know why i'm worrying about this now when my problem should be my inability to grow up.

my body acheees. my head hurrrrts. my eyes are tireeeed. and i'm stuffing myself. (i kind of like stuffing myself. it reminds me of shg in fullhouse. she looks so pretty/cute stuffing herself. but i'm pretty sure she's one of the very few who can look pretty/cute stuffing themselves) let's seee, today, i ate.. a small cute otah bun, two small cubes of brownies, two small slices of fruit cake, one and a half rice crackers, about half the packet of round chicken twisties (it was just sitting in front of me all opened and no one was touching it....), chicken rice, dry meesiam, nohiah (or however you spell that), one ferrero rocher, three kaya buns (!!), carrot cake, prawn dumpling, alot of longans, pork and rice aaaaand that's all i think. OHMYGOODNESS. if vomitting didnt gross me out as much as it does, i think i would go uh purge myself right now.

i'm having some difficulty taking full breaths these days. i'm a biiiiiiit concerned. :(

it's faaaaaaaaaaaading away..............................into something better?

running with scissors wasn't smart.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

i am happy i now have a fellow buddy in skprimary :) hahah. welcome aboard pinkietwinnie. here's to another 6 more months of travelling to school together, synchronizing timetables and eating in canteens. haha

anyway. very sciencey day today. science sounds scary but fun! scary because i have no idea what's going on. scary because i have not touched science in two years. scary because setting the test paper was so darn difficult and taxing. fun because helping little kids do experiments sounds cool (i.e. like buying them mealworms and pupae. fun because we're having an excursion to the zoo! fun because they're going to do the zoologist card which i remember so fondly in pri school hahah. and blah blah blah.

i still feel like a student. it's too weird.

anyway i'm so full and tired. =x

Monday, November 28, 2005

jay and morgan are the most entertaining designer and model on PR. i hope they never ever get out. hahahah.

oh pink one, i'm trying to decide if i want you or not.....

p.s. i've been binging on chocolate so much the past few days! so from tomorrow to prom, NO MORE CHOCOLATE! (except like small bits in other food such as the whitechocolate digestives which completely rock my socks and my nutella sandwiches in the morning)

just three miles from the rest stop.

my dumb ass internet had to die RIGHT ON THE LAST DAY OF THE EXAMS. -.- but anyway. thankfully it has been revived. and also, this time, none of my documents and shit have disappeared :) :)

soooo. the As are over! haha. ended with fizz. no bang. felt like a very odinary day. but as i dropped my stuff, took a nice good shower, watched an episode of fullhouse then went down to liming's house, it started to sink in and i kept smiling from time to time HAHA. anyway, we celebrated with a nice cake surprise! and then watched loads of movies and ate loads of potatoballs and ham guiltfree. watched 3iron on demandtv and it's really cool cos like throughout the wholeee movie, the two main characters dont say a word! (ok the girl kind of screamed at one part and said 'i love you' at the end.) and it wasnt boring. haha. tho a bit weird. hm. then the next day was spent finishing up fullhouse, which totally rocks, and reading chickylit :D saturday was spent at the wedding. sunday was spent watching beautifuldays. wow hm it's only been three days since the As ended (and the internet died) but it felt like forever!

today, was meant to be prom stuff shopping. but went for the job interview in the morning. and just like that i got hired?! hahaha. she didnt even ask to look at my qualifications. but she's a damn damn nice principal. yeah so then i had to stay till 4 FREAKING PM to prepare next year's syllabus or something like that. sooooo. instead of shopping for my stuff for prom, i was sitting at my table (i have a table!) for the better part of today. i got my timetable for next year. it's like a bit scary. cos i have to teach english, math, science, socialstudies AND music. MUSIC omg. hahaha. and then, altho the teachers are really really nice, they are all, how do i say this, not young. hm. and it is extremely weird for me to call them by their names. anyway. i didnt really do much today. just set a test paper for math, vetted another test paper and went for a staff meeting. other than that, i was just like sitting there and being quite bored actually :( anyway, it was super tiring. and i still have to do this for the next two days. 0.0 from time to time, i think to myself, what have i done!?

note to self: walking is NOT therapeutic.
Monday, November 21, 2005

potter was pretty damn good :) much thanks to karen for watching it again with me. hehe. hmm was in a walking mood today. so on the way home. i got off at aljuned again. walked to payalebar. which was quite nice. cos the weather's really cool and pleasant. walked a new route and walked past my old math tution center. was a nice suprise. haha. but it was stupid on my part because before i got off the train, it was not rush hour so it was quite empty. but when i got back on at payalebar it was bloody rush hour so i had to miss a couple of SARDINEPACKED trains. then got out again at tampines. got a donut and proceeded to walk home. i'd done it before with my sis, but i FORGET how scary it is walking that route, alone especially. i wanted to cry about halfway through the walk. because there was literally no turning back. thank god it didnt start raining. or i would have been a real pathetic joke. 0.0 actually i think i already am one :( so what started out to be a therapeutic walk in the cool air with nice music was just a big fat workout in the cool air with nice music.

i still have not touched war lit. =x i havent touched it like since before prelims! (hint, i didnt even study for it at prelims)

oh yeah, and my mum kind of got me this job opening at sengkangprimary to teach math, english AND science (very demanding, yes). it's a really good opportunity i think. cos one, teaching might be what i have to end up doing in future and two, 54bucks a day is pretty damn good. but then again, it will be until i go into uni (if i go into uni) and that means i dont have much time for myself! and also, i suck at public speaking. i can so imagine myself quitting on day two because the kids couldnt hear me or they were mean to me or something like that.. hmm. argh. whatever man. shall worry about that like later.

thanks alot. that was really what i needed :(

i feel like i'm at square zero now. with much much less desire to put in effort now. it's times like this that i wish i could just shrivel up and wither away like a flower who's time is up, or shut the door on the world. i need someone to sit by me in silent comfort :(

and i'm so tired.
Sunday, November 20, 2005

my eyes hurttt. the whole day my eyes have been looking at either this computer screen or dad's portable dvd player (that has become permanently fixated in my room). now i totally understand karen and her dvd marathons. hahah. omg fullhouse is so gooooood! the damn 3bears song is ringing in my head now tho. but shit it's damn good. haha makes me literally laugh out loud. hmm. one thing i like about it is that it aint just another weepy tragic korean drama. tho i like those too. heh

today is the day the permutation came true..
themedium - theskinny - thefat.
hmm. haha

yay harrypotter tomorrow! (:

dvd addiction.
Saturday, November 19, 2005

couldnt sleep last night. so watched my boyfriend is bloodtype b till 2am. haha it's still good the second time round! x) woke up. had lunchie. then watched hana and alice! i've been wanting to watch that for sooooooo long. anyway. it was great! except the ending was too realistic.. and i'm a sucker for either happy or tragic endings, not hanging-there-for-your-own-interpretation endings. oh and i think this girl is absolutelyyy adorableee.

alice (or yo aoi in real life)

cute or what man!

then headed out to meet liming for supposedly movie and dinner. but gv and engwah suck because they aren't showing olivertwist :( oh wells. walked around instead. oh while getting ready to go out today, i realised my favourite (/ONLY) white bag is full of black stains. :(((( and i dont even know how they got there. but so anyway, to cheer myself up, i bought a new bag. haha. and also because there was nothing else to buy. but i like my new bag so yay :) dinner at olio and drinks at the very nice bar at swisshotel. and since there were nice christmas decorations around, we made like tourists and took pictures! and while snapping away, this really nice caucasian guy came up to us to help us take a picture. which i thought was quite funny since we are the locals and he's the foreigner. haha

yayayayay christmas is coming!!!! :D:D:D

and when i came back home, what do i see sitting on my table but FULLHOUSE DVD! woohoo! i watched one episode just now and it's greatt. full of pretty and handsome koreans to look at. :))

ok pinkietwin, i'm going to do the quiz thing for you now! hahah (:

not good, but betterr.
Friday, November 18, 2005

hehe. i really amaze myself how little it takes really.

anyway. to lift my spirits upupup. let's talk about nice things to look forward to now that the As are practically OVERR.

-some friend of dad's son's wedding 0.0 weddings are fun tho so yay.
-baking (successfully hopefully hahah)
-moviemarathon! (hanaandalice, gardenstate, dayaftertomorrow etcetcetc!)
-beautifuldays (tho i doubt i'll have time haha)
-tanning. (i actually hate tanning cos it's really quite tiring. hurr. but i love the effects!)
-cycling (i hope, if i can find ppl to do this with me and the weather stops being a crying bitch)
-christmas in australia!
-nextyear! WHOOP.

woohooooo. (: and it all starts tomorrow! wheeeee.

last time i talked to you.

today, i woke up and went down to cityhall to meet liming for icecream! haha. pre-lastpaperFORHER-celebration. yumyum. cabbed down to school for e8 after that. e8 was blah. did prose and drama. wrote more than usual. but it's like i dont even know what to say about it. i dont think i'll EVER, in my entire life, come out of a lit exam/test/whatever going, yeah i aced that or like ooh that was pretty good. anyway i can't help this but I REALLY HATE LIT. i hate the subject, i hate the people taking the paper, i hate the teachers. i just hate hate hate the whole damn thing. argh. i hate the talk about it. i mean i love reading and appreciating stuff on my own but i absolutely hate the 'intellectual snobbery' that lit students give off. urgh. =x

i'm really in this like quarterlife crisis. i'm irritating myself. and i feel like i can't be happy.

garfield makes sense.
Thursday, November 17, 2005

make all of my stresses go bye-bye.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005


muahahahhaa. mcq was a KILLERR tho. like debbie said, mrslee said each year only 5 new questions will come out, this year, it's more like only 5 old questions came out. bahhh. but the blessing in disguise is that i was so busy watching tv yesterday i didnt have time to complete doing as much of the tys as i wanted to. so i dont feel so cheated now. HAHAH. i was quite annoyed by drq cos i didnt know what the heck economic integration was. but i was sooo happy when i saw case study! cos there was only one extract and one table :) questions were a bit wonky but at least it wasnt hell having to go through the data. anyway i realise i wrote 10 sides in all. so all i'm asking for is 2-3 marks a page alright? heh.

anyway, only two more shitty long lit papers to goooo! THE FEELING IS INEXPLICABLE. esp cos tomorrow's a freee day (aww poor history peeps)!

why do we do these things we do.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

my poor stomach is the greatest victim of this whole A level thing. the whole of yesterday i felt like i was choking. and i could literally feel the acid in my stomach swirling. felt like puking but my stomach kept growling. that seems to be my perpetual state these days. this morning, i woke up with my stomach churning. had to force down lunch and immediately felt like throwing it back up. omg i was so close to not wanting to go into the exam hall. but anyway, liming got it right.

me: i'm gonna puke i'm gonna puke i'm gonna puke go to the toilet with me!!
lii: eunice! you won't puke! cos you don't dare to!

hahah. too trueeee. so i said a little prayer. and amazingly, the moment i sat down at my seat, the feeling went away. :) thank god for that miracle. the paper was quite okay i guess. i'm really thankful that there were just nice three questions that i could do. haha. i think i was really lucky this time, considering the haphazard last minute prep i did for econs last night and this morning. :) hopefully the luck stays with me for tmr too as i do my haphazard last mintue prep for mcq and casestudy and drq. hahah. oh and i must mention i love my econs tutor. besides the fact that her essayplans are a lifesaver, she really makes me feel quite good about my econs. and that's really good for my emotional health, whether or not it does anything for my grades.

don't understand how i can write four sides for econs in 45 minutes and only write three sides for lit in 60 minutes and only two and a half sides for gp in 90 minutes. moral of the story: eunice can't have too much time to think(/stone).

hey ya, nothing lasts forever.
Monday, November 14, 2005


no, i did not ace my e1. in fact, i wrote at practically the same standard as i did for prelims. possibly worse. did passagebased questions for the two plays which i had planned to do discursive and did discursive for the novel i planned to do passagebased. HAHA i'm weird :( but ROTN's passage base was so crazy hard. as in there was soooo much to analyse. and given that i had 45mintues left for that essay, i knew if i tried doing that i'd have no time. so i wrote the stupid mrs yeobright discursive with MADE UP QUOTES. hahaha. so at first after the paper i was a lil bummed. but then when i got back and saw my stacks and stacks of unread e1 notes, i realised i was ELATED that the damn paper was over. muahaha. hell yeah, one down two more stupid lit papers to go! i'm going to do some damage to those stupid notes later. I HATE LIT YES I DO. rah.

we all fall down.
Sunday, November 13, 2005

i hate waking up knowing it's a bad day.

i have 12 hours to squeeze in 3 damn books. and i'm wasting time here. waiting for my aunt to take my sister to tuition. RAH. i'm undeniably in a bad mood.

i hope i'm not as stupid as i feel.
Friday, November 11, 2005

the gp paper (that's like general paper paper) today is just like a sign of things to come. sometimes i REALLY WONDER WHY I DECIDED TO GO TO ARTS. BECAUSE I SURE AS HELL SUCK AT WRITING. so damn annoying. i dont think paper one was hard. i just dont know why idiotic and stupid and retarded me decided to do the question that i did. anyway, paper one was not really the problem. cos while i thought i wrote a sucky essay, i was optimistic that i might pass it like on the dot or something cos the cambridge markers supposedly have very low expectations of singaporeans' english. paper two. suprisesuprise it was one passage. but the questions were quite ok. bloody summary kinda killed me. i took FORTYFIVE DAMN minutes to do it. and even then, i couldnt finish it! wtf. i just couldnt!?!!! i had to stop so that i would have at least 15minutes to do my AQ. this was a very bad move btw. giving the 7mark question 45minutes and the 8mark question 15. anyway AQ sucked just as bad. dont even know what on earth they want. and i had no time to even think of a structure or what ever so i just wrote non stop. the prelims werent even this bad. and i passed prelims by a mark.

i predict shit like this happening for all three lit papers as well.

i'm so annoyeddddd. why must i suck so bad at writing?! i didnt use to be so bad or hate it so much. AC like totally killed it for me. which is so ironic. because AC's supposed to be damn good at gp and lit. if i really do fail gp, then screwwww the A levels man. i don't want to do it all over again. :( pfftttt.

everything sucks right now. i dont know why people are behaving like they are behaving. i dont know why i am behaving like i'm behaving. the aircon today was SO COLD. (i blame 20% of the disaster today on the aircon being too cold.) and iago talks TOO DAMN MUCH. he should just shut up. someone should have killed him and then othello could have been a nice story about othello and desdemona loving each other and speaking in SHORT VERSE.

you talk like i care.

it's a hate to love (to hate) relationship thing.
Thursday, November 10, 2005

one subject down three more to go!

so math is over. i'm kinda sad, cos math is the only subject i actually like. :( so now i'm left with slightly gross econs and VERY DISGUSTING lit all nicely packed back to back next week. math paper2 was pretty tough. but i'm think i did the best i could have done. so i'm quite happy i guess. after the paper, it felt as if the As were overrr actually. hahah. went for lunch at carlsjr which was suprisingly good. then planted ourselves at ben&jerrys and fed on icecreamm. :D then went to meet aunt for some last ditch attempt at a gp consultation. hahah she was like, you could have come to me so many times in the past two years and you come to be the DAY before your gp exam! oh well, anyway i'm quite encouraged by her ex-students' 'success stories' so i shall try not to worry too much. hmm. i just wanna get a b4 tho! cept i've never done better than a c5 in my wholee entire jc life. bleah. it's so discouraging and disappointing cos i see it as English, which was something i didnt do too shabbily in in pri and sec sch. :(

i'm surviving on 3 hours of sleep. stupid waking up late yesterday plus the big ass thunderstorm that started at about 2am. but i can't take a nap cos then i wont be able to sleep again tonight. 0.0 ok shall go crammm in some gp shit for tomorrow!

don't want to be a fool in your eyes.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

one down nine to go!

math was ok. cannot complain i suppose. cept they're keeping complex numbers, maclaurins and ap/gp for paper two which is bad bad bad of them :( hitched a ride home with lii. then settled in for an evening of tvtv and computer. haha i just can't study when i know there's a wholeee day tomorrow for that. but i feel damn tired and body-achey from the paper. eurgh.

i just want to thank god for giving me a relatively peaceful sleep last night and the concentration for today's paper. and of course for mummy who 'patted' me to sleep last night and dad for buying me yummy grilled fish for my 'last meal'. hehe (:

who's gonna save me now.
Monday, November 07, 2005


the remedy is the experience.
Sunday, November 06, 2005

i'm so retarded. i'm not studying but watching videos. 0.0 shar's msg about jasonmraz's video made it dawn upon me that i never saw any videos of him before! haha except like a little bit of wordplay (but i saw more of the funny wizard than him). so i just spent two hours downloading videos of him and watching them. man he's so adorable doing his own thangg. except he KIND OF reminds me of mrprince a bit.. which is very freaky. and a bit of a turnoff. HAHA or maybe i'm guiltridden cos i'm supposed to be doing othello and not watching mrazy. then i went to watch survivorlive. and brandonboy cut his hair! hahahah OMG he looks EVEN HOTTER NOW. and that texas accent. and that leather jacket..........
ok and i'm starting to sound like a bimbo now :(

anyway. service today was about abortion. and they showed this reallyreallyreally SAD video called Diary Of A Preborn Child . i was seriously going to cry right there and then. but i had to hold it in cos it would quite embarrassing. yeah. i'm never gonna get an abortion that's for sure.

westlife music has been my company for today. brings back memories of secsch times. times less stressful. times when work wasnt this painful and hard. they've been good for the nerves. :D



it's the terror of knowing what this world is about.
Saturday, November 05, 2005

ON REPEAT: Under Pressure - The Used & MCR

i happen to think it's very apt right now. usually i dont really listen to lyrics of a song. i'm more a voice and tune person. but bits and pieces of this song keep screaming out what i feel right now.

"pressure..pushing down on me, pressing down on you..it's the terror of knowning what this world is about..kick my brains around the floor..these are the days it never rains but it pours..insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking.."

i wish we studied music instead of literature. i mean there are beautiful songs out there to be analysed. i'd so much prefer studying songs than poems. it's kind of the same, if you choose the right songs, plus you have the added aural factor. and i'm sorry to say, but i admire singer/songwriters so much more than poets.

63 more hours.

*edit. i just had the most random retarded thought. know how our waste is always like yellow/brown? and the food we eat's like a whole rangeeeee of colours. haha so where does the colour go? =x

and i take back what i said about jasonmraz's second album. after like 2343listens, it really grows on you. more with each listen. it's so saddd and sexy xD

if the plane goes down, damn.
Friday, November 04, 2005

because, my most beloved survivor ever just got voted out.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
i was so seriously bummed out after watching the damn show, I DIDNT DO ANY WORK TODAY. wtf is wrong with me. urgh. oh and for the record, i took like THREE DAMN DAYS to finish stupid antony and cleopatra. i wasted three good days for one third of a paper that's one third of a subject. right. i just realised how screwed i am for lit. but while doing A&C, i quite fell into like with the play. haha. it's just really INTERESTING. especially as compared to othello, which i tried doing just now to no avail.

i think this picture really just conveys to a T what i feel right now...

byebye brandon baby :(

back when i was bigger (than her)
Thursday, November 03, 2005

was looking at old albums with my sis the other day.. (we were getting very suffocated from looking at words words words)

i liked this one. haha

a long time ago, when i was actually taller..

muahaha. i was an evil sister. hahah

we look like matching redpackets!

i am (not) retarded.

ok yes. anyway. every day it dawns on me with increasing clarity, that the As are freaking like 6 days away. and that's counting today and tuesday itself. i was supposed to finish A&C as well as trade mcqs as well as possibly some math today. but the day has gone by and all i've done is one act of A&C. what i have managed to do in excess though, is eat ALOT. i gorged gorged gorged on DEEELICIOUS bbqchips, the chocolate ghost's head, peanut butter chocolates, a peach tart etcetcetc. and i'm still hungryyy. thank goodness there's no tv tonight. i WILL stay holed up in my room and finish the damn A&C even if it kills me.

track ten.

woooot. jasonmraz totally rocks socks. i loveeee his voiceeee. hahaha. altho his second album is admittedly not as good as his first one.. oh and i'm a little disappointed because GEEK IN THE PINK is my least favourite track on the album although it's my favourite song title :(

haha ok ANYWAY. the reason why i'm blogging again is because i forgot to mention my silly dream last night. it's really complete bullshit. ok. in my dream, i was struggling like shit for the math paper. it was like prelim paper hard. and i was like this is so not happening. then i look up, and i see this math teacher wordlessly writing out solutions on the whiteboard. and everyone around me is just copying it like it's no big. the catch is that each solution only stays up for like a limited time period. so i was like ohhhh this is how they get As for math! copy fast! so i start copying too lor. hahaha.

"let ill tidings tell/ Themselves when they be felt" - Cleopatraa.

like totally. i agree with that!

i realise it's getting a little weird. i feel like i'm not doing the right thing. i feel guilty cos i know how bad it's gonna look when it all comes out. but. the only reason why i'm doing it is because i understand what it feels like to be in that situation. i completely understand. and so, i hope you'll understand too, like in the future. yeah. alternatively, i could just rewrite my memories. which is what my brain has a tendency to do anyway. haha.

I think i might just trust you maybe,
But i'm not sure,
I'm not sure i'd wanna know.

edit* hahaha funny shit.

Sleep All Day
your song is "Sleep All Day"

Which Jason Mraz song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

how apt is that!
ok it's like 1.30 am now. i should go (what else) sleeep.

i think i might just trust you maybe.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

7 (or 6?) days to the math paper and i cleverly leave my calculator at li's house. hah. last night i experienced how damn annoying it is to not have a calculator. so much thanks to karen and shar for rescuing my calculatorrr. :) haha. studied at bk raffles city today. did litlitlit and nothing but lit! making damn slow progress thooo. oh wells. better than nothing. after that shar and i rewarded ourselves with a little shopping treat! hahah. and she took me to super cool gramaphone which has my jason mraz cd for 29 bucks! wheee. :D nice reward for a day of lit. hahah.

oh was watching star idol just now.. and there's was this little boy (ok not really little la. he's 17yrs old) that got in and i think he SUPER looks like rain/bi!


so cutee. hahaha. yeah ok a bit random. hmm '-'

don't just stand there watching it happening.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

OMG. it's exactly ONE WEEK to the A levels! any normal student would be mugging his/her ass off. but today, i woke up. went over to li's house. spent the very sunny morning tanning. but it was quite painful lying in front of the pool and not being able to go in :( cos my bloody period (HA HA) had to come yesterday. rah i felt like i was on survivor (i feel that alot i know) where they are in the sweltering heat and can't go into the water cos it's filled with crocs! haha. attempted to do some math while eating lunch. but didnt workk :( we spent the afternoon watching koreandramas! omg. hahahah but the show was freaking funny. hehe.

"The years have been short but the days go slowly by.. "

arghh i can't wait for the next fourweeks to quicky zipzipzip by. SO MANY THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO!! SO EXCITING!!!! ARGH i've got no mood to study already la. whatever man. i hate how lazy and unmotivated i am.. but like at the same time, i just dont want to care anymore! i hate having my life revolving around studying. URG. that is why i always hated living (read: studying) in singapore. bleah.

oh project runway yesterday was fun! haha i like that guy. the corndress guy. he's SO FREAKING CUTE. like a gayer johnny depp :) sigh the world of fashion looks so funn. haha how i wish i was talented like them. x(

(for yesterday. it's a chocolate friendly ghost with a pumpkin! look closely! hahahah)

Making mountains out of molehills.

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