Friday, December 09, 2005

i'm so freaking out about the flight later i think i'm gonna be sick :@

anyway. woke up went to cut hair early early in the morning. was so freaking tired and in such a terrible terrible mood. anyway i think she butchered my fringe so thanks alot ya. nah she's so nice. and cheap. hahaha. then came back, ironed some clothes, packed some stuff before going down town to meet liming. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE WAS SO DAMN FREAKING GOOOOD! i think it's like THE romantic movie of the year.

man oh man i loved it so much!

and i have the biggest crush on mrdarcy (matthew macfadyen)

dessert after (:

oh and at whitesands they were having a snowman competition! which i thought was SO COOL!

anyway i really feel damn sick so i'd better go off. be back next year! byebyeee. oh and twinnie..remember to help me tape projectrunway ok! and topmodel too! if you can. hahahah. thankyouuuuu. :D

like to dislike ya.
Thursday, December 08, 2005

i'm so screwed because my mum just told me we're leaving at 4am on sat instead of 10pm like we all thought it was. I HAVENT EVEN STARTED PACKING MAN.

anyway. went for dental this morning. some semitraumatic filling but it was alright :) then rushed down to town to meet debs, karen and shar for some catching up and chicken little. last time i'll see this girls till next year! feels weird. haha. chicken little was pretty lame but i did get a few laughs out of it. and i like the 'bruise easily' song! i swear it's by fiveforfighting. haha i need to find it! after that shar and i walked about a bit in desperate search for books/dvds. i ended up getting a new pencil box. haha which is pretty! :D journey home with sis was a bit pmsy =x

argh. i'm very pressed for time now i feel so stressed. i can't imagine that in like 48hours i'll be in AUSSIELAND, chilling i hope. hahah

damn eyes betray everything.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

prom's over! whooot. hahah. didnt really feel like it tho =x yesterday went by so fast yet it feels like such a long time ago. hm anyway. met up with xue and karen for prep. met with a COUPLE of difficulties and stresses. such as not being able to check in because we didnt have enough for the deposit. so we cabbed down for our hair appointment. hair was just about the only thing i liked haha. i was so impressed they did it so quickly and so nicely :) rushed down to meet liming for makeup. but couldnt start till i put my contacts in. so i had to wait for my trusty twinnie to come and help me. haha but we're getting better at it! only took like ten mintues? or less i'm sure! :D haha makeup took really long but it was kinda fun i guess. then waited for xue to do her makeup while karen left to check in.

cabbed down to the hotel. dressed up and all. everyone looked so damn pretty! :D cabbed down about an hour late? but the stupid thing hadnt even started yet. in fact, we had to wait another hour and half or so before everyone got in and the thing got started. all in all, it was kind of fun i guess. lots of phototaking and stuff. after prom, my feet were so freaking painful i had to walk back to the hotel barefoot. haha karen and i went to marinasquare to check if the cinema was still open, which it wasnt unfortunately. so we went to 7/11, bought some comfort food and headed back to the hotel. the rest were getting ready to club! haha. so after they left, we took pics, washed up, spent an hour taking out my contacts. hahaha. took more pics. talked. then i think i fell asleep around at around 3. the girls came back at about two hours later. couldnt get back to sleep after that. went down to pick up the crashers and went over to 7/11 again. talked and stoned all the way to morning. checked out pretty early. came back. and went to sleeep all the way to the evening. haha. when i woke up it all felt like a dream actually.

anyways, my mummy's coming back tonight! yay. :D i have three days to pack! and i have an insane craving for chocolate now. arghhh. THERE'S NO CHOCOLATE IN THE DAMN HOUSE.

if i cared any more,
i would be mortified.

i know it's true..
Monday, December 05, 2005

i'm a horrible acquaintance.
so be my friend?

don't forget to breathe.

went to go sign up for SATS today. gosh i was getting so car sick :( eeks. my aunt's real nice and all but her driving sometimes just drives me nuts =x anyway, while parking the car, who did i see driving out but rama! haha i quickly ducked..

prom's tomorrow. i can hardly believe it 0.0

aunty honey just called from aussie just now. :D it was so nice to hear her voice, altho it freakishly sounds like my mum's.. i can't wait to go over now. wheeeeeee. just wish i could teleport instead of take the plane. rahh.

p.s. i declare a supercrush on sugianto of that superfunky/funkie however you spell it show.

he's like how cute!

love is not afraid of heights.
Sunday, December 04, 2005

went to get my new cam today. ended up paying 150bucks! but i got a bigger memory card and a new model. i dont know if i like the camera tho. it has very little functions! :( oh wells. anyway. rushed down to borders to get somemore christmas cards and look for my christmas presents, BUT stupidstupid borders doesnt seem to have the book (which was in their catalogue!) and the dvd i saw there yesterday has mysteriously DISAPPEARED. argh. rushed down for lunch at subway before heading on down to the esplanade! a twist of fate was really really really good! i had quite high hopes because it was a murder kinda thing which i love and the actress was supposed to be quite good. so anyway, i was really impressed. didnt think i'd be laughing so much, or that the singing would be that good, or that there would be such interesting twists or that the set would be so cool. :D

sleepyhollow just now. i tried to watch it, but then it got pretty weird and disgusting. haha. all the heads and all. eww. stomach's not feeling too fantastic as it is either. =x

i'm a scaredy scaredy catty.

it's been a while, crocodile.

went shopping with karen yesterday. town is madness on weekends. it's so sad that singapore is so freaking small everyone always ends up in orchard :( anyway, i get so retardedly excited by all the christmas stuffs that are for sale! i'm a sucker for the commercialized christmas i have to admit. =x marks and spencer is full of fun christmas goodies! too bad they're so damn expensive. but i love m&s. i remember during that sch trip to uk, i was going mad at their m&s outlets. their food sections are the size of supermarkets!! anyways, bought christmas cards from borders. walked around alot searching for last minute prom items, in vain tho. supermarket shopped alot. my favourite supermarket has to be the one at lido. cos it's got so much jap stuff. haha plus they sell small packets of kettlechips :D the one at taka is cool too. they were giving these free samples of chips there. and when i walked pass the guy i was thinking, wow he's buying a hell lot of chips, because he had a whole trolly FILLED TO THE BRIM with the chips. and then he sticks out his hand and passes me one. hahaha at first i thought he was mad la and i was about to run away when he said 'here have a free sample!' so i was like half running half taking the sample from him =x

anyway, i've decided on my christmas gifts to myself. HAHA

cool. i cant' wait. i shall buy them today. heheh. oh yeah! and there's sleepy hollow tonight! whoop :D

moviemovie madness.
Friday, December 02, 2005

i want to watch..

The Good Girl
Moonlight Mile
Lovely & Amazing
October Sky

these four mainly for jake gyllenhaal cos he's so adorable to watch :))

look at those eyes! i'm not sure about the facial hair tho. haha

Sleepy Hollow

johnnydeppjohnnydepp. haha

Garden State
The Hours
The Virgin Suicides
Ice Age

i want to rewatch..

Edward Scissorhands (fav freaky film!)
Parent Trap (fav family film!)
Bring It On (fav chicky film!)

Evolution (fav funny film!)
The Interpreter (i might actually understand the first half the second time..)
The Island (i never got to see the ending :( )

and i'm sure there's more... now i just got to find them and the time. '-'

these are the moments.
Thursday, December 01, 2005

i woke up this morning to a msg from my sister..saying that her friend had dropped my camera. (cos i lent it to her for her prom and all) turns out when she said dropped, she meant dropped from the 27th floor. 0.0 anyway, her nice friend's getting me a new one so i can't exactly be angry. i feel kinda sorry for the friend tho. but ohwells. =x

successful prom shopping with li today! the shoes i got are killer, in every sense of the word. i tried them again just now and my toes are literally squashed and when i tried walking i swear i felt a vein burst or something. but i really like them :( sigh i dont know. maybe i should get new ones.. my feet have barely recovered from the three days of heels while i was working. so nothing but flipflops from now till prom. and after, i think i'll go to a foot spa. anyway, i just wanna say, prom is the most stressful thing on the planet. it's not even fun anymore. ok it never actually was.. but whatever. watched olivertwist on a whim. it was pretty good! ok kinda tiredd. mum left for shanghai today :( gonna miss her! :(

Making mountains out of molehills.

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