mosey on down.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

love this layout. too tired to personalise it yet tho. so i shall leave that to tomorrow.

i'm so friggin tired. met liming for some shopping at rafflescity/marinasquare. i love shopping there. away from town. nearer for me. i just love it and the shops are great too! i spent like one third of my angpao money already. which is a bad bad thing. :( and i'm lusting for those paulfrank bedroom slippers. they're 32bucks tho! :( which i find personally quite ridiculous for a pair of bedroom slippers. but. since i'm still thinking of them even like 8 hours after i saw them and left them, I THINK I REALLY WANT THEM AND SO I MUST GO BACK AND GET THEM LIKE SOON. but i bet when i go back, they'll be gone cos life's just like that. bah.

went down town to meet some of the ad1ians for the first time in the new year! caught up, had dinner, walked around town. then headed back home. who knew shopping and walking could tire one out so much!

anyway i better go to sleep soon. tomorrow's a yucky day filled with meetings and brownies. i'm still thinking of my bedroom slippers. wahh if i had just gotten them, my feet would be all snuggly and comfly now :(

the hype is nothing more than hooha so.

visiting part two. it's great seeing everyone and all but at the same time it's boring too you know? it's just hard talking to people you only see like what, twice a year? =x anyway, sunday saw very little appettite and a whole lot of phototaking. we kids felt like film stars sitting on that sofa while the parentals snapped away. *.*

the girls were all nice and pastely pink this year (:
but for the past 2 days i got as much as i would get for like 7 days of work so i'm not complaining! hehehe. yesterday, we watched enough at home. pretty cool movie i guess. then i spent the better part of the day in bed finishing my book. then popped over to my aunt's house to make currypuffs! oh and give her the korean recipie book i got her which she loves. yay :D this holiday's dragging out really long. and ODDLY enough i'm boreeeeeeeed! :( oh wells. towning later. hopefully it'll entertain me. 0.0

we got bored and retarded.

both a little scared.
Saturday, January 28, 2006

seems very unfestive this cny. maybe it's cos despite the cny celebrations in school on friday, i still had to stay back for remedial till 4 (tho it was actually kinda fun. hehe) and then mark books till about 5plus. rushed home to rush off for reunion dinner at mama's place. really huge turnout this year! cos it was on the eve of new years eve so i guess more ppl had no plans. haha. food was pretty good. i was a little too tired to socialise or whatever tho. basically just sat and ate and took photos and talked a little. was kinda good to see the house so packed tho :D

bigbig turnout!

we like taking pictures with our cousins' cute kids. haha

girl cousins! (:

this morning, woke up freaking early for stupid SATs. on new years eve! talk about killjoy. anyway, the test was fine. doable. esp since i hadnt even had the chance to try out a full paper before. it was just that it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO DAMNNNNN LONNNNNNNNNNG. i thought it was only going to be 3 hours. but we were in there from about ninethirty to one! that's like freaking four and a half hours! by the time i was at the 6th section i was about to kill myself and i was only half way through. after the test, me and karen went down to town to lunch and shop. town was pretty emtpy and quiet which was odd but good. then on the ride home, so many people just had to piss me off. like this stupid asshole guy who found it necessary to barge his way out of the train. and this stupid woman/lady whatever who took ten million years with the machine. i nearly cried when three other groups of people finished using the other machine while i was still standing behind her. and after i moved to the other machine and used it, she was still at it. geez. came home and completely conked out only to be woken up by my dad for steamboat dinner. no appetite tho. must be the cramps. and weirdly now, i'm kind of missing school. (as in sengkangpri not acjc. haha) visitiation tomorrow! yay?

some things just can't be said with a smile.
Thursday, January 26, 2006

kay so like the past few days have been some kind of a emotional rollercoaster man. one day i was hating and cursing my p3s. then the next, i was told that i had a mere one day left with them. it was, to say the least, 'a rude shock'. and as corny or stupid as this sounds, after i heard that and went down for assembly, my form class looked so loveable to me. and most of all my p1s. thank god i had a period with them that day. i really wanted to pack them all up and take them with me :( so yesterday was completely depressing. for one, it's the sense of loss of control. like someone up there made the decision for me. it's one thing saying you dont want to teach the class anymore because you are making the decision. it's another when someone tells you that you won't be taking those classes anymore. and also, i get really attatched. which is stupid but it can't be helped. i know i'll still be seeing them but they won't be mine anymore. which really really sucks.

i was really not looking forward to school today. to coming down to assembly and not sitting with my class. to having to attend to another class in front of them. to see another teacher attending to them. i feel so stupid but i can't help it! they are like my first batch of students and so they're special. and even though they bully me and piss me off, they really make me laugh half of the time.

when i went down to assembly and walked over to 3kindness instead of 3joy it just felt really wrong. but i just sat there since i couldnt really do anything about it. and then some of the girls shouted 'miss goh! we hate you forever!' i was like gee thanks. they didnt say it in a mean way but it felt horrible cos i think they think i don't want them anymore, which is like so not true. and when they got led up to class by a different teacher, they all looked at me like i abandoned them or something. it was horrible. then during recess, i ate ALONE because my poor fellow teacher lost her voice. i felt pretty damn miserable, save for when two of my p1s who came up and said hi. (including my fav boy hehe). then i had canteen duty for the p3 recess and that's when the nightmare started. a group of my p3s like practically mobbed me. it started with one girl and it kinda grew until i couldnt even recognise some of them. and they chased me from one end of the canteen making so much noise. it was so damn embarrassing cos the principal and vice principal were there. and then they even went up to ask the principal to put me back to that class. i was really touched when they first asked me to go back. but like after i asked them to go away and they refused, i was just plain horrified. esp when the bell rang and they still wouldnt budge. i had to like practically run into the staffroom to hide. hahah.

one of the boys was really adorable tho. i always liked him cos he's so plump and cute and has this totally doh kind of expression. he's really smart but can't sit still in class. so anyway, he was like one of the few boys in the group and he said, 'what do you want then you'll come back? you want money is it? 10,000 enough? ok? i'll give you!' hahahaha. it was just the way he said it. i was so touched :( and then i found out later that one of the girls in my class was crying cos i wasnt there. she was always very quiet in class and just starting to like open up a bit to me. and then ya, i had to leave her. boo :(

that's why i'm going to miss my babies so much :( but i guess, practically, it's better for them and for me. cos my workload is soooo much less now. i have practically zero marking to do, only take one class, and only co-teach. which means i only go around and help the kids while another teacher teaches. when i was passing over all my teaching stuff to the other teacher, she looked really horrified. haha. and today, as i was leaving at ONE THIRTY, i heard another teacher tell her, 'now you can forget about leaving at 1.30, or even 2.30', and i was like hurhurhur. haha. oh well, i still feel kinda empty now tho. :(


OMFG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. MR JASON MRAZ IS LIKE COMING TO SINGAPORE. i hate myself for not reading the newspaper. so like i only found out today from reading rachel's(lifesaver!! :D) blog. i like spazed. at first i thought she was going to USA to watch him cos i've checked his site and the only shows he was doing in the near future were all in the US and UK. so first thing i did was to google jason mraz and singapore. and bam there you go, there's an article about him coming here in march! woooo. so yes, in a mad frenzy i called liming, booked her, booked the tickets (much thanks to my aunt and her credit card hehe) and yay now i am going for jason mraz's concert too! :D:D thank goodness the tickets are pretty reasonable (anyway i think i would have paid whatever) so i could tell the woman to give me seats as far front as possible. so we got row six! I'M LIKE SO BLOODY EXCITED NOW LA. i can't even be sad about my whole school thing anymore (altho from time to time i still get a little bummed :( ). seeing him live was one of the top ten things i wanted to do before i die, no exaggeration. hahaha. yayayayay. oh yes and i checked his site just and now, there's this!

17 Mar 2006 Singapore
Esplanade Music Hall
Doors: 7:30pm

whooopee. :D

not so usual.
Thursday, January 19, 2006

yesterday was embarrassing to say the least. i got damn frustrated with my math class cos they just refused to listen to me, plus i was stressed about not finishing the topics by the test on thursday. and also, i was shouting until my voice threatened to leave me forever. and my form class had already pissed me off earlier in the day by not even being able to do a simple dictation passage. and worse of all, the two bastards (i call them that because they really are) had the nerve to try my patience again when they'd just got diciplined the day before. they actually took the passes and hid in the toilet until i had to yell for them to come out. after i brought them back to class, one of them asked me if i was so frustrated with them why i was still teaching their class. and that really pissed me off to no end. i was like screaming (as much as my voice could) at him that i was only doing this because i got paid to do it. and that the class didnt consist of him alone, but fortysomething others (i failed to mention i didnt exactly like the rest of the class either). but what he said really got to me and i was like wait a second, it's true, why am i still teaching this damn class?! so i ran off to the toilet and i called my mum and said i didnt want to do it anymore, and those kpos followed me of course. but i refused to get out. after like somewhat calming down (and also because the girls were trying to climb over the door to see if i was in there and i didnt want them falling or whatever) i came out and i told the class i refused to teach them and that they better stay where they are and stop following me, and walked out again. but then i realised that i had no where to go and it would be kind of irresponsible leaving them alone in the classroom. so i went back and said we shall wait for the bell to ring. for the first time in like ever the class was silent. and it was really awkward we were just all sitting there waiting for the bell to ring and i could hear the kids whispering that they should say sorry and blahblahblah. but i was too pissed off to care. i knew that they wrote sorry all over the board too but i refused to look at it. so finally the bell rang and i was like ok class get out. and they like left but some of the kids came up to me and gave me some pieces of paper saying sorry but suprise suprise the two bastards didnt. i felt quite awkward taking it from them, one kid even wrapped up a packet of tissue paper because yes they knew i was crying. this makes it so embarrassing.

sometimes i think, maybe i'm not mature enough for this. i mean, i'm still a kid! i'm incapable of controlling my emotions, obviously, and how can a person like that take charge and educate 42children only half my age? how can i expose them to my emotional instability and my childish, i admit, antics? i always feel so horrible for them, having got me as their teacher, someone who doesnt exactly know what she's doing. but at the same time i also wonder if i'm thinking too much. i mean, as maria said, every teacher has to start somewhere. and this is only primary freaking three. i'm going mad. stress from the kids, from the other teachers, from the parents and most of all, from myself.

anyway, it's so odd. cos like everytime i see my p3s i have the urge to quit and just walk out and abandon them forever. but after i leave the class, and i really think about it, i dont want to quit anymore. i can't bear not getting to see some of the students ever again (which is why i dont think teaching is for me cos i can get really attached haha). and also, for the sake of myself. i want to see myself hang in there and accomplish something. and there's the boredom of having nothing to do. and of course, there's the money. haha. sigh. don't you wish life could be easy.

so anyway, felt so sick after that last lesson i left early and went to the doc. got an mc for today (woohoo!). it felt great knowing i wasnt going back to sch today. so last night i just stayed in bed and watched the last four episodes of my korean drama. went to sleep. this morning i woke up at a nice decent hour of 10, stayed in bed and watched jason mraz's concert which i had found at gramaphone for a low low price of 30. andddd now i'm kinda bored. rah. seeee. without having sch to go to it's really kinda boring. :( i dont know what's going on man. argh i need some one to put this all into perspective, or better yet, start making decisions for me cos i sure can't seem to make them on my own. i'm such a fluctuater. and i can't stop eating chocolates and pineappletarts.

all out of love.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

horrifying news flash: i've only been working for 10days. TEN DAYS. how is that possible?!

anyway, today was disastrous to say the least. i honestly thought it couldnt get any worse. i hate all my p3 classes. they're so exasperating. i can't tell if it's me or what. cos like all my other classes aren't like that! perhaps p4s and 5s are more sensible, and p1s are more afraid of 'big people' and p3s are just at the stage where they know teachers can't actually do anything to them but arent ready to listen to them for their own good. their attitude really sucks and they're only, what, 8 or 9 years old?? especially the damn boys. since when does the teacher have to INVITE you to be punished. wtf man. the girls in my class and real sweethearts, thank goodness. they're like a buffer to the damn boys. one of them gave me a note today. after i got damn pissed and walked out of the class. and another came up to me and said she wanted to make me a card. haha.

and i love my p1s. they're soooo cuteee. omg. when i see them running about in the canteen and they say hi to me i'm just like I WANT YOU GUYS AND NOT MY FIENDISH P3S. honestly i was damn pissed before i went down to eat, cos just after my form class got blasted by the discipline mistress, i asked them if they were interested in doing the science worksheet and half of them had the cheek to say no. i think i can join the 'kids these days' camp right now i tell you. but then i came down, and as i was queueing up, one boy from my p1 class came up behind, hit my butt (cos that was the only place he could reach HAHA) and said boo! oh man. that was seriously the highlight of my day ok. hahahah. he's so freaking cute. i always thought he looked damn dao in class, but yesterday as i was walking them out to their parents, he started talking to me about spiders and held my hand. so cute ok. and that's why i can't bear to quit. cos of cute kids like him.

not all p1 classes are cute tho, i found out today. i met my ss class today for the first them and they dont even know that such a class existed. so the moment i stepped in they all started screaming for their form teacher and i had to reassure them that i was only going to be there for one period. half the class didnt even have the damn books. and worse of all, there was a boy who was crying for his father and i had to chase him and drag him back into the class. (he aint a small skinny kid btw) i spent half the period outside persuading him to stop crying and whinging for his father. i was ready to punch the father man, for promising the kid he was going to be there and then not showing up.

the only reason why i want to go to school tomorrow is cos i see my fav p1 class tomorrow. other than that, tomorrow really sucks. for one, i'll be in sch for 11hrs, packed with only about 2hrs worth of breaks. secondly, and more importantly, my voice is practically non-existant. and as bad as it is having a class full of misbehaving kids, it's worse when you dont have your voice to attempt to keep them in order. and even if i get them in order, i can't exactly teach without a voice.

down with 9year old boys!

don't want you back.
Monday, January 16, 2006

the word stressed doesnt even cut it anymore.

third week. the first 5day week.

monday. unruly kids back from the weekend. they just dont get it. i dont get it either. it's just me they wont listen to. i got stressed today again. felt like quitting and yadayada. but then right, it dawned on me. why quit? might as well wait to get fired right. cos at least that way i'll have something to do and get paid while i'm at it. so whenever i feel like quitting, i'll quit mentally but not physically. got damn pissed off with my stupid math class. all of them are pests. ALL OF THEM MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE RUDE BRATS! i sent out three boys, one of which attempted to jump off the railing, two of which sulked outside. thank goodness their math isnt too shabby. so even though we've barely had proper lessons, their homework is still quite well done and i dont feel like i'm screwing up too badly.

ANYWAY. i declare one of my p1 music classes the best looking class ever. haha. for the boys at least. every single one of them ARE SO CUTE. and they're really enthusiastic even though the lesson was seriously pretty damn lame. great way to end my day :) can't say the same for tomorrow and wednesday. BOTH OF WHICH I END WITH THE DAMN MATH CLASS. BOTH OF WHICH ARE ALSO MY MOST PACKED DAYS. DAMN I HATE THE MIDDLE OF THE WEEK.

oh and one thing i really really hate is people coming up to me TIME AND TIME AFTER AGAIN. i dont have the patience or tolerance for it everyday when i have 40 other people to give attention to. and also stupid people who keep trying my patience time and time again just for the fun of it. it really aint cute so quit it man.

omg what's wrong with me. i feel psychotic. probably sound psychotic. I AM NOT PSYCHOTIC.

fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.
Sunday, January 15, 2006

how cool is that quote.

anyway, met debbie yesterday for the first time since chickenlittle last year! haha actually come to think of it, i havent really seen anybody from school this year cept for xue and fi, who i bumped into at topshop the other day. oh and liming of course :) shopping at bugis was pretty good! except it was quite damn crowded and REALLY irritating. caught memoirs of a geisha. which was really goood! except everytime i saw michelleyeoh i couldnt help thinking of that 'malaysia, truly asia' ad, which kind of spoilt it a bit.

today, i stayed in bed for the better part of the morning, with a horrible blocked nose and ticklish throat, watching 6 episodes of 'my name is kimsamsoon'. then proceeded to clear my room. finally got down to packing up my jc stuff. felt kinda sad as i was packing my math stuff to throw away. :( i kinda miss doing all those practice papers and stuff. econs was just annoying to pack cos there was so much notes! gp and lit was quite easy. i threw away most of the stuff gladly. hehehe. anyway, i kind of half miss jc life. like when you think of the good stuff you just wish you could go back. but then when you think of the bad stuff, you're just glad it's over and behind you.

i want to buy so many dvds. but they're so damn expensive. it's really unfair :(

pride and prejudice (probably $30?)
jason mraz ($43)
i'm sorry i love you ($155)
full house ($155)
that 70s show season one ($160)
futurama complete set (AU$170=S$200+)

that comes up to like freaking more than 600bucks. i think i'll buy one everytime i get paid.

remedial tomorrow with my cuteboy! yay :D hahaha. oh and singapore is sunny once more. whoopee :)

scratching our letters in the sand.
Friday, January 13, 2006

omg. during assembly today, i was told that i had to relief a pe class during the first period (which was supposed to be free!). first of all, it was a p5 class. and honestly, the p5s and 6s scare me. they've gone past the cute stage and right into the big and gross stage. second of all, and more importantly, me teach pe?! i'm the girl that runs away from the freaking ball, that stands at the sidelines during any sports. furthermore, i was freaking wearing heels and long pants while all the other pe teachers were in their shorts and sports shoes, so yes i looked and felt pretty damn stupid. so like there was 15minutes left of the period after assembly. we went down. i made them do warm up, whereby they proceeded to run haphazardly around the parade square. then i accidentally sent the wrong people into the pe storeroom, accidentally sent them to play basketball while a voice in the back of my mind echoed something from a meeting about no playing in the basketball courts on a rainy day. and sure enough, the uncle chased us off. i sent them to play captains ball without realising they need cones or chairs or whatever it was. and before too long, the bell rang. the kids looked at me like i totally ruined it for them cos they didnt actually get to play anything. and to end it all, one of the BIG boys started crying cos some other dude touched his arm or something like that la. i'm so pathetic i can't stand it. thank goodness they didnt give me pe classes or i really dont know what i'd do.

the rest of the day was pretty much just as crappy. my form class decided to be rowdy and uncooperative today. take that times ten for the math class. i had to juggle 5 bad boys who just KEPT playing with that damn noisy paper toys which i keep confisicating and they keep making, 4 well-intentioned kids who keep coming up to me to tell on the other kids, 2 more criers (BOTH BOYS), 1 boy who keeps coming up to me and saying happy new year (and once he even added in happy deepavali for good measure i'm sure) and of course to top it all of, my king of terror. damnit these kids are robbing me of my sanity and health. at the end of every day, i feel like i just had ten heart attacks not to mention the state of my throat.

and after school i attempted to start on class decorations. it's really near impossible doing it on your own. you just wanna scream cos like there's no second opinion, no one to hold up the paper while you staple it down, no one to GIVE YOU SOME DAMN IDEAS especially when your art sucks. ROAR.

had dinner with aunt at the airport. satisfied my strange and random banbian craving. and bought a new book! the times bookstore is so cool cos they give you a free plastic cover which is really very practical so good on them. also did supermarket shopping! i love coldstorage and it's great range of stuff. i got my white chocolate digestives! yippee! haha. i'm really annoyed that the stress is making me snack so much tho. it's like, i keep feeling so ravenous and every time i go to the staffroom i feel the need to eat something. bad bad bad. argh ok this entry's really long but i feel better after that rambling :D

Thursday, January 12, 2006

omg. today i had like a breakthrough!

my math class was quiet for like one third of the lesson and i managed to actually teach them something. why was this possible? well i sent the noisiest girl and boy out of the class. muahaha. my life would be so much easier if they really were gone out of my class for good. i let the rest do hands on groupwork too which they seem to enjoy. so i might do that more often. to entice them to shut up and do their work. more work to me tho! bah. oh yeah and that girl has since given me another notebook and today, she gave me a note saying i love you and a pen, and made me pinkypromise her that i'll continue to teach them. which makes slightly worried.. i dont even know what i did to deserve her fondness.

oh and i called up parents today! i wonder how they would feel if they knew they were talking to an 18year old.. i spoke in chinese to one. it was not bad! i made sense and communicated. whooo go me! hahaha.

and i honestly feel really stupid when i teach music. i can't sing for nuts. and it's hard to do actions enthusiastically in front of a group of kids staring at your expectantly. thank goodness their enthusiasm makes up for my lack of.

anyway, my voice is like going. i'm quite worried and wondering if it'll last till tomorrow. or even for tuition later. argh. i'm going to stay silent and conserve my voice.

why work in the zoo when you can work in a primary school.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

my throat hurts like crazy.
i'm majorly sleep deprived.
we stayed in school for 12 hours today.
and counted, that makes $4 an hour. PATHETIC OR WHAT.
i love 7year old kids and 10year old kids just not 9year old kids.
especially 9year old boys who make me scream and chase after them.

omg the working world sucks.
two more days to the weekend!

feels like you're learning about life the hard way.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

lots of little kiddies were sick today! first one boy in my form class was absent. then halfway through english class, another boy started crying because he had a stomachache so i had to send him home. then my cute boy in math class had a headache. poor kiddo. he looked like he was in such pain and the rest of the damn class just refused to give him some peace and quiet. so i had to escort him back to his form class. poor baby :( haha anyway. today was a much better day. i met my p1 class for music, and THEY ARE SO FRIGGIN CUTEE. omg. there's this one boy who's adorable beyond words. i just want to squish him. hahahahah. omg. i'm not a pedo ok, i just think little boys are totally cute! oh and one girl from horror math class gave me a note and little colouring book, saying sorry for making me angry on friday. the thing is she wasnt even the one that made me angry. but anyway, it was so sweet. so for her and my cute boy's sake, i forgive that class. bah.

anyway, i have so much marking to do! thank goodness tomorrow's a holiday! woot! TGIHR! wednesday is a killer day tho. classes. then staff meeting for TWO HOURS PLUS. and then brownies for another two hours! and by brownies i dont mean those yummy chocolately fudgey desserts, but brownies like the uniform group i'm in charge of.

wedding dinner just now! food was gooood. :D i was really tired and almost falling asleep tho 0.0 oops =x

cousinscousins. all the unmarried ones. haha

i think she's super pretty!! (:

box filled with nothing.
Saturday, January 07, 2006


i've neverever felt this happy to have reached the damn weekend. yesterday was the lowest of lows in the week. my math class is just out of point. 42 of them, ALL of which are little terrors who can't shut up for more than a minute and can't keep their bums on their seats. it's hard enough conducting a lesson without having one kid come up to me ONE AFTER ANOTHER like an endless stream of flies, to ask to go to the toilet, hand in books, tell on their friends or tell me random things etcetcetc while the rest talk among themselves. halfway through the lesson i couldnt take it and actaually had to go next door to get maria to help me control the class. and damnit, the moment she walked in they all kept quiet. i was like ARGH YOU DAMN KIDS. she made them stand up and they were quiet for all of 5 seconds after she left the classroom. omg i could have died. i really dont know what to do. and before i could even do anything, the bell rang. i didnt know whether to laugh or cry. after the kids left, i was so pissed off i went to the toilet and just cried. i was crying because i hated having to scream and shout to no avail, because the kids were so damn annoying, because i didnt know what to do and because i couldnt even stop myself from crying. i was so frustrated i wanted to quit there and then.

but then like after a while, i kinda calmed down and things didnt seem so bad. maybe it was cos the weekend was here. maybe it was cos of lunch with xue, where we laughed and laughed at the funniest things the kids do. the other teachers were really nice about it too. like maria who came over twice to help me and she was really really nice about it, even offering to take the king of terrors away. and michelle and ferlynn who talked to me about it. i guess i'm just a bit stressed by the fact that i'm not accomplishing much with the kids right now, because they refuse to be quiet and so it takes so damn long to get them settled and primed to do work.

but i guess despite how i say i hate them, there are a few who really make me smile. like this little boy who keeps coming up to me showing me his drawings, telling me how some other kid calls him ber-ber-banana. this other boy who's perpetually got a runny nose and stares at me blankly till i say something then he gives this reallyreally cute smile. some of the girls who always come up to me asking 'can i help you?' and when my form class screams out 'good morning miss goh' and start giggling. and when i see them outside class and they say hi. i really want to be nice to them and i can't bring myself to be strict with them but this is like so not working out. argh.

ANYWAY. it's the weekend so i'll stop thinking about school.

today, i went and got myself another side job. well done eunice. as if you're not stressed enough. sometimes i dont think. and i knowingly don't think. but anyway, i'm going to tutor this p2 boy twice a week in the evenings after school. he's really really intellegent and adorable tho, so i kind of look forward to that. plus, more money! muahaha.

then in the afternoon, went for my cousin's wedding. yet another wedding. in a few years time, all these weddings are going to start to get depressing.

my other cousin's kid. he's so freaking adorable. ask him to smile and he squints his little right eye in attempt to lift up his mouth into a grin. kids are cute. in small quantities. of like one.

the worst first day of school.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006


i'm shellshocked.

one, i hate wearing kneelength skirts and heels. cos i feel like i'm trying so damn hard to look older and more like a teacher and less like a kid. and also, bloody heels are killing my feet. seriously, by the first half of day, i could practically feel my feet harvesting blisters. by the end of the day, my thighs felt as if they just ran a freaking marathon. i dont know what shoe to put my pure tortured feet into tomorrow..

two, i feel like a student in teacher's clothings. i keep waiting for someone to brief me and help me but there's no one. then the kids kept asking me what to bring the next day and i had no freaking clue. so i went and asked another teacher, and he told me....up to me! omg i was like what?! apparently as form teacher i need to make all these decisions. so i told them they didnt need to bring their books tomorrow since it's still orientation. so i'm just going to die tomorrow if my class is the only one with tiny bags. =x

thankfully i have a really nice co teacher for these first two days. too bad the kids only listen to her tho. when she left me alone with the class for an hour, it was complete chaos. i had no idea what to do with them. so i told them to play quietly. and of course, in a primary three class of fortytwo that's like a frigging oxymoron. they were making soooo much noise. and when everytime i told them to keep quiet they practically ignored me! this really annoying kid who won't shut up even talked back to me and refused to be punished. so after a while i just gave up. and let them make all the noise they wanted. then when i walked outside this other student who was walking past the class said to me, your class very noisy ah! i was mortified. thank goodness the co teacher came back and saved my ass.

and classes start on thursday and i have no idea what i'm going to do. for one, i dont have the math and science textbook i'm supposed to have. for two, i obviously can't control the class. its' impossible talking loudly for prolonged periods of time. for me at least. i really dont know what on earth i got myself into! and i just signed the contract today. (the bright spot in the day was that i found out i'm getting 65 a day. whee. but right now i'm thinking, whatever the wage i'm being underpaid) and today i only met my form class. i still have two p1 classes and a p4 and p5 class to meet. seriously, i need some saving right now.

oh and i had like a 30minute break the whole day. one other good thing. the food's so cheap! my recess cost 30cents.

ok i should stop whinging. sorry. i hope no one at work ever sees this.

WELCOME 2006!!
Sunday, January 01, 2006

i want a new blog for the new year but i can't be stuffed making one now. so i'll settle for a new blogskin! simplistic.

so anyway, spent the crossover into the new year in the shitty austrian plane. but they did have good movies. like the island! and lords of dogtown (which is full of hot guys. ok actually about three but still). but it's good to be back for the new year. we almost got to spend it in australia. cos the car broke down from the intense heat on the way to the airport. (IT WAS FREAKING 42 DEGREES CELCIUS! which kind of melted alot of our chocolates. boo.) it was most dramatic. luckily a rescue mission (in the form of my uncle and cousin's cars) came to save us. and after rushing rushing to the airport, we find out the plane was delayed becaue of a SNOWSTORM in vienna. can you imagine. a snowstorm while we're battling the freaking hot sun and warm winds. eeks. where is vienna anyways.

anyway, AUSSIE WAS FUNNN. i love my aussie cousins MUCHLY. some random pictures in no particular order..

me/sis/erika/tanya outiside their house

at the crown. where they didnt let me into the casino. even tho i had a card. 0.0 NOONE BELIEVES I'M 18 ANYWAY.

WE MADE PINEAPPLE TARTS. for christmas. they were YUMMM.

second last day :( this was on timer! not bad aye.

at ruffy lake park.

goodbye card from the nairs. the cutest thing i've ever seen. haha

christmas morning! as in 12am morning. hahah. we are impatient for presents, yes.

packing packing packing.

paul frank is my BEST friend (i wish).

kinder chocies for me from my sweetsweet cousin (:

I MISS THOSE GUYS :( but it's a new year now. i feel most disorientated. i need to get my act together. i don't know how on earth i am going to be ready to teach 40 9-year old kids in a day's time. i havent even LOOKED at the material i brought back (which is not alot). i have no idea what time to report. i don't have teacherly clothes to wear. and practically all my underwear is in the wash. haha. oh somebody save me :(

new year, new calender, new diary!

i'm meant to do resolutions and reflections and blah blah...

Making mountains out of molehills.

January 2005
February 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
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July 2008
August 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
September 2009
February 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
March 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
February 2012
April 2012
June 2012
July 2012
November 2012
