by now.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

ok today i REALLY have a right to complain man. i think the office people are having a field day with my timetable or something. they packed relief classes from 9.30 all the way to 1.30. that's like 8periods straight of classes. and it's not like the classes are on the same level ok. i was practically flying all over school. i climbed all the way up to the fourth floor only to find the class empty and realising that i forgot to collect them from the hall on the second floor. another time i climbed all the way to the fourth floor (AGAIN) only to find the class missing and then looking all over for them before hearing that they had been given early recess by another teacher 0.0 i had to accompany a class for health check and into my free period because there was no other teacher watching them.

and the p4 class i start the day with every day (two words! ha ha) is really making me vomit blood. half the period is taken by assembly. by the time i get the whole class to take out their worksheets and textbooks, the bell rings and they just immediately swith their minds to the next lesson. there's a stupid boy who keeps burping in that class. a boy and a girl who keep singing. and then there's me, who accidentally knocked off a part of the visualiser while i was scolding them. which kind of spoilt the whole atmosphere i was building up.

ANYWAY, left school early today! went over to liming's to tan again. the sun today was scorching man. i was literally baking. but it felt damn good in the water. :D

AND I JUST GOT GREAT NEWS! my cousin's stopping over in singapore for a whole week next week! YAY! next week seriously rocks man. who cares that results are out tomorrow. WHO CARES!

don't shoot the messenger.
Monday, February 27, 2006

casanova-ed with karen on saturday. great movie! lovely setting. i want to go venice sometime! shopped too much for my own good. i hereby ban myself from going out on weekends man. it only leads to very unnecessary spending.

i woke up feeling freaking tired today and i dont even know why. it's not like i slept particularly late last night or anything. anyway, today was like my SUPPOSEDLY very slack day, with only five periods, one being assembly. but as i was sitting in the parade square, minding my own business, i suddenly had this very very bad feeling. and then i looked up and i realised why. it was because the 'bearer of bad news' was coming towards me. and sure enough, i was being told that i had to relief YET ANOTHER TEACHER FOR A WHOLE WEEK. i really loathe relieving upper primary classes ok. the kids are freaking rude and intimidating. plus they dont give a shit about you because you're only a relief teacher, and such a young one at that. but anyway, that doesnt change the fact that i now have to take a p4 and p6 class english for the next week. (including misslam's class of nightmares!) ARGH. and today was not just those two classes. because so many teachers were on mc, i had to take three other p1 classes. AND i had math remedial right after that. for two hours! it wouldnt have been all that bad la. it's just that today i actually woke up tired already. plus i was having a really shitty headache for the most of the day. and some people just kept on getting on my nerves. argh argh argh. i think i'm pmsing.

sound effects and overdramatics.
Friday, February 24, 2006

i'm completely regressing man. i have this completely ridiculous urge to colour. IT'S SO FUN SEARCHING FOR COLOURING PAGES ONLINE. omg i'm going mad. and the annoying thing is i dont have any colour pencils at home! boo :(

this urge was brought on, i think, by the fact that i had to take over a p1 class today. had nothing to do with them so i had this brilliant idea of printing things for them to colour. and it was wildly popular. i felt like some kind of santa claus handing out pictures of ariel, flounder, hello kitty, pokemon and dinosaurs. they were like so happy or something? haha anyway, they looked like they were having so much fun colouring, i'm like totally sold on it now man. rah.

and like today during recess, i sat with some of the p3 kids. cos i was alone anyway and they invited me to their table. so i was like why not man. sigh. i think i'm trying too hard to cling on to my youth and childhood man. i don't want to grow up! i don't want to get my results! i don't want to go to uni! i don't want to REALLY start working and be old and everyhing. ARGH.

anyway, had some level meeting conference thing today. i was pretty damn redundant man. in the whole two hours i think i said about less than 5 words, including the words hi, yes and no.

after that, went down to compasspoint for a bit and i love coldstorage! gotta love the junkfood they stock over there man. oh and bumped into one of my students with his mum. omg it was so funny how he tried to hide behind his mother's hand when he saw me. hahaha so cuteeeee.

weekend's here again! freakishly fast this time. got so many things to do. seems like there's not enough time. and once the weekend blink blink goes by, monday and tuesday and WEDNESDAY is gonna come. i was actually really looking forward to march. what with the zootrip and jasonmraz coming down. but now the 1st of march has been officially BLACK MARKED. holy cow. i predict sleepless nights and upset stomachs all over again. ONLY FIVE MORE FREAKING DAYS TILL LIFE CHANGES!

ha ha.
Thursday, February 23, 2006

today i

did a spot check where i had to check the kids' fingernails which was kind of ironic considering the length of my own fingernails.

got lost looking for the p5 class i was supposed to relieve. so i walked around and around the school and apparently past that class a couple of times such that when i finally found them, the first thing they said to me was, 'teacher! why you keep walking around and around just now?'

joined in the chaos of paper mache. it was kind of fun tho helping the kids. i tied about 4 balloons for the kids which is NO MEAN FEAT for me because i fully hate balloons. i'm always scared they will burst in my face and i've never ever ever tied a balloon before. but because they asked so nicely. haha. oh and the balloons were kinda bouncy. so there was this time when one of the balloons kinda bounced right smack onto this boy's face and it was so freaking funny i just burst out laughing at him. poor kid looked so stunned because it wasnt just a balloon, but a balloon covered with gooey paste and newspapers. hahah. anyway, i think the whole idea of getting overactive, super hyper kids to do something as messy as paper mache is just ridiculous man. the canteen was a complete mess after they were done, and only my class' tables could actually be called clean. but that's because they had three teachers looking out for them. oh and the state of their paper mache thingies are just funny man. think a balloon with random newspaper strips sticking out all over it. good luck to you miss lam as you conduct this next week. hahah.

went for some supermarket therapy and bought alot of biscuits. which is kind of dumb because i still have alot of snacks in the staffroom man. i'm a pigpigpig!

had a major spaz attack during my tuition. my kid was doing this really tricky math sum. and like he just got the answer straight away. and somehow, this big idiot here found it incredibly funny and just burst out laughing and laughing and i couldnt stop. thank goodness he wasnt offended man. shit i dont know what's wrong with me man.

time's a wastin.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

people keep anticipating the a level results. yet as the days go by, there continues to be no news on the damn release of results. and it's like i keep forgetting about it sometimes. forgetting that i'm a post a level student awaiting her results. forgetting that i'm waiting for a slip of paper that's going to pretty much determine how my life goes. but then i'll read someone's blog, or someone would ask me when the results will be out, and i'd remember. and that fresh jolt of fear is really freaking getting on my nerves. but i guess it's better than fretting and fretting over it. and this is one of the reasons why i'm freaking thankful that i've got this job that really really takes my mine off.

anyway, today for the staff meeting there was this workshop on commonly made errors in english. and i realised just how hard the english language is man. and i'm utterly amazed at it's complexity. and it's kind of scary as well, because there were some things i didnt even know were wrong and yadayada. and i think i dont know what i'm talking about anymore because i'm very confused and tired now. 0.0

walk the line.
Monday, February 20, 2006

omg i'm such a kid la. but i'm so damn excited about the zoo excursion in two weeks time!! :D :D hehehe.

anyway, weekend was spent watching a shitload of tv, including finally watching pearlharbour (which was great!) and attempting to bake a banana cake (all by myself excluding the fact that my aunt prepared all the ingredients and oversaw the whole procedure haha). wrong measurements and a new oven resulted in a slightly 'chao ta' and not as moist as it should be cake. but i'm still proud of it! xD

so freaking tired today. my appetite is just going down the hill. and the lack of eating proper food (i emphasise on proper food becaue i seem to have no problem eating the junk food) has made me prone to terrible terrible headaches. to make matters worse, school food is really making me sick. there's literally only five stalls i patronize, one of which is the drink stall and one of which is the snack stall.

after school, went to watch walk the line. which was really great! the music was awesome and the two leads were just amazing. a bit too draggy at the first part tho, especially for a tired soul. ok. i'm going to mark some books while i wait for my hair to dry and then go zonk out.

Friday, February 17, 2006

the weekend's hereeee. somehow i don't look forward to the weekends as much as i used to. i prefer the routine of school. bah. but anyway i'm so freaking tired. today was the first time i was too tired to even take a bath. i got home and just lay asleep at my table. and even though it was mother uncomfortable, i couldnt get up. i even had a dream i think.

today was the last day spent with that p4 class. and i'm truly thankful. because they are just unbearable for another second more. they make a whole new breed of noise man. it's grating and irritating and frustrating. i literally have to shout all the time. nearly had a heartattack man, seriously. these are kids who can't even shut up when it's a test and complain when i say no copying (wtf?!) so that's one goodbye i'm only too happy to say. thank goodness i managed to accomplish most of the things the teacher set out for me to finish in that one week. so next week it's back to coteaching the p3s. hip hip hooray!

this is my latest survivor crush.
his name is aras. which i think is totally cool. haha
and check out his funky hair!

nothing i have is truly mine.
Thursday, February 16, 2006

i'm so damn freaking tired. just now during lesson with my p4s, i was so drained i really felt like sleeping on the spot right there in front of all of them. it's so horrible when you're so so tired and people keep coming up to you and getting on every single of your worn out nerves and you can't escape it. don't even know why i was so tired just now. just got hit by the tiredbug. and hit really hard too man.

anyway, last night went down to the airport to send off debbie! :( buddyyy! i was really sad to see you go. :( gonna miss talking to you sosososo much :( please get msn ASAP!! booo.

RAH and i'm too tired to finish this.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

i'm damn pissed with my sister man.
i mean like
you go make all the problems, and then we at home have to deal with my dad's temper. wtf. it's seriously unfair or something?!
ARGH. i so didnt need that.

strange as it seems.

(i look like shit in this photo but i love these two girlies. hehe :D)

yesterday was misslam's birthday! HAPPYHAPPY NINETEENTH GIRLIE!!! (: hope you had a greatgreat time yesterday! and it was great seeing you outside of school and in town and in cute colourful clothes and a short skirt for a change. hahah. (:

so last night was spent at top of the m. i lovee that place. hehe. got back and plomped right into slumberland. it was sooooo hard dragging myself out of bed this morning. rah. and for what? for 2hr of free periods before my classes started. bloody hell i was so freaking bored i resorted to going to the school library and reading 'Encyclopedia Brown' books (which were one of my fav books when i was younger. hehe) school was alright. only worked three hours today. but it was pretty miserable, SO MISSLAM PLEASE COME BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW. I'M SO BORED ALONE THERE :( :(

after school, cabbed down to liming's house and then over to the club to tan. whee. i completely fell asleep on the pool chair cos i was so damn tired. woke up and then she helped me to mark a couple of worksheets. hahah it was pretty cool marking by the poolside in our swimsuits. then showered off and had some icecream! :)

lately i've been pretty stressed when it comes to smsing. for some reason i keep sending things to the wrong person or typing the wrong things. first i like nearly killed the surprise (and myself) when i sent 'xue's not going to school!' to none other than xueying herself. -.- and just now, i was so stressed smsing this teacher i typed a :( instead of a :) which completely changes the tone and meaning of the msg!!! i really hate the feeling of sending a msg you didnt mean to and then having to watch the screen go 'sending message' and even as you press the cancel button like ten million times, it still goes to 'message sent' >.< ok i sound a bit OCD here. oh but today i got like a really cool msg saying i won a pair of tickets to walk the line! how cool is that man. some 8days contest i just entered for fun. hahaha. anyone wanna watch with me?? :D:D

oh cow. there's firedrill tomorrow. i havent even managed to manage my new class of 25 10-year olds and now i gotta somehow lead them to the 'safety' of the field. speaking of this new class, they are really quite frustrating. all the p4 classes i've encountered were much bigger but also much more controllable. for one, i have one korean girl and two china girls and four china boys who are pretty much close to not understanding a word i say. and for some VERY WARPED reason, they seem to completely ignore my existence. like seriously, i'm talking to the class and they are playing some hand game with each other. ACROSS THE CLASSROOM. HELLO?! (but the two of the chinese boys are damn goodlooking man! all rosycheeked and all. hahah.) but i dont mind so much la. since i'm only doing this for a week. make that only three more days. :D

a season for love.
Sunday, February 12, 2006

yesterday, met up with liming to watch A Season For Love! don't be fooled by the happy looking poster and the title of the movie. the real korean title actually means A Sad Movie. and that title is truly apt. the movie was completely depressing. and even more because you dont expect it. from the way the movie is marketed and the funny and lighthearted way the movie was going. nevertheless, i loved it. couples who watch it on valentine's day might be sorely disappointed tho. hurr.

friday saw my last (hopefully) day full teaching my coform class. thank goodness because i've had it with the boys in that class crying. seriously, what's with little boys crying huh. i always thought it'd be the girls who would cry because their friends made fun of them and etcetcetc. at least they had the decency to look ashamed when i pointed out that over the last two days there'd been 5 criers, all of which where boys. next week i'll have to take over yet another teacher's full timetable again. gah. x( oh and the salary that was put in for the second part of jan was about 200 bucks short! booooo.

the world repeats itself somehow.
Thursday, February 09, 2006

was looking at my 'let's chat' book from primary four the other day. the book was something my p4 teacher (who happens to be my favourite teacher of all time) encouraged us to do. it was a book for letters between the student and teacher. and because i absolutely adored her, i wrote quite often. haha. it was really interesting reading it. cos now i have dual perspective. reading my letters to her, i remember being a primary school student, and how school and teachers seemed then. and reading her letters to me, i now realise and understand alot more the things she said to me.

and today, when this girl from my old form class came and sat with me as i marked my books on the bench, i realised i was completely living out my childhood dream. haha i remember how in primary school, teachers were the coolest people ever to me and marking books was my lifelong ambition. the other day as i was going to the staff toilet, i met a p1 girl i taught before and she was like 'hi teacher! where are you going?' and i said i was going to the toilet and she looked in such awe as i opened the door to the staff toilet and exclaimed, 'wow! so the big people go there?' hahaha it was the cutest thing ever, her amazement and the way she called us 'big people'.

i think i'm coming dangerously close to actually really liking my job. 0.0

take a shine to.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

a record breaking 9, or was it 10, teachers were on medical leave. i bet the fact that it was a wednesday (i.e. staff meeting day) kinda contributed to that. haha. i had to relief another teacher's whole timetable again. taking another teacher's classes for the day is really confusing and tiring. cos you have no idea where the kids are at (today the class gave me about 4 different pages the teacher apparently stopped at for the science textbook) and they just love to hand in random forms, money and letters. but i kinda had fun today. the p3 class i took over was pretty cooperative, save for the last two period of math where they all got a little wild. but it was cool cos i got to see some of my 3joy kids in the math class. whee :D

meetings are like the worst things ever. especially like after a whole day of work. it's just painful. there's a whole bunch of things coming up tho. like sports day, p5 camp (which i think i'm only a reserve so hopefully i dont get roped in because it involves a 11pm-7am shift), total defence day (which involves a fire drill) and the such. kinda exciting i guess. hoho.

oh and brownies today was pretty fun and less painful than usual. actually today was a pretty good day :) cept i missed out on yongtaufoo outing with the girls :( rawrr.

it's all about what not who i am.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

today was quite the nightmare cos my coteacher was on mc. after being away from the front of the classroom for so long (ok la only one and a half weeks haha), teaching was really really hard. especially to a group who needs me to repeat myself over and over and over again, coupled with a hyperactive boy, a boy who just can't stop talking and a plain rude boy (who REALLY pisses me off argh.) my patience was really like gone by the first period man. esp cos they blatantly thought that just because their teacher wasnt here i was going to play games with them. and maybe i would have, but i was given like this whole set of things to complete by the day. it was just complete shit. AND i'm so fed up with them calling me 'mrs goh', 'miss ghost', 'cher' and several other mangled names i can't even remember.

but anyway. today while i was eating, i was talking to a fellow teacher, and i've come to the conclusion that being a primary school teacher really is quite a good job. as a teacher, esp if you teach morning session, you have pretty darn awesome working hours, as compared to office hours. not to mention the school holidays. other jobs, you wont even get to see 20days of holiday in a year whatmore a whole month off in december. and you save so much on your meals because canteen food is cheeeaap. and really, i'd rather interact with kids the whole day than be in some bitchy office environment. naughty kids you have authority over is wayyy better than taking shit from superiors who have authority over you. and finally, why primary school? because it's the same pay as secondary school, and the kids are at the blissful state of innocence not teenage angst and hormonal imbalance.

oh yeah, and today as i was leaving school, a girl in my old math class was like excitedly bearing news of the return of my king of terrors (who had been having full blown chicken pox). it was damn funny. she was like 'miss goh! ****** is back already!!' and pointing and pointing in the direction of this boy in home clothes. hahah well, now that i dont teach him anymore i dont mind that much that he's coming back. in fact i think i kind of missed seeing his cheeky face during morning assembly. hehe

and i really miss my 3joy kids :( booooooooo.

retail therapy.
Saturday, February 04, 2006

this is bad but i think i've now become heavily reliant on shopping to make me feel happy. met up with grace just now for a pretty darn successful shopping trip. hahah. i'm now the proud owner of my paulfrank slippers! heheh they're so comfy they made me giggle out loud just now. and bought more work clothes that should tide me over for the next two weeks. bought my little bride too! hopefully it's good. shall start on it later. hehe.

i can't wait to watch this movie!! i'm completely in love with Im Soo-Jung (who's the girl in the second picture). actually the sneaks are out already, but i'll only be able to watch it next week. lots of other good movies coming out too! like WALK THE LINE and casanova! wheee. now i just need to find people to watch them with me. anyone? :D hahah.

in a rut again.

have been in a shitty mood alot the past few days. everyone just seems to be pissing me off, myself included.

yesterday was a mix of feeling completely redundant to nearly vommitting blood trying to explain singular and plural subjects and the correct verb that should be inserted. tried to rent some dvds home for the weekend but that got screwed up. wanted to buy something to watch over the weekend but there was nothing. the only good thing about yesterday was getting the tickets in the mail. but even that was not buzzing enough. i'm bored bored bored and bored. it's the weekend. but so what?!

oh, and what's up with brokeback mountain being R21 man. first they put up the posters at cine, only to take them down without the movie ever showing. and then they bring the movie back only to give it an R21 rating. my jakieeeeee :(((((((

Making mountains out of molehills.

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