goh, go, goal!
Friday, March 31, 2006

just had some major panic attack trying to change my courses for NUS. yes, just two hours before the deadline, and i switched my choices all around. and i have also decided to completely forgo SMU. i think it's just not the place for me. it's too rah-rah. thank goodness application for uni has somewhat come to a close. now i just wait i guess. ugh i'm so not looking forward to starting uni.

anyway, the last two days saw me drowning in marking. now i fully understand what my teachers meant when they said that for every piece of work we do, it's 40 times that for them. 45 times in my case. not to mention the fact that i have to clear everything, including bloody corrections, by this week before the new teacher comes in. so this morning i deployed some early birds to help me carry stacks of wbs down to the parade square and just conducted some mass corrections thing. and STILL i have corrections undone or wrong and books missing. omg it's a freaking nightmare chasing them for these things.

and today i had to relief pe again. i am just NOT in ANY way cut out to be a pe teacher. it just doesnt work man. disaster would be an understatement. two kids fell down. one had to be sent home. another two kids got into a fight and starting shouting vulgar words at each other. omg i had to physically hold them apart and sit through both sides of the long and complicated story before lecturing them to the best of my ability. and then later one of them went off with my pass and i didnt even realise until i had to get into the staffroom. 0.0

and that naughty boy from way back in my first math class has taken to shouting 'miss goh is an idiot!' or 'miss goh is a pig! a fat fat pig!' across the canteen or from the second to first floor. in fact a few of them are starting to do that. and it's really quite disturbing. i mean i'm not offended or whatever. i dont really care actually. but i think it's kind of embarrassing if other teachers hear it. and i really don't know what to do about it other than ignore them which only seems to make them shout it louder.

oh yes, and while rushing back to the staffroom so that i could have a quick bite before remedial, i was VERY UNFORTUNATELY stalled by a couple of p4s i used to teach. apparently some girl fell down and couldnt walk. but honestly, i think she was just hamming it up. i mean you can tell, from the exaggerated way she winced and reacted only sometimes when her leg was touched. but anyway, she just REFUSED to move and i couldnt very well ignore them. so i basically spent what was left of my lunch break helping her get to a bench. zzz.

ok anyway, it was my last day with 3faith today. strangely, out of five p3 classes, i would say that that was the nicest class to teach. because they actually want to study. so when you teach them you get response. and there are actually moments of PURE SILENCE when they do their work. except for those few that have made my throat extremely sore from screaming at them. but i've grown to like even those annoying ones. like these two very problematic kids who just LOVE to talk at the top of their voices and bully other kids. stayed back with them one day after school and they told me their story about how people used to bully them in p1. one of them is totally pro in the computer and screen too and completely saved my ass in class once when i just couldnt freaking for the life of me get the screen up. haha. and my surnamesake, the boy who's so damn vulgar and disruptive in class. after days of staying back during recess and after school and partnering me whenever they line up, i really have a soft spot for him now. it's strange how these kids are so annoying in a classroom environment, but one on one, they are really actually just good kids. i'll kind of miss them. but i'm still glad this one week's over. wonder what next week entails. i was so busy and swarmed this week i didnt have time to properly feel lonely in school yet. =x

anyway, went to watch V for Vendetta after sch with jol. the movie rocks! i really loved it. i want to watch it again tho, because i was kind of confused at the beginning. anyway, lido cinemas TOTALLY SUCK. esp the small ones. it's so small, so dark, so cramped, smells weird and the seats arent even elevated. so i had a pretty damn good view of the head of the person in front of me. boo.

totally tired now. have a STACK of things to mark over the weekend. and i'm feeling irritated. and i know but dont know why.

clouds, clouds, go away.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i'm so confused. i'm on the verge of just saying forget it to smu cos i just can't freaking be bothered to photocopy and send all those documents. especially if in the end i choose NUS. then what was the whole damn point of me doing all that work? and speaking of NUS, i have a very strong urge to change my first choice to psychology. because, to be dramatic, something stirred in me today. (HAHAHAH omg that sounds so weird) but like i really really feel like i want to be a primary school teacher. cos during the meeting today, they were talking alot about promotions and stuff. and i totally feel like i can do it. i mean it's something i can work towards. and most importantly, something i WANT to work towards. and if that is really the career path i want to take, then why the hell am i going to study business accountancy for the next three years?! i mean at least psychology is applicable. but then the practical bit kicks in. like if i lose interest in teaching, a specialised accounting degree will get me a job alot easier than a general psychology degree would. this is really so irritating.

random funny incident. these two boys came up to me and asked, 'miss goh! do you know where yang lao shi is?' and because i have no idea what the MT teachers' names are i had to ask which one that was. i was expecting some kind of physical description but all i got was, 'the chinese one'. 0.0

it's your love.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

wow today was the most 'up down' day ever. my class-for-the-week started to become annoyingly rude today. like there'e this one boy who keeps freaking screaming 'SIAO!' or like 'WA LAO!' randomly and it's SO FREAKING IRRITATING. he even like showed me the middle finger?! discreetly but like yah. and the math class is even worse (it always is). because ALL the rude boys from the original class stay there while about three other rude boys join in. so it's just PERFECT. they are very teachable, yes. but they are seriously arrogant and rude. some of them are nice la. (oh xue, remind me to show you this drawing some of the girls did of 'you', 'me' and our 'boyfriends'. hahaha.) and that's why i dont mind so much that i'll be spending this whole week with them. i guess.

and the marking's just piling and piling up. cos for this week i also have to mark everything by friday. and there are freaking 45 people in that damn class. so whenever i feel as if i'm done, in reality i'm only HALFWAY THROUGH! faints and dies man seriously. so i had to stay back for TWO FULL HOURS today to just mark books. my table in the staffroom's just too damn small with that big elephant of a computer taking up like half of the table already. so i moved outside to mark, but it was so damn HOT! so i had to move into the library to mark, where i was invited to sit with this bunch of p4 or 5 girls. so i sat with them cos i hate being alone hurr. but WRONG MOVE MAN! was totally distracted by their conversations. anyway, by the time i left school i was so darn tired and i still had tuition! which was plain horrible today. i dont know why teaching one kid takes such a toll on me. one and a half hours with one kid feels ten times worse than a whole day with 45 kids. i really dont understand why. =x

anyway, moving on to the more 'up' things of today. the teachers in my area are a completely funny bunch. i was seriously trying SO DAMN HARD not to burst out laughing when i heard them talking. haha shit man there was one point i thought i had to run to the toilet and laugh. have to do something about this. maybe i'll bring earphones and turn up the music on my computer man.

ok anyway. the better parts of today were spent with my fav p1 and p2 boys. haha. excuse me while i gush here. i'm so happy cos like recently my p1 boy's been talking to me again. yesterday he happened to walk next to me and was like 'hi! so long havent seen you already!' and started jumping around. omg he's so cute. then today during recess, he came up to me and asked him to help him 'make 50cents' with his coins. and showed me his sand painting. and while i was teaching my horror math class, he walked past and waved! :) he's really adorable when he talks because he talks right into your face with such unabashed enthusiasm. i just love that. wish i could be like him. haha

and now my new little bright spark. haha. shall call him JJ. he's from that 'annoying p2 class'. he's so FREAKING LOVEABLE man. he just has that big-eyed mischevious look that i totally cannot resist. cannot resist as in i can't get angry with him. haha even tho he's seriously damn naughty, but like once he smiles, you can't help but smile back. ever since i stopped teaching their class he's been coming up to me. like whever i walk pass their class to get to my new class, he'll come to the door and shout 'miss goh!'. and yesterday, while i was walking behind him, he kept turning and running and FELL DOWN THE STAIRS. hahaha omg. poor kido. today, also during my horror math class, he ran pass shouting 'hello miss goh!' :D ok i'm totally like going to school for this two darlings now man. and i dont even teach them. rawr. :(

Monday, March 27, 2006

NOTE TO SELF: please remember to do smu application ASAP!

i'm just so lazy to do it. the essays, the sending in of supporting documents and payment and not to mention the damn interview! but i've only got 4days left! egad.

anyway, i'm so friggin tired. and the weather totally sucks. it's so cold but hot!

this is random..

but this would be my dream phone. omg how beautiful and cool is it :(

i know nothing.
Sunday, March 26, 2006

went to check out the new cathay cineplex with liming yesterday. it's pretty cool! but quite hard to get there. for the first time at least. was so close to getting lost. it's really near smu tho! so that's another plus point for smu. being so near to a cinema. hurr. anyway, the cinema was the only thing open so far. all the shops and cafes were closed :( but it looks pretty cool! can't wait for it to be properly open :) had lunch at hotel rendezvous, another cool place i've been wanting to check out. then went for our movie, failure to launch. quite the typical rom-com. not worth watching on a weekend! haha. anyway, lots of new cool movies are coming up! cool beans!

had dinner with the family. and somehow, i ended up getting a new phone! haha. wanted to get the pink razr but there was NO STOCK. so settled for the black one instead. it's still cool tho because i only paid 63bucks! woohoo! too bad practically every other person has that phone. :( blame it on there there being a serious lack of attractive phones out there right now. anyway motorola is so confusing to use! it's like most of the buttons are the opposite of samsung's. like the select button for samsung is the cancel button for motorola and vice versa. so i'm completely lost trying to adjust now.

oh yes, and i FINALLY found the pride and prejudice dvd! yay! gonna go watch it. right after i teach my sister her math. damn i miss c math! haha.

if i die at least i tried.
Friday, March 24, 2006

OKAY. so the first week of school is over. no more PE hurrah. ended the day with that p2 class again. altho they were still just as annoying, i kind of find them cute now. and no, it's not just because they paid me so many compliments. HAHA. but yeah, they are pretty endearing, in an annoying way, paradoxical as that is.

and now i'm officially without a buddy at work :( actually i would have just quit too. because work pretty much sucks if you don't have someone to share your pain. but i really have nothing else better to do (haha). and the money's good. and i love hanging out with the kids. so i guess i'll just try hang in there, and see how unbearable it gets. eeeks.

so anyway, this is for miss lam xue ying, the bestest co-worker anyone could have asked for. i'm really truly supremely grateful that i had this opportunity to work with you. i can't think of anyone else who would have made the experience as fun as it was. for all the bus rides to school and back, recesses and lunch breaks in the canteen and in the staffroom, unbearable meetings where we sat in semi-silence together. for those times we sat in the canteen pointing out kids and sharing experiences or stayed back in school to mark the tons of work or decorate our classrooms (back when i had one haha). i'm going to miss looking out for you around school, and especially in the staffroom. although this sounds cliched, you were really there through the ups and downs of this job. so to the one who the kids think is malay as well as my sister/cousin/girlfriend/best friend, thank you, for sharing this experience with me. :) you'll be greatly missed! PLEASE KEEP YOUR PROMISE AND VISIT ME OK. haha.

oh gosh, i'm totally getting depressed now thinking of school next week. i think i might just get a panic attack when i see xue's empty table on monday. boooooooo. :(

my insecurities.
Thursday, March 23, 2006

omg i'm such a smart ass really. FINALLY sent in my application for NUS and like completely forgot to save the application number. had such a spaz attack trying frantically to find it. thank god seriously that i managed to get it back in the end. phew. anyway. SMU is so annoying. i mean seriously, they make it SO DAMN HARD to apply for a damn place in there. i really can't be bothered to do it. but like, i think applying for only one uni is quite unwise. plus i want to make use of my dumb SATs. ARGH.

so anyway, apparently i'm taking that pe teacher's timetable for the rest of the week. so yes, PE EVERY DAY! it's kind of nice hanging outside the classroom for a change tho. and my pe classes are all really nice kids. :)

lots of phototaking yesterday. staff photos. brownies photos. this is probably the first time i have to take so many photos for a school annual. haha. and brownies is getting more fun now! it's fun planning activities for the kids and my p5s are pretty creative too :)

second half of today was completely free for me so i went back to my coform class. honestly i did miss them quite a bit! it's nice helping out a group of kids who actually need your help. hehe. oh the scary thing is one kid from the p3 level has been diagnosed with hand-foot-and-mouth disease. and like the girl who apparently sits next to him in math class gave me a big fat hug in the morning. so yes, i'm quite worried now man. and so is xue since she just spent a whole day with that particular class. haha.

speaking of miss lam, TOMORROW IS HER LAST DAY!! :( :( honestly i've been quite bummed about that actually. because like, she is practically the only one i speak to in the staffroom. and the only one i can share silly experiences with or bitch with. not to mention, now i have to go to school alone every sad morning :( :( :( rahhhhh. i'm gonna miss you so so so so much miss lam! (haha i feel like one of your students now)

oh gosh i feel really sick and tired now. i hope it's just me being paranoid about the HFM disease thing. hurr. and dayum i have tuition now. ARGH I REALLY WANT TO QUIT THAT.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

am tired. have shitty cramps. this entry is going to be disjointed and erratic.

morning traffic really sucks. i was about to have a breakdown in the car this morning. was like freaking late and practically EVERY traffic light we ran into turned red just as we reached it. and THEN, my mum got freaking lost in sengkang. and getting lost in sengkang is ten times more frustrating than getting lost anywhere else because there are IDENTICAL hdb flats and mrt/lrt lines ALL OVER THE DAMN ESTATE. ROAR.

and then, today i was supposed to cover for, OF ALL PEOPLE, a PE teacher. and i dont know if i've mentioned this before, tho i'm sure i have, but i really CANNOT teach PE. but noooooo. even though i was clearly wearing heels and long pants, they still gave me a pe teacher's timetable. (ok i understand how they can't accomodate to me and all but i'm hormonally imbalanced and really tired now so i'm going to complain anyway.) so my first four periods were PE. first period, my old form class. was chaotic, as it always is with them. REALLY had no clue what to do so i let them play catching in the open field. halfway through tho, i was called up to take class photo with my coform class. so i had to like herd them up with me to the hall where they thought that THEY were going to take the photo. so there was a point of mad frenzy when they all wanted to go toilet to freshen up and the such until i had to scream at them that it was ME, not them, taking the damn photo. it was quite funny actually. haha.

phototaking was quite fun i guess. thankfully i was having an ok hair day :D i hope the photo turns out nice. hehe. then i headed to the staffroom and was SUPERLY relieved to find out that the p6s were having their CA1 so NO PE FOR THEM :D hehe. instead invigilated and collected tests papers. invigilating is majorly boring tho. i was literally bored to tears (from yawning).

for the p5 class, i did a pretty amazing job if i do say so myself. haha. i conducted shuttle run and we actually had a pretty PE looking like lesson. and i was quite proud of myself that the kids looked like they were having fun as well as getting a good exercise UNTIL one of them decided to tell me that they were taking photo in the next period and were not supposed to sweat so much. like AFTER the whole PE period. see, even when i think i'm doing something right, i'm actually really just screwing up as usual. oh well, for telling me AFTER everything, i just laughed into his face. hahah out of utter helplessness really.

the next PE period was a complete disaster tho. it seemed as if everyone was simultaneously having PE at the same time. so everywhere we went we got chased out. so finally, i brought my posse of p4s to this little walkway and ordered them to 'play whatever you want!' while i sat at watched them, before finally giving them an early recess.

so in just the first 2hours of the day, i was completely TIRED and HOT and SWEATY and FRAZZLED. this was followed by three free periods with absolutely NOTHING to do. i was so bored i started walking around the school, because i dont like staying in the staffroom with nothing to do.

and my lovely day was complete with the last three periods spent with the smallest but most annoying p2 class i have come across. they are like that arcade game. the one where little weasels or moles or whatever pop up from these holes and you have to use the hammer thingie to hit them. except i didnt have a hammer. but seriously, it's like, they just can't stay in their seats. little imps from VARIOUS corners of the classroom kept popping up of their seats and at one point of time i was just going around in circles telling the same people repeatedly to SIT DOWN!! words cannot express how irritating it was. not to mention this boy who threw a ball of plasticine up to the ceiling and told me it was a beetle. i really didnt know whether to laugh or cry man.

and i'm really sick of giving tuition. every tuesday and thursday i really dread the evenings. my kid is sooo ironically hard to deal with. cos he's really quite bright so he thinks he doesnt need any help. so whenever i try to help him he gets upset and it's VERY frustrating when that's precisely my job. and like he's so erratic. one day he's so tired and falling asleep on me. another he's so hyper he refuses to even sit down. and i dont know. i just really don't like him very much. which is weird. because i usually really like kids. haha.

ARGH this is disgustingly long. and i'm in pain. bah.

shy that way.
Monday, March 20, 2006

the weather truly completely sucks.

first day back in school. cute p1s in a messy chaotic classroom.

boy, that affirmation pretty much made my day (:

Saturday, March 18, 2006


ok so first, we had dinner at thaiexpress. i was stupidly too excited to eat. and liming is the best 'doctor' ever. she told me that MARSBARS are the best cure for gastric! hahaha. so after eating less than half of my pineapple rice, we headed down to grab a big ass mars bars to fill my tummy :) and i'm happy to report that it works! it really settles your stomach. hehe. walked around the esplanade - which is a beautiful place to hang out really. and there was this pretty good live band playing outside which made the atmosphere even better. :)

headed into the concert hall. managed to sneak my camera in, yay! haha. seats were great! close enough :) so the opening act was the unexpected. they were alright. it's just that you know, when you come to see someone, and you get something else, it just doesnt quite cut it. but yeah, they were alright. afterwhich, the lights came on without ANY indication whatsoever that it was intermission. i was just like huh?? haha but anyways, went to get our free drinks. and then hung around outside. taufik was like standing right in front of us. but it was only when he walked off that we realised it was him. haha

so back into the concert hall. the lights go down again. and like this two dudes walk out onto stage and everyone starts screaming and screaming. so both of us just start screaming and clapping too. (i'm so proud of liming cos she'd never even heard any of his songs before. haha) i seriously couldnt believe that was him like just, what, 10m away? toca and jasonmraz, they were both so cool. like just decked out in shirts and jeans. nothing fancy at all. but their presence was just whoa. so jason starts off with a little whistle. it was so cute. i think someone screamed 'i love you!' and i was just like ditto! hahah. ok here's the setlist i ripped off from the forums. heh.

1. Plane
2. Wordplay
omg i could have died when he sang that. i LOOOOVE that song.
3. Rocketman
i loved this. i seem to remember hearing it before yet i'm pretty sure i havent. haha.
4. Geek in The Pink
5. After an Afternoon
6. Unfold
7. Please Don't Tell Her
8. You and I Both
this one was really amazing cos at the chorus, the audience just started singing and it was awesome cos he stopped singing and let us sing while he played with a really cute smile on his face. and then went, 'that was nice' AWWWW! hahah.
9. The Remedy
10 0% Interest

1. The Boy is Gone (solo)
2. Life is Wonderful
3. I'm Yours

his voice is just seriously amazing. he didnt go off pitch ONCE throughout the whole damn concert. the music was just toe-tapping, tear-inducing, sing-a-long AWESOME. anyway, some of the best parts werent even when he was singing proper. there was this part where he sang a cover of some old song called Our House or something. and then he asked the audience to sing 'our house, in the middle of the street' but hardly anyone sang. probably cos we werent familiar with the lyrics and tune or something. so he was like maybe this song is too old. so he jumps right into the black eyed peas 'Where is The Love' and omg he did such a great version. he was all 'where is the love?' and jumps right back to 'our house, in the middle of the street'. haha. and he had some super chemistry with toca, who's just simply super on the bongo drums. oh and two of my favourite parts - jason's looking around the concert hall and goes 'this is beautiful. kind of makes me wish we dressed up.' and then he starts singing in operatic falsetto. and i just LOVE it when a male singer does falsetto. :D the other time was when he started making trumpet sounds or something. i was just blown away at that man.

ok i'm pretty out of words right now. i mean there's only so many times i can use the words 'amazing', 'super', 'awesome', 'great'. honestly, even those words don't do justice to the performance the both of them put up. i really really really wish that he had meant it when he said 'actually toca and i play here every friday night. this is just the first time we've promoted it' bah. i wish i was mad, rich and willing to spend. i would so fly over to australia now and book tickets for all four of his next shows. i seriously think his performances are ADDICTIVE.

anyway, stupid esplanade didnt allow photos. but what the hell. i managed to take a few! hehe.

toca the cutie bongoplayer and JASONMRAZ!!

my favourite picture :) even tho it's all fuzzy.

all happy and satisfied!

so after that, went to the equinox for some drinks and wedges. damn they charged us so much for that! but whatever. the drinks and food were good and we were hapyp so yeah. hahah.

ok i probably missed out so much. but there's just no way words can capture the coolness of last night. so yeah. i shall end off with two of my favourite pics of WHO ELSE!


Friday, March 17, 2006

ok i'm completely stoked. (i love that word btw. stoked. haha) i couldnt even freaking sleep last night! i can't IMAGINE i get to hear jason mraz live tonight. :D :D

"The rush of impersonal pressures to scribble a sad looking version of my own name on a napkin, a business card, a ticket stub, whatever, come flooding in. Within seconds my surrounding airspace is sucked into a vacuum rightfully reserved for teen people and tiger beat subscribers, who peel away not knowing anymore about me or themselves, except that this encounter might land them in tomorrow’s “look who I met” column. Did you really meet me? Or did your ticket stub meet my pen? Did we have a conversation? Or did you squander our time teaching someone how to take a poorly lit low-resolution photograph of you and I in the same frame?"

he seems pretty jaded tho. got that from his website. it's so depressing but well written.

apparently he allows video-taping of his concert tho. so i hope that means i can bring in my camera! it hell better be so! because i've been deleting many lovely memories to make space for him. hurr.

anyways, spent the morning watching my favourite morning programs this holiday - that 70's show and surreal gourmet. then dived into the most disgusting task of Cleaning My Room. today was only phase one - Clean My Wardrobe. but it sapped so much out of me. rah. just turning


and this



and this

took about two freaking hours. it's like packing a giant suitcase! without the excitement of going on a holiday. i was listening to jason mraz the whole time tho. haha to prepare for the concert!! omg i'm such a freak! but whatever man. ok. time to bathe and get ready!!!

stuck in the middle.
Thursday, March 16, 2006

ok i'm pretty convinced i'm suffering from gastricitis. that pain on the top of the stomach. the nausea. the bloatedness. and lately i've been eating ALOT of pineapples and chili which i believe are corrosive to the stomach or something? plus i NEVER have regular meals. even dinner can be taken fron 6-9, depending on when i feel like eating. not good at all man!

anyways, went for the bookfair at bras basah on wed! i've got a sudden penchant for children's books. yet another occupational hazard i guess. bought quite a few really adorable books with LOVELY illustrations. and they were all so cheap too! ranging from $2-5! :D then headed down to kovan to meet shar and fi, to check out that warehouse place. but it was even more pathetic than it usually is. so after spending approximately 5 minutes in there, we left. went down to plaza sing instead to do a wee little shopping.

went for a little swimming at laguna today. and now i have to meet a potential tuition student. afterwhich i have to go for tuition with my p2 boy. mannn. i'm such a workaholic. haha right.

ooooh i can't believe i get to see jason mraz tomorrow!!! can't wait! hehehe.

in need of a push.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

argh. i hateeee doing uni applications! why must they be so hard :( i just spent freaking one hour doing uni apps without any idea what i was doing or what i was applying for, only to keep closing the window because i realise i have to write some 300-1200 thing on what i can bring to the school, or what valuable thing i learnt from my (truthfully, non-existent) cca. i could have died when one of the forms asked me to list 'three of the most important ccas'. how about i only have one cca which i can't even bring myself to write down because we only had about 4 meetings in a year?? my head hurts and i really honestly dont feel like applying anywhere cos i dont want to study anymore. especially if i make the wrong damn decision and have to deal with wasting 4 freaking years of my life on a completely irrelevant and boring course. argh.

anyways, went shopping with rachel at bugis today! spent quite alot on tops! haha but they were quite good buys i guess. so it's good :D hehe. i'm completely overdosing on sugar. which is bad. but the more i tell myself to cut down, the more i pile it on. like today i kept popping in yucky cola haribos and ribena pastiles the whole day. plus i had a chocolate eclair from beard papa (which was really awesome but!). and when i got home, i kept eating my apricot delights. oh yes, not to mentioned the canned pineapples in the morning. and the whole day, i drank less than a bottle of water. i'm so screwed. i'm supposed to be almost diabetic! ok i am SWEARING OFF SUGAR for the rest of the holidays. i mean it!!

nothing can be everything.

yesterday was such a dumb day. i literally spent the whole morning on buses. went with the p5s for their learning journey. apparently sengkang isnt that a cool a place after all because it took freaking 30minutes just to get to suntec city. and i was sitting on a sideway seat about 10cm away from the front screen because the darn bus was so small. off the bus, i had to herd 40 students through suntec city and onto the hippo buses. (tho i must say i did a pretty commendable job in keeping them quiet. hehe) afterwhich i had to go to the toilet. and when i got back to the bus i realised it was already leaving, with all the kids, and without me! which wasnt so bad a thing except their form teacher wasnt there either so i was kind of supposed to watch over them. SO i had to chase after the bus like an idiot while the kids on top were like 'hi teacher! we left without you! hahah' i was like!!!!! but anyway, i managed to get on the bus, as well as squeeze in a couple more kids from the other class. but alas, there was no more space on top, so i stayed downstairs with some of the kids. which was just dumb, because effectively, it just meant another 30mins in an airconditioned bus driving around singapore. it completely defeated the purpose of the hippotour seriously. however, i kind of realised the city is seriously pretty cool! some of the buildings are really pretty. like the supreme court and fullerton hotel etc. after we got off the hippo tour it was BACK ON ANOTHER BUS for another 30min ride back to school.

when i got back to school, i was pretty surprised to see so many of the kids in sch. it looked even more crowded than a school day actually. apparently, other than the p5 camp, there was also a malay camp going on. anyway, i couldnt bear staying in school any longer so i freaking left 45mins before i could claim full day pay :( roar. so instead i only get half day pay :( bah.

went to go cut hair. and the first thing the hairstylist said was 'not working today?' and i was like yes! finally someone who thinks i'm about my age (older actually haha) but later he asked if i was married and i nearly died. do i look that old?!?!

hm the electricity was supposed to go off from 10.30am to 1.30pm today. but it's already 1.15 and it's still on??

maybe we're running out of time.
Saturday, March 11, 2006

went for nus and smu open houses today. wasnt entirely helpful tho. i have no idea what i'm studying to become. and more and more i'm considering just going into nie because teaching seems like a pretty viable job option to me right now.

after smu, headed down to marina square/suntec with shar for some shopping and movie. omg and we had some of the most hilarious moments ever. from banking the wrong cheque to nearly killing ourselves jaywalking to having an atm machine spit out 20bucks to us. so we used the 20bucks to buy our nanny mcphee tickets. haha we seriously tried to return it to the guy but he insisted it wasnt his so we were left standing there with 20bucks in our hands. oh and my goodness, town was so freaking crowded today! it was DISGUSTING. there was literally a human jam. like there were moments where the crowd just stopped moving. it was insane man. yucks i truly hate crowds :(

just 5 more days till mraz! :D :D

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

so after a whole month, i finally got my SATs scores in the mail today. and i feel a bit stupid for taking them because i have no idea what i'm supposed to do with them now. i don't even know what's considered a good score. but they're pretty alright i think, going my the national percentile. haha.

anyways, today was sports day! omg have i mentioned how much i detest sports days?? i'm one of the most unenthusiastic persons when it comes to things like sports day. the last time i was a competitor was like when i was in primary one, in one of those tele-matches. and i utterly hate cheering and people telling me to cheer when i don't feel like it. so it was quite ironic that my duty for today was to get the kids in GREEN HOUSE to cheer. anyway it was so boring i was literally falling asleep on my feet. i was only interested in the p4 races really because that was the only level where i could actually recognise some of the kids. i mean it's boring enough seeing people running round the track race after race after race. it's even worse when you can't tell one runner from the next or simply don't care who comes in in whatever position. and also, the p4 level was the only level my house was actually winning in. haha.

thankfully, it was all over by noon. went off for lunch at compasspoint and then some shopping in town. retail therapy kind of had the opposite effect today. which is kind of good because i didnt spend too much even tho it was PAYDAY! finally tried fried mars bars which is really not worth the calories. aaand that's about it for today! only two more days left for term 1. i'm kind of sad because that means i'm that much closer to finishing this job and having to think about the future and stuff. i kind of liked the whole working while waiting for results period. it was good. bah.

smother me not.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

it's been a pretty family weekend! saturday night was spent at uncle richard's house for a special family gathering including sha and jiffy! woot! how i wish they lived in singapore :(

celebrating jiffy's birthday; one month in advance. haha

on sunday, aunty angie took sharlene, sean and his gf, sha, jiffy, my sis and i to crystal jade at paragon for lunch. my goodness. i never knew crystal jade could be so posh. haha. in my mind, crystal jade has always been a relatively reasonable place to get a good bowl of la mian and xiao long bao. but anyway, ate sososo much that i couldnt even eat dinner that night. haha. the food rocks tho! then went shopping for a bit. then went to watch final destination 3. gosh that is one highly disturbing movie man. i think that too contributed to my inability to eat that night. headed over to heeren for dinner and neoprints!

us in the neoprint booth. :D

then on monday, was given another whole timetable to take over again. roar i thought that was like over! but anyways, this time i was taking a p1 class so it wasnt so bad. i really like the p1s, they are really easy to manage. i mean once you raise your voice, they pretty much listen to you. plus they are easily occupied with simple group games and colouring. so i had fun that day :D plus i got to see my fav p1 class again! cept i dont think they're so cute anymore. after they all decided to simultaneously scream at one point of time. they are cute to look at yes, but not so cute to be in a room with for prolonged periods of time. my cute boy gave me a little drawing tho! (or doodle as they call it haha) :D

then it was zoo time! didnt want to eat cos i only had 20mins and i figured gobbling down a lunch and then going on a bus to freaking mandai would not be too good an idea. anyways, to my delight and horror, i got to accompany my old form class. delight because i really do like that class and horror because they are very rowdy and can be a teeny bit irritating at times. but it wasnt too bad cos i wasnt in charge. haha so anyway, on the bus, they pretty much made me feel like the most popular kid in class man. what with everyone sitting around me giving me sweets, biscuits, chips, nuggets etc. (see why i like them. haha) some of the kids kept on trying to snap photos of me tho, and very unglam ones too. (see how they can get irritating.) the bus ride was surprisingly quite short! sengkang is like this super cool place that's near everywhere man. walking through the zoo with a bunch of kids is no joke tho! walking around the zoo is tiring enough. imagine having to herd 43 kids who can't keep in their lines, and keep complaining about being tired or hungry or that the zoo's very smelly (i mean duh!). halfway through i was starting to feel dizzy from the lack of food but i still had to press on! AND THEN, horrors of horrors, it started to rain. omg. we were like in the middle of no where and i saw no shelter and some of the boys refused to walk faster because apparently they wanted to get sick. and i couldnt leave them behind me so i practically had to push them to walk faster. thank goodness for one of the girls who insisted on sharing her umbrella with me. haha. oh and when we walked past the sealions, some of them had the cheek to go 'hi miss goh!' to the sealions. i was like SHUT UP! (but of course not actually using the words shut up la. hahah)

anyways, the zoo's changed so much! walking through it, i felt like i had never been there before. i think it's time for a revisit! without the kids of course. haha

i thought the new signboards were way cool! (no one else seemed to think so tho....)

how cute! and they're real!

cute as mousedeer!

didnt think i was going to make it to sch today. when i reached home yesterday, i practically went to bed straight away, without even eating dinner! but dragged myself out of bed. and got yet another full timetable! so today, i let some p6s play basketball, played win lose or draw with a p1 class, read some stories to another p1 class (and i realise reading stories is quite hard! having to make it sound interesting and all.) and chased my stupid king of terrors all around his classroom and to the toilet and back, amongst other periods of just sitting in a class, trying to negotiate with pupils to return to their damn seats.

AND, today is freaking baking man! please let the weather be cool and breezy for sports day tomorrow!!

now and then.
Saturday, March 04, 2006

whew. am i glad yesterday's over and done with. somehow the retesting thing completely worked itself out with much help from one of the nicest (in my opinion) HODs. :) and while the p4 class completely made me want to tear all my hair out and stab myself multiple times, i managed to finish their corrections and say my long awaited goodbye to them. took two p3 classes, one of which i spent the time folding origami with (since it was their music lesson anyways) and the other which was surprisingly cooperative. and finally, saying goodbye to my p6 class was a piece of cake. i came in 15mins late (because i had to give a test to another class) and then all i had to do was give out their confirmation slips for psle and the bell rang. whoop :D so yesterday was actually a pretty good day :D

after school, my mum picked me up with shalini (!!), ta ee and baby lucious in the car! it was so great to see them after a day's work. ESPECIALLY SHALINI who i've not seen in singapore since like i was in primary school! :D so anyway, had lunch at compasspoint. and lucious is seriously the most adorable thing in the universe. he bounces when he's happy! and stood on his chair and proclaimed 'i can do division!' (he's only three btw) and he talks in baby gargle that only sha seems fully to understand. hahah oh and in the car, he stuck out his foot at me and said 'i like you!' aw man i love that baby boy :D hung out at ta ee's house for a while before heading down for dinner at j8 with my sis and other cousin. came back to our house and looked through sha's holiday pictures (she just came back from 6weeks in europe! LUCKY THING!). omg i want to go to italy! venice! monaco! it looks so seriously cooooool. i think europe's got to be the most beautiful continent in the world. tried to stay up till 1 which was when rajiv was arriving but i simply couldnt so i went to sleep while the rest went to the airport. and then i woke up today at 1pm with a horrible headache and nothing to do now 0.0

and i just found out that i have to go on the learning journey with the p5s on monday. but it's a hippotour i think! which is kinda cool i guess. haha

why ask when there's only one damn answer.
Thursday, March 02, 2006

omg please tell me this is pms.

i'm going insane with this whole emotional frustration and sheer irritation. in school, i just get so annoyed that they gave me two shitty classes for a whole week. the p4 class just wont stop talking, wont listen even when i scream and scream and scream, and i just feel so claustrophobic in there cos the classroom seems exceptionally small, and there seems to be alot of them in there. the p6 class just hates me i swear. i can't even be bothered to make them greet me. and there's this bitch, i really hate her man. she's this like super bossy, loudmouthed and rude girl who pisses the hell out of me. ARGH i really hate that class man. thank goodness there's only one more period left with them.

BLOODY HELL and the worst part is i'm effing screwed now because i screwed up. (ok i just realise how stupid that sentence sounds) i thought i only had to give the retest to 2 pupils when it was actually 3. (YOU CAN'T REALLY BLAME ME OK I WAS HORRIBLY PREOCCUPIED BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO COLLECT MY A LEVEL RESULTS THAT DAY) and i didnt admit it to the teacher just now when she called me. so i'm screwed screwed screwed. cos i don't have a period to let him do it and i have to get it done by tomorrow. ARGH. i really don't like the HODs, so WHY IN BLOODY HELL DO THEY KEEP MAKING ME COVER FOR THEM AND MAKE ME SO DAMN STRESSED! :( :( :( :( ARGH and have i mentioned i HATE P6s!! they are hormonally imbalanced, rude brats that have NO REDEEMING FEATURE to them. ARGH

AND, at home, my parents just keep on talking about uni and hello i just got my results yesterday i really don't want to even think about this now. especially when i've just had such a day. and i'm losing my ability to be coherent now. and i really think i'm not cut out to be a teacher anymore (i know i'm digressing) because all i seem to be doing lately is screwing up or being redundant. and i hate the feeling of disapproval i think i get from the other teachers. and some of kids either just won't leave me alone or won't bloody stop talking and it's really getting on every last nerve i have left. and i really hate feeling this way and whinging this way.

anyway, on a different note. results were a sigh of relief because i got exactly what i was targeting for. whoop for gp tho because i really thought i'd screwed it up, what with not finishing my summary and all. and sports heats today was kind of amsuing. some of the teachers are really funny and nice. :) i hate the whole idea of sports day and everything tho. i've hated it ever since i was in primary school as a student. and being in that bus right smack in the middle of all those sweaty kids was just pretty horrific.

shit i still don't know what i'm going to do about that retest thing. i thought writing about it here would make it seem less like an issue but i'm really screwed. more because i didnt admit that i hadnt given all three the test than anything else. and my sentences are really sounding funny so i will stop now.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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