Wednesday, May 31, 2006

i'm too tired and lazy to blog about the yesterday. except that camp was horrible and my legs have been bitten excessively by stupid mosquitoes. and i LOATHE cheering.

i was so so tired in school today. anyway, it was one of the kids birthday! so i got a goodie bag. haha. i miss primary sch days with all these birthday treats. oh and a bird's nest fell outside our classroom. it was pretty sick because baby birds (shit is there a name for baby birds? i thought there was..) were like splattered on the floor. OKAY that sounded pretty damn sick. but honestly, it was pretty damn sick alright. the baby birds barely even had any hair on them and they were like lying all over the floor. like they couldnt even lift their heads up. eeks. ok in case i'm creating an image of like a floor strewn with struggling baby birds, there were only three. but still UGH. i hate birds but they looked pretty poor thing :(

apparently i was supposed to meet with my supervisor today but i totally didnt know about it so i missed it! so had to wait for her after school to reschedule. and it's quite freaky because i have to fill in this 10page long review thing which i honestly am not really sure how to do it! thank goodness for ferlynn tho for letting me refer to hers. seriously, i owe her too damn much. argh will have to do it soon (equals later).

anyway, i have a total crush on him man. he's so CUTEEEE.

freebie day.
Monday, May 29, 2006

got to school feeling really disorientated because it was 30 minutes later than usual. saw different people at the bus stop/in the bus etc. the bus stop was overflowing with mj students. it was really intimidating actually as i sat there, not in uniform, munching my banana sandwich.

anyway, when i got to the office, the school was abuzz with activity. (omg that sounded totally like it was from a pri/sec composition.) anyway, the p and vp are so sweet because they bought apples for all the teachers and stuck little stickers on them. this is mine!

heehee. so cute. i guess it's kind of like a little treat since we have to work during the hols. remedial lessons was kinda fun because ferlynn was the one delegating work and she always gave me the better students. haha. oh and one of the students gave me a really nice drawing, but it said "to miss goo" on it. i dont want to be goo :(

after lessons, ferlynn gave some of the kids a pizza treat. which i enjoyed as well, even though my SA1 didnt improve HAHA. was scooping out pizza for the kids with my bare hands and it was pretty damn disgusting. anyway, everyone (in skps at least) seems to be raving about pelican pizza. i tried it that once when val was giving a thank you treat but i didnt eat much because i had (surprise surprise) no appetite then. i shall have to source out the number and call in sometime! i realise, kids (or actually people in general) are alot friendlier when you have pizza boxes sitting in front of you. haha. we had alot of smiling visitors stopping by while we sat there for an hour or so waiting for some of the kids.

hung around till i fulfilled by 5 and a half hours and passed time by FINALLY cleaning my table. the whole 5months i've been there i never even wiped it at all so yes it was pretty gross. haha. then rushed home for tuition! and when i left, i left with 5 steaming hot rice dumplings. haha his mother was steaming them the whole time we were having tution and totally tempting me with the smell. she's really damn nice la, always giving me stuff. hehe.

ok actually i dont know how come this entry became so happy sounding because i was actually quite annoyed at various points of the day. i realise i have zero patience and tolerance for people i dont like. and i'm feeling annoyed and beyong irritated and so put off but also guilty at feeling this way because it's not this person's fault. and argh. i'm so disgusted at my disgust.

anyway, my cramps have decided to kick in at the most opportune time. 11 hours of FUN and TEAMBUILDING and CHEERING at pasir ris park tomorrow. i can barely contain myself. actually no lah, i'm hoping it'll be fun. it's just that argh why must my period come today :( anyway, i'm a super worker (ha ha) so i shall pull through! yeah! :D

sugar and oil ball.
Saturday, May 27, 2006

i realise i'm more scared of having too much time than having too little time. just an observation.

anyway, i feel quite retarded now because i just returned from tuition whereby i gave no tuition at all because they forgot there was tuition. this is partly my fault because i changed the tuition from thurs to today. i sat in their empty house for about 20minutes before going back home. anyway, the mum called me just now and she was apologising so much i felt kinda bad too. hurr.

i'm having a really bad headache from excessive screen watching. from the moment i woke up i've been alternating between the computer screen (youtube!) and the telly screen (full house!). i have also been gorging myself on macs fries and honey gold flakes and sara lee cakes. so i'm highly overloaded on sugar and oil which is pretty disgusting if i do say so myself. i have this urge to go take a run or do some form of exercise to balance things up but i think i'm just being silly. i havent even ran ever since like pft last year. what makes me think i'll even make it round the block =x

i'm craving for wafers (more sugar!) and any form of bread right now. i'm an utter bread lover. and curry lover. and sushi lover. and tomyam lover. and a freak as well.

last day rush.
Friday, May 26, 2006

it was a rather eventful last day of school today. the principal came back finally. an emergency focus meeting was called. followed by a p4 camp meeting. and then during assembly, SIX teacher were leaving and bade farewell to (is there such a thing? bade farewell to?) i was also told then that i had to go to hougang stadium after sch for the p5 pft. then ANOTHER p4 camp meeting which took a whole period. rushed up to 3faith, which i was taking for the day, to collect report books and like three(times fortyfive) forms.

then there was a long peaceful 2hour break where i could finally breathe and take in all that had happened in the morning.

then it was back into the mad rush. an hour of p2 art which was spent punching holes, tying notes shit i mean knots, and cutting things for the kids. then dived into p3 math which is ALWAYS a disaster. i dont know what is it about math classes but they are always worse than english classes. rude boys who really hurled some abuse at me but i was too tired to scold them or retaliate so i was just like whatever. it was the last period of the last day of school anyway and there was no work for them to do. so i just let them all off ASAP.

back to the staffroom. i was feeling really nauseated. couldnt eat anything. and then the toot next to me went and turned the airconditioning to like 29degrees or something. was so freaking hot and stuffy. come to think of it, it's quite weird. she always makes the temperature so high. and the teacher on the other side of me always likes to make the temperature so low. so it pretty much always sucks for me. marked books for a whole hour when all i felt like doing was sleeping. then bused down to hougang stadium in an overcrowded bus of p5s. was really a nightmare for me cos i really felt like throwing up.

got to the stadium and all i had to do basically was count the number of rounds for the kids to make sure no one was running extra rounds or whatever. it amazes me how they aren't even capable of counting their own rounds such that they need four teachers per class to count for them. but whatever. it was quite fun watching them run. because as a student i had always envied teachers in charge of pft as they just sat/stood there while i ran and ran and ran in the freaking sun. then bused back down to school. marked a few more books before leaving the school. it's a weird kind of last day of school when you still have to come back on monday. at least i won't have to go to little india! they kindly let me off :) haha.

got a lift from d. grabbed some tomyam naan from breadtalk. my new favourite bread! it's like damn shiok. haha. then headed over to her house to catch the debut of stained class argh i mean GLASS. which kind of sucked, or maybe i was too tired, because i fell asleep halfway 0.0

bread girl.
Thursday, May 25, 2006

i'm losing track of my days. cos there's no school to help me keep track of them. i keep thinking it's the weekend. =x

wednesday. dental in the morning. good lunch at the airport canteen with dad (i think i got charged staff price! haha) an afternoon of fullhouse. dinner and shopping with xue :)

today. morning rush for xmen with liming. movie was pretty good. but my all time favourite xmen movie is still X2. haha. down to bishan to cut hair with jol. but when i walked into the house just now, neither of my parents even noticed that i had cut it 0.0 i like it tho. it's neater and thinner and not drastically so. i've eaten a shit load of bread today. subway. yummy tomyam naan from breadtalk. one and a half mini buns. gonna become a fat man tou soon.

first two days of june holiday i have to go to little india and then a day camp at pasir ris park with the p4s. rah i'm having a real bad headache now. and there's tuition laterrrrrr. x(

over the (h)edge.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

i think the bad parts of today shall be reduced into short phrases.

undue panic attack from bearer of bad news.
routinely annoying coform class.
rude push from a little big terror.

on a happier note. i wasnt called back for PFT! and the cutest thing happened when i went for my last period p2 class. the harmonious p1 kids started tumbling out of their classroom and running to me like jumping jelly tots spilling over and out of their container. they are really so adorable. but only because i wasnt going in there. haha.

anyways, went to catch over the hedge just now with jol and youfei. it's a damn good movie! freaking hilarious and adorable. and i absolutely adore HAMMY!

mrs whippy.

i want to read this book! i love everything about it already. the author, the book cover, the name and the storyline. but i think it's only sold in the UK which really truly kinda sucks. :(

a day with mr roly poly.
Monday, May 22, 2006

so today the p3 teachers were supposed to put up a skit during assembly. and i only found out like this morning. because one of the other teachers was absent, i was given the role of the narrator. and being the idiot who can't say no that i am, i just agreed. but i was like freaking out the whole day about it because i have severe extreme stage fright. =x THANK GOODNESS we had a rehearsal and i was such a bundle of nerves speaking into the mic and hearing my voice echoing throughout the hall, that ferlynn asked if i was actually comfortable doing it. to which i blurted no like a sigh of relief. so i ended up being the stereotypical loser character in all skits - the tree. LMFAO. it was so damn retarded. i had to stand on a chair in the middle of the stage with leaves pasted on me. but thank goodness i didnt have any lines. hehe. props to the other teachers tho, for their excellent impromptu acting, narrating and improvision of props. :)

after assembly, when i was feeling all pathetic being a tree and all, my little p1 boy came up to me and said, 'miss goh! i saw you on stage! you're a good actress!' hahaha. man i love that boy. :)

after school, was the science center excursion. and i must say i'm very disappointed with the science center! it's become really boring and educational! it is also extremely far away. nearly died on the bus ride home because there was a jam as well. and the kids who hijacked my seat in front were jabbering non-stop i had to escape to the back with the other teacher. it was nice being BEHIND the kids and kind of away from their noise, but it was SO bumpy! i got damn bus sick man. ugh.

tomorrow there's PFT for the p5s and 6s. i'm on reserve. i hope i dont get called cos it's till 6. eeks. but then again, i have no school on wed on thurs so it kinda works out i guess. cept i don't get paid but yeah.

anyways, i was so damn happy yesterday because i got confirmation that grace is going to NUS FASS as well! hehehe. now the prospect of school doesnt seem so bad. especially now that i have someone to TAKE TRAIN WITH ME ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! WHOOOHOOO :D :D

hiccup hate.
Saturday, May 20, 2006

ok i was just dying from a really horrible bout of hiccups. and then i got really desperate, so i googled for hiccup cures and came up with a whole bunch of really useless hold your breath or drink lots of water cures as well as a few other pretty ridiculous ones. and NONE of them worked. finally, i came across this site. and i dont know if it's a coincidence or whatever, but it was really effective! i just did steps one to four and the hiccups were cured. HURRAY FOR GOOGLE AND THE PERSON WHO INVENTED THIS CURE!

anyway, yesterday was the finale of amazing race! and again, my favourites won! bj and tyler, a.k.a., the hippies. maybe this means that taylor hicks is gonna win AI5? haha i'm such a reality tv junkie. =x

ok random rantings aside, today we finally got to cycle! haha. two solid hours! well not really, cos we stopped many times to take photos. haha

eeks, please excuse my squinty eyes. haha

the most troublesome shot ever. but i like it :)

and this picture is cooler than it looks cos the mirror is actually 3dimentional, not flat. which also explains why we all look kinda distorted. hahah.

with the cool mirror again.

and my crazy gravity defying friends. haha.

cycling is really really tiring. my whole body is aching right now. or maybe i'm just horribly out of shape. i'd like to think, and shall, that i've burnt alot of calories today. more from laughing too much though haha. on the other hand, i've consumed a shit load of sugar. ice cocktail, magnum almond and mango meiji youghurt. eek.

ok i'm so tired now i shall lie on my bed and watch A Love To Kill. Bi is really the most adorable thing ever. :)

crash and burn.
Friday, May 19, 2006

today started off quite nicely. after two days away from school i felt quite disoriented actually. but anyway, when i got to my desk, there were a couple of nice things there. haha. for one, my photos! FINALLY got them. well some of them at least.

my lovely p3 teachers! :D

and my lovely coform class. -.-

also got a letter about the p4 excursion to the science center on monday (yay! i'm probably more excited then most of them. haha) and a letter from one of the girls in my coform class. it was kinda sweet. too bad she annoys me alot in class. shit i'm such a horrible person.

but the BEST thing about this morning was, as i was walking down to the parade square, i bumped into FERLYNN! she was back! hahah. i was so freaking happy man. i was like 'YOU'RE BACK!' GRIN GRIN GRIN :D

so i happily walked to the parade square thinking i could finally take a break from annoying 9 year olds who have ZERO or maybe negative respect for me. but horror of horrors, the timetable i was given for today was my old timetable. which consisted of 5 periods with 3joy. HA. so much for taking a break from annoying 9 year olds with no respect for me. it was so sad and ironic how my morning came crashing down.

anyway, during tuition yesterday, i was discussing pet names with my kid. and i want to get a brown dog with black spots and call it chocolate chip cookie. hehe

oh yes, and buddy, if you're reading this, thanks for the warning on your blog! hehe. i'm staying away from your blog for now in case i 'accidentally' read that post. anyways, let me know when you have a new entry up! :D

a kick out of nothing.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

this is so retarded. but i just adopted some eggs. hehe.

rusty and unused.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

i was just thinking, if i werent such a ditzy person, alot more better things would happen in my life. ok not so much better things, but definitely more things would happen. i'm utterly amazed at how i can forget my anger so fast. and also and how i can forget my problems as well. it's like, i have a problem at hand, yet i can push it way into a corner of my brain and it only comes back again at the very last minute where i absolutely have to resolve it. and i still havent figured if this is a good or bad thing.

anyway, today sucked. i managed to swap two of the seven periods for other periods. those other periods were complete heaven man. it was as if i had been chained to that secluded mad house way up on the fourth floor for the past week and had finally been let out to interact with more normal people. the p5 class was cooperative for themselves, the two p1 classes were an absolute joy (i love p1s. it takes so little to shut them up. and they are so small and cute. and one class cheered when they saw me. hahaha what a way to inflate my ego man.) and the p4 class was so quiet when i entered i thought they were having an exam. i didnt want to break the silence so i didnt even ask them to greet me and just skulked into the class. and to my UTTER surprise and joy, the silence was maintained. HOOOOOooooray.

anyway, on to the sucky part. my five periods with that zoo. it's just such a downward spiral with them man. they are driving me up the wall and making me psychotic. and i am really freaked out by how i become when i'm in that class. in the last period, i was screaming at them and trying to teach them LENGTH which they don't freaking get. you know, i cannot tolerate extreme stupidity. it really pisses me off when people just DONT GET IT. i'm not even talking about accademics. they are all like sieves. tell them something and it just goes zip right through the left ear and out the right. scold them and they smile at you (that pisses me off the most!) and i'm so pissed with myself as well for not having enough patience and control.

ANYWAY, took a nap after work then went down to cityhall to meet shar, fi and karen for dinner. but all i had was a pork floss bun and waffles and icecream. eeks. my stomach feels fat and bloated and it feels like it's going to explode. and i kind of wish it would because it feels really uncomfortable.

and aras won survivor. the first time ever that my survivor cutie won. but i don't really like his personality. and he became fat at the reunion!

and every day i love you less and less.
Monday, May 15, 2006

i'm so confused/conflicted (see i dont even know which word to use). i want to tell yan seah that i don't want to take my coform class anymore for tomorrow, since she's already given me that option. but i just looked at the absentees board for tomorrow and the form teacher of my king of terror's class is absent tomorrow. so i'm scared, with my luck, i'll end up getting that class instead. and i kind of don't know which is worse. at the same time, i dont even feel like going to school tomorrow because there's survivor finale till 2AM later on!

and i'm so damn tired i want to sleep but i'm scared i won't wake up and end up missing my finale! (i don't actually know why i watched this season because i don't like any of the survivors this time round.) and i feel really sick and nauseous but i'm getting hunger pangs every now and then.

just watched oprah on ch5 and it made me cry :( haha how dumb. but anyway, i think she makes a great salesperson because she made me want to go and get all those things that were on her "Oprah's Favourite Things" list. ESPECIALLY the food and in particular the Garrett Popcorn Shops' CaramelCrisp® and CheeseCorn™ Tin and Brownies from Moveable Feast Geneva and Pure Color Cords (ok this aint food). damn. consumers in the US are so lucky!

old school.
Sunday, May 14, 2006

so yesterday, originally planned to go cycling, but the weather totally played us out :( so spent the day all over tampines and pasir ris. ate alot, but also walked alot to justify our eating. haha. anyway, it was really nice catching up with jol and youfei :)

this is us with our giant maccas stuff at toys r us. haha.

and while uploading pics from my cam. this was from wayy back during karen's birthday thing.

i really like this pic. haha we look so happy for a pair of tired people waiting for time to pass at chijmes. xD can't wait to see the rest of the wedgies on tuesday hopefully!

am watching super rookie now. and i think that she is so damn pretty,

and he is so hot!

a big yay for TS cos they sell subtitled korean dramas. and for my aunt who buys them. haha.

ok i have totally forgotten about the stack of things i brought back to mark and prepare for next week. ack. next week. argh. oh wells. i smell curry! so i shall worry about that after dinner. haha. :D

real don't cut it.
Friday, May 12, 2006

yay a good day! :D had a good morning of sunshine, water, laughs and yummy nasi lemak with liming.

then went down town to shopshop a bit. finally got myself a nice pair of shorts! at a good price too! :D and FINALLY got to a big bookstore. kino is a book heaven man. it's just a tad bit confusing. i was literally walking around in circles at one point of time. huh.

got myself a pair of pink chick lit books. haha that's all i've been reading lately, chick lit. eeks. anyway, i think that children books are so much more intriguing than adult books. children books are filled with things that stretch imagination and take you on an adventure, while adult books are basically just clever takes on life or social comments or whatever else. it's so realistic and rigid. too bad children books are always with TOO BIG WORDS and really short in the sense that i would finish it all too quick, thus making it not worth it to buy :(

then popped over to hmv and we were both DELIGHTED to find that they were stocked with our favourite duo's new album! :D grabbed one each! hehe.

headed over to cine to catch poisedon. great movie! i just love movies where people are fighting for survival but at the same time the human spirit in them still risks their lives to help others. it was so touching at some parts. and josh lucas is my new hollywood crush! i just loved it whenever he laughed. :)

so it's been a jolly good day of good buys, good conversation and flipflopping around town. :) hopefully tmr and sunday will be good days too! to compensate next mon and tues. hurr.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

i think i'm a very confused person. i hate something, but then decide i don't. i am happy, but then decide i'm not. i'm excited, but then decide i'm scared. i'm sad, but then decide i don't need to be. i'm unhappy and frustrated, but i don't know why. i know something is bad for me, but i keep doing it anyway. i make an ultimatum but change my mind the next. i make a decision, but all i need is someone to convince me otherwise. i say something, then immediately want to take it back. i dont say something, and immediately wish i did. i can't stand having some people around, but when they're not i feel sad. i scream at a person, but laugh with them the next moment. i laugh with a person, but scream at them the next. i sometimes walk around forgetting what i'm feeling.

there's one feeling i'm always sure of though, and that's the feeling of being bored. which is what i am undoubtedly feeling now.

so i shall make random comments and post random pictures.

i love OSTs. especially korean OSTs.

I never realised how hard it is to type proper. With capital letters at the right places and all. It's always so unnatural when i type emails to the other teachers. Just wrote a really long email to Ferlynn just now and it was hecka hard! Hurr. I guess it's because all the typing practise I've had has been for blogging, MSN and informal emails and the such.

i HATE to fold clothes! omg that's the worst household chore ever. i'd rather iron ten piles of clothes then fold five piles of clothes. ugh. whenever the new laundry comes, i always have the urge to just chuck the whole thing into my cupboard. which is actually what i usually do. haha.

i REALLY admire people to can walk effortlessly in heels.

i sometimes wonder how come my memories of primary school life are so different from what i see now. maybe it's something to do with my coming from a girls primary school.

and i totally suck at freecell. i just had 3 consecutive 'YOU LOSE!'s :(

ok random pictures time!

i was looking through some of the stuff the kids give me and out of the drawings they gave me, here's the most unflattering picture of me.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i don't even get a proper body! and worst of all, i'm a MRS. -.- this one was a strong contender too..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

complete with my out of control hair and my tag. haha when the p1 boy gave it to me i was just like.. ha ha thank you that's so nice! he's really cute tho :)

and in contrast, here's the most flattering (and unrealistic) one. haha

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

complete with full lips and long wavy hair and accesorised with dangly earrings and boots. whoa. haha.

on a completely different topic, isn't he the most beautiful thing ever?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i've been facinated by his beauty for forever man. how he can be so beautiful but not in a girly sissy way. haha.

and finally, how can i leave out the fantastic mr a to z.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i LOVE these pictures of him. i ripped them from one of his fanlistings. oops =x anyway, i think it's so cute that his shirt says "pretty man" because his ex's last name was prettyman! haha man he plays with all words, even names 0.0

die leaves die.

i find stepping on dried leaves and hearing the CRUNCH sound beneath my feet strangely therapeutic. i've always loved purposely walking and stepping on those dead things.

today was one of those shit days where 65bucks just dont justify the pain. i spent 8 periods with that class. no shit 8 PERIODS. i.e. FOUR BLOODY HOURS. and let's just say that by the end of the day, on my way home, i was avidly stepping on brown leaves, imagining them to be those damn kids, and CRUNCHING them with a vengeance. grawr.

i feel so crabby. everyone and everything is irritating me and getting me down :( hopefully tomorrow will do me good (yay vesak day!)

anyways, i'm a damn retard. NUS FASS day is on 20 May but i dont feel like going! cos i dont have anyone to go with me :( damn i hate new schools :( boooo. the idea of uni is just both really frightening yet kinda exciting. eeks. argh. grrr. blah.

run run run.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

ok. if yesterday was frustrating, today was plain stressful. it was a classic day of tri-tasking. taking my music and art classes, as well as relieving and being a coform to that class.

i was literally flying all around school. first period, second floor p2 music. that's one class that is SO easy to teach music to man. next two periods, fourth floor p6 art. this was my last lesson with them and it's kinda sad because despite their nonsense i kinda liked hanging out with them. but you know, i dont think any of them know my name. haha. it's always CHER! then ran down to the staffroom on the second floor and back up to the fourth floor for science with my coform class. eurgh. then finally it was break time. went to eat at the ground floor. then had to pick up the coform class again to continue science on the fourth floor. then RAN all the way down to the general office on the ground floor to look for a teacher only to find out she went up to look for me. so RAN up to the fourth floor for p5 science for two periods. had to go down to the staffroom on the second floor again before going back up to the fourth floor for math with my coform class.


and i was literally screaming the whole day. except for the music class, where i was singing. hah. i'm really tired and i dont want to go to school tomorrow :( but i realised i put the sci exam papers inside my drawer and i need to return them to the kids tomorrow. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO :(

[edit] and yes. i just got an email and i take my coform class for THREE MORE DAYS. 0.0 [/edit]

what's in a face?
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

omg this is so funny. but this little girl from MNIKSS totally looks like my king of terrors. hahahaha. just cut the hair and you pretty much have him. HAHAH. even the smile! oh my gosh. haha.

i bring out the worst in you.


first, invigilating for two hours. i know i always complain about this, but it's SERIOUSLY FREAKING DAMN BORING especially when you are sleepy. then the second bearer of bad news came and told me that instead of taking this very pleasant and controllable p1 class like i was supposed to originally, i had to go back to my exform class. it was such an utter disaster, it makes me tired and gives me a headache just thinking about it.

science marking was quite funny. the question i marked was something like,

a plant is put under the sun with plenty of air, yet it withered. what is one possible reason?

the answer, of course, is the plant didnt have any water. most of the kids got that. but some of the cutest answers i got - 'the sun was too shiny', 'the air was bad', 'there was too much air' and my all time favourite, 'someone came and flicked it'. hahah. how cute. ok anyways, what was frustrating was after all that marking, i was told i had to take my coform class for the next two days. AAHHHH. stab me with a knife, gag me with a spoon and poke my eyeballs out with a fork. i literally felt like crying when i left the school. ugh.

anyways, after school, went with mum to a spa for her mother's day treat from me! haha. a treat to myself too actually. hehe. it turned out to be quite a nightmare to me tho. after the body scrub we had to go into a suana and it was so foggy and hot and i couldnt breathe. it was really quite like what i imagine hell would be. then finally it was time for our massage! but the woman who was giving me the massage was SO DAMN STRONG! she bashed me up real bad man. and sometimes she would ask, 'is it painful?' and i would say 'yes!' but she'll just continue. 0.0 so why in the world did she even ask me in the first place?! i felt so bruised after the massage. which was just perfect after such a frustrating day really.

ok i'm so tired. SO DAMN TIRED. crumples and dies.

love is just a lyric.
Monday, May 08, 2006

without a doubt, invigilating primary ones is one of the most painful thing ever. they are so damned fidgety and need the toilet/to drink water/to sharpen their pencils every other minute! and the class i took today, they finished their paper so fast! it was a one hour thirty minute paper, the fastest boy did it in 15 freaking minutes! (it was your malcolm xue! hahah) omg was totally dying because i was so sleepy and i think it's even worse when you stay with the same class for the whole paper. i felt like a goldfish in a fish bowl, with only a limited space to move around, with the same limited view, with absolutely NOTHING to do.

relieved one of the two p1 classes i have not stepped into yet. haha that class is so cute. at least the few that i talked to while waiting for their parents. one of the girls has a very open crush on one of the boys and it's just so damn cute. hahah. aww :)

more marking after school today! i love the p3 teachers. it's strange and lucky that i somehow got into that consortium because i really can't imagine sitting at the other tables. and one of the teachers always brings snacks for all of us :) oh and i LOVE using CHUNKY calculators where i can PUNCH in the numbers happily :D hahah.

anyway, i NEED to get to a proper bookstore soon. like kino or borders. somewhere with a WIDE range of books instead of the same old same old books i see at popular, times and mph. can't find the damn books i want to find! >.<

Saturday, May 06, 2006

i am feeling INCREDIBLY LAZYYYYY today. just slept for a full 12 hours and all i really feel like doing now is going back to my bed and sleeping some more. argh.

anyway, yesterday i was so mighty proud of myself. i was told i had to take my coform class ALONE for the last three periods. and i was honestly considering taking sick leave. but ferlynn had passed me so many things that really needed to be done. so my conscience found me in school. but anyway, i was so determined not to let history repeat itself that somehow i managed to magically become firm with them and accomplished quite a lot for three periods. there was minimal movement and there were actually moments of complete silence with them just doing work. i was like SO FREAKING AMAZED. hahah. and i think that supernanny is a really good show to watch. cos i watched it the night before and it really really inspired me alot for yesterday. i even implemented the 'naughty chair'. hahah.

everyone had to clear the school earlier that day cos it was being used for polling day. (speaking of which, the school was looking spiffier than it ever had before, thanks to pre-polling day preparations. haha) headed over to liming's house to watch A Wolf's Attraction (second time for me!), which is really one of my favourite korean movies. :) and after that, we did a lot of youtube-ing. haha youtube seriously rocks man! except for the fact that you can't download the videos :(

anyways, i'm having a strange craving for pasta, curry and tomyam soup. seperately of course. haha.

good-looking model indeed.
Thursday, May 04, 2006

today came with a couple of shocks. well i wouldnt really call them shocks. more like shocking surprises? haha. first, i found out that we're not supposed to read or do anything other then watch the kids during invigilation. which just rocks. i mean i understand the rationale behind it but that doesnt mean i have to like it! bah. i was bored to tears today and there are three more days of this!

then one of the teachers came to me to swop classes for relief. so i had to go into the other most violent p6 class. and somehow, whenever i go to that class to relief, they are always NOT THERE. so right off the bat i had to look for them and herd them back to class. followed by one hour of telling people to stop fighting. they were considerably quite subdued today though. i mean there was this one time i happened to be looking for someone in that class and i saw one boy jumping off the shoulders of another boy. yes, he was standing on this really tall boy's shoulders and just jumped off as i walked into the class. that goes down as one of the scariest thing i encountered in the school. that really good-looking boy was in that class tho! hehe.

then when i went down to eat, i put my water bottle on the table, like i usually do, and went to buy my food. when i came back, my bottle was gone! i was so baffled. like how on earth did it disappear into thin air in the span of less than 5 minutes?! i searched and searched all over for it but it was seriously like gone. it was only after school that i found out what happened. apparently one of the p3 girls saw it on the table and thought i'd left it there so she took it for me. -.- haha she was really sweet tho so i just thanked her. haha.

more marking after school! the p3 teachers are totally on a roll. we finished marking in less than an hour! while all the other levels were still marking away. hehe.

was supposed to have tuition today. took a nap and was struggling SO HARD to get up, wishing and wishing i didnt have to, when i got a message asking to postpone tuition. i got so excited that i couldnt go back to sleep after that. bah.

well blow me down with a feather.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

so i was walking up (again) to my p6 art class (again) feeling very sorry for myself and like one of those long suffering teacher characters in books and tv shows. walked into the class and told them to take out their (non-existent) work to do. but then they started making a whole hoo-ha about how they wanted to buy paint and brushes and palattes and artblock. i was just like, say what? so anyway, i let them go buy and i was very heartened when they actually came back with the things they said they were going to buy. (seriously i've learnt never to expect anything from them man) SO LIKE TODAY, WE DID ART! WITH PAINT AND ALL. faints and dies of happiness. haha i was smiling like an idiot when i was walking around looking at them paint, because i was so expecting a repeat of last week where they are bored and doing stupid things while i go around scolding them and making sure they don't kill each other. haha. i think their form teacher scolded them and they were just giving him 'face', so i'm truly quite indebted to him. and ACTUALLY, ahem, they are really quite nice kids la. very rough on the edges, but underneath all the vulgar language, they're pretty cool. and they are kind of listening to me now. kind of.

anyway, that was my happy moment for today. my body aches and i dont know why. meant to make use of this early day to go to ikea to check out a possible room makeoever as a going to uni present from me to me. hahah. but just got TOO DAMN LAZY and TOO DAMN TIRED. went to tm instead and FINALLY got new earphones for robey, as well as a pack of HEALTHY snacks! fruit/oat/wholemeal bars coated with, not even chocolate, but yoghurt! wow i'm so proud of myself. ok exams start proper for the kiddos tomorrow. hurray. more sitting and watching people do work. and more marking after school. yay whoop.

feel the love.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

OMG EURGH i feel so fat and disgusting. my stomach is like PROTRUDING. my very tactful mother even commented that my stomach is getting 'bigger and bigger' and that i better do something before it becomes a 'spare tyre'. but seriously. i really hate my stomach. it's like the bulk of all the fats i consume go straight there and STAY there. argh damnnit. i am hereby making another of my useless declarations that i never keep, but i am going on a diet! after today, i will not eat any more snacks. (except the two more packets of twisties in school) i will lay off icecream and cakes and chocolates, even though i'm craving like hell for them right now. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

anyways, i just realised something pretty cool and freaky. as of today, there are only three classes in the whole of sengkang primary that i have not stepped into. 0.0 now i have a list of the classes with smiley or not so smiley faces on them to remind me which classes to look forward to or look out for. haha. and for the record, the p6 level has the most number of :( faces and the p1s the most number of :) faces.

anyway, today i very unfortunately had to relief the class where my king of terror reigns. HE SERIOUSLY MAKES MY LIFE MISERABLE MAN. i enter the class, and am talking to one of the kids to find out where their teacher stopped and suddenly i feel some water droplets on my face. at first i thought i was imagining it so i just ignored it. then i felt it AGAIN and i realised that the freaking kid was taking his water bottle to squirt at me. and when i went over to give him a good piece of my mind, he squirted even more, taking full advantage of the fact that i was directly in front of him. i was like WTF! thank goodness i have dealt with him before so i know better than to lose my cool. on the outside that is. i mean inside, it's like ARGHHHH. it takes EVERYTHING in me not to strangle him man. i scold him, he laughs at me. i try to talk to him, he runs away from me. he is so full of shit man. he just undermines me as a teacher so whenever he is in my class, i just lose my teacher mentality and i can't control the class cos i'm so frazzled by him. thank goodness it was only for a period.

more compo marking after school today. it was more painful than anything else this time tho. i mean, after reading the same story over and over again in varying degrees of bad english, you just want to stab something.

you know, it kind of sucks that in this week, all my art classes are cancelled EXCEPT the p6 class. i mean, talk about suay man. and i only just remembered that i see them tomorrow. but i dont care. after last week, it really can't get any worse.

ok. am really tired now man. i only had 3 and a half hours of sleep last night! and today was so completely packed. not to mention tuition with my erratic boy. his mood swings are so extreme man! he swings from not wanting to talk to me or do his work to not wanting to stop talking in a flat second and i really REALLY cannot decide which is worse.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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