she can't handle this.
Friday, June 30, 2006

i came so close to committing bloody murder today man. got the same class again! and when i tried to tell them i would rather take the timetable another relief teacher got , the teacher in charge was like, i dont think she can handle that class. and in my head i was just like, "well neither can i!!!" so today, i got squirted IN THE BLOODY FACE with a waterbottle, hit on the hand with a dictionary, and put through the torture of the noise of 43 uncooperative and rude monsters.

the first three periods were actually quite pleasant though. forced them to write stories based on some words i gave them. one of the words, or rather phrases, was "butterflies in the stomach". and as a result, i got about 5 stories about people eating butterflies. which totally cracked me up. oh and one kid actually wrote "the memory would remain indelibly etched in my mind" in this composition which totally blew me away.

met up with jolene at compasspoint after remedial. for bread, library books and grocery chopping! omg did i just write chopping. i meant shopping. hahaha. there was some aggresive promotion going on at coldstorage and we were handed free samples of fruits, milk and cereal etc . hahah it was quite fun actually. but we didnt buy a single thing they offered. haha.

pretty in pain.
Thursday, June 29, 2006

yesterday, in this p2 class, the kids were drawing pictures of what they did during their holidays. and they were coming up to me to share with me. and when i saw this one, i was just like omg deja vu! hahah. it was the tiger bus thing that i sat on in everland! and it was a really cute korean girl who drew it. she's so talented! as you can see, she drew in crayons, not even in pencil and she's freaking only 8 years old.

pretty pretty drawing

the real McCoy.

anyway, after my shit day alone with my coform class yesterday, i was like seriously hoping to get a break from p3s. but in the morning, i saw the absentee board and like two of the p3 teachers were absent. i was especially freaked out by the fact that michelle wasnt in school because i really really really didnt want to deal with my king of terror or any of the other kids from that class. such to the extent that i was actually praying at the parade square, like with my hands clapsed together and all, that i wouldnt get her timetable. but by the power of murpy's law, i got that stupid timetable. and to make matters worse, her last two periods was art with my ex form class. it took everything in me not to have a major panic attack.

but anyway, 3hope wasnt really that bad after all. cos at least they listened to me, albeit only when i screamed at them. and my king of terror was so absorbed by drawing and colouring (which he is suprisingly good at) that he gave me, well, not such a bad time. 3joy on the other hand, omg, was hell on earth. the moment i stepped into the classroom the noise level went up like threefold. and they closed all the doors making it literally feel like hell. and those kids have this habit of all coming up to me at once and simultaneously talking which seriously DRIVES ME MAD. the only time they keep quite is when i step out of the class. then they'll all be damn quiet. which is like ARGHHHHHHHHH.

but anyway, there was some serious drama because i caught one of the kids smoking. when the kids were telling me about it, i didnt really believe it. i mean like a 9year old smoking?! but after like questioning and questioning the kid, he finally handed over his lighter. apparently he had been rolling up pieces of paper and lighting them up in the toilet. i felt damn depressed after that. i dont know why. but i felt so sorry for him and i felt really horrible having to hand him over to his form teacher and the DM cos i know he is really afraid of his mother. i actually like contemplated keeping it to myself and just confisicating the lighter. but this was like way over my head as a relief teacher. the poor guy. i kept him next to me the rest of the lesson because i knew he was on the verge of crying but had to keep up his tough guy facade. bahh.

it is a wonder i feel betrayed.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

i just ate an empty hello panda!! i feel so cheated :(

the last proper meal i ate was at 10am. then i had three little dimsums at 2pm. and when i finally finished with brownies at 6, i was RAVENOUS and my stomach was groaning and really painful. but the only foodstuff i had handy in the staffroom were granola bars, yoghurt bars, hobnobs and hellopanda. so i grabbed the least gross hello pandas and yoghurt bars. and now i'm overloaded and grossed out on sugar.

hmm today was a shitty day spent with a bunch of rude kids who pissed the crap out of me. but there were a few saving graces to the day yet. anyway, during the meeting there was some sharing from the teachers who went to china about the china education system. which was actually quite cool and interesting...until i realised there were three presentations. but it was really quite enlightening because my preconceived notion of schools over there was that it would be quite backward and all but it was really quite the opposite. in fact, it kind of made our classrooms looks rather primitive.

anyway, the school is all prepping up for the 10th anniversary carnival! so fun! haha i always loved preparing for funfairs. like the pl funfairs and funorama of course. and i'm quite happy because i'm involved with the prizes committee. didnt think i would be down since i'm supposed to leave before the carnival but apparently i'm the prize wheel spinner. hahahah. ok.

there's something mysterious going on with my right hand. a couple of days back, there was this like small, round open wound on it. and before that started to disappear, a few days later, a long scratch appeared. like wth i dont even know how?! i kind of like the injured look those scars give my hand tho. haha very befitting of my mood these days. argh i sound quite emo here eeks no ok no. dont know how to describe it but i'm not like that kind of suicidal emo want to listen to emo songs and whine to people (just my blog haha) kind of emo no but just having very odd emotion swings that are too ridiculous and embarrassing to even talk about. think it's my ritual super extended PreMS.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

feeling very unsettled because there has been a sudden influx of new teachers. there are about 10 new faces i think. nie and relief and new staff members. i didnt catch a single name. the staffroom is overstuffed. and i'm feeling increasingly guilty for taking up a table and not doing anything really constructive at it. luckily today i marked some books. heh.

anyway, i'm so pathetic. i broke two plastic spoons trying to eat my nasi lemak. :( i was too embarrassed to go down and get yet another one from the aunty so i had to eat with like half a spoon :( and today, i coteached (cotaught?) the whole day but didnt really do much because she was just introducing new topics. and when it was finally math (the one subject i am actually quite helpful in), one of the office ladies came up to tell me to take over a p6 class - my art class. -.- when i went in they were all like huh? art teacher? (they dont know my name. bahh) and so instead of spending one hour being useful, i spent one hour chasing BIG, violent and vulgar kids back to their seats. it even came to a point where i had to beg the naughtiest ones to just please stay by my side and not move. which they obliged for like a whole minute before running off to bash another of their friends. so finally i decided to just sit at the teachers table and watch them run amok (i've always wanted to use that expression!) thank goodness it's an airconditioned class so the rest of the school doesnt see/hear the chaos. whatever it is, i'm just thankful i dont take them for art anymore. heeheeehee :D

feeling damn useless cos no one listens to me :( and feeling damn stressed cos i have to take my coform class tmr by myself. being alone with them for just 5 mins just now almost killed my head.

on the way out of school, i crossed paths with a bunch of kids going to their childcare center. some of them started calling out 'miss goh miss goh!' and it was damn funny cos their teacher taking them to the childcare center shouted back at them, 'who said to go!'. hahaha. poor kiddos.

anyway, i think i'm too susceptible to smiles.

ok tuition now. oh yes, and i must say i feel extremely sorry for australia! to have lost the match in the last minute :( damn, all the countries i wanted to stay in the competition (for non football related reasons haha) are out already. life is really getting miserable.

the week in random bits.
Friday, June 23, 2006

caught king and the clown on wed with liming. quite a feast for the eyes! i loved the sets and the costumes and the clown performances (altho they were a bit bawdy. reminded me alot of cleopatra for some reason haha). and i can finally understand the hype around lee junki, who is the female clown and the biggest star in korea now. haha. the movie is a bit weird but overall quite good.

this was the picture of the day. taken and directed by me. hahah. and featuring my pretty new necklace! :D

thurs morning, went down to tm mango to collect my jeans. but i couldnt find the woman who helped me hold my jeans. and it was such utter chaos. luckily i found another pair in my size. haha. headed down to heeren/fareast with sis. i like heeren. and really do not like fareast. fareast is somewhat scary if you ask me. eeks. then met up with shar for dinner! :)

i was really bored one of those days and lined up my colour pencils..

self confessed freak.
Sunday, June 18, 2006


with a song. haha. that was so totally random. hm but i actually really hate loving a song. because i feel like listening to it over and over again but at the same time dont want to cos i dont want to get sick of it and not like it anymore :(

but anyway, this week has been a total bumfest. i've been GLUED to the computer and telly and am honestly quite worried about my eyes and my lack of fresh air, not to mention lack of contact with people other than my family and those characters on telly. but seriously DVDs/VCDs are my life. i just love watching tv without ads, being able to fastforward/rewind, and most importantly, watching back to back episodes. :D

and reading the last two paragraphs, i honestly think i'm quite weird. haha.

anyways, i'm going for the national day parade this year! time to shop for a nice red shirt. haha.

ack. i can't believe i'm going back to skps for remedial tomorrow! been out of action for so long and tomorrow i have to teach again. i dont even know what to do because their teacher wasnt in school on her last day so we never got a chance to talk about what she wanted me to do with them for this three days. oh but my pay finally increased! only by 5bucks a day tho. haha but well still better than nothing! :)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

OMG. i was just reading the old 1ad2 blog and i seriously Laughed My Ass Off man. those were the days. haha.

anyways, i finally changed my blogskin! whee.

smiths chips.
Friday, June 16, 2006

debbie buddy,

stupid cbox is not letting me tag. anyway, smiths sweet and sour yes! here's a picture for reference! HAHA.

and sidenote, ok england just won their match and i just won 5bucks from my dad. hah. i didnt even watch the damn match. it's like the world cup is trying to bribe me to like it. HAHAH. yah right ok it's late and i'm cranky mad.

it's been a bad day.
Thursday, June 15, 2006

ok tuesday was king of sucky days. woke up feeling SO damn sick and crappy. but still dragged my ass for tuition. afterwhich i went to whitesands with the intention of doing some colour printing but i was ignored by one printing shop aunty, dismissed by another at tampines mall and sent on a freaking wild goose chase by another. i dont know if i'm paranoid or whatever, but i had the distinct impression that they hated me for some reason. seriously, their attitude was just MEAN. :( so after walking all over freaking pasir ris and tampines, i ended up with my pictures NOT PRINTED. i was so damn upset i really wanted to cry. the fact that my eyes were feeling screwed up and my nose was running did not help. and when i stepped out of whitesands to walk home, dejected and emotionally frustrated, it started to rain. -.- no joke. i was going to burst out laughing/crying. but i was alone so i couldnt. when i finally got home, my head was throbbing and my back was killing me. so i took a bath and tried to sleep. but i couldnt sleep cos my head hurt too much. it was most pathetic. i couldnt watch tv, read or sleep. so i just lay in my bed, which is really the most frustrating thing when you have shows to watch, books to read and your eyes are really tired as well.

yesterday and today were pretty much a continuation of the bad day. thankfully my headache and backache subsided. so it's just the damn running nose now. totally sucks because i was supposed to (FINALLY) go to sentosa on wed and meet shar today, both of which i had to cancel :(

anyway, since yesterday and today were spent lying horizontal on my bed and tv-watching.. i'm so sad daniel franco got kicked out of project runway! :( :( he's so cute with his shining eyes and decency. and i love hady from singapore idol! i think he's totally cute. and i voted for him. hehe.

ooh and yesterday, i found another friend going to nus fass! SHIWEN!! wheee. haha and she's looking into psychology too. hehe. i'm quite excited now. stayed up last night flipping through the freshmen guide and marking out the important dates..

anyway, tomorrow shall be a better day, because liming's finally coming back from clubmed! and i can feel myself somewhat getting better even though my nose is currently simultaneously choked up and dripping.

ok and finally, i'm frankly quite sick of the whole world cup thing. because like EVERYONE is talking about it EVERYWHERE. it just makes me want to not get into it. but because i'm such a sucker for anything korean, here's a pic in the spirit of the world cup

oh dear it's not even a picture of the players but their celeb spectators. haha but whatever, i really like this picture. and the dude in the football costume is just too funny. haha

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

omigosh. i am so freaking tired. like my body is aching, my throat hurts and my eyes are itchy-scratchy. i hope hope hope i'm not getting sick!!! anyway, i can't seem to remember what happened on saturday... i think i was probably watching a korean drama. 0.0 sunday was mum and sis day. church in the morning and then shopping (again!) at parkway parade. it was nice. hehe. i missed shopping with my sis. :D

today, i shopped for 6 hours straight. hurr. literally walked through the whole of bugis junction and bugis street and bugis point with jol. 0.0 but it was one of the most satisfying shopping trips so far. which is saying alot considering my recent spate of shopping sprees. i dont know what's gotten into me. i never used to find joy in shopping. but recently it's like i have a SERIOUS bag fetish, and a growing attraction to tops and accessories. ANYWAY, i shall not shop for the rest of this week. shall find more meaningful things to do for this last week of hols before sch reopens. (like clean out my closet, work on liming's card and watch more korean dramas. and exercise too maybe. haha.)

had dinner at the airport with youfei as well. as far as banmian goes, airport t1 (shit or is it t2) and parkway parade have the best! rushed back for the new 9oclock show which is VERY CONFUSING because of the many many characters. oh and tonight's episode of grey's anatomy was so damn funny. i usually find the episodes funny, but this time i was Laughing Out Loud.

anyway, i'm damn sian of this blogskin. time to change. if only blogskins.com wasnt so damn slow and i wasn't so damn tired. grawr tuition early in the morn tomorrow :(

cool fuzzy feeling.
Friday, June 09, 2006

i've spent the the last two evenings cleaning my damn room but it's still no where near SPARKLY CLEAN! it's so strange that i've already chucked out four bags of rubbish but my room doesnt even look that much less cluttered. anyway, i must conclude that soft toys are a complete waste of space. they have no use except for carrying the thoughtfulness of the person who bought it for you. my soft toys have pretty much done nothing but sit in their spots and collect dust. so after much deliberation, i decided to donate them to the school's jumble sale and hope that the nice kids adopt them. it was especially hard to say bye to my me to you bears. so i decided to take a picture to immortalise their cuteness.

how apt that the bear on the left is crying.

and on second thoughts, i kept the two small ones cos they were so cute. and they were recent presents.

today, woke up early early to go to beat the crowd at ikea. bought boxes to store my stuff, as well as cushions for my chair and photoframes! i must admit that ikea's quality kind of sucks. but oh wells, they are pretty and rather cheap. then headed down to marine parade to get a big tupperware for my snacks. got more clothes, more korean dramas and more accessories. omg i have to curb my spending man. thank goodness today was pay day! hehe. i'm gonna miss those pay days man :(

anyway, shall end of with a quote from an old episode of grey's anatomy which i thought was really heartwarming.

if there's an upside to free falling,
it's that it gives your friends a chance to catch you. :)

she's the man.
Thursday, June 08, 2006

caught she's the man yesterday. it's freaking good! not a fan of amanda bynes but her expressions are seriously hilarious. and channing tatum is freaking gorgeous.

(this picture's not very good. he's hotter when he moves. haha)

he can take over chad michael murray as no. 1 hottest hollywood guy now. haha. and his name's so cool! ok enough gushing. back to the movie, i dont know why i always watch such hilarious movies when i need to pee. but it was so good i couldnt even bring myself to go to the loo. haha.

and i need to stop hanging out in those vcd stores. spent another 50 bucks on another korean drama, which i already have. only because this version had english subtitles. ok i'm such a freak. anyway, tuition again later! after which i will attempt the disgusting task of cleaning my room. eek.

my best friend's girl.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

ok i didnt even realise my eggs have hatched. but i'm a little disappointed. especially with that black caterpillar THING. anyway i got new eggs! just cos i dont want to leave these creatures there. the eggs look better. haha and it's quite exciting, in a very non-exciting way.

so bye to


anyway, woke up early for a run with chels in the morning. i havent run in like almost a year man. but it felt pretty good, i guess. haha. and i'm suprised i actually managed to run nonstop for more than 15minutes. then came home and computered/tved. followed by tuition where i nearly fell asleep. i would have if my kid wasnt so damn hyperactive. came home and slept for a really long time. the finished up my book!

it was really really good! sweet and a pageturner. i wouldnt say the writing was very good tho. and there were so many typos. more than i've ever seen in any other book. but the storyline was really interesting and touching so it made up for it! hehe.

okay..now i shall go watch criminal minds! tv again. bah i'm really quite bored. and i miss school and the kids a wee bit. nevermind, tomorrow shall be a good day! and so says me. haha

almost love.

blogger was so screwed up yesterday.

anyway, finally got out of the house yesterday. met up with liming for some shopping! thankfully it was not THAT crowded despite the GSS and school holidays and all. i really hate the GSS. i mean the discounts are great sure, but there's this pressure to shop and find good bargains which i hate. and the crowds, which are just disgusting. nevertheless, spent quite alot of money! haha on happy buys tho. a new planner and file and the book i've been looking for for forever (3 fors in a row! sounds quite funny out loud haha) and a new pair of jeans at 40% off :D hehe.

watched almost love or youth comic. whatever it's called. quite good! didnt expect much out of it actually. but it was pretty sweet and touching. there were a few out of point parts tho. but overall still good :D

oh and gave liming her present too

ok this is quite funny because she already knew what it was. hahah we went to buy it together in fact. and no it's not an eyemask but a purse! :)

ok shall end of with a nice quote from the movie,

smile and good things will happen,
not the other way around.

Monday, June 05, 2006

ok i've spent the whole weekend watching korean dramas NONSTOP. no exaggeration there. but the last one i finished was just SO DAMN GOOD. so here's a little tribute to it. heh.

my favourite scene in the whole drama.


went to chinatown with mum and dad on fri after school. we had planned on going to the computer fair at suntec but it was an utter chaos. we couldnt even get into the carpark! so that obviously pissed the hell out of my dad, who i think has got to be one of the crankiest drivers ever. so came my brilliant idea to visit chinatown because i had just read about the new shops there. we trooped there with great pessimism but thankfully it was relatively uncrowded. yay for me. hahah i was so scared it would be crowded and my dad would flare up again =x

anyway, shopping at chinatown was a great experience. for one, i hadnt been there in the longest time. the last time i remember going there was two years ago to book my trip to korea. and even then we went straight for the travel agency without looking at any of the shops. so this time, we explored slowly. and the shops there are really interesting! when we walked into the emporium, it was like we had been teleported into china. seriously. it was everything i remembered china to be. haha. and they had really cute little shops selling cool fashion accessories. they had the funkiest watches for only 10 bucks each! of course it's not garuanteed to last more than 4 months. haha for that i gave it a pass. headed over to OG which was having this crazy sale. came out with a necklace, a pair of earrings and two bags, and i had spent less than 60bucks! i was really happy with the bags because they were so cute! and cheap. :D even my dad approved of them. haha. and i realise my dad's a pretty good companion for shopping :)

after that, we had a very dissatisfying dinner at the foodcourt. went up to the new shops that were featured in urban. but they were very disappointing. or maybe we were just too tired. came back down and bought loads of fruits which were really fresh! so yes, that concludes our wonderful chinatown shopping trip! haha i am a BIG fan of that place now.

bearer of all things bad.
Thursday, June 01, 2006

ARGHHHHH. i'm going FREAKING NUTS doing this damn work review. and correction, it is actually TWENTY SEVEN FREAKING PAGES LONG. i've got to write what my targets were for the year as well as whether i've achieved them and strategies i've used in class and whether they have worked and contributions i've made to the school and how i've collaborated with parents and and AND I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY I HAVE TO DO THIS?! i think it's like supposed to be for like the supervisors to make sure teachers are doing their job and whether they are ready for promotion or something but like i'm only a relief teacher?! sorry to say this, but i think my supervisor is nuts. she is always doing things like this to me. :( she's so 'law by law' and by the book and i'm totally freaking out about meeting her tomorrow when my review is like half blank. or rather more than half blank. but there's really nothing to write! argh argh ARGHHHHHHHHHHH.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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