knowing nothing is better than knowing it all.
Monday, July 31, 2006

matriculation dayyyyy. whoo. quite an experience man. =x it kinda sucked because fi couldnt go in with me since she wasnt matriculating. so i was like one lost and lonely sheep. thankfully i met see hwei inside so we walked through the fair together. :) i was handed so many things in such a short period of time, i was literally drowning under all that paper and plastic bags. the best one was the matriculation pack. i have no idea why i bought it, but when she handed it to me, i was so tempted to hand it back to her because it weighed A TON. hm the fair itself wasnt so bad la. luckily we were first shift so things were still quite unchaotic. hehe.

after various other incidents, which include sneaking back into the fair etcetc, we got a lift from shiwen's sister to holland v (yay!) where we had lunch at crystaljade. then bumpybused down to town. shopped the rainy afternoon away. shopping in town depresses me though, cos everything is soooo pretty but soooo expensive. and i really want to get those gorgeous heels from newurbanmale, but do i need more shoes?! and i have another one in mind too... hahaha. i have such bad shoe/bag obsessions. =x

anyway, fiona is one of my favourite people now. haha thanks for waking up early to accompany me, waiting for me while i took forever in the fair, then for carrying half of my things for the rest of the day while we shopped. hehe. i had a super time today so, BIG HUG TO YOU! (:

what goes up must come down.
Sunday, July 30, 2006

i always get confused with the words disillusioned and deluded. in my head they are always the same, but they are actually really different. opposites maybe? hmm.

anyways, today didnt go to church, stayed at home to watch the cityharvest telecast on the internet. but i fell asleep like two times?! =x i'm really horrible. i could tell my mum was kind of annoyed. and i felt quite guilty, but i just can't sit still and listen to ppl these days. which kinda rocks seeing how school is starting and all..

then went downtown to shop a bit. spent quite alot. damn, i think it's going to be real hard getting used to allowance instead of pay. booo.

argh, anyway, i'm off the shoppinghigh and quite urgh about matriculation tomorrow. and poor grace is still stuck in korea! hmm. thankfully fifi is gonna accompany me tomorrow :) yay i love you! haha. k i should go fill out those forms or something. but i feel like colouring in the colouring book i made my mum buy for me. HAHA. omg i'm so having mood swings now. byeee.

can't seem to think of titles.

went down to skps to clear out my table this morning. felt a kind of detached sadness. walking into the staffroom, i realised that it would be the last time walking into what has practically been my second home for the past 7months. :( what made it sadder was seeing all those empty tables. boo hoo. anyway, i had like three bags full of rubbish and five bags of stuff to take home? hahah wth man. i'm such an accumulator of rubbish and things. oh yes, and misslam, pls remember to get your dustbin from me! i lugged it home for you k! haha. went for lunch with d at the airport after that.

spent the afternoon not doing much but time passed quite quickly. haha. had dinner with junwei at downtown east since he was in pasir ris. yay i realise i really like it when my friends come to pasir ris. haha for one, i dont have to travel. hehe but also cos it's like kinda rare seeing ppl i know over here. haha. gosh i talk as if i live in some remote countryside or something. =x

and i'm being harassed by my students. they've been calling throughout yesterday and today. i woke up at 8am to like 7 missed calls?! wth kids are waking up too early these days. my aunt says i entertain them too much. and i think so too, but i can't bear to scold them or ask them to buzz off :( so i guess i'll just stick to ignoring all their calls and msgs and hopefully the novelty of calling a teacher wears off like SOON.

zzz i'm so tired now my head hurts but i cant get my butt off this chair. and i need new songggs.

to be retitled.
Friday, July 28, 2006

LAST DAY TODAY!! :( my gosh i realise that i worked there for a really really long time. even the p said i was their 'longest serving relief teacher'. hahaha. anyway, so much for ending off with a good and cooperative class. they gave me 7 periods of the most violent p6 class with no work for them to do at all. the first four periods were stressful. cos they wouldnt settle down. and while i went to photocopy some puzzles for them to do, they got blasted by the discipline master next door. so after that, they were moderately quiet but it was like sitting on a time bomb. i was just waiting for them to erupt into noise and violence. i even got hit by flying objects -.- recess time was spent phototaking with the p3s. haha. i'll really miss them. though that's the level that stresses me the most, it's also the level closest to heart. :) then it was two periods with the p1 class i taught the most. that was a nice addition to the timetable. the girls in that class are scarily affectionate though. =x last two periods were back into the madhouse where they hijacked my camera and man are the boys in that class photo whores. haha. i had fun talking to them though. and i kind of let them just do whatever they wanted towards the end cos i figured it was futile trying to fight their insanity.

1. i think the two yellows are extremely cute. haha.
2. possibly my favourite student! aw i'm gonna miss him so much :(
3. despite it all, i love my coform class.
4-5. adorable p1s :)
6. being harassed by the p6s. -.-
7. this was one of the mildest of their pictures.
8. 3ki and 3jo kiddos.
9. me and durga on the busride home!

after sch, waited to meet the p and vp for some sort of closure. they are seriously THE NICEST BOSSES anyone could ask for. haha. argh i'm so going to miss everything about skps but i guess i'm happy the job has come to an end, and such a pleasant end at that. and at least i'm going back for the carnival which made the goodbyes easier to be said. :) then headed down to compasspoint for a farewell/birthday treat from durga. hehe. will be going back tmr morning to clear my table. haha.

then headed down to cityhall to meet fiona and shar for dinner. i hate friday night crowds. ugh. anyway, ended up at thaiexpressbistro at raffles basement which shall be my fave thaiexpress outlet for their most comfortable (out of the other outlets) seating and their bigger (i felt) portions. haha. and shar and i have finally discovered the very delish looking fried noodles. yumyum. :) then we headed to marinasquare for some (window) shopping.

i love toilet pictures! haha

at thaiexpress (:

anyway, i'm damnnn tired now. was drunk on lethargy. could barely walk straight and kept bumping into things while walking home just now. the bed's calling!

talk about unfinished business.

yesterday was a good day with p1s and 2s with birthdays of twins and colouring and lots of little hugs. haha. i'm hoping that they'll really let me end my stint here with a good and cooperative class tmr. anyway, tuition after was so fulfiling? i dont know if that's the word. but cos my kid totally remembered what i thought him like eons ago. i was so proud. i really wanted to hug him when he said, 'scalded means when hot water burns you and burnt is for when fire burns you.', in not so many words. hahah.

rushed down for dinner at california pizza with some of the obzestmates. actually, i think the pizza there kinda sucks haha. anyway, picture.. :)

confused with a capital c.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

wah my last week at skps is totally spiralling into hell?? my timetable today was out of point with only two free periods, the first being at 11am only! much love and thanks to durga (who is my neighbour and fellow relief teacher. hehe) though who took my period with 3joy and saved me from hell on earth. oh but i had the worst period ever with the most notorious p4 class. they were screaming, out of their places, singing, playing, basically going wild, with one guy even trying to stab himself with a scissors (i'm serious!!) and no amount of screaming from me could control them. i was hot and annoyed and about to grab the scissors from the boy to stab myself when the PRINCIPAL walked past. and i was like OH SHIT. and all i could do was throw her this utterly helpless look. she blasted them real good tho. never seen her so fierce and angry seriously. felt damn useless and pissed off after that since it was my last week and i had to be seen being so darn helpless by my boss :(

anyway, there was no meeting and no cca after sch yay! first early/free wed in a lonnnnnng time. got escorted out of sch by four 'tails' a.k.a. students who seriously wouldnt leave me alone. i was so mortified when they followed me jaywalking across the road cos they were in their uniform and all. anyway, finally shook them off and went down to the cathay to meet liming for pirates (FINALLY!). anyway, i know this is like so slow, but the show rocked!! and this is so oversaid, but johnny depp is so damn hot! i think his character is really human. i was just thinking, how jack sparrow can be so popular when he is such a selfish coward. anyway, the show was great and all but it was also, in my humble opinion, A TAD TOO LONG. there were a few points where i felt like dozing off. oh and the grand cathay's (or is it cathay grand) really cool too!

little animals.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

stress and boredom of late have resulted in me overdosing on sugar and shopping. sunday was shopping with mum, and ultimately myself, at chinatown. monday was a long and ickysticky day, salvaged only by trips to compasspoint to indulge in danishes. and today, i had danishes and shopping at bugis with youfei. i must say though, these are very effective methods to induce superficial happiness. hurr :)

ferlynn didnt come to school today! so i was stuck with the monkeys for the whole day. omg. it was really like being in a cage full of animals man. would have killed myself, but i had to watch over them. i guess this was good, cos it reminds me of what terrors they are and that i really should not miss them too much when i am gone! hmph.

i dont like being made feel stupid. (ok who does. hahaha)

somber saturdays.
Saturday, July 22, 2006

had lunch with dad and sis at fish and co at the airport. the fish and chips there are really yummy but the twice i've eaten there, i felt really sick after. eurgh. was in too sian a mood to go anywhere after that. so just walked around aimlessly at whitesands for a bit.

birthday card from my sis! it's so her la. haha from the cat right down to the words. :D

anyway, today kinda sucks. it's just out of place in the recent spate of happy days. something's different.


omg i can't believe i'm having FREAKING insomnia in the morning. i woke up at 615 and my body just refused to let me go back to sleep. and i dont know wtf is up with my stomach cos it's like IN KNOTS. for what reason also i dont know. i only had 5 hours of sleep and i was damn tired yesterday, but my body is running on some kind of adrenaline which has been produced for no good reason. warped. anyway, koped some pics of obzest from zhisheng. hehe.

this was like after a WHOLE DAY of games in the sun, when i was so freaking tired and in such a bad mood. but somehow we all look quite happy. must be cos it was bath time after this. hahaha.

and at settlers cafe (:

my camera has suddenly spoilt btw. which totally sucks but thankfully i kept the warranty so i can go repair it for free on monday or something! hehe.

baby just say goodnight.

my favourite part of birthdays are birthday wishes! hahah. as in ppl wishing you happy birthday :) from birthday msgs coming in throughout the day, to phonecalls, to msn wishes to face to face wishes. hehe. makes me feel happy. so thanks everyone who wished! :)

so in school, the office gave me a really nice birthday present - a super slack timetable. hahah. plus a period with the most adorable p1 class ever. they gave me so many sweet cards and drawings. totally cute. :) some of my students wished me too. hehe and cos it racial harmony day as well, the mood was quite festive, and there was free yummy teh tarik being served all day long. hehe. i was just like in this super good mood in sch today la. :D

came home after remedial and got ready to meet liming for dinner! :)

1. dinner at sun with moon at chijmes. and my first shot at warm sake which led to an embarrassing conversation. haha.
2-5. lots of phototaking all over chijmes :)
6. my coffee ice cream chocolate thing.
7. coffee/tea at the very quaint v tea room, esplanade.
8. esplanade!
9. bday present and liming's kickass shoes. haha.
10. magical card and smurf :)
11. our therapeutic view of the merlion. we just sat there talking for the longest time. i LOVE that place. the breeze, the view the everything :)
12. moving closer to toss our coins and make our wishes.
13. please grant our wishes! (i look so spaz. haha)
14. rushed home just before midnight to cut cake with the family!
15. my dad lighting my '19' candles. hehe.
16. me and my cakieee! hahhah.

yup, so i'm 19 omg. last year being a teen. the year of uni and new everything. oh i got my matriculation package today as well. what a great present. haha. xD

chinkie idiot.
Thursday, July 20, 2006

days at sengkang pri have been happy and calm. i hope they continue this way. spent the day relieving chinese classes. i am horrified to say that i can't do pri4 chinese and can barely manage pri1 chinese. i was so freaked out i decided to read zhi shi bao. and was actually pleased that i could read two of the articles pretty fluently, until i realised that they were written by pri sch kids. -.- well done eunice! you just wasted like 10 years of education in chinese.

goodbye my friend.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006


anesthetic jab.

ok today was quite a happy day! except for the fact that this morning i had to do my stupid goodbye speech. apparently i had 'SHIT' written all over my face. and apparently i blushed so much my face was the same colour as my pink shirt. it just so happened that this morning i was sitting all alone at the bench, and when the principal started going on about saying farewell to some of our teachers i was just like oh crap oh crap oh crap to my very lonesome self. anyway, to the credit of my coform class, they cheered when the principal called me which made me feel quite loved. hehe. so the other three teachers like gave really lengthy and meaningful goodbye speeches. mine was along the lines of, 'morning school. er i just want to thank everyone for everything. yup that's all' -.- haha. it was so scary seriously. so now i'm officially known as a Leaving Teacher. even though i'm only leaving next week.

anyway, during the meeting (and actually the whole day in general) i realised i'm going to miss everyone so so much. i love them all seriously. the teachers, the students and the culture. sengkang pri is like my little comfort zone :) boohoo dont want to leave it. but at the same time, i'm glad the stint's ending. i mean too much of a good thing etcetc. hmm. anyway, i have a station of my own for the carnival now. no more wheelspinner or cotton candy/popcorn/chocolate fountain helper. i'm in charge of the giant bouncy slide! hahaha. which means i have to make a banner and stuff too which is like uh oh cos i suck at banner making. but whatever. oh yes, and today, i took the brownies all by myself! cos the other two teachers were busy at meetings. it was quite hectic. but thankfully it kind of all worked out yay.

ok and as for singapore idol, i love hady and nurul!! special mention to jon for being very hot and rahima for her very moving perf. :)

enforced abstinence.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i nearly shut down in school. thank goodness tuition was cancelled or i would have been one very cranky soul. took a nap before going down to meet RACHEL at PASIR RIS MRT :) (that combination just makes me happy haha) went down to rafflescity to window shop a bit. i love the new basement seriously. there's nothing to buy but walking there is just funfun. then dinner at the cool new restaurant, newyorknewyork! totally love the decor of that place. and the food is a not bad too!

3. my spaghetti and meatballs, of which i did not eat the meatballs. HAHA.

then went down to newton to meet debbie, karen and fifi for supper! of which i didnt really eat because i was full of spaghetti. haha. wasted! i koped some oysters and carrot cake tho. yumyum. shall have to go back soon!

in the doldrums.

don't know why i am so darn tired. i just wake up tired and the thought of doing anything and everything makes me so dreary. which i feel totally guilty about, seeing how my workload here is one of the least. argh. anyway, had a super slack day with only 5 periods yesterday. but they were also very stressful periods with a combined p6 class and a very VERY misbehaving p1 class.

after school, rushed down to the cathay to meet liming with intentions of watching PIRATES but the tickets were all sold out, save for the front two rows which i refuse to endure for a two and a half hour long movie. same situation in plazasing so boo. we settled for ice cream and random walking about instead.

my lousy computer has been virusified again btw which is why i'm blogging here in school. and also because i'm so darned bored and tired and sian. blahhhh.

do you do what is good for you or what feels good for you? i think people who can do only what is good for them are very admirable. they know how to look ahead and protect themselves. which is all in all, well, very good for them. hahaha.

cliche time.
Sunday, July 16, 2006

this is like stating the obvious but,

Reality bites;
The truth hurts;
and Ignorance is bliss.

superficial existence.

ok last night was rachel's 18th birthday party! happy birthday my ex-pasir ris babe! :) even though i'm sad you moved away, at least you're still in the east! woohoo! :D hope you had a great time and i'll see ya soon. :)

headed down to raffles city to meet karenina to grab some dinner before meeting the rest at clarke quay. but somehow, everyone ended up at raffles city. haha. anyways, dinner with karen, fi and debbie first :) the basement of raffles city has opened too! SO MANY COOL SHOPS!! will have to troop back there soon to shop! hehe.

then the rest of the class trickled in. and we headed off to timbre. didnt stay long though cos i wasnt drinking and i needed the last train home anyways. much thanks to shar and sharm for being my escorts to the train station. hehe :D

full of nothing.
Saturday, July 15, 2006

morning and afternoon was spent with DEBBIEDARLING! heheh. i'm getting so used to hanging out with my buddy i'm gonna be so lost when she leaves :( anyway, the weather was good to us, so we spent the better part of the day hanging out at sentosa tanning in a semi-secluded beach. great breeze, great sun, great music, great company. then it threatened to rain so we trudged back to harbourfront and chilled out at tcc before heading on home! and i will see her (and some of the other ad1ians) again in about 3-4 hours? yay :)

too much too soon.
Friday, July 14, 2006

so last night was spent at settlers, holland v, with Obzest, which was my camp og. (wow what a complicated sentence structure) there were like 9 seniors and 4 freshies. hahah. but it was kinda fun. :) got quite freaked out by the many many things happening and what i have to do but at least i am aware of them i guess....

anyways, got back so late so there was no way i could make it for my morning medical checkup. so met up with debbie and fifi and went back to AC first. FINALLY got my cert! whoo. that's one thing off my mind. had tomyamyongtaufu after like almost a year. pity my appetite the past two days have been really off so i couldnt finish it. then we headed down to NUS for my checkup! got made to do some funny 30 min psych survey while waiting. anyway, the medical checkup was pretty quick! except i couldnt pee on demand for my urine test! it was SO DUMB. just before that i was going to the toilet so frequently and perpetually feeling like i needed to pee. but just when i HAD to pee, i just couldnt! the nurses were laughing at me :(after the checkup, me and debbie headed down to chinatown/bugis for some shopping. got stuff but we were strangely not in a very shopping mood. at least it was strange for me. haha

my super adorable free period buddies :)

oh and i got my first, and probably the most sweetest, birthday present today! hahah.


a beautiful scrapbook filled with pictures and quotes :D

thanks debbie, fifi and karen! i was really really touched :) felt so loved. haha. esp debbie, who i know stayed up till 3am to do this. hahaha. and for the chocs and rockcandy. :D LOVE YA LOADS BUDDY. :)

ok anyother packed day tomorrow. better go rest now!

why am i joking when it's not even funny??

leaving so soon.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

i can't believe i got what i wished for. HAHA. my timetable yesterday was like PACKED with p1s and 2s, with the exception of 4(anti)joy. i had a fun time but it was also really tiring. i mean like 6 straight periods with the same class?! that's just a bit TOO MUCH. and they cry so easily and tragically! oh and one girl just keeps hugging me and won't let go which is really cute but a bit inappropriate?! hahah. meeting was short and sweet with lots of fruits! and then brownies was spent folding clothes and teaching girls how to ride the bike. it's no joke teaching cycling seriously, i nearly broke my back.

a lack of colour.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

super tiring day at school today. upper primary plus pe classes are just about the worst combination a timetable can take. I MISS MY P1s AND 2s! :( :( met jol for lunch and library books at tampines. i think i was quite cranky though. haha so sorry pal!

i dont know what else to say. or rather i know what to say but i dont know how to type it so i shall go lie on my bed and analyse things now.

the proverbial skinny psycho.

omg the crazy woman beside me just turned off the aircon. i really hate it when she does that!!!! like it's horrible when it's cold but it's even worse when it's hot and stuffy!! and i can't like go and adjust it just after she did or it would be like damn rude or something. ARGH. ok better go before someone sees me typing this.

feeling the shortlived love.
Monday, July 10, 2006

dinner with shar and shiwy at thaiexpress :) followed by a real dumb but quite funny movie (no prizes for guessing which.) plazasing needs to do something about their airconditioning system. it's ridiculous how they try to freeze their patrons.

anyway, today (starting from just before midnight last night) was quite a happy feel the love kind of day (with the exception of that morning shock). my wish is that days continue to be like this, which i obviously know won't. so, uh, here's to today! :D

blast from the awful past.

so i was going down for my breakfast just now and as i was walking down the stairs, i saw a pe class at the foyer. and there was this teacher who looked damn familiar. i was like heyyy she looks an awful lot like roberta tan (however you spell that) AND THEN I SAW GURMIT SINGH. omg like what on earth are they doing here?! i was so disorientated for a sec, like was i in sengkang or acjc? was i student or teacher?! i couldnt freaking eat my breakfast after that la. and i'm hiding up here now. NOT EVER going down because seriously, they were what nightmares were made of at one point of time. wow great way to start the morning man.

reunion of four.
Sunday, July 09, 2006

yesterday morning was spent tanning at liming's club. then we cabbed down to wheelock to meet jol and youfei at fish and co for lunch. omg I HATE JAMS! almost as much as i hate crowds. ugh why must singapore be so damned small! anyway, lunch was good!

i like this picture. hehe

then me and liming took the train back to her house. no more cabs and lousy jams for us!

what we call the 'paparazzi shot'. haha

bbq dinner was great! sambal stingray and yummy beef cuts. we hid out in the tv room and then to the computer room and stayed away from all her relatives. haha.

i look drunk and mad there but i'm actually just sunburnt and mad. hurr.

met up with karenina for shopping today at citylink/suntec/marinasquare. she's gonna be a relief teacher starting tmr! a fellow teacher in pain. hahaha.

goodbad day.
Friday, July 07, 2006

dough sculpting and tomato seed germinating in the morning. followed by three consecutive periods of p4s who made me scream and laugh and roll my eyeballs in frustration. one hour in the staffroom waiting to fulfil my full day hours. and this is what i spent the hour doing.

drawing nursery rhymes. hahaha

brownies pic! i can't believe we (the teachers) actually did that charlie's angel pose. haha anyway, i think it's a cute pic :)

i'm not actually that tall. my heels are just rather high. haha.

i got my first pair of levis today. for 40bucks! thank you GSS. hahahah.

i keep running back to yous.
Thursday, July 06, 2006

went back to work today! feels great that the tag around my neck says "Miss Eunice Goh" and not "Eunice Goh Mei Yi", if only i know what i mean. hurhur. anyway, it feels so good to be in school seriously, i'm going to cling on to the remaining 3 weeks for whatever they're worth. from the teachers who always smile, to the canteen vendors who practically remember my meal patterns, to the kids who always greet me so warmly and affectionately and whomi love (up till i stand in front of them in class. hah.) i seriously love that place too much. it's so weird, it's not like i am particularly close to anyone there, but it just feels like second home. that's what i want my workplace to be like in the future. :)

anyway, randomness - today yet another baby bird was found outside our class! it was QUITE DAMN FREAKY because it look like it fell from literally the sky. it was motionless and hairless and it's limbs barely even formed yet. freaking disgusting. and i was trying to stop the kids from touching it but the boys were so intrigued. some of them actually prodded it, which just did it for me. poor baby birds who keep falling out of their nests. but yuck i wish they would fall somewhere else! this one blended in so well with the floor, it's a wonder no one stepped on it and squished it. UGH. i'm making myself sick.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

ok, so the original plan was to chill out at settlers cafe at clarke quay but it was FULLY BOOKED! on a WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON! man, there are more bums in singapore than i thought. hurr. so we decided to hang around the beautiful clarke quay instead. we made like tourists and took lots of pictures. can't believe that i've never actually walked along clarke quay before. at least not in a very very very long time.

there were loads and loads of really pretty cafes over there. but my favourite was this mexican one where we had our drinks!

the cute waiter, who i actually thought looked quite mexican, with our drinks!

this season's singapore idols are quite cool! johnathan is really super good looking. and joakim is the sweetest guy i've seen on singapore tv. haha. must be his korean blood. hehe. anyway, most of all...

I LOVE HADY! :D woo he's so damn hot. hahahah.

notsohappy camper.

i left camp early because because beacause.

so far no one seems to understand except liming. my parents hid their mortification quite well and were truly quite supportive. especially my dad (hearts to him :) ) i feel quite idiotic because i have to explain to many people why i'm back early. anyway, that one day has thoroughly shaken me because i realise i'll be leaving behind ALL my comfort zones come 7aug and the feeling is not good at all.

feeling somewhat bordering on depression and upset with myself. meeting liming later for an afternoon of consolation and chillout. thank god for little big pillars of strength :) will blog more about the camp later!

stop living the lie.

off to camp!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

ookay today has been a good day! finally got to see my buddy!! after 5 months? heehee. it was just so so good to see her again :D did alot of shopping at chinatown and bugis and spent twice the amount of money i planned to. hurr. but when i checked my bank account the money actually went up! which is so weird since payday is still 5days away. but I'M NOT COMPLAINING! anyway, it was a really great shopping trip, i really like bugis! cheap and pretty clothes. but most of all cos i got to spend the day with debbie! haha


then went down to meet karenina for dinner at esplanade. good sushi, comfy cushions and great company!

looking forward to friday dudes. :)

so rushed back for my 9oclock show but i think i'm going to give up on it because it's totally going downhill. my darling qiyuwu's wife is going to DIE and yadayadayada. so i packed in a frenzy instead. so that i would be able to catch my grey's anatomy! anyway, i can't believe that i, queen of the i-hate-camps club, have voluntarily signed up for the psychology camp. it's just that i'm very kiasu at this point and my cousin has already scared me by saying that if i dont go for camps i'll be one very lonely person. not to mention the fact that they tell you alot of things during camp. so yes. thank goodness for shiwen, my camp buddy! so i shall be away for the next three days. away from my kids at sengkang, away from my tuition kid, away from being a teacher and going to be a student at a camp, listening to other people's instructions. i'm quite excited and very nervous. how will i be able to sleep tonight! and i think i packed an insane amount of clothes for a three day camp. my dad was like, how long are you going?!? hahaha. ok it's the nervous energy talking now. i will stop and go email ferlynn like i was supposed to 24hours ago. bye for three days!

wedding bells again.
Sunday, July 02, 2006

saturday was spent at yet another wedding. in the past one and a half years, i've been to five weddings already. anyway, morning was the wedding ceremony at a catholic church. it was suprisingly quick! less than an hour. quite cool. then we went shopping at parkway before heading on home to try out our outfits for the night and a mass nap time for all four of us. hehe.

dinner at shangri-la was quite fun! for the first time, the cousins were sat together so we all got to chat a bit :) the food was pretty yummy, hall was gorgeously decorated, live music was rocking and the couple was really really sweet.

my mum and (very cute looking) dad in the lift. me and my mum at the cocktail area. my sis in my dad's jacket. hahah. baby lucious, the cutest thing ever, with shaun. table picture (minus pam). lovely couple. girl cousins pic. and with the wedding couple again! my cousin's the groom btw. haha.

much picture taking at the cocktail area. :)

family pic! :D

four of us :) was great catching up with pam and juliana :)

back at home. and i declare i'm going on a diet. i was seriously exploding in that two piece. and the corset was my mum's!

anyway, can't wait for tomorrow! FINALLY get to see my debbie buddy :) :) and karen too! who i've not seen in ages even though we're both in the same country. hahaha.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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