why does it always rain on me?
Thursday, August 31, 2006

you know i realised, this morning on the train, that the TWO times i've experienced rain in my very short time at nus, it has been on my first days. first day of lectures it rained, first day of tutes today, it rained as well. -.- and while we complain that nus is freaking oven where you sweat all the time you're outside an aircon room, it really is much much worse when it rains :( so i got to school, feet wet and freezing.

first tute was SEA. which was a good start. haha cos i think the tutorial class is quite nice and comfortable. and the tutor absolutely rocks. he's in so chilled and laidback and he's into punk music man. hahah. totally reminds me of jackblack in school of rock. kinda looks like him too. xD and my group, "the kingdom of hairy mangoes", is pretty nice too :) ended early and had an early lunch. i like it when the deck is emptyy :) next was econs tute which was really quite boring. i think econs lessons in themselves just can't be fun. oh wait, unless hashim is the lecturer/tutor. haha. psych tute after that. was pretty interesting cos we did some blind spot experiment. and didnt touch on those awful technical terms that have been floating around in the lectures. oh and the two guys we did it with totally look like these ch8 actors! eng tute after that which was very brief considering it only lasted half the time of my other three tutes. anyway, my el group is nice too so yay! so i'm quite relieved. cos all my tutors seem really nice and like unintimidating. :) and surprisngly, despite having 7hrs of tutorials today, i wasnt as tired as other days in school.

dont know why i feel so, what's the word, happywappy. it's like i'm in such a good mood it hurts and it's bizzare. maybe because there's actually no reason for me to be so happy but my hormones are screwing with something in me. oh and i've been eating ALOOOOOOOOOOOT lately.

[edit]oh yes i think i know why i'm so 'happy'. hahahaha. i think it's all thanks to those videos of ROVE that debbie sent me! hahah. ok it's freaking funny. if anyone is bored pls go and youtube "rove". he's the funniest thing ever and soooo cuteeee (but married)! haha thanks debbiebuddy. like i said, you can make me laugh even miles away. hahaha :D [/edit]

no title!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

monday was spent at the airport studying with xue and chels :) i love how i can be a total retard and bimbo and have the liberty to say stupid things when i'm with them. hahah :D and i must reiterate how much i loveeee the airport. i just can't seem to get sick of it no matter how frequently i go there. hehe.

i love my fellow bim-bos :)[/edit]

school this week has been pretty hectic with all the readings piling up. and i'm just totally lost with the whole biological aspect of my modules. at the same time, i thank my lucky stars i decided to do arts in JC, cos i think i might just have died if i were in science. this sentiment was also felt on mon when i saw chel's chem notes. omgggg.

tuesdays have been very yucky days so far. the psych lecturer tends to mumble to himself and fly through his slides. sadly, i'm coming off the idea of majoring in psych. on one hand, it interests me, and it makes sense for me to major in it like in the long run. on the other, there are just too many things i dont like about it now. from it's complexity to the people (psych is the most lonely and unfriendly vibe-ish lecture! hahh) booo. and then food security. ARGH i can stab myself for taking this module man. fortunately there was a new lecturer yesterday and he was quite ok. it's just that the module itself is so. darn. boring. and today, we met the main lecturer for the module. and damn she annoys me! she clearly thinks that science is the best faculty to be in and doesnt miss a single opportunity to tell us why. -.- and she repeats herself over and over and over again. AND i really can't stand it when people say they have finished, and give you this false sense of hope that your mental torture has ended, but continue to talk and talk and talk. not to mention the fact that she was the bearer of bad news (and i hate bearers of bad news!) about the presentations we'll have to do. presentations!! that was the one reason i decided not to do biz, and go into fass and i end up having to do it anyway in my bloody science GEM which i chose on my own accord. it's just so ironic.

anyway, SEA lectures are really a saving grace. haha. they are so informal and fun :) and we even have dress codes. HAHA. like today's was green. apparently it was posted on the forum. but i didnt know, so when i stepped into the lt i was like hmmm how come so many ppl are wearing green today? haha so cute :) next week's theme is rural and i can't wait to see what the lecturers are going to wear hahah.

tomorrow's my first tutorials day! gonna meet all my tutorial mates :O kinda scary. eeks.

my ear's craving boyband songs these days. haa.

Monday, August 28, 2006

ok day one of my attempts to read up have been slowwwwwww. as usual, i just can't study when the exams are still in the somewhat distant future. i am queen of last minute mugging man. hahaha. it's like when there's no immediate need to study, i'll just find a million and one distractions. anyways, somewhere halfway through mugging i got a pretty nice surprise. haha. it was really sweet (in every sense of the word). so thank you, you :) sorry if i was too shocked to get that across just now. haha.

met xuee for our long overdue prata date! haha. ventured to jalan kayu and i'm happy because i've figured out a bus route there! now i can take bus to and from liming's house! wheee :)

anyways, prata was good! milodino not that good. haha but anyway, an amazing thing happened, because i actually finished my food. hahaha.

now you see it, now you dont!

anyone who has eaten with me before would be proud! as my twinnie was :) cos i almost always never ever finish my food. hahaha. anyway, it was a good night..

..and we were happy! :)

steamy mo.
Sunday, August 27, 2006

steamy outing to the zoo today! :) i'll let the pictures talk..

we have arrived! all fresh and ready to walk. haha.

1. walking in..
2. the saki monkey! i love it's name. shiwen thought i was dissing it cos of it's white face (suckymonkey? hahaha)
3. us with the sakimonkey.
4. lazy white tigers! but so pretty.
5. i realise i love kangaroos! esp when they hop. :)
6. funky signboards and names.
7. a literal ZEBRA crossing. HAHA
8. jackass penguins. like seriously that's what they're called. hahah.
9. spot the frogs! there are at least two!
10. mousedeer! love it's eyes.
11. forgot what they are called but i LOVE their tails!
12. the coolest bag accessory you can ever get man. haha.
13. this was supposed to be a picture of shiwen and a mousedeer but it ran away! hahah.
14. butterflies mating!
15. meerkat! how cute is it!
16. zebra butts.

9-14 was in the fragile forest which i really really enjoyed cos we got to be so close to the animals. it was a bit freaky but still cool! :)

us photowhoring in the eleFUN center. haha.

anyways, it was really quite fun even though we only spent about 3hrs inside. much better than the day spent with the little monsters the other time. hahaha. cos this time i was actually looking at the animals and not at the kids. ha.

bused down to northpoint to meet more steamies for dinner.

pretty chrismassy huh. haha

almost full attendance man! :)

dinner was good. had yummy curry baked rice! then five of us shared an earthquake which was just sooooo. damnnn. gooooood. i have discovered a love for butterscotch flavor. hahah. new flavor of the moment!

then it was outside for more photos. haha we are a pretty camwhoring og.

first it was two,

then three,

then four,

then bam, all 22 of us! :)

bused back after that with khai and wanyi. yay for expressways and hafiz the bus guru. haha got home in a pretty painless 45mins :) ok damn tired. dont know why i'm still awake. but anyways, i so NEED to start studying man. next two days shall completely be devoted to READING UP!! heh.

from the corner of my eye.
Friday, August 25, 2006

so much for my stay at home and stone/study day. i ended up in sengkang polyclinic in midafternoon yesterday because of jolene's inflammed elbow. -.- i hope you know i wouldnt do this for just any one miss jolene so please feel VERY LOVED. hahahah. ok i'm just joking. i know i wasn't very good company. :( anyway, i must say that the mini danishes from fourleaves are pure COMFORT FOOD. even when i feel so bloated and nauseous, i still derive pleasure from eating them. haha.

went home to shower and then headed down to cityhall to meet the 'artsbashers' of steamy. had dinner at kennyrogers. and the corn muffins are yummmm! but the servings there are SO BIG. i shared with jocelyn, everything from the maincourse to the side dishes to the drinks, but we still couldnt finish! even the guys couldnt finish their meals. hmm i wonder if you would be able to finish it twinnie. hahaha just a random thought because i'm still so in awe of how much you can eat! :P hahah.

girls in the toilet.

hm yes it's a bit strange to take a pic in a crowded toilet hahah but who can resist a full-length mirror shot. will edit with the other pics when i get them from khairul!


table shot.

me, joce, krys (: [/edit]

anyway, tried to leave them as they headed off to MoS for the arts bash, but they wouldnt let me. so i had to go with them all the way to clarke quay before i sneaked off. hahahah. felt kinda bad but oh well, was so not in the mood for clubbing. not that i ever am, but i was exceptionally not in the mood last night. =x so trained home to do my SEA report instead. i sound like such a nerd. HAHA. anyways, jamie won miss arts which i think is pretty coool :) hehe.

eng lect early this morning. i really enjoy this lecture :) despite it's earlymorningness. but it's the only lecture that i've actually been consistently paying attention to so far. haha. hmm d gave me a lift back after that and we had lunch at eastpoint. it was so EARLY. haha shops were still unopened and all. i kinda like it tho. the emptiness and the freshness (??) of everything. haha. came home. washed up then went down to meet fi/shar. sat down. talked. ate lots of twisties (salmon terriyaki flavour rocks!). shopped.

1. i think this pic is really cute. even tho i look sooo retarded. hahah.
2-4. karen you are MIAAAAAA :(

anyways zz went off to meet karen to go to pasir ris together. and wonderfully, her friend was cabbing down so we got a cab ride down too! yayyyyyy. :D oh and we bumped into meishi at the cabstand. was quite an ad1 day today man. hurr.

my tummy hurts! and i really hope they are cramps.

la dee dum.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

blogging for the sake of blogging.

i like SEA lectures cos they are so "informal". the lecturer has this favourite word tho - "Ya". she said it like 55 times in 10minutes (yes i counted), which comes up to one "Ya" every 10 seconds or so. which gets kind of annoying. omg why am i in such a bitchy-to-lecturers mood? anyway, after lecture,

-ran errands
-tried out the 'famous' yongtaufu
-figured out the RBR system (pretty embarrassingly. hhaha)
-photocopied alot of readings
-attempted to study in the library

all with shiwen. and i realise,

-i like the library
-i would die if shiwen werent my schoolmate

thank goodness for her seriously :)

anyway, i feel ugh. good remedy for ughness is my bed. so yay that i have no school tomorrow :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

i feel VERY pmsed. so this will be a very bitchy post. that's your advance warning. haha.

ok tutorial balloting SUCKS. i can't believe i didnt get a single tutorial class on friday. so my fridays will continue to be a waste of time. and and and....well i can't be bothered to complain anymore because if i do, it's going to be an essay and no one would really understand what i'm talking about anyway. haha. but basically, ARGH.

anyway. yesterday, met tammie to go for our ushering interview. in short, it was very messed up and quite funny. haha. from the moment i entered the room and ACCIDENTALLY slammed the door behind me, i was a bit unsettled already. and the first question they asked me was like, tell us something about yourself so we can remember you. ?!?!?! that was so unexpected! hahah. so i crapped about my teaching job and how i liked to work with kids, to which he said that as an usher i wouldnt be working with kids. haha so i said, yes i know but i am also interested in events planning, to which he said, as an usher i wouldnt be planning any events. haha i nearly fainted. but luckily they were really nice about it. then he told me a whole slew of information about ticketing prices, show timings etc. and i actually had managed to remember them and was like all ready for him to question me. but no, it was time to roleplay first. had to respond to a guy taking flash photographs in a no photography concert. oh man that was like retribution for the time i was snapping away during the jason mraz concert. HAHA. so after crappy roleplaying, he asked me, what time's the interval? which obviously i couldnt remember anymore! bahhh. anyway, i was really too amused to be upset about the state of my interview. haha. =x

today, was a very 'biological' day. biological psychology was pretty freaky considering i didnt understand half the words coming out of the lecturer's mouth. but at the same time, it's kinda interesting. so that wasnt so bad. food security, on the other hand, was so freaking boring. i nearly fell asleep more than once. and the lecturer, he's really...amusing. he pronounces famine as 'fei-min' and asks questions like, 'how many of you have been to japan? none? hmm how about tokyo?' i'm so sure you can go to tokyo without going to japan right. -.- but he's so nice, so no hating there. but he's really not very engaging la. zzz.


hahahah just had to include this. cos he couldnt pronounce caterpillar properly. awwww. hahah.[/edit]

i HATE public transport at 6pm. it really sucks. esp for a crowd hater like me. got off the train at aljuned and walked to payalebar, like the good old days in ac, cos i was literally being squashed. but i enjoyed the walk :) and it also made up for all sugar i had during food security. hah.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

stupid bloggger ATE up my entry. so i have to do this all. over. again.

ok i think i have a really crappy friday timetable. cos even though i have only 2 lectures on that day, i'm in school from 8am to 6pm! and i have 6hours in between with absolutely zilch to do. -.- anyway, eng lecture was interesting, packed and disappointing. haha i dont think that makes much sense. ha. after lecture, which ended half an hour early, went with derrick and hafiz to get their breakfast then went down to the science bazzar to check out fang's stall. hung around for a while then went back to the forum to meet shiwen and get textbooks! and then FIONA THE BABE came down to be my companion for the rest of the day :D hehehe. she's really my free period buddy man. :D had lunch them bummed around. rachel joined us too. econs lecture, i shouldnt have stayed for it cos NOTHING went in at all, and i was busy scribbling away stuff totally unrelated to econs. had dinner with d at the airport after that.

yesterday, got pangsehed by grace for the SECOND TIME in TWO DAYS. pfffft. haha so chels and i went to swim at the oddly salty pool at downtown east. we made pretty valiant attempts at swimming..half laps. haha then tanned a bit before washing up and having yummy indian rojak. bused down to the aiport to study! wow it's been so long since i've studied at the airport. or studied at all. but it was fun! hehe. i like what we're doing in my eng module. i like how starbucks is so quiet and cozy and comfy. i like how robey was playing a whole slew of good songs. and i like how we can study for long periods but with short chats in the middle :) had dinner after, but my charquayteow stall was closed. BOOHOO. oh wells, forced me to have something healthier. :) went to get some snacks then walked back to t2. the walk was pretty short and nice. esp since the airport was FREEZING for some reason. so the outside air was warm and welcome.

walking through the carpark, we decided to check out the tennis courts at the roof, which i didnt even know existed. but they exist! haha. so cool. hung around at the roof for a bit. the airport lights are so pretty :)


us in all unglamness. hah.

blogger, you better not eat this up again cos i have a freaking bad headache now. rargh.

junk food anonymous.
Thursday, August 17, 2006

argh i feel super heaty and fat and pimply. i really need to go on some form of detox or something (ha my mum would faint hearing that). ok anyway i have a junk food anon buddy now so i shall be talked out everytime i want junk food. hahah

argh i'm on the brink of becoming jaded. everything seems meaningless and pointless. and there are like so many things to do and decide but i dont feel like doing or deciding any of them. i can feel my mind detaching from my body. like seriously man. hah. and i dont know why, but my mum and dad (especially) are REALLY PISSING ME OFF THIS MORNING. ARGHHHHHH.

and i feel bad for just saying that but it's true. arghhhhhhhhhh.

bad trips can make great stallers.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

ok i keep procrastinating blogging. haha. anyway, monday went to cut hair/buy stationery/eat junk with jol. haha was actually quite a nice day UNTIL the end where i actually got on the wrong bus home. i can't comprehend how i got on 161 when i CLEARLY saw that it was 89. and smart jolene didnt even realise that her dear friend was getting on the wrong bus either. haha. it was really bad cos i got on just before the highway. so even when i realised i was on the wrong bus, i couldnt get off! i felt so helpless sitting on that bus, passing yiochukang, passing a sign for MANDAI ZOO (i was freaking a bit here. haha), passing the sports sch and finally being unceremoniously dumped at woodlands mrt station. -.- so dumb. i was so tired by the time i finally got home i slept all the way till grey's anatomy which is getting less good but still good.

tuesday, FIRST DAY! i left the house TWO HOURS before my lecture started. which was a good thing, seeing how i actually waited at the wrong bus stop for a really long time (i declare myself a bus idiot man). anyway, psych lecture was quite interesting, but i dont think i remember anything from the lecture save for the optical illusions. haha. had lunch with some of the obzest ppl after that. and i'm happy to say that the jap food is good! and cheap. yay. haha. bio lecture after that was just information overload. quite scary for a first lecture. =x hmm cabbed out with elaine after that cos 6 o clock traffic is just eurgh. i've never seen such a packed bus stop or bus in my life! i'm scared :( haha. i think next time i might just camp out in sch till 8 or something just to avoid the awful human traffic. anyway, it's so strange, somehow just 4hrs of school is so draining as compared to the 8hrs of school in jc? and having lectures not in uniform is funny, like it doesnt feel like a lecture, more like a talk of some sort..

anyway, today was much better! SEA lecture was so much much more interesting than i anticipated. and he only took one hour! which was quite shit since it was my only lecture today but hello who complains when being let off early right? hahaha. oh and lots of steamy ppl are doing that module so yay :) went to get some stuff done then had lunch with qianhui and khairul and the western food is good too! and cheap. yay. haha. then went down to cityhall to meet jol for some impromptu shopping and rubbishing. hahah. and shoots man, everytime i meet her, i always eat so much junk. argh. bad junkie friend! :(

a nice sepia shot :)

oh and, i think hady really rocks. hehe. :D ok this is a really crap entry. bah.

timetabling is a bitch.
Monday, August 14, 2006

oh my gosh. i dont know how this balloting thing works. 0.0 i need someone to quick come online and save me. hahah. not to mention, i think too many choices is a bad thing. having like over 30 class times to choose from and rank your preference from 1 to 20 is NOT COOL man.

[edit]ok i've just been told it hasnt even started yet. HAHA. chill eunice.[/edit]

last night went down for dinner at ikea with fi and karen. meatballs and ice cream (not together!) :) but it's so strange. i thought i wanted to go out and have some company, but when i was out, all i wanted was to be alone at home. bah. anyway, train ride to queenstown in preparation for the travelling i'll have to do in days to come. starting tomorrow in fact. booo. oh speaking of starting school, thanks debbie buddy for the good luck card! hehe. came just in time and it's always great to see your handwriting. hahah I MISS YOU :(

tisbury lane.
Sunday, August 13, 2006

ok let's talk about thurs first. it was back to camp. and the day was spent at sentosa! whooo. games were quite fun i guess. luckily my group was big so we didnt have to play all the games. hehe. i've never spent so much time in yucky mucky sea water tho. it was kinda gross yet nice and cooling. hahah.

check out the size of my og!

i look like a drenched rat in that pic. :( i actually really felt like one throughout the rest of the night. hurr. anyways, i saw more 4a1 ppl! haha it's amazing, i think half my sec4 class is in nus man. :D so after 'wash up', we had dinner in a circle and played our favourite game - one gun. haha i'm gonna miss that game. followed by speed dating. which was actually more fun and less awkward than it sounds. haha. went back to nus after that. everyone was cramming to get on the last bus. so me, shiwen and colin decided to walk out. first time walking out of sentosa and it's actually not that bad, so i should save on busfare next time. hahah.

back at nus, we had a good nice hot and long shower. then took a night walk to cheers to get some comfort food. hung around the forum for a while before a group of us headed to as7 to sleep at the lobby. but we ended up talking and talking instead. and i realise i am like so unscandalous. hahaha. anyways, slept for about an hour before getting chased out by the security guard. trooped over to the arts block and slept outside some LT like refugees.

the stayover ppl at the forum. we look like green group but we're actually blue! haha

i like steamy alot :) cos one, shiwen's in it. haha. and two, it's big and friendly. hopefully we'll still hang out when sch starts! oh and all pics koped from colin! yay.

left in the morning. went home to wash up and get some shuteye. then headed out to meet my twinnie! satisfied my thaiexpress craving then we went to shopshop at bugis street. i missed hanging out like that! hahaha.

i like the colours of this pic. hehe.

twinnie meal. hahaha.

i'm such a photo koper cos all pics from xue this time! heh. then went down to rafflesplace to meet junwei for fireworks! fireworks were really cool. especially the ones that looked like gold dust raining down. i was totally captivated by that man. looked straight out of a disney animation. heh. went over to suntec for dinner and yummy yoghurt (sounds like yami yoghurt haha). :)

yesterday, liming came over to pasir ris! yay. spent the day just traipsing around the lovely estate. hehe i really love pasir ris and i want to stay here for the rest of my lifeeeee.

at pasir ris park.

i didnt know we were going to the park, hence my attire. i felt like such a bimbo walking around the park in heels(and i was only wearing heels cos i had blisters between my toes so couldnt wear flipflops). oh and i realise there's a football club for kids near the mrt station! it's so cute. seeing those little kids running around the big field playing football. hehe :)

hmm ok anyway, last night was kinda complicated. i'm annoyed that i'm such a confused person. and i guess it's idealistic to want things not to change, but i've always been an idealistic person so... ok so, i dont know if you'll read this or if it'll make a difference, but i'm really sorry. :(

sadness is beautiful.
Saturday, August 12, 2006

argh i'm going out of my mind.

and i suck at planning timetables man. so many things to consider. roar.

anyway, i'm putting off blogging about the past two days till i get pictures, if and when i get them! haha. i'm too blah-ed to blog now anyways.

shall go stalk ppl now. heheh.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

ok the past two days have been spent at orientation. i'm going to ramble alot here now. hahaha.

day one was quite blah. the morning was spent listening to talks after talks after talks. followed by a not so nice lunch at the supposedly very good arts canteen. oh but i saw jeanniechiam!! like after two years plusplus of not seeing her. hahah so cool we are in the same school again :D hmm then it was the freshman inauguration ceremony! it was more interesting than i expected. we were right in front haha. anyway, i think that acapella is really cool but i'm not a fan of choirs. and i really really like the robes and hats the professors wore! so cool and regal. oh and i saw sara too. so many 4a1 ppl in nus! yay. after the ceremony, me and shiwen stuffed ourselves at the reception, the food was really quite yummy, only to find out that next up on the program was dinner. -.- so anyway, i had water at the cafe. haha. hm after that was some house bonding i think. dont really remember much other than alot of cheering and some games. up to that point, i still didnt really know my og members' names haha. other than SHIWEN of course! hehe.

after that was FRIGHT NIGHT! oh man, at first i wasnt really scared. i mean how scary can it get right. FAKE ghosts and FAKE ghost stories. but while waiting they played the maid, which isnt scary in itself, but the sound effects were totally freaking me out. then it was finally our turn. we got walked to this secluded LT area. and the guy told us to take the lift up to the 6th floor to get the clue from the altar. i was like there's an altar in the school?!?! so then we got into the lift. and i was totally starting to freak out. haha. when we got to level 6, both of us refused to step out of the lift cos it was like PITCH BLACK outside. so, we actually went back down hahahah. when we got out the ogls were like HUH. haha. we managed to get one of the guys to go up with us, altho he wasnt really much help -.- so anyway, we finally we went into the corridor. and omg it was like being transported right into those korean/jap/asian scary movies. seriously, there was this like red glow and a woman in black sitting down at the end of the corridor and alot of wailing moaning sounds. and we didnt know what to do, so we edged towards her but then she started coming towards us and so we screamed and ran and suddenly there were like these black things chasing us all over. the worst one was the one on the floor that tried grabbing our legs :( it's so STUPID. i dont know why we were so scared because we knew it was fake but we were still freaking out and screaming. so after taking forever to find the clue (which was cleverly hidden in the bowl of oranges!), we ran out screaming. hahaha. it was really bad, but quite exciting after you get out and think about it. hah.

anyway, after that there was alot of sitting around and CHEERING. by the time we got our rooms, it was like almost 2. anyway, it was like one og to one room. and my og had about 15 ppl?! and the room is like smaller than one quarter of an NL in the happy hut. so yes, it was pretty darn cramped. all i wanted to do was sleep. but everyone decided to have supper. so not wanting to be left alone in the room, i zombied down to the cheeseprata place with them. unfortunately, it was SO CROWDED. so we went and bought stuff from 7eleven instead. and i was secretly happy that we would be going back so fast BUT then it started to pour out of the blue. it was a real freak storm. so we were forced to sit down somewhere and hide like refugees. after a long and torturous wet and cold wait, the rain slowed to a drizzle and we ran like mad all the way back. it was FREEZING man.

then me and shiwen went off to eusoff ishak halls to bathe. it was still drizzling and cold and we were walking quite miserably out in the rain. BUT then, this super kind (and apparently quite hot) aussie guy stopped in his cab and gave us a lift down. hahah. so nice. :) showered up and then walked back to our room to find EVERYONE lying horizontal with the lights off. they were scheming and gossiping away though. haha. so when we finally got to sleep, it was like 4am?? and then two hours later we all got rudely woken up and kicked out of the room by the security guard who had to lock up the rooms. ?!?!?! so we trudged down to the forum to sit around for very long before it was more cheering and then collecting tins/shirt for flag day. my group is slack (yay) so we all dispersed to go home first and put down our stuff.

met up again at boonkeng at about 1 to do flag day. omg it was like retribution for all those times i ignored flagday ppl. i got ignored and rejected for like a good hour? i felt so annoying. :( but it's quite fun when ppl donate. you feel happy when coins are plonked in, even if it's only a miserable 10cents. haha. stayed there till about 4plus.

happy steamy after collecting moolah. haha.

then we went to the nearby macs to wait. it was quite fun there cos we played games and had stupid forfeits which i honestly thought were quite funny but probably only because i wasnt the one doing it. hahah. went over to potong pasir to deposit the tins then went down to sakae dining next to PS for dinner. i was so darn tired then. like totally switching off. but the food there is quite yummy! and the ambience is nice too.

went off to newton to meet grace and her friend jeremiah after that. thank goodness he was driving us down to simpang, because for some reason, the east bound train at doubyghaut was INSANELY packed. the train was packed and so was the platform. it was pretty horrifying. =x picked rachel up at tanahmerah then it was off to simpang for PRATA!! yayayay. finally got my cheese and egg prata and milodino :D :D good chatting with the newneighbours too! haha. :) trained back after that and fell asleep on the train. was so darn tired man. but somehow i only managed to sleep for less than 12 disjointed hours last night. where are the days where i could sleep and sleep and sleep! i need my continued sleep man.

anyway, it's national day! decided not to go for the parade tho. because it sounds so tiring. and also cos of the um toilet conditions. hahah. =x ok that's about it for my superlong entry! well done to whoever actually managed to read the whole thing. hahah.

Monday, August 07, 2006

went down for FOP just now with mum, xue and dawn. first time! i remember so clearly wanting to go last year but not being able to etcetc. which was when it kind of hit me how fast time is flying. but anyways. it was quite an experience. to me, the jumping and screaming parts were really not my thing. i'm just not such a charismatic worshipper. and the only times i like to sing are when i'm ALONE in my room. hurr. but don moen was really really good! i love his songs and his voice and his violinplaying :D

me and xue in the indoor stadium. :)

so long never take pics together! so we took like 6 identical shots. hahah. after the whole thing, went down to sims ave for supper! having weird and random food cravings these days. luckily this carrotcake one got satisfied fast :)

k i guess i should sleep soon! long day of orientation tmr. eeks i still can't believe i'm going. oh well, at least this time shiwen's in the same group as me! whee i feel so lucky :) hahah.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

omg i am soooo tired. really, today was the peak of my tiredness. went to skps super early for meeting/setting up of the stall. before the whole carnival officially started was really fun actually. cos i could walk around and talk to ppl and be happy and not stressed out. haha. oh and one of my exstudents gave me these two soft toys he won from playing games. how sweet is he. haha :) k let me just rant a bit here. i realise funfairs are really FAR from fun when you're a teacher. there's alot of shit you have to do. and a great sense of responsibility weighing on your shoulders. manning the slide was really no fun. the endless stream of kids coming to bounce was torture in the hothot sun. luckily we worked one hour shifts, so i was only in hell every other hour. hurr. ok and now for a splash of colour (carnival pics are so happy!) and the better parts of today, i shall picture blog. haha.

1. in the morning sun, when the slide was still in the shade. i kinda like this pic. :)
2. she looks neat as a pin. hahah.
3. my little companion for the day :)
4. the final banner. to me, it was just overly decorated to a point of eurgh. but yeah, no one wanted to listen to me when i said, 'i think it's enough!' like umpteen times -.-
5. mum, durga and my hennas! :)
6. durga and i. hehe
7. the big balloon arch!
8. this little p3 girl won an all expense paid trip to uk, buckingham palace for her drawing. COOL OR WHAT. she was our little celebrity for a while. hahah.
9. hehe i think mrpopeye is cute.
10. 3jo girls.
11. young kids are so... flexible!
12. 5pa boys. haha waiting for their turn at soccer.
13. the kid who gave me the toy cats. hahah he's so cute :)
14. check out his expression. hahah.
15. my 'artistic' motion shot. right. haha.
16. the two cats! pretty cute aye.

oh and misslam came too! yay was good seeing her in skps again, or actually just seeing her. haha too bad no pic on my cam :(

[edit] ok now i do. yay! :)

hehe. miss ya twinnieeee :( [/edit]

anyway, my password for my nus email account apparently doesnt work. it's either undecipherable or invalid. both of which are really annoying. cos i can't find out if i got my modules! and it's the weekend so the IT care is closed. so i won't know! till like monday! and speaking of monday, i said yes to going for oweek. someone should remind me that if i voluntarily go for something, i no longer have the right to complain.

ok i think i'm tired and cranky and complaining too much. so i shld shut up and go sleep now!

sticky situations.
Friday, August 04, 2006

went down to help out with the carnival preparations at skps just now. somehow it felt really strange going back there. it's only been a week away, but already i feel like i dont belong there anymore :( anyways, one of the benefits of working with the librarian is that we got to work in the AIRCONDITIONED library. didnt actually do much though. one of the teachers gave glitter to the kids and they went mad on the banner. i was slightly horrified, but now i can blame the kids if ppl say the banner looks funny. ahaha.

went down to compasspoint to frantically search for a computer to do my final bidding. thank goodness for jolene and the VERY SUPER NICE lady who lent me her cashcard :) finished up with the bidding, so good luck to me and all other poor nus freshies cos results of the bidding are out tonight (already!) eeks. then to ease my poor nerves, i indulged in chocolate cake and chips. haha which was murder for my throat, but oh so good for my mental state. sat at a secluded corner of compasspoint and just talked and talked and talked. hahah. walked all the way to the highway after that. sigh, why does it seem like all my good talking buddies are going to smu?? booooo. :(

anyway, i think the more you talk about some things, the more you jinx it, so i should start zipping up now. heh. hmm i hope the carnival tmr will be fun! can't wait to see the kiddies. hahah.

late nights and early mornings.
Thursday, August 03, 2006

yesterday, caught the lake house with junwei. that movie has this really romantic (i.e. idealistic) view on love. but it was sweet la. :) then went shopping at (where else) bugis and chinatown. but i think i've outshopped those places. and also, i think i can't shop with ppl who arent shopping. haha =x went walking about after dinner. i really really like the chinatown/clare quay/esplanade stretch. and i really really like sitting in front of the merlion to talk. haha so yay it was a good day. :D

woke up early today to get in on the bidding action. i'm quite latently panicked about this whole bidding thing. hopefully i'm doing it right. eeks. then went down to harbourfront to meet fiona! felt great being in my red acjc shirt and fbts but i think i looked like i literally rolled right out of bed. haha i was so darn tired so i actually felt like i had just rolled out of bed too. but anyways, had some food then trooped down to sentosa. it actually threatened to rain but thankfully the sun came back out when we reached the beach! yay.

after a few hours in the sun, our energy was totally sapped up. yes, we were exhausted from lying in the sun. HAHA. trudged back out to the hawker centre for lunch and then to harbourfront to shop for materials for my banner! i am like misslastminute. bad bad. and while shopping, i got reminded that i had tuition in like 20minutes. :O so we sat down somewhere and she helped me quickly draw the letters for the banner. and then i cabbed home. 17dollars cab ride for 25dollars tuition. -.- that's what i get for being scatterbrained.

came back and quickly worked on the banner. and i THINK it looks quite not bad all things considering.. hahah.

don't you think so? :D all credit for the pretty words go to fionaaa.

haha. k i am soooo tired. and i think i'm getting sick. my throat hurts real bad and my eyes are kind of sore (oh no fi!). think it's cos of the bbq food and then the lack of sleep and then the sun today. rah. i need to be alive for the next two days at least! shall have an early night tonight i hope :) oh yes, and i am so craving for cheese and egg prata. :( i need to go get some like soon. argh.

caught in suspension.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

i think my working the past 7 months has trained me to wake up early. i can no longer sleep till like the afternoon. and it's kinda annoying, especially when i sleep late the night before! i just keep waking up and can't go back to sleep even though i'm real tired :( arghh.

anyways, yesterday, went for orientation talks with shiwen. it really scares me to think of my situation if shiwen wasnt going to nus fass as well. anyway, the fact is she is so yay :) i know the whole point of university is to be more independent, but the magnitude of everything is just scaring me into the opposite direction. i think i might be extremely neurotic and insecure and overly dependent in the coming months. more so than usual. so um, sorry in advance? =x and thanks to those who have been bearing the brunt of it recently. haha.

went down to ecp for the camp bbq. it was like deja vu walking to the furthest bbq pit again. but luckily this time there was wind. and it was already dark. so the walking was actually quite nice. it was quite weird because i didnt know anybody, save for my those in my og. hmm but somehow we stayed till quite late. it got nice after a while cos ppl kept serving us food. haha and the breeze that night was really nice! :)

Making mountains out of molehills.

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