Saturday, September 30, 2006

a rare display of facial contortions.

i love my sissypoo. hahaha. sorry baby for being a bad sister just now. i have a colorful version come get from me! wheeee :D

study session with the usual coffebean-borders gang just now. pretty productive i say! but i still have shitloads to dooooooooo. tomorrow i WILL finish all my psych chapters? haha ya right. man still got the damn term paper which i have no clue how to write. and and the 6 econs webcast lectures to watch. etcetcetc. the thing about uni is that it's just constant work. every thing at every point of the sem is counted. and even when you somehow miraculously cleared all your ESSENTIAL readings, you have to go find more to read. -.- and my modules this sem arent even that heavy in terms of reading! am i freaking out? yes a little bit.

ANYWAY, we had dinner at toast! this really adorable and peaceful and pink place that sells yummy and pretty wraps, sandwiches, cakes, cupcakes, cookies ETC. and man i LOVE wraps. they rock my world. cheesecakes, on the other hand, make me feel sick :( haha. toooo rich for me! and i only had 1/4 of a slice!

[insert pics when i get them from twinnie. hahah.]

went back to coffeebean after that. but i was just too tired to hold out much longer. so trained back and actually fell into such a deep sleep the driver had to wake me up at pasir ris. HAHA. how embarrassing =x but luckily he woke me up, or i probably would have slept all the way to boonlay or something. zzz. and i just wasted the rest of the day/night online. and suddenly it's almost two. ok i shall sleep "early" today. considering how 3am has been my regular bedtime the past few nights.

a slipshod plaster smacked on.
Friday, September 29, 2006

sometimes i dont know what else to say to myself but Well Done.

thank goodness for sensible girlfriends who sleep late. heh.

reality check.
Thursday, September 28, 2006

ok let's see. it's thursday. my break is more than half over. what i have i done in terms of preparation for my upcoming psych and econs midsems? about two pages of the psych text and zilch for econs. how bout my psych term paper? havent even looked at it. how bout my two projects? well, i've basically been making everyone nice enough on my contact list do my eng survey. even asked liming's brother. HAHA. and i've never really spoken to him before despite "knowing" him for over six years. anyways i realised he's a really nice kid :)

woke up early today to go on a photohunt with d for my food sec project. man what would i do without her :) drove to changi for brunch at subway. i really love mornings when no one's around. had a yummy salad to make up for my disgusting gluttony yesterday. anyways, the goal of my photohunt was to take pictures of unhygenic hawker centres, like dirty floors and grotty cutlery and utensils. BUT it's really hard man! for one, you get lots of suspicious stares once you whip out your camera. drove past some neighbouring estates after that where i just took random pictures of the roadside stalls. hahah i felt like paparazzi for some reason, snapping a secret shot and then speeding away. the patrons were pretty amused i think. most just turned their heads away. HAHA. man.

anyway, random thoughts of the estates we went to today..

pasir ris = home :) tampines = my childhood. cos i used to live there when i was younger. and used to go there alot even after we moved to pasir ris and before whitesands was built. heh. changi = a place worth exploring! we drove past the old changi hospital. and MAN just looking at it and hearing my aunt talk about it gave me the creeps. and you know as you stare at it, you notice many interesting features in the building and then you think about how it used to be a hospital and you think about the stories that happened there...

spookyspooky. i'd love to explore it tho! anyone game? HAHA.

jalankayu = tons of cars and people squashed into a tiny row of eating places. sengkang = sengkang pri. and let me digress. had a terrible nightmare last night, where i went back to teach there. oh man it was a really bad nightmare. and somehow my dreams, i remember the feeling and flashes of it but i can't put them into words. ha. oh and one thing interesting about sengkang. it is terribly residential. other than flats, there's barely anything else. and it's strange, despite the many housing units, the streets always seem somewhat deserted...

ok then went to meet my food sec groupmates at compasspoint. we discussed our project for about 45min and talked for about twice that time? hahah. it was nice talking to them tho :) i'm quite impressed that we could talk so freely actually. seeing as this was only the second time i met them. anyways, i'm quite happy with that project cos at least it seems to be progressing and my group mates actually seem interested in doing it UNLIKE my el group which i will not even begin to discuss.

then decided i might as well go shop for the black clothes i'll need for ushering. amazing how i never bought black pants or blouses when i was teaching -.- so anyway, shopped ALONE and nearly bumped into many exstudents which was quite horrifying cos i was in sch shirt and fbts. anyway got a nice outfit :) which will take aboout eleven hours of work to recover. HA.

ok damn tired but will study now. cos i must! ahh. oh and i will end with this pic of a stray cat i took today. it was supposed to look diseased and dirty but...


not the closest but the oldest.

the original plan was to wake up early and join my sis to crash at my aunt's house and study like mad. but i dont know what's up with me and sleeping the morning away. when i woke up, my sis was already GONE. boo. anyways, i shld savour it while i can. i mean that's what breaks are for right? sleeping in. heh. so did about zero work before going out to meet jol and youfei.
coordinating a meeting for three people with three different timetables is really hard. this meal was originally supposed to happen like in JULY. hahahah. anyways, had sakae again. man. sushi overload! haha. then we went photocrazy in our booth.

the things i make them do to get a picture. heh.

i look like i'm falling asleep on her shoulder. zzz.

then went shopping a bit at marinasquare. i'm going crazy with my resolve to stay away from tees once sch starts again. never bought so many consecutive non-tee tops in my life. haha. anyway, after stepping out of zara we had quite an exciting (to me) star sighting moment.

ok groupie rambling here which can be ignored.. :D

hahaha. so i was on the phone when the two of them started going, "eunice look straight look straight!" i was like huhh?? but i turned and saw....HADYYYYY. hahaha like 5metres away?? and the first thing i did was exclaim "HI" into my phone, confusing my friend totally. hahaha. anyway, he was with jon who was very inconspicuous in his shades. waffled a bit too much in deciding whether or not to approach them, so they disappeared into some makeup store, presumeably to do their makeup or something. :( haha but man it was so surreal to see them in person, like in a shopping center. jol and youfei were completely unimpressed tho! "they are just normal people just that we've seen them on tv." hahaha. that's true though. but ANYWAYS, hady is really goodlooking in person! not that he's not on tv. but yeah. i've seen taufik up close too but man, hady > taufik anytime man!

end groupie rambling. heh

anyways, after that little excitement (which i had to relay to xue on the phone cos those two were just completely unaffected!! hahah), walked over to rafflescity to meet liming. where i ate SOME MORE. and ended up with icecream and waffles at hagendaaz. i've been eating damn damn alot these days, and am always hungry even when i'm full enough to feel like puking. make sense? hmm.

do you notice how bits and pieces of people just rub off you sometimes? this is very true for me. i'm such a dough.

oh and anyway, i'm reverting back to korean music these days. music with english lyrics try to talk to you too much.

big bang.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

met shiwen for a little shopping today :)

had dessert for lunch at this really quaint chinese dessert shop. had peanut paste which i've always wanted to try but am disappointed to report tastes like watery and diluted peanut butter -.- then we hit the shops! anyway, i think bugis icon can replace bugis street as the place to shop in that area. cos altho it's more inconvenient and kind of more expensive, at least the clothes dont all look IDENTICAL. man we totally got a headache at bugis street. haha.

went down to the airport to meet chels for dinner. after much contemplation, we finally settled on sakaesushi. haha. then supermarket shopped at the freezing cold storage. visited my dear little red lobster as well. hee i'm glad to see he has not been bought! anyway i LOVE the airport cold storage, outside the fact that it's too damn cold, cos it has so many yummy looking things! and alot of useful things too. you just feel so safe in there. like the world outside could collapse and you'll still be fine. hahaha what the hell.

walked over to t1 after that.

and we stumbled upon a taxi factory! hahah. ok no la. it was just the taxi line? but man it was quite cool. like we stepped out to the sounds of multiple car engines and the sight of LINES of taxis of different types and colors. i'd never seen anything quite like that.

anyway pretty lamps at t1. apparently for deepavali? looks like it's for mooncake festival to me tho! went over to row 4 to chat with kx and the rest for a while. then it was time for her to go in! :( was really quite sad at the departure gates. :( altho i wont say i'm really all that close to her, i'm really gonna miss kx cos she's just such a wonderful person. seriously, her openess and friendliness to everyone. and she's just damn NICE. heee. so all the best kx! :)

airport shots.

anyways, going back to sunday. studied with xue, chels, jac and chris at coffeebean, borders. (and that was about the last time i studied. damn.) then we headed down to kx's house for her birthday cum farewell.

twinnies with the unintentionally matching utensils. hahah.

kx's cake with seriously nineteen candles!

shot with the birthday cake and girl :)

this is seriously belated, but happy nineteenth anyway kexian babe! :)

and i guess it's selfish and irresponsible. but i'm too tired to think about it. at least not tonight. all i know is i feel bad. didnt mean for it to come at the wrong time. but well, i will not try to justify.

beanie boy.
Monday, September 25, 2006

all hail the new idol xD

pretty lame pic. haha but yay :) i didnt waste my three votes. hehe. anyway, i hope he will go on to be a better idol than taufik was, and not "sell out" by doing stupid endorsements. haa.

music really heals the soul.

i just wish my resolution would stick.


It just takes some time,
little girl you're in the middle of the ride.
Everything, everything will be just fine,
everything,everything will be alright, alright.

true that. i'm only 19. what the hell.

you give me wings. haa.

it's 2 something am. and my tummy hurts :(

anyway, will blog about today (yesterday?) later on when i get some pics. haha. but singapore idol finals just now. damn anticlimax if you ask me. haa. and i was so annoyed cos the sound system sucked and didnt do either of their voices justice. anyways, i'm still rooting for HADY!! whoo!

koped pics from my sis..


HAHA. but i think they both look really nice in these pics. :) hady reminds me of a teddy bear. haha. k will go sleep now. cos i need to mug hard tomorrow! as well as give tuition to Very Fidgety Boy. zzz.

jolly days.
Sunday, September 24, 2006

today felt like quite a longggg day despite waking up quite late. alternated between the telly and the computer. that was the life man :D haha. watched the encore of prison break. it's pretty interesting, but i think the main draw of this whole hyped up show is that wentworth miller guy cos he's really damn hot man. haha. then actually studied a little. i felt so impressed with myself. studying on the first day of term break. HAHA.

then went to meet karenina for dinner. after a LONG PERIOD of indecision (haha) we decided on pizzahut! man havent had pizzahut in ageeeeeeees. got a personal pan each, and i FINISHED my pepperoni pizza :) except for one sliver of crust. anyways, twas really nice catching up with karen! :D 23sept girl. the beginning of our progress. hahaha.


wanted yami yoghurt but there was no more peach flavor left :( i cant believe after two years of hanging out with so many yamiyoghurt fans i only realised how good it was recently. hahaha. slow or what man eunice!

Friday, September 22, 2006

when i'm tired i do alot of stupid things.. like order the wrong food. get off the train and out of a station only to turn around and go back in. etcetcETC. and i was so tired on the train just now i hesitated too long to move to a really good seat and watched as someone else just walked and sat down. MAN. today was really bad anyways, been having those lack of sleep kind of headaches. and the weather is so damn stuffy and dry now. sucks. eng lecture. no one (at least in my area) was listening cos we were too preoccupied by the test in the next hour. test was pretty crappy. last year's one was so much easier! :( but nevermind, cos 3/5 of my mid sem tests are over! and the BREAK IS HEREEEEE. altho i dont think it'll be much of a break with all the projects to rush and term papers to write and studydates. hurr. anyway, i dont know why that when i'm damn tired i just can't sleep? and even when i manage to fall asleep it's only for two miserable hours?! actually it's not just when i'm tired, these few days i seem to have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. the only times i actually WANT to sleep is when i have to wake up. HAHA.

anyways, yesterday went to sch early to study a bit with fi at the central library. accomplished about zero work tho. zz. then went for eng tute which was as usual confusing. long long train ride WITH SEATS to the airport after that. had dinner then went to send sharr off. it's always kinda sad seeing a friend walking through the departure gates and disappearing into transit area. :( but at the same time i kind of envy her! man i absolutely loved uk, how cool is it to study there! :D

not a great pic :( but i havent had a pic with karen in so long!!

the wedges are down to three now. haha. and come feb next year, it'll be down to two! :( so many classmates disappearing man seriously.

ok the headache persists. i shall lay on my bed and watch teeveee. goong is getting good! haha.

purpley dayyy.
Thursday, September 21, 2006

ok today has been a pretty good dayyy :)

it all started with robey FINALLY allowing me to put new songs in it. i havent had new songs in it since like nov last year man. and so the ride to school was quite happy cos i had new songs! wheee :D hmm actually it was only bearable. cos while i had new songs, the train was DAMN STUFFY, and i was frantically trying to read up for a possible sea pop quiz but gave up halfway cos i was too damn sleepy. anyways, I LOVE SEA. the pop quiz popped up today but it was so fun! like seriously. two word answer plus drawings of cartoon men? hahaha. and today's lecture was really interesting. all about gender. and we watched a video of a transexual beauty pageant. how cool huh. haha. oh yeah, and me and shiwen both turned up in purple, which just so happened to be the color theme for today's lecture. haha 500 bonus points for us! :D

lunch and halfhearted flipping through of lecture notes for the food sec test. then made our way down to sci fac. the journey from arts to sci is really long and tortorous man. i know it's just a bus ride away, but the crowded jerky bus, the hills, the steps. zzz. anyways, the test was quite okay i guess. could have been worse. was SO happy after it ended. cos it was one major source of irritance yesterday. met up with my project group after that, and one more reason to be happy, cos they are all REALLY NICE :)

made our way down to cityhall after that for dinner at newyorknewyork! i'm quite sad, cos the food there is no longer as good as it was when i first went! and i ordered the EXACT SAME THING. but it looked, smelt and tasted different :( booo. anyways, against all odds, fi and shar turned up in PURPLE too! ahahah.

splash of purpleness :)

anyway, the service was really bad today too. our drinks and food took forever to come. shar and fi's water never came. as did terence's mudpie. so before we left, we stuffed these napkins into their menus.

HAHAHAH. but, i enjoyed dinner anyways :) went to meet liming after that for drinks at top of the m. that place is like our place for conversation man. somehow words flow freer in a dim surrounding. haha. trained home after and I GOT A SEAT. wheeee.

so the good thing about having bad days is, when you hit a good day, it feels REALLY GOOOD. :) anyways, i'm reaaaaaalllllly tired now. time to sleep!

not for discussion.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

it's cold.

i just spent the day studying. or attempting to. and giving tuition to a kid i seem to have run out of patience with.

and suddenly today i feel lost. :( i dont know why. i dont know what i'm doing either. you know that kind of confusion. i have this urge to "rediscover myself" haha and damn that sounds so cheesy. but i've been thinking, how so much of my personality and character depends on the people around. like my identity is this soft lump of dough that gets moulded according to my friends. i just wonder, what kind of person i would be if i didnt have so and so as a friend or if i were to be dumped into somewhere where i didnt know anyone and noone knew me and i didnt have to think about people's preconceptions of me. didnt have to live up to expectations.

i guess it's the whole uni thing. this sudden bombardment of new people. the lessened contact with familiar people.

i really dont like this feeling of new people :( it scares me. i feel like a kid but it's true. it scares the shit out of me. esp when i have to deal with new people alone. which i guess is why i'm suddenly feeling so scared now. dealing with my el group just now as well as envisioning working at ucc. it dawns on me the last time i was put into a place with no familiar faces at all was when i came to ac arts two years ago. and i have changed ALOT in those two years. become more wary of people and their intentions. become wiser but more afraid.

and at the same, i'm so disillusioned by friendship. i mean, honestly, it's quite fleeting. it depends so much on circumstance. dont you just wonder sometimes, who's going to still be around 5 years from now? or who's gonna stick around through hard times? honestly, i've only let those few friends see me at my worse. i really hate the feeling of burdening people with my problems. or maybe i hate people seeing me weak and exposed. i'm not much of a fan of feelings other than happiness.

hohum. i dont know man. right now, i just feel like hibernating and not talking to anyone for a long period of time.

must be the cold. and i'm secretly a polar bear or something.

too much food on my plate.
Sunday, September 17, 2006

just got back from my uncle's house to see shanta. (i just realised her name looks like santa! haha) was in a really really bad mood at first. cos i dont really like family gatherings..much. except those in aussie. heh. anyway, there was loads of food. man i practically ate nonstop from 1 to 4. mango and duck salad, hokkien mee, dumplings, crabs, durians, YUMMY indo snacks, mooncakes etc. and they were all so damn yummy. but right, i got really really annoyed when the aunties\grandmas kept picking on my eating habits. i can't help that i'm quite a picky eater. :( poo. anyways, their dogs are so freaking adorable. i have a crush on timmie! the cutest sausage dog ever.

he looks so regal! and he's damn well behaved. and his short little limbs!! AWWW

anyway, moving on to happier things. had a really fun time yesterday! :D

met xue and kx at parkway parade to do the final grocery shopping for the bbq! and giant is a gigantic supermart that is highly confusing. but it was fun. i like grocery shopping. haha.

chels and chris came and we all cabbed over to chris' house to prepare food! come to think of it, i think this was the first time i actually participated in the PREPARATION of the food for a bbq. haha anyway, the four of us were a pretty darn good production line. cutting, buttering, wrapping up the copious amounts of food!

check out the fooooood!

anyway, it actually drizzled and there was this HUGE clap of thunder while we were preparing the food. which made us all a bit worried. but somehow, the rain never fell in the end :D hehe. grace came with the ever important charcoal and jacq and peis came with the satay. and we all went down to the bbq pit to start getting ready to bbq! chels was our wonderwoman firestarter! :) anyway, i think the bbq was quite a success. foodwise and companywise. chatted and ate all the way till 10. didnt even realise the time till the security guard came to remind us. haha.

anyways, cleaned up then we migrated to chris' room where we went completely photocrazy with her macphotobooth. hahah. we took about 150 photos? got a shock when i got the zipped file from her yesterday. anyway, it was loadsa fun playing the functions, and here are some of my favourite, and less embarrassing, ones.

one to eight in very kawaii fashion. HAHA

us and our clones 0.0


in spirit of sgidol - attempting to be paultwohills and rahimarahims. hahah

and i look like a monkey cos i can't cross my eyes. HAHA

aaaand...us in all normalcy :)

Friday, September 15, 2006

yesterday was such a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng day, i was just telling shiwen, it felt like a WHOLE WEEK.

sea tute was quite..thought-provoking. i really think that sea studies is damn interesting. but it's something i know i'll never do well in. cos i'm real shitty at historical events and current affairs. haha and all this political stuff. *shudders. man i sound like a real airhead. but well. had lunch after that with one of our tutorial mates. it's honestly very hard to make friends in uni man. everyone has different timetables and stuff so most people you meet just become faces you recognise around the school. which is not neccesarily a good or bad thing (which just made this sentence pretty pointless. ha ha)

anyway, 5hours straight of tutorials after that. econs is SO BORING. :( and the tutor is so darned confusing man. zzz. luckily i met two VERY nice girls who talked to me. hahah. or i would have been damn loner. :( i love friendly ppl. :D hee. everything about psych tute after that felt like we were test subjects in some strange institution - the claustrophoic classroom, the string of experiments we had to take part in and the data collation after that. but i think psych tutes are the most fun. cos they arent really taxing to the brain at all honestly. haha. and there's practically no work at all. just do experiments in class. in fact, we ended one hour early. haha. so wandered around school a bit before my eng tute! which was, in short, stuffy and confusing.

met junwei for dinner after that. first time eating dinner in school. haha. i prefer it to lunchtime! cos while it's crowded, it's not TOO crowded. then we walked over to UCC for my ushers briefing. the briefing itself was both intimidating and exciting. like i realise there's really quite alot of commitment and responsibilties in this job blablabla. but at the same time, it looks like quite fun too? haha. dont know la, time will tell. we had a venues walk after that. and i swear i dont remember a single thing. so many different names for so many different places. all i remember is that there are ALOT of emergency exits. HA. oh but i realise going home at 8 is MUCH more pleasant than going home at 6. cos the rush hour crowd is gone. so maybe next time i shld just stay in sch to study before going home at 8.

slept real little last night. cos for some WARPED reason, my body is too tired to sleep. dragged myself to school for morning eng lecture (with dad's help hahah). and i'm glad i did. ha. anyways, after lecture went for lunch. then waited for shiwen to finish her lecturee. attempted to study but was too zonked out. so peoplewatched. and stuff. it started pouring tho! brrr. so we had to cab down to harbourfront. took a train down to chinatown. and shopped! yayy. found some nice stuff. like this dress i REALLY LOVE. but i have no idea where would be appropriate to wear it to. hahah. but whatever, i love it :D hehe. hmm then met a friend, who i think is not supposed to be named yet ha. and we all got somewhat lost in chinatown trying to find JING LONG. spent an eternity in there looking for the perfect yarn. -.- left our friend an hour later, knitting among the aunties. hahaha.

went down to cityhall to meet liming :) :) bumped into fii. had dinner together. and the topic of discussion naturally turned to NUS vs. SMU - the pros and cons. and i still stand by the belief that one of the best decisions in my life was to choose nus. hahah. outside the fact that nus is just SO DARN FAR AWAY. but yeah. anyways, fi left with eugene and li and i went off to do some shopping. my right eye was super tired tho. still is actually. feel kinda unbalanced. like half of me is sleepier than the other. 0.- wanted to go for drinks but the hotel was under some HEAVY security man. so went home instead!

anyway, let's feel the love man.

which is ALOT, if you know how much she loves them. hahaha.

ok i need and want sleep. soon.

i can't make me.
Thursday, September 14, 2006

oh man. hady sang my song of the moment. hahah. dingdingding! bonus points (he doesnt need in my book) for him :)

ok i just spent a really crappy two hours speed teaching myself two lectures worth of econs and attempting to do my tutorials (last minute again -.-) and man i feel idiotic because i dont know how to do the short answer questions. the knowledge is on the edge of my brain. like i understand how it works and yada but i dont know how to apply! which is.. frustrating. i just hope she calls me to answer an multiple choice question tmr. or maybe i'll volunteer.

ok i need sleep. i'm so tired i cant bring myself to get to my bed tho. hah. long day tmr! boohoooo. and all tutorials. so no skipping. or stoning (too much). wah i should really shut up and get sleeping.

mozzie food.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

i'm getting eaten alive my mosquitos. dont even know where they are coming from. school or home. cos no one else is getting bitten but i keep getting new ones! roar :(

anyways, sea lecture was real short today! so had a quick lunch and we were in the library before 1! studied for a good two hours plus in our new conducive spot. then headed over to spinelli's to do our eng tute, and discuss sat! haha. d came after that and we headed to tiongbaru for ALOT OF KUEH :( had four chweekuehs, one beechiangkueh and two soonkuehs! there's no more room for dinner man. and my dad bought paos!!

which has been deemed evil by my dear friend. HAHAHA.

as days go by.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

keeping in tradition to keep track of my days on this blog..

monday was airport day with xue and chels again! we apparently inspired a foreigner who was so impressed at our intent mugging at the cafe he took a pic of us. HAHA. which made me realise what a strange phenomenon studying at the airport or any cafe/fastfood place is. anyways, had to go off early cos of tuition. and omg, after a one month break from teaching, it was quite tortorous. and it was 2 hours instead of the usual 1 and a half this time. totally could not keep up with his hyperness man. zzz.

today, was just a typical bad tuesday. i got the tuesday blues! haha. at least i have shiwen with me :) and this is the string of retarded things we did today...

discovered our stupidity by not having "ah hah!" moments in psych. got dogged by our incentives. bused to YIH in a completely roundabout fashion. unintentionally pissed off the bus uncle. got an upsidedown subway salad. ate gross eclairs. walked over to sci block. literally chilled out in the corridor of a sci lt. sat through a food security lect which was horrifyingly paranoia inducing. not to mention, very stuffy and weirdsmelling.

oh and im getting damn sick of long train rides! ugh.

once in your lifetime.
Monday, September 11, 2006

dont know why blogger keeps randomly cutting off my entries. like it did below... rars.

anyway, just got back from the shinhwa concert!! it was really quite good! if i would rate it out of ten, it would be an 8. would have been a 9 if it werent for my bad ass headache. and if i were still as crazy over them as i was two years ago. (as a benchmark, the jasonmraz one was a 10!! nothing can ever beat that. heee.)


so we got there pretty early. was nice seeing fans in orange and with their placards and stuff. felt out of place and unfanatic though. hahaha. went in, and as a pleasant surprise, we actually got upgraded to the $130 seats. whoop. :)

i forced my sister to go for the concert with me btw. HAHA

so the opening act was...um crap i totally forgot their name. but they were really really quite good! and one of the lead singers was super cute :) hehe.

then shinhwa appeared!

did a few songs. they are really damn good live. how they can move around so much and still sound in pitch.

then attempted to communicate with us in very cute and pretty coherent english. hahah

nearly died when they did the wildeyes dance. cos it's my alltime fav dance of theirs :)

confetti at the end of everything! there was loads of fireworks and lighteffects which were really pretty :)

so all in all, it was a good concert. one thing i love about them, is that they really give their all in their concerts. even though the audience was, honestly, quite lukewarm (except for those really fanatic ones closer to the stage) especially as compared to the audience they usually get. but they gave a really good show and were really nice. :)

ok. miraculously, blogging has appeased my headache. ha. oh and on a random side note, i need ANT POISON. my gosh ants are invading my room and they are getting on my nerves!!! die stupid ants :(

i know it's a wonderful world, but i can't feel it now.
Sunday, September 10, 2006

i knew this gloomy rut was coming. haha. anyway, like the lyric up there says, i know it's a wonderful world and yadayada but i can't feel it now, so let me just wallow in a little depression. i'll get out of it soon enough i'm suree. hahaa.

yesterday was shopping with the wedges day. nice seeing all three of them at the same time :) but honestly, four people shopping is just a bit hard. i think two people shopping is the best. three max. hahah. ok that was quite random. anyways, shar and i went to watch the host. bumped into liming in the cinema!! :D :D hehe. could hear her laughing away throughout the show HAHA. anyway, the host was quite good, living up to expectations even. what i liked was that it was so funny even though it was a monster film. quite like evolution. :D and i loved the 'jobless graduate uncle' hahah he was so angsty it was funny.

paying my dues.
Friday, September 08, 2006

yesterday, met jol for lunchh :) shopped shopped a bit at rafflescity, then went down to sch to check out shiwen's new haircut (which is really cool! hee) before going for my el tutee. zzz really can't stand that i have to go to school for a miserable one hour every other thursday. but well. anyways, i got happy news yesterday cos, miracles of miracles, i actually passed the ushering interview! hahah. now i just hope i get through the training and probabtion without quitting halfway =x

couldnt sleep well at all last night. and actually had really strange nightmares 0.0 anyway, somehow made it to school and through the lecture with my eyes open. possibly because it was SO FRIGGING COLD. have i mentioned my threshold for the cold is like close to zero? and so is my threshold for heat. ha. yes i suck. hahah. and i seem to have completely disregarded the fact that i have econs lectures on fridays. seeing how i have only attended one so far. and i shall not try to justify myself because it would all be bullshit. haha. anyway, i turned on the computer meaning to watch one episode of goong but i ended up being online for the past 4 hrs doing what i also dont know. THE INTERNET IS EVIL. i shall go study soon. i guess. but my words mean NOTHING because i'm always full of shit :(

anyway, it's daddy's birthday today. and he's being more acid than usual. my gosh, it's driving me crazy. dinner at jumbo later. but i'm so darn full. and so not in the mood for like large amounts of seafood.

oh and westlife at the indoor stadium tonight! hahah i used to be SUCH a great fan of them...in like secondary school. i LOVED them. actually i still really like their songs(ballads), very comforting. was contemplating going... but i'll always remember how they killed my impression of live music with their concert video. HAHA. and anyways, shinhwa (who rock live!) on sunday! whooo! :D

And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walking through this world all alone

this song depresses me oh. so. much.

some distraction please.
Thursday, September 07, 2006

tuesdays are boring so i will not blog about it. haa.

sea lecture this morning! was pretty cool to see the lecturers/tutors in their rural attire. haha. i tried to take a pic of the lecturer... without being too obvious. hahah can you spot him? =x he's reaaaally tiny cos i was sitting right at the back. heh.

anyways, i really really like this module, but i have no idea how to study for it. cos like there's no textbook, and the lecture notes are about one page long each week. so?!

anyways, had lunch at the not so abandoned law building. bused around with ice cream, which wasnt too good an idea, to pass time. then it was time to do the research programme thing. man those questions really set me thinking. hmmm they also really played with my mind hahah. cos they kept asking the same things in so many different ways, such to the extent that i really wasnt sure what my answer was anymore. 0.0

went of to meet d and von at the airport after that! turned out my parents were there too which was quite funny. hahah. how often do you bump into your parents outside huh. anyways, sushi dinner was good! i was so deprived of rice cos the canteen was so crowded in the afternoon. and the whole sea lecture was about RICE. which made me crave for it soooooo badly. haha so i ate damn alot. eeks. then went down to coldstorage for some grocery shopping! and i found the cutest little thing ever!!!

little red lobster that fits in my hand! hahaha

airport coldstorage is like the home of cute critters! my sealy was from there too! hah. if this lobster was more useful i would have gotten it! xD

ok tired. and my parents are like still not home yet! :O

time is of the essence.
Monday, September 04, 2006

had a really stressful morning at the bank. actually not at the bank. more like at home while i prepared to go to the bank. cos as usual i misplaced an important thing. i hateeeee it when i can't remember where i put things. it drives me crazy man. anyway settled the bank thing. then met xue and jason. made a detour to the petfarm/hotel at pasir ris to pick up his friend and look at doggies! hahah i didnt even know that such a place exsisted in my good ole estate. anyway, looking at those adorable puppies made me feel extra affectionate towards my dog when i got home. hahah.

1. introducing the most camerashyyyy dog.
2. hehe :)

then we headed off to the airport to studyyy. it kind of frustrates me how long it takes to get through the psych chapters. arghhh. i shall be disciplined and commit at least one hour to psych each day. headed off to meet vons for MONSTERHOUSE! hahaha. hmmm actually it was quite a lame movie and didnt quite live up to my expectations. but i still liked it anyways. :) and i like hanging out with my sister. :D we're so crazy together. hahaha. wheee.

i hate how mood swings swingggg.

the devil wears prada.
Sunday, September 03, 2006


[edit]ok since xue asked me to take a pic of my laptopie i'll just post it up here too. hehehe.

aint it cute? hahaha. [/edit]

hahaha ok actually it was already here on friday, but i only got down to setting it up today. it was surprisingly easy to set up, much thanks to liming, my laptoptwin, who guided me through :) anyway, i'm happy cos it's cuter than i expected it to be!! heheh. i'm just worried i'll never be able to get my butt offline nowww. rar.

anyways, saturday, went to watch the devil wears prada with liming! hadnt seen her in SOOO long cos of stupid school. hers, not mine. HAHA. the movie was reallyreally nice! the whole thing actually looked like an interactive fashion magazine. heh. lots of pretty girls and clothes! that aside, it was really quite funny, and touching too at the end. :) walked around a bit. i discovered that kino has these really nice diaries! they even come with cute stickers. damn. no more buying from paperchase. the next diary i get will be from kino!! i hope i remember, cos the next time i need to buy a diary would be like jul next year. very far away...

headed back home for a little nap. then went to meet jol for dinner at compasspoint. haha. compasspoint is like the only place we ever hang out at -.- but i like it that way. it's like in my head, that place belongs to herr. hahah. anyway it was nice talking and junking and walking all over sengkang\punggol at night :) anyway, after talking to these two smu students, i just thank god really that i decided not to go there. hahaha it sounds like my kind of hell.

not that studying in nus is a breeze. i was just checking my psych term paper questions and they are like OMG hard. then i went on to search for past year exam papers for my modules, and got kinda freaked out. i didnt know what i was expecting, but it wasnt that. HAH. so i think i shld get out of my denial that school has started and start seriously studying man. which means i shld get offfffff this thing now. so i'm out!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

it was easties invasion in nus today. haha. with xue the simei babe and chels the eunos babe crashing and grace the other eunos babe making a special appearance in schooool. hehe. eng lecture was disappointingly boring. :( but i still like it. haha. dont have much time to blog actually so in short, i hung around sch after that but ended up not going for econs again and hitting town for some shopping!

me and my schoolmate i've only seen once the past three weeks. -.-

studying at spinellis.

i think this pic is cuteee. hehe :)

happy shoppers and ham-eaters :)

ok maybe i'll add more to this post tmr. i'm off!

Making mountains out of molehills.

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