big words, used right.
Thursday, November 30, 2006

i notice a trend whereby the next paper automatically becomes my new most hated subject. right now, it's bloody psych. arghh there are just too many things to remember!! if you ask me, all exams should be open-book and negative marking should be ABOLISHED. now, wouldnt the world (or maybe just NUS) be so much of a better place then? =D

what pains me is that after psych tomorrow, i have to immediately start on food security which i've severely ignored. and i mean severely. and i only have one day to study for that. and then i'll only have one and a half days to study for SEA which i have also severely ignored, though not as severely. but the difference is i didnt s/u SEA. argh. i still dont know which country colonized which country. pooo pooo pooooo!

edit at 1120PM..

i am on a verge of a panic attack. there are just too many things to remember!!!! my short-term memory is not that big. no amount of rehearsal or organization will help. i need some form of coping strategy, which currently is blogging. or maybe i'm just rationalizing this socially undesirable behavior. soon my psychological defense mechanism of denial will kick in. and wtf la. i am speaking in psych terms. i am going psychotic!

night of my life.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

been wanting to post this...

HOW. just HOW is this adorable little (ok not so little he's 30something apparently haha) bugger an "ugly bastard" i cannot fathom. anyway, this is damien leith, also australian idol 2006. the one with the "hauntingly beautiful" voice as debbie first introduced him as. haha. i feel as if i watched the whole idol thing, but actually i only watched/heard/heard about his performances. haha. nevertheless, i'm still happy he won! woots! :)

you have lost.

sometimes i wish i would just shut up. sometimes i wish i would just open my (eyes and) mouth.

anyway, english was, like i told everyone who asked, "LIKE SHIT". i mean there's pretty much no way else to describe it. just had a look at the answer key online, and wow curiosity sure killed this cat. but nevermind. it's ok. cos TWO DOWN! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :D we had (cheap! celebratory?) sushi lunch with khai and hafiz. then went down to hollandv to study with fi. was terribly unproductive on my part tho. but i dont get it how we both talk TO EACH OTHER but i end up only finishing up one chapter of psych while she went through a few! roar. i think i have ineffective study methods. boo. anyways, debbie joined us for some lamian and xiaolongbaos for dinner! yumm :D anyway, twas nice hanging out with the two of them. esp towards the end where we discovered what a BUS BIMBO debbie was - "i dont think so deeeeep!" complete with a pained expression as if we stretched her thinking capacities :P but you know i love you lots lots buddy. hahaha i'm so happy you're home :)

in a perpetual state of irritation and disatisfaction despite feeling bursts of love for my friends. hahah. now that, truly sucks. just cant escape that feeling of wanting to run away to someplace new.


i am SO PISSED with my psych textbook. why must it be SO DAMN HEAVY ARGH.

losing it all.
Monday, November 27, 2006

went to school today hoping that it would be more productive than spending the whole day online at home. i think i spent less than half the time i was in school in my chair tho. first it was photocopying then printing. then we decided to go for lunch before it got crowded. so trooped down to yih for subwaysalad. which was a clever move cos barely 10mintues later, the place was swarmed cos of the soci paper (i presume) that just finished. everyone takes soci man. saw a whole bunch of my sec4 classmates in one shot (which is really rare). and then after getting over that, saw a bunch of our og people. haha. so joined them upstairs at munchiemonkey. where i saw jeannieeee who always loves to physically abuse me when she sees me! haha. but i really love seeing her around. :):)

by the time we got back to our books it was 2ish. and we made multiple trips for snacks and water refills too. haha. anyway, english is a piece of shit. anyone who thinks English 1101E is "easy", "something you shouldnt fail and should get an A for" etcetc obviously either has no idea what the module entails or has linguism in their blood. i really hate it when people tell me i shouldnt be fretting over "English" btw. just because it's called "English" doesnt mean it's a no-brainer cos i've been speaking and doing "English" practically all my life. i mean speaking and studying "English" is just about zero help in transcripting phonetic symbols and forming rule notations for phrases and sentences or explaining how one word can have so many damn different word classes. omg i would never major in english cos i'll never be able to speak or read the same way again. even now i have the urge to break apart every sentence into it's "noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb, determinant and preposition" which is just psychotic if you ask me. we were so mortified trying out the past year papers. cos there's seriously a possibility of failing even armed with notes, the text and a dictionary. the truest testament to our levels of stress was our laughing outbursts. mine in particular. i dont know wtf happened but suddenly everything was funny. 0.0 i'm so thankful shiwen has become used to my stress laughs. cos everytime she opened her mouth to ask me something i would burst out laughing. i felt so damn psycho. :( pls pray i dont start laughing in the exam hall tmr when i see the paper man.

ok i feel much better ranting out here. i feel less stressed. everything will be ok. it is very cold. i hate being home alone. i will go study now. toodles.

my sentiments exactly.

hahahahhaa. when debbie asked me to hear this song, my first reaction was what kind of lame title is that but wow i'm really going to identify with it. haha but no, it's not called "i dont want to stay offline" but just "i dont want to stay" haha. just like how hady's "you give me wings" is definitely NOT about redbull. HAHAHHAHA. buddy i love you xD

going nowhere.
Sunday, November 26, 2006

and you wont work either. i'm half relieved half disappointed haha.

and psych is driving me crazy! i think Higher Education (in the arts at least) can be called Give Everything You Already Know Complex Names. cos seriously, everything you read about you kind of already know, just that they have become packaged into theories with fancy schmancy names. and reading about all these things just keeps making me think how i'm like this or like that or how this has happened to me or how it's going to happen to me etcetc. but anyway, back to the books......

i sometimes wonder what it's like to be my friend... ha ha.

oneADone cam.

omg i dont believe it. i have lost all motivation to study. i have not studied for the past 40hours. and i dont feel any guilt whatsoever.

anyway, was looking at old pics on shutterfly. pictures, they only show the good times and the smiles eh. anyway, for the heck of it, here's some pics of the ad1 girls in j1. we look so....young.

we were quite the sweater fans huh. loved this classroom btw.

first pic with my two chinese/pe slackers. haha

classic wedges picture. haha

collegebowl. man was that fun. hahaha.

toilet gang.

good ole caf. my caption in shutterfly said "first mass pon" hurr.

i quite like this :)

and the infamous(ly unsuccessful) efforts at bonding.

and that, will be how i remember j1, haha cos only the good is worth remembering if you ask me.

argh ok back to psych. i really hate freud. if he didnt exsist and have all those stupid theories, i would never have to study a whole chunk of outdated stuff now.

mutiners are first to die.
Saturday, November 25, 2006

OMG. ONE PAPER DOWN! hahaha it feels like the exams are overrrrrrrrrrrr. but i shouldnt be so deluded. anyway, the paper was thankfully much more doable than the past year papers. not a spectacular paper but at least it wasnt as horrible as i thought it would be. was totally stressed out in the morning tho cos the sports halls are very intimidating when they are teeming with people. thank goodness for jocelyn and her friend :):) met debbie buddy after! and i changed plans of eating in school and mugging to lunching and shopping at vivo! wheeee! hahah

these cute little darlings were spotted at vivo.

hahahha. the things i make my buddy do to get a good picture.
(second one nearly killed my stomach muscles. hahah)

with our new friend elmo!
(who looks strangled by debbie and disgusted by me. HAHA)

shopping rocks :) and so does my buddy :)

then i came home and indulged in survivor marathon! FINALLY i caught up to the US. haha and so FINALLY i can get pictures. anyway, the whole racial issue in survivor, it's more whites versus every other race. and i dont know if it's intentional, but the whites so far have only proven themselves to be disloyal, elitist, horny and just plain and completely stupid. anyway, i totally love this tribe..

despite being abandoned by their two stupid (white) tribe mates, they trumped them by winning over and over again. that was so gratifying to watch. hahah.

sundra the pretty africanamerican and yul "the brains" the korean hunk (got to love guys in glasses ha ha)

ozzy who's the bomb. i think he totally looks like a pirate here. the facial hair, the bandana, the feather and the booze in the hand. hahaha. and he's not white! he's hispanic :)

and becky the adorably petite korean princess. :)

ok. i really dont know why survivor gets me all the time. i'm almost embarrassed. haha but yeah whatever.

aaaaaand i think i've heard enough about that thank you all.

misery index.
Friday, November 24, 2006

pre-exam sickness is kicking in already. have been plagued by horrible headaches the whole day. and they refuse to go away :( went to school to study again but it was definitely less productive today. i blame it on my head and stomach. anyways, i'm so demoralised after doing the econs past year papers. the good news is that i can pass. the bad news is that i pass by one or two marks. wow marvelous bravo well done. but right now, my head hurts so much and i'm so frustrated all i want is for tomorrow to be over. even though that marks the start. but i just want to at least say "one down". i really loathe exams. but it takes exams to help you appreciate the simple things in life.

anyway, mum and sis are away! so it's just me and dad at home. it's really quiet and empty and i feel slightly sad but i also like it. haha. and i love it when dad's in charge of meals :D (not that he cooks them but he buys good food ha ha)

argh i'm so frustrated with econs. i dont know if i shld study or try to appease my headache now. roar.


the headache persists. the work remains unfinished. my stomach is in a very interesting state. and i crave a donut. damn econs, i cant wait to say a permanent goodbye to you tomorrow.

cook islands.
Thursday, November 23, 2006

haha i just found survivor cook islands on youtube!! am crossing my fingers that i dont go overboard survivor watching. =x

studying in school today was pretty productive! i think i'll go back again tomorrow. hee.

ok back to survivor! i seriously have no piorities.

too close for comfort; closer.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

sigh. studying sucks. for sake of documentation..

yesterday was spent in school with shiwens. state of school during recess week just before exams : empty and deserted everywhere EXCEPT study areas. haha. it's a funny state. study session was, in short, lucky but distracting. haha. went down for dinner with chels after at rafflescity/suntec. christmas is everywhere. and so are potential shopping haunts. it hurts that i have to study. and i spend wayy to much on food and misc. items.

today, went down to starbucks, simei to study with tweety and pinky (haha). being in the cosy indoors with yummy coffee on a rainy day rocks. somehow, tho my productivity is at a real low, i finished preliminary revision for econs and english. behind schedule but at least not disastrously behind. felt in need of a good walk today. and it was the perfect weather and time - cool and just before nightfall. so took a detour through pasir ris park on the way home. thought about stuff and got frustrated and annoyed and upset and then laughed at it all. everything is so meaningful and meaningless.

came home and embarked on a mini prison break marathon. man, thank goodness i dont have episode 12 haha or else i would have probably watched till the end or something. now, i shall go do some econs before i sleep and awake and continue with mugging mugging and mugging. joy joy joy.

i would like to think that you know your way.
Monday, November 20, 2006

happiness is...

-sitting at starbucks, airport with two mean but beloved friends chatting about everything and anything.
-seeing a long lost buddy and giving her a great big hug :)
-walking in the cold of a slight drizzle at night and listening to mr jason mraz.

happiness is not..

-having your exams coming when everyone elses is ending or has already ended.
-an expensive bad pie that's very clearly not hot despite Anal Manager's insistence that it's already warmed.
-a very unsettled tummy due to aforementioned bad pie.

i should study and i love jason mraz. (he has that effect after multiple listens throughout the day. hurr)

na's nineteenth.

minimal work was done yeterday. once i'd caught up with my timetable i just refused to continue working. zz. so major catchup today! anyways, was christina's 19th birthday bbq yesterday!

two early birds.

with the birthday girl :):)

eating away at the table.

all dressed up! :)

with the birthday girl and scrumptious tiramisu birthday cake.

last shot before we lefttt.

much thanks once again to chris for being the wonderful hostess that she always is :)

bogged up.
Saturday, November 18, 2006

i really want to...

..go onto the survivor website to look for brad and yul pics
..shop. desperately (the malaysian year end sale looks good honestly. and it's been a while since i've been to malaysia. HMMMM. hahaha)
..read things i want to read
..watch a korean drama
..watch prisonbreak

but i cant because...

..bloody ch5 is goodness knows how many episodes behind the US so i cant go without bumping into spoilers
..and exams
..actually i can do that last thing just that i feel guilty and slightly stressed that i havent been studying but i will do this last thing anyway. goodnight!

supersize me.
Friday, November 17, 2006

i feel so...ELATED. because sea project is over and done with. WOOHOOHOOHOO!!! hahahah. at least the 15hours straight of working on it was worth it. i'm actually quite impressed that i made it without any sleep. or ok fine i had like 15min sleeps here and there. studying on the sixth level at night was actually rather pleasant minus the cold. time flew pretty quickly as we typed typed away with little breaks to YIH. and i really really love walking around school at night. altho it's dark and scary with BATS and creepycrawlies lurking all about. it's so remniscient of orientation week and you feel like you have the school to yourself. at about 7something we migrated out to the forum cos it was getting too damn cold. and before long we were trooping to macs for an 8am breakfast of HOTHOThotcakes and milo. yummm! then back to work in the middle of the forum. i kind of like working there right smack in the middle, in the middle of people walking pass you rushing for their lectures/tutorials. haha we were feeling extremely grotty and dirty among the people coming to school fresh from home. then at 12something, we finally PRINTED and SUBMITTED the piece of pain in the ass. woohoo!! i never felt more relieved. headed over to macs again for lunch (hence the title) cos it was so crowded and hot everywhere, and my olive cove has already closed :( boooo. then got a lift back from d. i feel much more sane now after my five hour nap. heee and there's survivor tonight. whee! tho i have to work tomorrow which KIND OF SUCKS but well, nevermind. oh yes, and my bloody laptop is pissing me off cos suddenly the sound doesnt work! so no music! roar. okok i shld go study now! exams starting in a week! eeeek!

oh yes, our latenight/earlymorning entertainment - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdUUx5FdySs it's damn damn sad :( i felt so upset after watching it. poor little kiwiiiiii! :(


a scene from level six in the early morning! note the people the bright lights and my pardner's still energetic face. hahaha :) [/edit]

cranky bum.

i am officially insane. because i'm in school. and it's freaking one thirty am in the morning. oh but one thirty isnt that bad you say. well it is. if you only had six hours of sleep the night before. if you just had a day of tutorials (and tiring ones at that). if you've had a really tiring week of school and work. if you're missing prison break (altho i'm getting episodes from twinnie woohoo!). if you're actually going to be here until your project is COMPLETE. which btw is not even HALF complete. and it's due freaking tomorrow at 5pm. why on earth am i in this state? i honestly dont know. i guess cos i'm a bum and cannot work when there's no pressure. doing project work with your friend is really not a very good idea cos no one can be bothered to meet deadlines. especially for someone like me, who rarely meets deadlines unless "death" really awaits me at the end of the line.

i'm inexplicably pissed and annoyed. but i'm still laughing and chatting away. i hate it. the conflict between how i feel and how i behave. really cannot wait for recess week where i can hide at home and not interact with anyone i dont want to. exams are a pretty good excuse for being antisocial.

head hurts really want to sleep but cannot cos altho i'm done being san augustine, i now have to be esplanade. oh joy.

so sweet, so discreet.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ARGH. it pisses me off how the exam directory (with all the important exam information like TIME and LOCATION) can be perpetually unloadable. !!! how the heck am i supposed to feel prepared when i dont even know what time my exam is. or where it is. i guess i'm panicking prematurely because i dont really need to know where my exam is one week away, BUT STILL.

anyway, much much much love to grace and fiona for helping us out with our stall. what would we have done without you two :) and the three days are finally done! will miss the atrium. haha it's a really nice place i guess. and we'll definitely come back for the western food! and i have a really strange crush on the girl who helped us get our stall HAHA cos she's so damned nice! :):)

besides that. last lecture of the semeseter today! (not counting econs heh) ended an hour early. will miss SEA lectures :( it's pretty much the only lecture i've had this sem where the lecture group actually listens to the lecturers. and i'm gonna miss irving lots! will take his other module somewhere along the way for sure! :D hmm went off to study for sci test (and eat alot. why oh why must eating and studying be synonymous.) and walked over to sci just before it poured (hee). test was crappy anyways. but i really dont care anymore. bloody gem that has given me so much pain.

oh and i hate the rain and the cold and creepy crawlies it brings out. creepycrawly sighting today includes a GIANT snail and a GIANT grasshopper. eeeeeek.

and i am 100% stressed and so explains the random laughing for no reason. i almost feel sorry for shiwen who has to bear my strange laughing outbursts. =x yet i'm still the pro at wasting time. dont want to be a bum but am too lazy to do anything about it hur hur. and i hate how sometimes i detest the words coming out from my mouth yet i cant stop them from coming out.

anyway i love jason mraz.
(ha ha talk about random)

fa la la.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ok let me just detach and talk about today in a manner completely devoid of feelings first.

second day at SIM. much thanks to grace who helped us man the store (and sell alot of my stuff hee) while we were at psych lecture with the australian lecturer who mumbles to himself. such a waste because abnormal psych is actually really really interesting. and i have successfully diagnosed myself with quite a number of disorders. hurrah. anyway i like SIM. it's like this really cool (pun intended) place and i feel happy there because i'm anonymous to some extent. i dont school there. i dont know anyone (well). i can do whatever i want without anyone judging me. we spend long hours sitting at our stall during lull periods and just enjoy the open space, laugh with each other, rearrange our wares over and over again and pretend to study our food security notes. the money is also a big plus of course. hahah.

ok that aside. here comes pmsy emo screwed up part.

....anddddddddd i cant blog here so forget it. this post shall just remain as this as i go find someplace else to pour my heart out.

damn i hate pms. and i hate reading your words and remembering and that pang it gives me each time. i dont know how you do it but maybe i should take a leaf out of your book afterall.

but it's better if you do.
Monday, November 13, 2006

ARGH. feeling frustrated beyond frustrated Because. and also because i dont like talking about that. and also because exams are coming. and also because i have a damn project completely undone and due in 4days. and also because i lack sleep. and also because i have a laptop addiction. and also because i'm lazy. and also because i suck. and also because.

the only good thing about today is onethreefive :) hahaha. oh and hady's album is out woots!

paying with naivety.
Sunday, November 12, 2006

wah i REALLY SUCK. been online the whole entire day. from the moment i woke up. but i finally did something i wanted to do for a really long time and should have done a really long time ago too. heee. (thank you karen for being online at the right time btw hahah) and i saw debbie buddy on webcam!! adorable. i miss you so!!!

ok cramps are killing. and i need to do some work. so i shall turn this off! (not for long i bet. ha)

still my favourite painkiller. HAHA.


steamy at colin's birthday chalet!
(oh i just realised the two birthdayboys are next to each other in this pic haha)

i am tired. my whole body aches. i have shitty cramps. it is cold. and i just ate ice cream. wow so clever.

anyway, walking around whitesands with shiwen involved shopping at the new shops ($7 shoes!!!) and sitting in the library reading childrens books (a pastime i want to cultivate further). then khai and krys joined us and we ate and ate and ate. who knew whitesands was full of such tempting food (but it is!) waited for yoketheng then headed over to costa sands where we ate even more. hmm. nightwalk at pasir ris park was even worse than fright night. cos it was cold and dark and the frogs in the drains were CROAKING so damned loudly i was so truamatised. number two on my Gross Animals list are FROGS. i was clinging on to shiwen and praying that they would stay in their drains when khai stopped halfway in midsentence and i saw a frog go hoppity hop by. and i totally freaked out. shudder. birthdaysinging&phototaking after then it was home time!

i'm sneaky and you're clever. :)

red and brown.
Saturday, November 11, 2006

since i'm home early and can't be bothered to do my work cos i suck..

morning was spent by and in the pool with my "taliban" friend. haha sun&pool were great until i got a visit from my bloody monthly friend. so we went to the arcade to play instead.

i love countryclubs and their deserted 20cent arcades.

regressing back to 7years ago :)

rainyrainy. waiting for shiwenie to comee. and i dont know what we're going to do before colin's birthday (which is thankfully at pasir ris! hurray for gatherings at pasir ris! -cheers as everyone else curses- hahaha) zzz am sleepy and crampy. shall go..read something i guess.

bored enough to do something stupid.

i hate it when i dont do something, and i wish i would but when i do something i wish i didnt. i hate being so confused!! so i will just heck it and everyone and live my life without thinking and especially without thinking how other people think. sounds like such a wonderful idea. anyway exams are two weeks away i realised and yet today i spent like more than 6hours online? i am so not joking when i say i find things to do just to stay online.

tomorrow will be a good day, i hope.

one thing i dont like..
Friday, November 10, 2006

is something special getting mass produced. or rather, mass distributed.

or rather, discovering that that something special ain't that special, and everyone actually knows about it.


it's on your face, is it on your mind.
Thursday, November 09, 2006

i hate it when i'm bloated and unhungry but i keep eating anyway. bleah. but it's so strange, i feel like puking all the time except when i'm eating. haha. vicious cycle in motion here! had beehoon for breakfast, went to school early, had a waffle with shiwen (i'm getting addicted to the damn waffles which is a very bad thing). then went to the library to study, not more than an hour later, met grace and went down to have a subway salad at yih, then went into the study room where i had two packets of rice crackers. and then on the car home, i ate two kuehs! and when i got home, i had dinner! nonstop munching omg :( and now i'm damn full, but i feel like munching something?! wtf is wrong with me mannnn.

ANYWAY, i'm really really HAPPYYYYYY today. hahaha. actually was wearing black again to somewhat mourn the bloody eng results. was damn scared and depressed flipping through the papers to get mine cos i saw alot of 12s and 13s and i was just hoping to get my 6. but somehow in some freak of nature accident, i got 15!! hahahah passed the bloody thing! never been so happy to score such a low mark but :D and econs results were finally uploaded today, after taking 1094380928years to process until i even forgot how much it was upon. but 27/30 hell yeah! hahah. this module is terribly favourable for people who have taken econs before. but who am i to complain. haha.

and another reason why i'm so happy, I HAVE ANT POISON IN MY ROOM!!! :D :D no more having to directly murder those little things. i am happy to report a significant decline in ants appearing on my tables now :)

ok i better get my ass working on the seaproject now. have about 1000 words due tmr and i have one hour to work on it before prisonbreakkkk!

something southeast asian.

because i'm trying to pretend to be productive online and because i havent posted a picture in a while, here's this absolutely gorgeous picture i love of a shop in chinatown, yangon city. wanted to post more pictures but everything just pales in comparison. this is why i love myanmar - the colors!

(taken from this lovely site)

i seriously think southeast asia is freaking interesting. and what's even more interesting is how singapore is so different from the other countries. khmer rouge and the killing fields are on my mind now. i want to talk about the evil evil grotesque things they did but i dont know how. '.' when irving was talking about it lecture just now, there was an instinctive hush as everyone mentally imagined the torture. and it was just disgusting, in every sense of the word. i will think twice, thrice, TEN TIMES before i ever complain about living in singapore.

oh and i almost forgot to add, WE SAW LAOSHI IN THE LIBRARY TODAY. hahahah. he was waddling away into the chinese library. man, yet another blast from the not so distant past.

parallels parallels.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

something is stressing me. subconsciously. and growingly. cos i feel exactly like i did last year during the As, minus the knowing what i'm stressed over. had just about the worst insomnia night (this year) last night. i hate it, the lying in bed with your heart racing till you cant take it and your eyes burst open and you have to sit up and regain composure before lying down again and repeating the process.

anyway, dragged myself to school today. barely stayed awake during lecture. and then to kill the two hours before our next lecture, we had pasta and finding nemo in the multimedia room. i LOVE the turtle dudes and dory is love. was laughing like shiiit at the whaletalk part. hehehe. then halfway through walking down to science we decide that we're too tired to bother. and so, went home instead. and SLEPT. oh and i love my daddy cos he massaged my headache away. haha :) so i'm feeling a tad bit better now. cept i've done no work, probably wont be able to sleep later, and thus tmr is going to SUCK. hurray.

ho hum.

blah. past two days have been pretty much dedicated to seaproject. and the rest of the days will continue to be also. but its kind of fun. hiding out in the library, checking out books after books and watching videos after videos. the thing about sea is that, it's actually kinda fun and interesting. so at least all this research isnt a chore.

youtube is the new evil in town. as if watching futurama is not bad enough, i have discovered that they have that 70s show episodes too!! man i love those two shows :) hehe. oh and also checked out damien's performances! i am a terribly biased aussieidol fan, because i only watch damien's performances but proclaim him the best anyway. hurr.

and it's dangerous cos we dont know who it's for.

salt wound routine.
Monday, November 06, 2006

morning kicked off with a bad start. actually not technically. service was quite good and the parachute band did worship and i really loved one of their songs. but after lunch, got very pissed off with my mum for a very stupid reason. it was so unbelievably stupid (on her part mind you.) but sometimes i think that me and my sister, we dont have enough respect for our parents. and they no longer bother to discipline us. like when i ask permission, it's not even asking, it's more of telling. and if they happen to disagree, i put my powers of persuasion into use and they usually end up agreeing. punishment and scoldings have become cold wars instead. is this part of growing up?

anyway, went down to spinelli's at raffles city after to study with the girls. was actually suprisingly productive. ate too much for my own good tho. am feeling extremely bloated and sick and forever full right now. tho i'll probably wake up tomorrow and start stuffing myself again. hurr. anyway we have sold our lives to our bloody project. my free day tmr will be spent in the lovely library researching researching. i kind of like my pet intramuros part tho. hehe.

oh yes, and decided to give taiwan a miss. so i will save, earn and spend money in singapore instead! haha. and do the many other things i'm looking forward to do in december! like watch korean dramas, read my books that are already yellowing(!!), sign up for PAID JOBS at ucc (woot!), meet up with jol and liming who smu have stole from me, DO LOTS OF THINGS WITH MY DEBBIE BUDDY HAHA etcetc. and shar will be back too! and asha's coming in dec too! thinking of babysitting as a holiday job but do people in singapore even hire babysitters? and would they trust me with their children?? hahaha. but i would really like to do something like that. hurhur ok all this can wait till later. i must learn to look at things slowly, and chronologically. so for now, what i need to do is SLEEP cos i gotta be up at 9 tmr!

same old brand new you.
Saturday, November 04, 2006

new blogskin! pretty? hahah :) i love the colors they make me happy somewhat.

anyway today was quite cruddy. cos my head hurt and i was sleepy and thus "crabby". went to check out the sample sale at rafflesplaza. jeans galore and that was my main intention of going but it was so out of point crowded and i didnt know what my USA size was so i couldnt be bothered to queue. went off dress hunting instead and made off with two! :) the whole finding pretties in the great chaos, and mulling over which stuff to get totally killed my head even more. and we both left the place quite damn depressed for two people with pretty dresses in our bags. hah.

trained down to school after. school on saturday is very...depressing. i thought it would be peaceful and tranquil but it was just..depressing. anyway, started work on our project. is progressing i guess. but man, by the time we left at like 6something, my head was throbbing. zombied the rest of the way home. thankfully i managed to get a seat. saw a totally adorable little boy on the train. one of my greatest and biggest wish is to have a cute and totally adorable kid, so that it will make it easier for me to love him/her through all the crying, toilet-training, tantrums etcetcetc. hahaha. why i say things like that sometimes i dont know.

ok to go to taipei or not! really really cannot decideeee. parents are (as usual) for it. everyone is for it. but why do i feel so unexcited? i guess i dont want to spend one quarter of my holiday away from home when i can catch up with friends i have not seem often enough cos of school. and more importantly, I THINK I NEED REST. my body is tired, and a trip abroad would so not help it. plus with the money i save, i can SHOP. hahaha. argh tired will sleep now.

in this life.
Friday, November 03, 2006

ok i think i'm really damn lucky. i keep dropping my things and forgetting them, but people are always picking them up and returning them to me, even before i realise they are gone. 0.0 haha. this time was my pencil box. was happily stuffing myself with eclairs and siewmais after eng lecture (freshers tea to welcome us to the eng department or something like that), when some guy came up to me and passed me my pencil box. and i was like OMG THANK YOU. hahaha. now shiwen thinks i'm a total goondu who always drops/misplaces/forgets her stuff. tho that's partially true. hahaha.

anyway, after lectures went for project consultation, and our tutor totally confused us. at least confused me. cos he took apart our original outline and started "bouncing ideas off us". we were so damn bounced out after the consultation, we went to the forum and practically went crazy trying to revamp the project. but i'm pleased to say we seem to have hit something even better so fingerscrossed! haha :) had yummy yongtaufu which was extra yummy cos it was cold and rainy! then went down to novena to pay for alaskatrip. then went over to unitedsquare for chocolatetarts and what i would call, the meanest game ever.

thinking about going for the geog fieldtrip to taipei. sounds fun. also sounds expensive. thus, some consideration must go in here. and i have till sunday to decide. hurr.

want to change my blogskin. soon.

morbid as this sounds, i feel like my life is ending soon. like literally. :( but before my thoughts go out of control, i will stop that thought right there.

a year ago today.
Thursday, November 02, 2006

arghhh. ever other thursday sucks. and i hate it when i dont have enough sleep. just about everyone gets on my nerves and i talk shit. i wasnt like this. in jc, i could survive on like 5-6 hours with no problem. now, i like NEED a minimum of 8hours. preferbaly, i would like to sleep until i wake up on my own accord rather than by the bloody alarm clock.

anyway, sea tutorial. i cannot really comprehend the whole music theme and i was really talking alot of crap during tutorial. econs tutorial. hm. i dont hate econs the subject per se? but i just CANNOT STAND econs lessons, be it tutorials or lectures, cos they are so bloody boring. and my tutor, she's just so.. !?! she'll ask us the question, and we'll give her the very obviously correct answer, and then she'll ask us why not (another answer) and try and convince us that it is possible, and after "convincing" us, she'll tell us it's wrong. like wtf seriously. and the guys in my tutorial just LOVE to argue with her which just KILLS me cos their arguments can go round in circles and not make any sense at all. ANYWAY THE GOOD AND FABULOUS NEWS IS, today was the last tutorial. when she said, "i hope i didnt confuse you guys too much", there was a palpable air of amusement. psych tutorial after that. sigh, i'm tired k so i will just be a bitch and continue my ranting. they are really so pointless? we just keep doing stupid experiments and the tutor, she's really really really nice, but she speaks incoherently and hyperventilates. which just makes me very tired. :( and finally, english tutorial. my tutorial group is pretty cute. apparently a few of them colluded to wear black to "mourn our test results" and coincidentally i was wearing black too so i totally fitted the theme. haha. but anyway, our tutor rocks cos she's going to try and moderate our marks seeing as to how a majority got 4/30. so we'll get it back next weeeek. trained back with reb and she's my lucky charm cos i ALWAYS manage to get a seat whenever i take the train with her :) haha.

been watching futurama on youtube ever since i got back. futurama kicks ass man. i WANT the dvd set for all four seasons! but it's so bloody expensive. and they dont have all over here. i heard new episodes are coming out "soon" (like in 2008 zzz) but is still cool cos it was supposed to be discontinued. hee. ok anyway, exciting episode of prisonbreak here i come now! :)

why did it leave me truamatised?

earning my bimbo stripes.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

my FLUFFY PINK HEELS broke today :( they were my fave pair too. rah.

anyway, who knew word limits could be such a torture?! but think about it. how do you write a stunning report describing what elements of SEA you've seen in singapore, questioning what these mean, linking it with what you've learnt in class and evaluating what you learnt from writing the report, in less than 300 freaking words?!?! it's insanity. i just randomly typed out some of my observations and it was 150 something words already? arghhhhh.

today was productive. until i came home. and turned on this damn laptop that is.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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