the wallflowers.
Sunday, December 31, 2006

the year is ending. so many things to reflect on. but for now, a random outburst will suffice.


hahaha :) and even better moving.

some pig.
Friday, December 29, 2006

getting slightly sick of the holiday lifestyle. too much of a good thing etcetc.

caught charlotte's web with shiwen yesterday. plot and lines wise, nothing fantastic, but very endearing nevertheless. i am absolutely in love with wilbur the pig. :) and i love the song at the end! ordinary miracles by sarah mclachlan. can't find it tho! :(

brought out laptop with us to bid cos bidding was supposed to end yesterday. but anticlimatically, the system crashed. so torture is prolonged till tonight. and psych is making me absolutely poor. while other ppl like FIONA worry about paying less than a hundred points for econs, i worry that i have to pay freaking more than five hundred points for disgusting stats. sigh. hopefully this all works out in the end.

i dont care how others treat you, cos unfortunately (or fortunately, as i like to believe) you're just not that important to me.

byebye christmas.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

results are out in 7 hours. eek. and bidding nightmares start in 9 hours. EEEEEEK. school is just around the corner and i can hear it's footsteps.

music of my heart.
Monday, December 25, 2006

i really loathe family gatherings. sitting amongst ppl i cant even have a decent conversation with while christmas music was playing in the background just now was honestly painful and depressing. really got quite upset cos christmas up to then had been pretty nice. and it just sucks that it had to culminate at such a non-event. zzz.

anyway, nothing a little mraz and riney couldnt cure. i realise that mrazmusic really soothes my soul like nothing else can. was so pissed off just now cos my sis and mum were dilly-dallying and not wanting to leave even tho we were the first to come and about to be the last to leave. omg i was literally about to throw a kiddy tantrum. so left first for a little walk and some mrazy. and totally felt better after that. heh. and cuddly riney helped loads too. the cleaner, less fussy alternative to a pet. heh. anyway more about riney in a bit.

backtrack to the earlier and better part of the day. haha. met twinnie for christmas lunch at sun and moon! and a little shopping. and she got me lovely riney who i fell in love with at first touch. :)

twinnies and riney buried in between us. haha

kisses from riney to me to you, twinnie ♥

ho ho ho.

wheehee CHRISTMAS IS HERE! :):)

anyway, backtrack a bitty bit. met liming for lunch and present exchange on friday! i absolutely love her present/personalised wrapper(ESPECIALLY!)/card. heeee. and i'm really glad she likes mine too! :D shopped around a bit then met jo for darn good fish soup at sengkang before making our way down to her church for the christmas concert! concert was pretty good. impressive singing and dancing etc :)

saturday, met twinnie for some last minute shopping at bugis. then went over to chellie's house for her red&gold christmas party! here is a summarised photo account..

courtesy of twinnie decoration co. haha :)

presenting the menu: apple bread pudding, cheesy lasagne, rosemary hasselback potatoes, arrabiata sauce and corn&raisin bread pudding; among others.

four of the oldest ppl there o.o

with grace and the lovely lovely hostess! :D

haha i kinda like this pic xD

mucho christmas loveeee :):)

red outfits and gold hats! :)

with the pretty christmas tree! loving the star. haha

then by default i ended up trooping to mos with the rest of them. haha.

red in full force man.

lovely dancefloor :)

i refuse to put up any dancing pics cos they are far too embarrasing haha. anyway, mos is definitely not small. went through a couple of the rooms and it was pretty fun :) i'm still not a fan of the terribly loud music, moshing people, smoke, lights, drinks and definitely NOT dancing. haha but it's really great seeing your friends let loose and just jumping around. rubs off you a little. haha and all four of them are awesome dancers :)

at supper and looking suprisingly fresh.

anyways, got back at about 7am. my parents were completely unfazed which was honestly quite surprising. slept christmas eve away. oh and watched first four episodes of season two prison break. it didnt end well! cos one of my favorite characters got killed. but he went off pretty suavely. haha. oh wells.

wishuponastar christmas concert on tv just now. hady is love. and jjlin's voice is also love. haha. also watched love actually! like finally! hahah buddy and shiwen both msged me to WATCH IT cos i, being the loser i am, have yet to watch it. but now i have! and it IS sweet :) but we are still rewatching it buddy! for all the cut scenes and confusion. haha. ooh and my sister made me a really lovely shirt that says i'm the BESTEST SISTER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. hahaha tho it's obviously untrue but :):) anyways. together with kinder chocs and a new book! hehe. i know i know, she shld wear that shirt, not me. haha :( :)

ok anyways, i should totally sleep now! merry christmas and i love everyone! hahaha. :)

run, run as fast as you can.
Thursday, December 21, 2006

just got back from debbie's!

where we had our harrypotter marathon. haha.

met her at coronation to get lunch (koka instant noodles!) and snacks (honeystars and OJ). then walked over to serene center to get our movies before busing over to her house. two straight movies and then back to serene center for macs and then walked back (through petrol stations for snacks!) for the last movie! my head's filled with hogwarts and co. now. heh. but i'm once again amazed at the magic of harrypotter. :)

somewhere in the middle, also finished watching my survivor finale (cos youtube screwed up on my dumb com).

recognise the final four? my favourite four! yay! hahaha

and the winner is none other than my fav from the beginning - yul! best combination of brains and brawn i say. heh

anyway, this season was really damn good. debbiebuddy can vouch cos i got her on the cookislands bandwagon already! hehe. the best episode of the season is tomorrow 11pm on ch5. watch if you have nothing else better to do! hahah. alternatively, watch it here :)

anyways, before we slept we messed around with the camera a bit. hehe.

1. me and my christmaspresent from debbie! :D haha now known as mrginge.
2. buddy and our two hats.
3. mr ginge
4. hellokitty from buddy's happymeal. haha

HAHAHAH. and this is why i love my buddy. :D

love you buddy! thanks for being such a wonderful wonderful hostess! next marathon soon! titled: Movies We Should Have Watched By Now. hahahah.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

be surprised with me. because that's my mum with a box of donuts. never thought i'd see these two phrases in the same sentence, much less the same picture. haha she actually bought them back from batam. and this is how i get fat. my dad feeds me ice cream, and my mum feeds me donuts; all in one freaking day. -.-

it's gotten so cold i've taken to wearing my old winter coat and i'm just about ready to take out some gloves, no joke. going out for dinner just now was like braving weather i thought i only saw on tv and would never experience in real life. finished my first library book - Aunt Dimity's Death and it's perfect for the weather cos it's a good old fashioned mystery/love story set in a cottage in England. haha. buddy, i officially reccommend it to you! hope you've made progress with your one :P anyway the survivor finale is up on youtube! so i'm gonna settle down for the good two-hour finale. life is good! :)

rain rain go away; and dont even come back another day.

the weather is depressing and a pain in the ass. umbrellas serve no purpose, other than maybe to save your hair from getting wet, because i've been getting drenched time and time again despite carrying an umbrella with me wherever i go. -.-

yesterday morning/afternoon went shopping with d in chinatown. then crashed at her house (which i simply love for all its little treasures). then went to meet debbie buddy for dinner and christmas shopping! haha i officially declare i'm BROKE. or i'm imposing the state of "broke-ness" on myself after yesterday. bought my fuzzy pink hat :) then went to kino and discovered that it was 20% off storewide, so grabbed two books. then had dinner at billybombers which was delish but expensive. braved the christmas shopping crowd at taka (but they have tons of good gift ideas man!) and bought cards i dont need and a card that was so perfect for shiwen i had to get it. haha. then bought a donut. and that was it for me while buddy went on to buy presents for her family. mambo was having a crazy sale tho! 50-70% off. but i resisted (mainly cos they didnt have my sizes but yeah.) got to save the rest of the moolah for presents and for basics for the new sch term! and totally have to stop spending an average of $12 on each of my meals.

took a rain check (ha ha) on tanning and gyming at shiwen's today cos of the miserably wet weather. it really just makes you want to stay under the covers the entire day. rarr. hmm i better start sewing up liming's present. yes sewing. haha shit man what did i get myself into.

whatever indeed.
Friday, December 15, 2006

good day away from shopping finally. heh. met DEPENDABLE debbie buddy (ha ha) for yummy beef kuay teow opposite raffles hotel. been a while since i had it. yumyum. then headed over to the national library to search for books! second time there and first time looking for books there. it's book heaven man. didnt even make it to shelf D and already had myself three good books :D then settled in a semisecluded corner to start reading.

then debbie whipped out her camera and we went a lil crazy haha.

us and our books of the mo.

her stack and mine! my cecelia ahern book trying to blend in with the library books. haha.

our prettiest books!

debbie literally devouring her books and i, trying to imbibe the words directly into my brain. haha


went down to meet shiwen and khai for rockclimbing after. had pre-climb dinner at bk then made our way to the climbing place. HMM what can i say. first and foremost, as i predicted, rockclimbing is completely not my thing. after spending more than 2hours there, i attempted a grand total of 7 walls and "conquered" (a.k.a. reached the top of) an even grander total of ONE wall. hahaha. and i also got a couple of scrapes and a BLOODY BIG BLUE BLACK :( nevertheless, i must also admit that i had fun la. shiwen is damn amusing and khai was a damn patient teacher to two "physically-impaired" and whiny students. hehe. had a couple of good laughs too cos despite my extreme extreme fear of heights, being high up actually does give you a natural high. haha. prata supper after :D anyways, i doubt i'll ever be rockclimbing again in the near future tho we have decided it's a good way to build arm strength we'll need for making beds next year haha.

ARGH am completely reluctant to work tmr. boo.

and OMG am totally hyperventilating here cos derrick just gave me this link to check results. but they arent supposed to be out till 26th?! but you key in your matric number and password and BAM there are your results. AND i'm damn happy with them IF THEY ARE REAL. cos it's far far better than i expected but i must contain this happiness because i dont know if they are real? and it would really suck if they arent cos then it's damn damn anticlimax! dang i really shouldnt have checked! hahaha. so anyway, will try and forget them and not talk about them again until i find out for real xP

rain has come.
Thursday, December 14, 2006

brrr. chilly day! weather pretty much screwed the day up a lil. had to wait till it stopped raining so badly before leaving the house. shopped at bugis street AGAIN for vonnie's presents. omg it's so embarrassing cos i think some of the shop keepers recognise me already. hahaha. then went to meet shiwenie! plans to explore hajilane had to be canceled cos of the RAIN :( booo. so we went alaska shopping instead! it's totally fun to be so justified in shopping for winter wear haha :) didnt buy anything just yet tho cos i want to make sure i'm getting the most practical, pretty and price-smart items. hurr. shiwen's sensibility is rubbing off me :O

rockclimbing tmr which is pretty darn wtf. still in the state of "why did i agree to this again?". sigh. hahah but oh wells hopefully it'll be fun and calorie-burning! lunch and library with buddy (and the rest if they show up xP) so that will be good at least :) ok off to prison break again! tho i'm getting SLIGHTLY annoyed at the constant plans and foiling of plans and then new plans and then foiling of those plans and then new plans and so on so forth.

dreaming in red.

omg can totally get high blood pressure from watching prison break. wanted to finish episode 15 before i slept but when he went into the psych ward i thought it be better to continue another day rather than have images and sounds of psychotic people in my head before i sleep. *shudders* so here i am, trying to conjure up less nightmare-worthy images before i sleep.

anyways, the holiday was freaking good! loved every bit of it especially the tent scene. hee. possibly my fav movie of the year! stumbled into mango sale after, and grabbed a pair of jeans yay! yet more shopping tomorrow with sister and then meeting shiwenie for some very overdue catchup! double yay! hehe. ok should totally go to sleep now.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

feeling utterly utterly drained. ugh. and i miss sch, ridiculous as that is. i miss being semi-anonymous in sch, barely knowing anyone and actually smiling at people i know. i miss the co-op. i miss lectures, i miss tutorials. i miss seeing familiar new faces. i miss the arts canteen!! i miss the central library. i miss the stuffy lift and even the damn stairs. i miss shiwen!! :(

that's so strange. never missed school before. hahah. how totally warped. anyways, today was spent at bugis with twinnie! :) very productive shopping day i must say. haha. the two of us are pretty much unstoppable in bugis street. eeek.

anyway feel sick and gross. tmr will be spent bumming around at home since chels has to work! rest is good tho. and will be catching the holiday at night with liming cos i won preiview tickets! hehe. and internet radio rocks altho i'm still figuring out how to work it.

just walk on.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

after settling shitty module preferences this morning, bused down to meet jol to cut our hair at bishan. my hair is now short and tidy and i'm not sure if i like it cos i kind of miss my out of control waves that could be tied up. haha. but like i said, it's just hair, it'll grow.

went down to chinatown after that for some shopping. it was a major letdown tho! shops and shops of identically bad looking clothes with hardly any gems. or maybe i was just tired. sleeping at 3am and stress from module choosing probably got to me a lil. trained back to our all time favourite mall (compasspoint haha) for dinner and some grocery shopping. bumped into my aunt and cousin and baby lucious AGAIN prompting my cousin to say "are you stalking my lucious?" hahahah. while grocery shopping, bumped into a student too. it's heartwarming that he still remembers my name when i sadly dont even remember which level he was from ha ha. and meeting nice students always reminds me of good days at skps :)

anyway, it was a good day despite the tiredness. quality time with jol is always appreciated! haha anyways, jol, if you're reading this, hope you feel better REAL soon and love ya loads no matter what! *MUAAAAAH

with or without.
Monday, December 11, 2006

ugh. planning modules never fail to stress me. especially now that i have to plan out my modules in relation to my major and blahblahblah. ARGH. i feel so stressed and screwed and yadayada. and i never fail to hate myself for not working as hard as i should have and could have for the first sem. at the same time i'm also really scared i continue to slack and bum around and not put in effort. and it worries me how i'll end up with damn mediocore grades and waste my time and my parents' money.

and i'm so PISSED that i have to do another asian studies module because i foolishly did SEA as my singapore studies module. i have like a damn phobia of them already la argh. and next sem looks like hell cos besides the asian studies module, i'm going to have to do stats which is reputed for it's "horrible-ness" and a level three psych module in preparation to complete my credits for psych and another exposure module which i'm trying to find out which is the least evil. and yeah basically next sem sucks. and planning for it sucks just as bad if not more.

and i might have to work on sat and somehow that stresses me too cos i was mentally unprepared to work at all this month and i somehow feel nervous about it again.

this post is quite incoherent and i'm not bothering to read through or edit so i shall just leave it in the same confused mess that i am in right now.

just keep peddling.
Sunday, December 10, 2006

my legs feel like they are about to fall off. will edit this later on if and when i get pics from khai and when i feel less in pain. hurr.

[edit at 230am]ok so today was spent at pulau ubin cycling. all i can say is, cycling used to be my favourite sport. ok well it probably still is but my love has been temporarily diminished. so a bunch of us met at tampines mrt and bused down to changi village to take a boat down. boat ride was suprisingly pleasant and quick and not too rocky. got bikes. and then my adventurous ogmates decided to go off trail. and i was like thinking - oh off trail fine, just means sandy path perhaps? but NO it was like rocky, hilly and MUDDY. i know i sound like a complete bimbo here. but to be fair, i kind of liked it? UNTIL i had to go up one hill too many, bumped my ass on one rocky path too many, and got my feet and slippers slushed in mudddd. the main problem was the hills. haha before long i just couldnt get my ass up them anymore and had to keep getting off and pushing my bike up. and then even level roads were too much for my tired thighs. and so basically, eventually the only thing i could do was downhill. haha. how loser.

nevertheless, i really did have fun. the weather was perfect - not too sunny. the wind in the hair was great. being close to nature was refreshing haha. and my ogmates are wacky hahah so good laughs all around :) speaking of which, i'm really thankful for steamy and the things we do together cos they arent things i would usually do on my own. and everyone takes care of everyone :)

pictures pictures..

on the boat there.

welcome to pulau ubin!

all set to go!

after going through the first mudpuddle. note my truamatised face. haha

please check out the muddy path!

i am basically saying: stop taking photos when i'm so unglam!! hahaha.

first reststop!

bikes in the foreground make us look like some biking team haha.

last photo stop.

started raining around 6ish so we ran back to the jetty and took a boat back. the boat ride back was even nicer haha possibly cos of the rain and the fact that we sat outside near the waves. had dinner at changi village. yay for jeff and derrick who queued for the nasi lemak for us. dont think i was capable of queueing for 20mins. then walked about a bit at the beach before heading on back. my body aches like hell now. feels like it's never going to recover but that's hyperbole. going to crash soon! shiwenie's coming back today just in time for her birthday! yay :) missed her so![/edit]

good little cinderella.
Friday, December 08, 2006

haha ok i'm such a good little cinderella cos i reached home at 12 ON THE DOT. hee :)

took the train down to meet the rest just now. and was stoning cos i had no robey or book and then the guy next to me suddenly asks me if i was going to work or something like that. i was so huhed that i actually responded and then he just kept talking, worse of all in chinese, and cos i havent mastered the art of ignoring, i just kept replying him. and the end of the story is that not only did i give him my email but my handphone number too. and even shook his hand. wtf eunice! i didnt know how to say no nicely and then continue to sit next to him in awkward silence :( i'm damn dumb. anyway blocked him and am not intending to reply any msgs and so i end up feeling damn mean and horrible when i dont really have the right to. well done.

ANYWAYS, had dinner at cavana. the nasi lemak there is nice! :) then bused down to mos. the bouncers there are so mean :( not to me, but still! haha. felt so bad for the bounced and was so scared giving her my id even when it was MINE and 100% real. zz. anyway, wow didnt know mos was so small! hmm the pageant was quite boring. but daniel ong is really damn funny and much better looking in real life haha.

girlies :)

kimseng: "pretend to drink pretend to drink!" hahaha. i'm so damn obedient. -.-

all of us minus jamie and colin.

"why are we bending?!"

those decked in black!

those not in black. haha

and a last shot of the girls minus qh (who was taking the pic) :)

anyway, i left early cos i didnt want to take a cab or drink or dance and the music and smoke was killing me. hahaha i'm SO NOT a clubber. but i had fun kind of anyways :) ran down to meet jol at the mrt station. thanks for waiting for me and finding the right carriage. hahah.

and cos we have a severe lack of pictures together :)

OK. i'm going to sleep my head and body hurt so bad and my hair is finally dry. major sleepin tomorrow!

Making mountains out of molehills.

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