here and now.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

my expression is incomprehensible and i look like a disgruntled ahpek. hahaha. anyway this was taken at the lovely nus park(? garden?) at some point of our long and dreary day of rps and stats tutorial. after which, we made our way down to island creamery to visit my dear buddy FINALLY. hahah. and we got our veryvery bigggg scoops. wheee :D haha. tried the pineappletart flavour and OMG IT ROCKSSSS. it tastes like a real pineapple tart, just cold. first the pineappe-ly bits and then comes the buttery pastry aftertaste. OMG HEAVEN. i need to go back and get a scoop of that. haha.

prawn noodles at adam road with buddy for dinner after. felt so damn freaking full after. then bused/trained down to the airport to send karen off! :( australia has officially started to eat friends! oh wells. anyway karen, if you ever read this, i hope you're having a safe and enjoyable plane ride to brisbane now! all the best and see you soon hopefully! :)

i realise 2007 is a really shitty year. i wont see ppl abroad like buddy and liming from feb till dec (almost a freaking year!). and even ppl in singapore i wont get to see for more than three months cos of work&travel. :( i hope no one forgets me and vice versa! (tho i'm pretty sure i wont :P) at least i have shiwen to see all year roundddd. heee :)

soaking up the sun.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

i feel most annoyed. like my life is in need of major restructuring. i miss last semester, seriously.

today was a stressful morning of walking about novena/orchard to settle visas. american accents can be most intimidating. as can guards in uniforms carrying guns, formidable buildings with heavy doors and gates. interview consisted of a grand total of about three questions? but at least my visa got approved. i am officially not a terrorist threat to the US. -.-

then bused down (i love it when i figure out and take the correct buses. feel so clever.) to meet liming and her mum at ikea and witnessed the horros of preparing to go abroad to study. haha. bittersweet that i am actually helping her prepare to go. :( then went over to her club for some lazing by the pool. sun was scorching man. but the winds and water were fantastic. and we practically owned the pool. i just love weekday afternoons. i always get damn exhausted from tanning tho. the sun just totally saps the already small amounts of energy in me. drifted in and out of sleeps ever since i came home.

got a lift back from d who rocks cos she gave me an unexpected angpow. haha. I WANT TO SHOP. NOW. anyone? :D haha. ok i shld have just gone to sleep just now as i was struggling to wake up from my nap cos i thought it was just so sinful to sleep so early and not do any work. but guess what, i didnt do any work ANYWAY and wasted my time online reading xiaxue (which is annoyingly addictive) watching the hours drag on so slowly till they reach a "decent" bedtime in the double digits.

see why my life needs restructuring.

big ass monday blues.

i believe i did not sleep at all last night. i actually felt conscious throughout the whole time i was in bed except from 6.40am to 7.30am where i overslept very soundly. dohhh. mad rush in the morning resulted in no breakfast which meant no food till 5hours later thanks to today being a nonstop tutorial day(morning). anyway, soci tute wasnt too bad. despite having an extremely monotonous voice (that is perfect for drifting off to), my tutor was quite enlightening. my tutorial class might think i'm a complete bimbo tho. because for the life of me i could not come up with any intelligent answers to any of his questions to me. like for example, my defining and most interesting thing about myself was "i like to sleep". and i only said that cos i was sleep-deprived at that point in time!! and then later on he asked me to summarise the reading and cos i had no idea what the reading was talking about, i had to admit that "i did not get it when i read it" bimbo moment number three came when i couldnt give him a life event. no quotations cos nothing but air came out of my mouth while he (and the class) waited for my answer.

js tute after that which was relatively ok but only cos i managed to scan through the readings on the train this morning. had a big fat sushi lunch after that to appease my hunger. haha then went home and wasted alot of time online. sigh. but at least i did useful things like emailing lots of important emails. hur hur. really want to start being a good student and mugging hard etcetc. and i will! so long as i stay away from my laptop. which i will try to do. but it's just so freaking addictive omg. ok dont know why i decided to blog when i was actually about to go to sleep. haha. interview at the us embassy tomorrow! yikes. have i mentioned i hate interviews?? :(

thursday night.
Saturday, January 27, 2007

ok so yesterday was joan's 20th birthday celebration
cum celebration on jolene getting into med! :)

met up with xuee first to have dinner/do some shopping. once again i displayed great control of finances. hehe. bought joan's cards and balloon before going down to meet the rest at harry's.

haha i think it's funny how in the first pic, our expressions occur in pairs :P

with the birthday girl and the balloon we got her! :D

then headed over to dxo. never seen such an empty club. was quite sad. and their music just sounded like thumps to me. haha.

hung around there for a bit while waiting for the cars that would take us on our spontaneous ghost hunt. was slightly anticlimax cos we only drove to the places (the old changi hospital & braddell cemetary) but no one actually went out to explore. but then again, i think that was wise on all our parts. haha. cos isnt "then the group decided to explore the hospital/cemetary after midnight" just straight out from countless horror/ghost stories? heh. and with jeremiah telling us all those things, i think i was plenty scared without having to see anything. -.- and the thing about changihospital is that everytime i go near it, i get this chill and a really bad feeling in my stomach. i dont really believe in ghosts or whatever, but i wouldnt really want to be proven wrong. haha. anyway, we saw far more exciting things at changi village...really HOT trannies! man (pun? haha), what i would give for their legs! heh.

anyway finally got home at about 4 in the morning. thank goodness my dad walked me up and was awake while i washed up or i might have been really scared. haha anyway last night was freaking cold. woke up shivering and not being able to go back to sleep cos even the blanket was not keeping me warm enough. eeks. anyway i'm damn tired so i will stop rambling.

reflex reactions.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

ok the tutorials of the week have come and gone and project groups have been successfully made. my groupmates for both social psych and stats seem nice enough so hopefully all will be smooth. hehe. i really dislike project work tho. waste of time and high possibility of grades getting screwed up beyond your personal control. i speak as if i've had bad experience with projectwork grades. in actual fact, my project grade kinda helped my grades last sem. haha. must be the hitting a wall with js project topic today that's giving me this project-induced headache.

anyway, for sake of documention once again. yesterday, had soci lecture where our lecturer told us to "not worry about reading and memorising facts" cos they "arent important". that is totally one piece of advice i am going to take, thank you prof. that aside, i am still not seeing the fun or even the point in soci. up to this point, i have basically just been ignoring it. then social psych tutorial right after. the videos of various experiments we've read before were pretty darn interesting! i really do like psych. as in, i really cannot imagine majoring in anything else and having to keep taking modules of which i really dislike. (eg ANYTHING history related or the study of ANY country or region ugh) and one of my groupmates is an exchange student which i find really facinating. :) haha.

went down to town for some buddy time :) got cheap and pretty (and later to be faulty) earrings. haha then walked around a bit before settling down at crystaljade express for some carrotcake and siewmais. yummyyyy. indulged in a bit of reminiscing and regression. i really love how i can be so completely stupid and then laugh it off when i'm with my buddy :D

today, was a day of walking to and fro from the central library to as6. it was a good day tho! of rps, tutorial, studying, researching and junking out. :)

chocolate takes away the headaches studying brings.

haha. ok wow this is a pretty long post considering how i didnt think i had much to say. heh.

so much and nothing to say.
Monday, January 22, 2007

seem to have lost momentum in the daily blogging thing. i really want to organize what's been going on outside and inside my head but they are in such an utter clutter i dont know where to start. school's been unexpectedly stressful. i actually have to keep reminding myself that it is only week three and i shld maybe like just chill a bit. cos i'm stressing out but not actually doing anything about it. so it's all very pointless and tiring. haha. i guess it's just that now i already know what's coming up ahead as compared to last sem where i was so blissfully unaware of the termpapers and projects that would come hitting me on the face. anyway i've been told that my blog scares ppl so a little disclaimer here (ha ha): i write based on how i perceive events in my life and sometimes (ok alot of times) i panic alot and everything seems horrible and stressful and plain AWFUL. this is not to say that the events are not horrible and stressful and awful. they are. to me. they just may not be to other people. haha.

that said, i will continue. but like i said earlier earlier, i'm finding it hard to organise my random thoughts. so they are just going to come out like that - random. school today was bodering on nice. js tutorial was pleasant but probably only because i had shiwen and fi and we already had our group. hehe. tutor is rather nice and unintimidating so yay. then socialpsych lecture. i'm getting used to her english, which is half worrying. tutorial for that is tomorrow and I'M ALONEEEE :( first of my three lonely tutorials. boooo. i just hope i have nice tutorialmates and that people would want me in their group cos i need a group for this tutorial. eeek. totally dreading tomorrow man. :(

hm what else. i hate paper cuts. :( i hate it when they play justforgags on tvmobile (i'm pretty sure i've mentioned this before haha) when i'm alone on the bus cos i really want to laugh but cant for fear of people thinking i'm weird. :( and liming is going to melb to study next month. :(:(

anyway, good luck miss huang for your first day of school tomorrow! :D

hold on for one more day.
Saturday, January 20, 2007

ok. i love this duo and movie so much it's a bit wrong. haha. and ordinarily, i really dislike song lyric posts, but i really really like this song! (from one of my fav scenes in the movie heh)

haha ok was meant to post the lyrics here. but i really do feel gay doing that. dont know why. so yah, i shall abrupty end this useless post here and try and go sleep. three lines from the song that give me hope. HA HA.

Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day

obligation is a horrid thing.
Friday, January 19, 2007

in the words of my 3-year old "nephew", "I AM TIRED."

heh. isnt he adorable. his expression totally expresses what i'm feeling. today was a tiring tiring day of traipsing all around tanglin, us embassy and novena to get our freaking paper work done for our visa etcetc. but at lest we've gotten it cleared and out of the way! and stumbled on a super super cute toy shop that words cannot describe. must go back and take photos next time!! hahah. then finally met twinnie for some shopping! :D hee and that shall be my last shopping trip of the month. haha.

DONT WANT TO WORK TOMORROW. annoys me that my entire saturday is gone just like that. am so tempted to try calling in sick cos i seriously need to start doing some work. but my conscience tells me to just go since i signed up for the event. and so i sold my free saturday for a miserable $16.

i think i am a very impatient and selfish person. but for me, if it's broken, i dont fix it; i throw it away and get a new one.

despite of her bipolar rollercoastering.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

ok i'm having my period, so excuse the emotional schizophrenia.

just had a pretty good shopping day with buddy! have been uncharacteristically in control of my spending of late. (in contrast to buddy :P) heheh.

ANYWAYS. that aside. i am completely stressed. something about the "crowding out effect". something about one of my free days dissolving to dust. something about tutorials starting and readings piling. something about bloody research participation. something about a bad dream and a niggling reality. something about CHANGE. something about too many things to do and time moving too quickly. something about alaskatrip forms and things to do piling in.

and i can't frigging stop coughing ughhhh.

i need a timeout! but didnt i just have one? haa.

tuesdays are the new fridays.

i LOVE not having school on wednesdays. midweek recharge. :D so tmr, i must swap away my wed tutorial so i get actually actually get a three day week! haha.

anyway, today FINALLY had lecture with fiona. hahah. soci was alright, pretty interesting, partly due to lecturer's sweeping statements and horny examples. -.- i still dont get the point of soci tho. oh wells, hopefully i will be enlightened soon.

headed over to vivo with shiwen after lunch for PAN'S LABRYINTH! i thought it was a pretty awesome movie, albeit a bit scary and gruesome at some parts. but at least it lived up to it's hype, something not many movies do. walked around a bit after.

cool (abandoned) sitting area!

girl's trotters! got to love the red&white theme going on. :D

and the owners of those trotters xD hahah.

then buddy came and we shopped around somemore! unsuccessfully tho. haha. oh but i did buy HAROLD AND KUMAR!!! hahaha. :D had dinner at foodrepublic. i think that place is awesomely decored, but the food is really damn overrated. at least those i have tried.

headed over to stjames after! many factors that made that chillout session fab - no crowd, happyhour our mocktails for a mere $4 each, great private circle seat thingie, super friendly waitress, FREE FLOW OF NUTS, and of course, miss debbie tang :):)

aforementioned NUTS. yummyyy.


some classic candid shots heh.

we were high. me on my mocktail and her on her bluelagoon. so we put the smiles and insanity to good use. hahah :):)

love ya buddy! :D


Sunday, January 14, 2007

omg. i think i'm turning into a cranky, grumpy and very unlikeable person. today, all that have come out of my mouth were utterance of irritation and displeasure toward people and things. like right now, i hate everything. sociology in particular. freaking readings are driving me mad. i've, in a strange spurt of hardworkiness, managed to finish all my other readings and now i'm left with freaking soci readings that i just CANNOT digest because it's so freaking confusing and hard to understand! i have no idea what the author (who annoyingly loves to use latin phrases everywhere) is trying to tell me. so much for soci being a fun module. as far as i can see, it is looking to suck big time. what with it being the only module, that i know of, that actually has a textbook, a freaking thick coursepack AND additional readings. i mean hello? some of us have a life that doesn't involve reading words the whole freaking day.

:( i am very miserable. this sem feels so much heavier than the other. i feel like i need to stay at home and study study study just to keep up. my goodness, it's only week one, but i feel the urge to scream, NERD OUT! 8-(

on the way down.

the only thing worse than bidding is BALLOTING. omfg. the bane of my nus life. i still remember how last sem, after meticulously planning and planning and planning out the perfect timetable, i got screwed by the system and only allocated one of my classes. -.- so let's just pray it doesnt happen again this sem cos i already hate my "perfect" timetable. dont need cors to help me screw it up further, thanks.

anyway, been living out the life of a hermit that only jolene would understand. ha. the only times i ventured out of the house the last week was to go to school or somewhere in pasir ris. i'm losing the magic spark of 2006. everything in 2007 seems suffocating, irritating, uninteresting and all round unappealing. sigh. this has been the slowest week in a while. i need some friends&retail therapy soon! here's hoping next week gets better :(

"the universe tends to unfold as it should."
Thursday, January 11, 2007

today has been a good day in the midst of bad days of drowsiness, coughing and general feelings of wanting to be a hermit. felt slightly better going to school today after downing bottles and bottles of manuka honey water (courtesy of mum) and gargling cups and cups of salt water (courtesy of dad). haha plus dad decided to be kind and take me to school :)

japanese studies lecture was promising! lecturers all speak GOOD and PROPER english. ha. and the course content seems pretty interesting. finished early. had sushi lunch with shiwen, rosni and qianhui. got to love the cheap cheap and decently good sushi :) then since we had two hours before the next lecture, we (minus qianhui) decided to watch harold & kumar go to white castle.

and omg it's some funny shit man. the three of us were trying damn hard to contain our laughter in the multimedia viewing room. hahah. man i want the dvd cos i could totally watch it over and over again. haha it's so wrong, so racist and so vulgar but just so freaking funny. xD

went down to forum to get coursepack and snacks for next lecture. and came away with no coursepack, a subsitute (which turned out good anyway) for a snack and two starsightings. heh. co-op was freaking crowded, and in the midst of the people, i spotted a pretty cute guy and THEN i realised it was jon leong. *.* and so after we got over our little groupie excitement, we left the co-op and who do we see but jasmine tye. i was just so wtf-ed from seeing them consecutively in a span of one minute. haha. oh wells. small excitement there. since i missed out on the celebrity action at acjc which now has shawn lee. at least we have two idols at nus eh. heheh.

anyways, history lecture after. quite promising. good lecturer once again (yay) and interesting course in general. stats lecture after that was a PAIN because of that same lecturer. and she actually stated that she DOES NOT ALLOW CALCULATORS for the mid-term test and final exam. just how the heck does one do statistics without a calculator?! still trying to figure that out here.

got tons and tons of readings to do! feel utterly stressed even tho this is freaking WEEK ONE?? hmm and tutorial balloting starts tomorrow. joy. i still remember how it screwed me over last sem so i am placing no hopes on it this sem, yet i still have to do it. grawr. oh wells. enough complaining. it was a good day remember?? haha

always remember - palm trees grow under pressure.
Monday, January 08, 2007

school has started! to a pretty awful start. woke up feeling horrible. scratchy throat, eyes that wont open and a stomachache. i just love how my body has great timing and all. choosing to fall ill right when i no longer can sleep in. dragged myself to school. had no appetite, felt dizzy and to make everything even better, it was insanely hot. felt like mrs yeobright in ROTN. hurr.

anyway had some sushi for lunch and felt a little better. went for the nobel prize exhibition at university hall. pretty interesting stuff! before this, i didnt even know that alfred nobel was swedish. haha. anyway, the reason why i even went for this exhibition is cos, this sem, i'm taking a module called "From Wheel to Web". a HISTORY module. how clever eunice. but well it seemed rather interesting and i figured, since it's about technological inventions from thousands of years ago, everyone would be as clueless as me. so it's all good :)

went off for social psych lecture. i cleverly got us very lost in engine. haha the good thing is we stumbled upon olive cove while trying to find our way :) anyways, lecture was horrible! i dont understand how nus can actually hire lecturers who cant even speak coherent english. when she first spoke, there was an immediate silence. i believe this was because we were all so shocked at her heavily chinese-accented english. the next two hours was spent trying to decipher exactly what she was trying to say. seriously headache inducing. and the best part is she's also my stats lecturer. it's so unfortunate, cos she's got really cool clips and examples and ends extremely punctually and all (i.e. in every other aspect a wonderful lecturer). if she could only just speak properly :(

anyway had some chips from olivecove after (so clever eunice) by then, my nose was leaking already. and now it's stuffed. argh. it's going to be a tough night. i hate blocked nose! anyways, had tution with my k2 girl just now. yes she's only k2! so small! haha but she's extremely cuteeee and rather intelligent. i realise this is somewhat what i said about my last tuition kid (in reverse order -extremely intelligent and rather cute hahaha). hopefully this combination works out better. hurr.

anyway, feel really crappy now. ugh. shall sleep and get my 8hours so i survive school tomorrow. i just pray this goes away before thurs where i'll be in sch from freaking 10am to 6pm.

complaining days are here again.

everything's better in retrospect.
Friday, January 05, 2007

everytime i try to do my reflections for 2006 and resolutions for the new year, i find myself getting blogger's block. and now it's already 5th jan and i havent wrapped up 2006. i honestly still think i'm in 2006. must be cos hols are extended an extra week for us. i mean what's a new year when school hasnt started? omg eeks, i realise the last time i didnt start the new year with a new school term was like PRESCHOOL cos even this year, shit no LAST YEAR (2006), i started the year with a new school term at skps. WHAT A SAD LIFE.

anyway, because i'm a fan of only remembering the good things, i shall reflect on 2006 with the ten best things that happened (in no particular order, possibly chronological but then again maybe not haha). cos anyway, in general, 2006 was a really nice year. :)

(one) not being in acjc
because no matter how many times i reminisce about the good food and the select and very few good moments and how i am eternally grateful for the wonderful friends it gave me, i still remember how i generally didnt like it at all. and being out of it was just, liberating :D

(two) teaching at skps
even tho the first month was pure and complete hell and looking back, my incompetency was kinda embarrassing, this was definitely one of the best experiences of my life even. i learnt so much, felt so much and grew so much in those 6-7 months. being able to work with twinnie was great too cos she made the transition about a million times easier. :) the money was also veryvery good. heheh. and the children and fellow teachers, tho i might possibly never see them again, are people i'll remember fondly forever and ever. :)

"a community of happy learners"

(three) oweek and being in STEAMY and every single og outing after that
signing up for oweek and forging my mum's signature (with permission!) was possibly one of the smarter decisions i made this year. haha oweek, while not a complete blast, was pretty decent. especially so because, by very extremely good luck, shiwen and i were put in steamy together! :D and steamy, well i've mentioned many times before and i will again, are an absolutely wonderful bunch of people. and i love how our outings are not just movies and dinners and stuff but actual activities. given that it's so hard to make friends in uni, i'm really glad i have my steamies :) haha.

steamy, steamy, mighty mo!

(four) year one, sem one with shiwen
i really have no idea how i would have made it the past 6 months without my shiwenie. i wouldnt have had joined any orientation camps, lectures, bidding, tutorials, EVERYTHING would have sucked majorly. our dependence on each other in school is so scarily strong that we have been seriously (i think) been called girlfriends and shadows of each other cos we pretty much dont go anywhere without each other. haha. it's not just that i have someone to walk around school with but that i've found such a good friend with similar interests and views on alot of things :)

what would i do without youuuuuu?

what can i say. one of my top-ten-things-to-do-before-i-died fulfilled. jasonmraz is simply the bomb. probably the best concert i'll ever have gone to in my entire life. unless i see another of his, and it's better. hahah.

"i'm just a singer, you're the world"

(six) the other concerts
2006 was quite the year for concerts. getting to go for shinhwa's full-length concert was also a major high. cos even tho my love for them has waned, they're still a special band to me. and they are freaking good live which helps :D and getting to see hady live at hypeup the peak of my support for him was great too! it costing only 20cents was also a major major plus point. :D my only regret is not going for the jjlin concert. haha tho it's against all my "beliefs" to go for a chinese concert, i really am quite a big (closet) fan of his. but neverminds, cos i knew it was coming out on dvd anyways. hee.

(seven) buddy in singapore
one of the most pleasant surprises (?) of this year was how instead of losing, like i thought i would, my dearest buddy to australia, i became even closer to her. haha. june/july and december of this year have been some of the best times because my buddy was homeee in singapore. and as physically close as she was emotionally. heh. you know how much i LOVEEE having you around dont you my smiley on the outside, emo on the inside lovee :D

i guess absence does make the heart grow fonder in this case huh? :)

(eight) beanie parties
always great food, great company and great photos. hahah. special kudos to chris, grace, chels and kx for being great hostesses and organisers!

girls rule the world :)

(nine) general hanging out with friends
be it shopping or mugging or JELLYBEANING (hee) or tanning or just walking and talking and eating junkfood. this year, friendships were renewed, strengthened and made. awesome :D

which also means extended internet time cos no more do i need to fight with anyone for computer time. and no internet curfew cos i'm in my own room and not disturbing anyone. hurhur. also means i can happily save my pictures and songs without worrying about taking up space on the comp. brilliant or brilliant!

ok of cos the year wasnt all happy faces and good times. but well i believe i did my fair share of complaining about most of the shitty parts in previous entries. and other things are just better left private anyway. so hm resolutions (tho i know i will probably not keep them): study harder. be online less. accept. spend less. do not obsses. sleep earlier. eat more healthily. and love those who love me too :)

this blog entry took freaking forever to do. haha but now i finally feel like 2006 is over. here's just hoping that 2007 will be a good year too! will blog about buddy day tomorrow! :) (OMG LAST WEEKEND OF HOLS) for now, it's goodnight and goodbye 2006! haha.

food trail.

been frittering away my last few days of freedom being a general sloth. entire day yesterday was spent watching my koreandrama. haha. and i seriously mean the entire day. tues, went out with shiwens to try and find our texts at kino, but to no avail. shopped and ate a hell lot instead. heh.

today, steamy met up for our final holiday outing. haha. food journey around singapore to famous food haunts as reccommended by makansutra! am superly extremely tired and full now. but it was good fun! :D

we met up at adam road food center (a place i've heard of countless times but never been in) for really good prawn noodles (1) and not that good chicken rice (2). then bused over to maxwell for yummy fish porridge, sheng yu that i didnt touch and the neighbour of the famous carrotcake stall which was closed. -.- (all in 3 which i am aware shows empty plates cos i forgot to take before we attacked hahah) dessert was sweet potato balls (4) which i had to be coaxed into eating but are actually really good! walked over to amoystreet food center for lormee (5) and orni (6) both of which i dont like in general so just had a little of. was freaking full at that point. heh. walked over to tanjong pagar where i made space in my tummy for peanut icekachang (7) which was the bomb! my fave of all the foodies. we were all so darn full after that we decided to walk to cityhall. ended up at bugis where we walked somemore. and then finally dinner at arab street. murtabaks at zamzam (8) were freaking good and cheap!! definite reccommend. walked/bused/walked to geylang after that for supper of tauhuay and youtiao (9). was really looking forward to this one but it wasnt very good. haha. oh wells, i was too full anyways. so yes, that was the food aspect of the journey. of course we didnt each have a dish at each stop. kudos to yonghui for excellent planning - we pooled money and shared extra large portions of everything :D

jamie drinking her bloody soup! haha

walking from one food stop to another.


the six of us passing time taking pics while the rest were bidding at the library!

and the reflectionfetish photowhores in action. hahah :)

i LOVEEEEE steamy :) my tummy hurts now oh noooooo. roar. ok going to sleep noww. buddy outing tmr yay! :D

muddy grass.
Monday, January 01, 2007

HAPPY 2007!! :):)

uhhh. i think i'll do reflections etcetc tmr. heh it requires alot of time to do cos 2006 has been such an exceptionally eventful year. ANYWAYS. new year's eve was a longggg day. woke up super early to go to church. :) cos my favourite pastor was speaking. heh. hmm. then went over to my aunt's house for my cousin's baby daughter's one month! she is SO FREAKING SMALL AND ADORABLE. it's so darn amazing to look at her little fingers and toes and nose etcetcetc. and i love joanna (my cousin-in-law) cos she's one of the nicest and good-tempered people i've met. haha she let us play and touch the baby all we wanted. heehee. also entertaining to watch the other cousins' children run about. children are really damn adorable to watch.

lucius, the three year old who can read and use mobile phones, taking a photo of joanna and babyteresa. and then EXPLAINING. hahah.

then went out to meet shiwens for nye dinner at the jap restaurant at liang court. slurping goooood udon! :) and liang court is sadly forever underpopulated. hahah. walked about clarke quay then went down to momo to wait for karen&fi where we waited for countdown. abandoned the idea of fireworks cos of slight drizzle and news that it was crazily crowded =x heh. unfortunately, i have to say that i really dislike momo. it's so darn claustrophobic and the music (that i heard) sucked. and thankfully we were away from the dancefloor and at a table cos it was jampacked. had severe difficulties getting out after. well at least it was pretty nicely decorated with balloons and snowflakes. haha.

me and shiwen with a balloon :):)

four of us. i'm blindingly white.

last pic of 2006 and first pic of 2007! :):)

[note to fiona: see! i didnt post that pic! hahahaha]

shortly after the countdown, me and shiwens left to go find our ogmates. ran like mad through clarkequay which is honestly veryy confusing at night and when it's so full of people. the atmostphere all around was generally awesome tho! everyone was smiling, laughing, spraying each other and just calling out happy new year to random people. :) lots of well-dressed people too. finally found them at coffeeclub. hung around a bit. then the girls ran like mad to catch the last train while the guys happily strolled to the train station. and the unfair thing was, they made it too. zzz. haha anyway thank goodness for extended train service or it would have been hell getting a cab and then paying for it. hurr. dad was being sweet and decided he should drive his daughter home from the train station seeing that it was 2am and there were probably drunkards around. haha :):)

new year's (a.k.a. today) came with sunny skies so headed over to liming's for a good afternoon soak in the pool. :) then headed back to liang court to collect my long-awaited drama set that the guy kindly held for me. wheee. went down to meet the family at greatworld for dinner at crystaljade. everyone knows this, but xiaolongbaos are just the bomb man. as for the lamian and the redbean thing, we have concluded that the "fake" crystaljade at marinasquare is actually better! haha. then we dispersed for some last minute shopping (cos there was only 30mins before shops closed!) before heading on homee.

my mum with one of her catch phrases - "TRANS FAT IS BAD"

familyyy :):)

have gotten myself two new tuition kids for the year2007! a p1 (how cute!!) girl and a p6 boy (shiwen's cousin! hahah). here's hoping they are good for me and i for them!

Making mountains out of molehills.

January 2005
February 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
September 2009
February 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
March 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
February 2012
April 2012
June 2012
July 2012
November 2012
