all the time in the world.
Sunday, April 29, 2007

this is the third time this year i'm falling sick which is quite a ridiculous rate. and this is the second time i got sick because of my tuition kid. somehow whenever i'm feeling on the verge of getting sick, my tuition kid has to show up coughing away. HIGHLY HIGHLY ANNOYING. i hate germy kids. :( and it really sucks shit studying when you're sick cos it's extra hard to focus. rahhh ONE MORE DAY ONE MORE DAY HURRAY.

been slacking prematurely. heh. actually watched a whole 16episode drama+a movie over two days. youtube is really going to be my downfall. haha. but both were really good :D and i really love Ji Hyun Woo.

ok i better get back to stats. two more chapters to cover!! booooo.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

HA. i just talked my dad out of going bald, and now he wants to grow his hair out long.



i will not have tarzan as a father. i'm so worried when i come back, i will have some long-haired dude picking me up from the airport. hahaha omg it's so funny it's not.

and jt's lovestoned is such an awesomeawesome song. thanks pardner! :D

lovely rivals.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

love the fact that the two papers i've been really dreading are over :D today has also been good cos we got back our stats project, and for all the stress and truama, we actually did pretty well. :):) and i got back my history paper too and MIRACLES OF MIRACLES i got an A+. i'm all about ready to frame it up seriously for HISTORY?! hahah :) so, even though the exam didnt go that well, i can not at least fret less about the mod :)

ok i should totally come down from the clouds cos the exams arent over man! as usual my two paper stamina kicks in. watched Lovely Rivals which is slightly pervy, quite funny and VERY TOUCHING. i think i relate to it because part of me wants to be a teacher. the sypnosis says it's about an elementary school girl and her teacher being love rivals for the art teacher (a bit wrong i know! haha) but it's really so much more :) tell me what you think of it jol! hehh.

ok i will slack off tonight but i SWEAR to work hard tmr! >:D

Monday, April 23, 2007

ok i feel like shitcrap now. cos tomorrow i'm going to say hello to a big fat C for history. and i dont know how to stop that from happening. i just can't read the readings. i've been trying the whole day, that and trying to listen to webcasts, but it's so MINDNUMBINGLY BORING i cant absorb anything. and the worst thing is this is all my own fault. my fault for choosing this module. my fault for not keeping up with readings. my fault for not trying at all. my fault for being a big fat lazy bum with no piorities. my fault for not being able to write good essays. but the thing is i dont feel upset with myself for that. in fact i feel upset with myself for not feeing upset with myself, if that even makes any sense. i feel like crying but that is just so ridiculous. haha. i need some form of comfort man but i dont think anyone or anything can comfort me right now. oh except say my professor telling me he'll give me a B for sure tomorrow.



the paper went quite bad actually considering that i wrote about an average of 1.5pages per question. haha. i always seem to have not enough things to say, which is why i realllly detest writing essays. but hopefully what i wrote warrants a B!

anyway lame as this is, i burst out laughing when i saw it.

love his expression! hahaha.

ok i need to study history soon. am damn damn worried about this module man. rahhh.

oh and please watch this short 46sec clip and fall in love with the cutest little boy!! hehe :)

winning battles, not wars.
Sunday, April 22, 2007

so. the battle begins in 11 hours! i am going in inadequately armed and really quite afraid of the slaughtery that is going to take place. but i am eager to go forth! because by tomorrow, i can say, ONE DOWN!!!!

on beauty.
Saturday, April 21, 2007

i have this uncanny tendency to do extremely unproductive things as the exams approach.

watched two rather interesting korean movies on youtube. first being The Beast and the Beauty which has a pretty unique storyline, i thought. it's about this plain and rather clumsy man who falls in love with a beautiful blind girl and helps her make her world beautiful and exciting with his imagination. but then, she goes for an operation to regain her eyesight and he's afraid to face her because of his unspectacular looks. so he goes for plastic surgery, but it only makes it worse and blahblahblah. hahah. but what i thought was interesting was how the blind girl's world was actually prettier and more magical when she couldn't see. pretty depressing huh.

the other one i just finished watching was 200 Pounds of Beauty, yes the one that's showing in cinemas now. i just saved 8bucks! haha. i really liked this one! a synopsis can't really do it justice, but it's about a fat and ugly girl who goes for plastic surgery to become beautiful. i know, sounds like extreme makeover or the swan, but the story is really quite endearing. and it gives a peek into the korean culture of plastic surgery which is actually quite frightening.

so yes. um i have nothing to say for myself now. i will go some readings! ugh.

i hate waiting.
Friday, April 20, 2007

ok here's the thing.

i can't study.

and worst of all, i cant stop worrying that i'm not studying.

so i can't even slack with a peace of mind.

and now my stomach hurts.

since i had no one to whine to, i came here to talk to myself. :(

i could go on but i see no point. off to find something useless to do online!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

i am going

actually also from being cooped up in the house because i'm feeling strangely excited to be going to school tomorrow. HAHA.

ok i'm sorry that was very lame but i really do not feel very sane =x soon i will realise what an unflattering picture that is and take it down. haha. and the truth is i can't be this hardworking girl for much longer. argh. youtuber and player (of photos) is scratching it's way out. haha. OMG I NEED 30 APRIL 2007 TO COME LIKE RIGHT NOW. this is most painful boohoohoo :( :(

i am so pathetic ok i will stop whining.

love over a thousand miles.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

i'm so annoyed at myself for being heavily affected by... four letters. i should totally get over it already but what i want to do is erase erase and ERASE. please?

anyway, i've been confined in my room for three days already. i havent stepped out of my house since saturday when i went to church with jol. time is crawling yet it's running out. and i am so sick of studying! ARGHHHHH.

break all my thoughts on the floor.
Sunday, April 15, 2007

if i swore, i would say, "the Japanese language is very fucked up". but i don't (apparently). so, "the Japanese language is very annoying" will suffice. i just read something so ridiculous in my readings: "..the paucity of sound correspondenes between putatively cognate morphemes in Japanese.."


this is like advanced el1101e on a foreign language which is ridiculous especially when i do not intend to learn the language or anything more about the country. i am annoyed for sure and displacing my anger on poor Japan, i'm sorry.

i am stressed. i have too many things to study. but i've spent the whole day studying and i can't seem to continue even though it's imperative that i do cos if i dont i will have not enough time so i will shut up and go back to argh japanese studies.

"Some have proposed that Japanese is a language with an Altaic superstratum and elements of an Austronesian subtratum, while others have suggested that Japanese is an amalgam with the Altaic and Austronesian stocks equally mixed."

they forgot that some (namely me) don't freaking care.

one fine day.
Friday, April 13, 2007

took a break from studying to spend the day with liming today :) had thaiexpress for lunch (FINALLY) and then headed over to sentosa! but not for the beach, but to do touristy things! haha.

first stop, underwater world..

GIANT spider crab (very scary) and jelly fish!

some of the exotic sea creatures we saw. but my utter fav was the SEA ANGEL! i took a video, but it looked shitty when i uploaded to youtube, so here's someone else's. haha (you can find ANYTHING on youtube man)

it's damn small and lovely and fragile and beautiful :)

and then it started to rain so we hung out on the bus for a while, before heading over to imbiah lookout for the merlion and the merlion walk! the merlion was all very gimmicky what with the show on the legend of the merlion (tho it was pretty) and then we had to feed the merlion a coin to get our prize before heading up to the mouth/head gallery!

very touristy shots in the merlion and at it's mouth.

at the top!

merlion walk taken from the head of the merlion.

two of the prettiest places in sentosa if you ask me!

i fell in love with the magic colors of the merlion walk man. haha

headed over to dolphin lagoon but we missed the show :( so we went to cross the bridge to the southern most point of asia before heading on back.

crossing the very narrow bridgee.

whee. can't believe she's leaving again tomorrow. oh wells, i'm leaving soon too anyway. bah.

headed over to compass to meet jol for dinner! and a bit of walk&talk which will be continued tomorrow. haha. damn tired now but i feel like i should study. rahh.

trend of thought.

i hate pmsness and how each feeling gets accentuated. and my latest trend of thought. and how i keep feeling like i miss so many things but at the same time fear that most of them have been glorified by time.

er anyway, on the brighter note, projects have all been cleared! :D full-on mugging mode now! already started today. in between lectures and after school whoa! it's somewhat discouraging that i didnt even make a dent in my workload tho. haa. and home is so freaking incondusive. but school is so freaking far. rahhh.

oh quote of the day, from my favourite lecturer haha

"i would walk into a bookstore and see stacks and stacks of this book on display, and i wouldnt know what to do. i was deeply confused."

haha ok it was the WAY he said it too. anyway, much as i am screwing this mod, i must admit i really like it's content. it's the one time history has got me to reflect on life today and how we've made that progress from "the wheel to the web" and how we are still progressing and what lies ahead.

i need to talk to someone who doesnt know meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

this is history.
Thursday, April 12, 2007

ok i have just finished writing a four and a half page long history paper. this will be the first and last history paper i write i swear!! i'm quite pleased that i managed to crap so much out but i have a distinct feeling i'm still going to do badly because i have no idea what a good history paper is supposed to be like. BUT WHO THE HELL CARES. Thursday has come. the day to unload all three projects and i am elated! :D

pathetic masquerading as not pathetic.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

been having these intensely bad headaches these days. and the result with that is general irritation with everyone. i am so very irritated i dont know what to do honestly.

kill it before it dies.
Monday, April 09, 2007

i realise this is my last week of my first year at uni. this is cliched, but scary how time flies!! =x

i really dont like giving tuition. :( it's damn freaking sian (for lack of a better word). and i think i've stopped liking kids, which is a very sad thing. i have a new student - a p4 boy, who is luckily very clever. but i am horrified by how hard p4 math is. damn tricky, damn complicated la. and worse of all, damn hard to explain. it's like either you get it or not. haha i'm a bad teacher i know. eh but he seems to think i'm a good teacher so yay.

expectations are the most annoying thing ever. having expectations of someone/something/some place, and having them fall short of it sucks. others having expectations of me makes me feel pressurized, like i can never live up and ulitmately, like quitting. all in all, i can't think of any good point of expectations. expectations should be abolished!

unproductivity personified.
Sunday, April 08, 2007

i've been lugging these four freaking books (three being hardcover!!) everywhere with me the past two days. to school yesterday for our (rather unsuccessful) workout on projects and then to my aunt's house for my "stay away from the internet to mug out" day (which was LARGELY unsuccessful) my weak and pathetic arms are actually aching. cos i've been lugging around my laptop too. ha. and i dont even know what my point was cos i STILL have not started on the history paper. and all i do is haphazardly flip through the books cos i cannot bring myself to read more than a page at a time. rahh.

anyway, last night, we (my aunt and i, but mostly my aunt hah) made strawberry cheese cake!

putting the strawberries on before the jell-o!

i got distracted halfway by A Walk to Remember. and then i watched random tv, took a nap while my aunt went to fetch my sister and then watched The Host on dvd (which was awesome!!) before konking out at 2am swearing to work hard the next day.

the next day was so very productive, not.

we had yummy cheesecake for breakfast! :D

and my aunt brought the muffster over and he makes a very good photo subject. very obliging and still. haha

but rusty is still the one i love :)

and so i spent the afternoon: eating, watching tv, taking photos, playing with photos. and now i have a headache cos the weather is so freaking hot and i feel stressed so i shall go lie down for a bit.

late night missing.
Saturday, April 07, 2007

ok. was taking a break from projects and trying to plan for my (very near) future by coming up with a list of things i NEED to do before i leave. and i suddenly felt that i really really really need to...

...meet these two people i've hardly seen in 2007 and whom i miss very very much! :( my dear easties, please save a day for me after my exams and before i leave to do something crazyfun ok? xD

and on the topic of missing, i could go on forever. but one more,

i miss you shitloads miss debbie tang! :(

good friday.
Friday, April 06, 2007

it was a GOOD friday this Good Friday :) I'm really glad i went to church cos it was one of those services that really made me feel something inside. it also made me really really want all my friends to become believers so they can be saved. but i have no idea how to go about spreading the word when my faith is still so weak and unstable. so i guess i'll have to say, one step at a time. hehh.

anyways, mum and i went shopping after that and i finally got my winter coat for alaska! and we did supermarket shopping together :) and then i came home and FINALLY packed all my notes into semi-neatness. haha. i am super hungry now. will have dinner soon i hope! and then work on js and historyyyy. so much for a long weekend! i read that this was the LAST long weekend of the year. but it fell right on my free day. plus i have so much things to do. so it's really quite sad and pathetic. but it's ok! cos i'm in a good mood and everything will be ok :)

people suck.
Thursday, April 05, 2007


i think it's the stress of impending deadlines and the fact that i have to juggle three projects. i think shiwen is the only one who can even comprehend because she's going through the exact same freaking thing. but seriously, missing groupmates are number one on my hate list right now. and people who just cannot meet. or reply mails. or even come up with an opinion/idea when they suggested coming up with one in the first place. or say you will send something but don't. I MEAN WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE MAN. as if doing a project isnt stressful enough.

and another reason why people suck i wont go into cos i'm guilty as hell of it too.

laughing (from stress) days are here again. ha ha ha.

dentist trips, and all things not nice.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

trips to the dentist always depress me.

and so does seeing my baby looking so sad these days :(

ok i am so addicted to taking photos and playing with them.

havent been having enough sleep these days for various reasons. find it hard to fall asleep too even though i'm exhausted. i think i was supposed to do something. oh yeah

reread stats
read the shit loads of stuff i photocopied for history

oh yes, i have FINALLY settled on a topic for history. i am doing.... the industrial revolution in JAPAN. yes. as if i dont have enough of japan from japanese studies. speaking of js, i am totally dreading dragging myself out of bed to be in school at 945 for a movieeeeeee. rah. one good thing about today tho - liming's coming home (landing in about 45mins..)! yay easter break rocks :D

ok more of rustyyyy. painted with a camera and photoediter.


school was quite the waste of time. i sat through the whole soci lecture looking at my laptop and barely listening to the lecturer. sushi with khai and fi. and then for an hour or so, four of us (plus shiwen) squeezed into the chatpoint and wasted more time. haha i like hanging out in chatpoint tho :) LAST HISTORY TUTORIAL AFTER :D shiwen crashed again whee! we watched a silent movie which was so disconcerting because of the..well..silence. and a charlie chaplin movie that was pretty amusing. i liked it! discussion after that was dominated by all the guys in my tutorial. which is actually quite fine by me. hur.

went to watch oliver twist at jubilee hall with d and vons after! very very impressive :D the whole thing was acted out by only FIVE PEOPLE. and as you can see (or maybe not), oliver and the artful dodger were played by girls. haha. anyway my favorite was fagin/the policeman/the widow. he was damnnnn good and funny but i cant find his pic :(

ok am tired. will end off with a preeeeety pic of the "singapore eye". i love driving past it on the way home/to school. and since i had a camera today, i snapped away. heh. this is the heavily edited product. (looks better if you click it)

we are getting exciting!! hahah.

welcome to the fantastic world.
Monday, April 02, 2007

this week is exciting, in the sense that i am happy to go through with it. but next week holds THREE BIG FAT DEADLINES. and they are really DEADlines, in caps, bold, italicized and underlined. because my three projects stand at: getting there, patchy, and untouched. i can't even start worrying or studying for my exams because i have to worry about these. dang. why is this sem such a mess? :( totally can't wait for it to be over la. i hate the wating for impending doom. just smack me with the bad grades already.

east not failed.
Sunday, April 01, 2007

need a laugh?

please watch THIS. omg it is HILARIOUS. especially the transvestite part. seriously trust me, no one i've given the link to has not laughed out loud. hahahaha.

this alludes to my plight having a taiwanese lecturer.

ah ok away from youtube i shall stay!!

[edit at 1015pm]I AM DAMN HAPPY COS I FINALLY FINISHED MY PART FOR JS OMG! 740 words! happyhappy. but at the same time i'm fretting because i STILL havent thought of what to do for history. argh history you asshole.[/edit]

Making mountains out of molehills.

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