Friday, May 11, 2007

INTERNET!! hello. haha. finally after three long flights i have reached alaska.

anyway, thanks to everyone who msned/msged/called/blogged/came down to say goodbye :) altho it made it all the harder to leave. ahh i miss singapore too damn much for someone who just arrived not too long ago. haha. actually i missed it the moment i walked through those departure gates. ANYWAY.

one airport pic! :D
miss those two girls by the side TONS AND TONS :(:(

didnt manage to take one with rachel, speaking of whom, i love your bim letter :) hee made me smile loads on the plane. but oh yah, your internet is down. haha will email you soon!!

anyway, here's one pic of us at anchorage airport :) i love alaska for it's weather and mountains and snack food thus far. people are..slightly intimidating. anyway i will blog more on the alaska blog! picture heavy post coming up go check it out k! and leave comments :D

ok miss everyone so so much :( terribly jetlagged so will blog there and then sleep soon! got to be up in 5 hours omg.

circumstance is power.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

spent the morning with mummy today :) cut hair and then lunch. then met jolene for spiderman3! haha. i only watched it cos of TOPHER GRACE btw. nevertheless, it was pretty good, the graphics and humor and all, albeit a bit draggy at parts.

cabbed down to ucc to meet rosni for stardust! out of the 21 performances, i only enjoyed 4, one of which was a four song set by the previous winner. he's damn good!! much better than this year's winner -.- oh yes and it was my first time being a patron at ucc, and like i told ros, the seats make sitting not much better than standing. haha it feels weird being a patron tho! having other people holding the door for me etcetc. ANYWAYS.

us at interval! heh :)

the show actually dragged on quite long and i only got home past 11. so once again have not done anything about my stupid packing.

just now walking back, i felt this fear. lately half of me keeps thinking, if this falls through and i dont get to go for some reason, i would actually feel relief more than anything else. i want to take so many people with me to help me go through with it but i cant. all i can bring are stupid clothes etc. i really need to grow up aye.

lean on me.
Monday, May 07, 2007

ok so yesterday woke up really late. my bedtime of late has been 2am and waking time 12noon. met twinnie and joyce for a bit and then chels came and went with me to get my hair cut. THANK YOU LOVELY FOR WAITING!! felt damn bad cos it took so damn long. and i'm actually going to cut my hair again tmr cos i think it's still too unruly. -.-

met ros and joce at newton to take a bus down to meet the rest of the og mates for dinner! gonna miss these guys alot and all those og outings!! :(

like reunion dinner! haha

oh yes, and after dinner FINALLY went down to visit twinnie at island! haha thanks for the $2 scoop aye. and you look totally adorable in the apron! :D

today, woke up late once again. then lazed around a bit before heading out with the sister. was a bit frustrated with my hair, skin everything but it was all good cos it was quality time with the sister :)


and mum's back from korea and the first thing she said to me was "YOU PUT ON WEIGHT" it wasnt even a question. but fine. haha i'm having this very uglier-than-usual period. the skin, the hair, the tummy etc. omg i'm AGING. :( anyway it's good to have mum back for the last two days! ok it's past two and i better sleep. can't wait for tmr! BETTER START PACKING SOON OMG.

my eyes.
Sunday, May 06, 2007

it's three days to alaska. i am still unpacked. and i am suddenly gripped with this inexplicable mix of feelings. fear, sadness and excitment being the top three.

painting memories.
Friday, May 04, 2007

ok. my legs are in pain. been walking and walking and walking the past two days. yesterday vivo&fookon with shiwen, then dinner with jolene and a bit of youfei and seefei (heh) at compass :D what else about yesterday. oh i fed my dog :) and i love rustyboyyyy!! going to miss my baby so so so much :(

this morning, was dragged out of bed very early to go to the bank with dad. finally settled my travellers cheques!! :D had a nice bread basket for breakfast too. i like mornings when everywhere is empty and quiet and shops are opening and breakfast food is most salient. :) went down to bugis to meet twinnie for our BIG SHOPPING TRIP. felt a bit guilty but hey it's post exams man. i hadn't shopped in a while plus i wont get to shop for the next three months! so totally justified :D haha.

then went down to meet shiwen for our little photologging of our dear island :) and these are my photos (two of each cos i cant resist playing with photos hehhh)

chinatownnn :D

the gorgeous scarlet hotel

haha reflection of a building at shenton way.

cbd! loving the tall tall buildings.

the aliens have landed xD

we attempted to fly down to the national stadium for pictures but we were too late because of kallang's LOUSY BUS DEPOT AND BUS SYSTEM (among other reasons). um so we attempted light painting but singapore is too damn well lit la. haha. so bused down for dinner at rafflescity before going homeee. I HATE CROWDED PUBLIC TRANSPORT BTW. AND WAITING FOR THEM.

towards the end of our photologging haha..

hotshot photographer (i love this!)

and disgruntled "PREGNANT" WOMAN.
(taken by shiwen)

my stomach is disgusting :( sighh. and dad bought durians!! hello calories. but ooh soo good :D

day by day.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

so today was dad's turn to accompany me on errands. first stop ikea for lunch and shelf hunt and was nagged at the whole way because of how messy my room was and yadayada. rah. then we went over to the bank at dbs only to get a shock because the bank got demolished. my dad nearly had a heart attack cos he thought he was suffereing from senile dementia or something haha. headed over to serangoon only to find that branch didnt have traveller's cheques. thought i could post debbie's letter (WHICH I FINALLY WROTE HEHE) but walking to the post office, i realised i left the letter in the car. hahhah. that really was just the kind of day we were having. the only thing we managed to get done was changing some money.

then headed down to cityhall to meet jolene for dinner, supermarket shopping, and some good catch up! :D

corn-joint and corn-fused. HAHA.

ok my skin is currently like shit. and i want to make new specs. and i need to cut hair.

tomorrow, tomorrow.

i feel damn filled with inertia. i am constantly pushing things to the back of my mind causing it to be EXTREMELY cluttered at this point.

today, i went down to mustafa/queensway to get luggage and stuff. seriously, i have no idea what i would do without my aunt. but i feel extremely guilt-ridden now. and then i came home planning to start packing but packing is not something i like to do alone. (because i'm useless yes i know) so i took a walk to whitesands to buy dinner and walk around a bit aimlessly. and came back and had dinner alone and then my dad came home with durian puffs and cakes cos i asked for durian but the durian stalls were all closed. and i am rambling.

i like staying up into the night (when it's not for mugging). i am feeling rather depressed now because i just finished watching Maundy Thursdays. seriously superb acting from kang dong won. great storyline. and i really like how it was filmed too. korean movies are really so much better than those tearjerkers they are so (in)famous for. this one's about a man on deathrow btw. i realise i really like movies that explore why a person commits a crime or deviation even. nice to know they are not all crazed maniacs. but sad to see how society punishes so indiscriminately. RAH I AM SAD.

ok. i should sleep soon. more things to do tomorrow. plus all those things i said (in my head) i would do today but evidently didnt.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

today is a very very very happy day :) EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!! hahaha couldnt stop smiling to myself from 3pm. felt ALMOST as good as when the As were over. haa. and then it keeps hitting me that i'm leaving in slightly more than a week and i get these crazy butterflies in my stomach. so excited but so worried at the same time!! yikes. but anyway, went down to meet the girls whom i've not seen in sooo long. felt so great to be in town and just sitting and chatting away :) came home and TUITION WAS CANCELLED. wah. my day really couldnt get any better man.

anyway i have a very good good movie reccomendation. Bystanders/June's Diary please watch it, it's super good! acting, plot, underlying meaning. i think school bullying is a really sick thing. thank goodness it isnt that big a problem in singapore. =x

ok anyway i'm going to sleeep. going to buy luggage tomorrow and i'm rather excited! whee, life is good after exams :)

Making mountains out of molehills.

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