home sweet home.
Sunday, August 26, 2007

i'm back!!!

haha it feels like i never even left. taipei was a good stopover. it allowed recovery from jetlag. and the air was so bad there that the air in singapore is actually welcome. and shopping at nightmarkets and eating streetfood was a good prelude to what singapore has to offer :D haha. not to mention our two nights at les suites which was just awesome! flight back was really nice cos it wasnt a full plane, so lots of empty spaces. and the inflight entertainment was awesome! was very very happy. haha. then shiwen and i said our goodbyes :( and i said hello to dad, vons and jolene! :D super awesome to see these faces again :):) not to mention instant gratification of my carrotcake craving hehe.

but. i miss alaska, TOK in particular, immensely. i miss the mountains. the air. the skies. the weather. the people. housekeeping even. the trailer (!!!). my room. my bed. the lounging around. the kitchen. the toilet. three bears.

but most of all,
i miss the six of us. i miss the noise we made, our dependency on each other, fighting for the toilet, hanging around in our rooms, vtf-ing, bridge/mahjong, eating together, going everywhere together... despite our differences (and we did have a couple for sure haha), these guys are like second family to me and it makes me sad we'll never get to live together again. :(

anyways. omg school starts tomorrow. how utterly utterly depressing. i'm getting a new phone tmr tho! am pretty much uncontactable (via phone) till then. which is something i'm so used to anyway. ha. ok ok. shall go read english notes now. roar.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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