keep holding on.
Sunday, September 30, 2007

gosh. so many things to worry about.


all along.
Saturday, September 29, 2007

was just reading old blog posts and realizing how so many things have changed.

midautumn festival.
Thursday, September 27, 2007

loving the atmosphere at clarkequay that night :) and it's been ages since i last played with lanterns.

the seven of us happily strolled down the restaurant stretch, attracting a couple of stares. haha

i hope the chinatown display doesnt get taken down too soon! i want to see!!!

bogged in mud.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ok we got matching new specs. hahaha when we walked out of the optical shop, we felt pretty damn gay. anyway i love my sister. no one else handles my moods better. muahhhhhh :)

days like these i almost wish i never went.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

r.i.p. muffster.


have this inexplicable urge to blog and let things out but am (very frustratedly) unable to do so.

was at the football field for stargazing tonight btw. and i saw the craters on the moon. was very cool!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

cos a picture's overdue here and i like this one :)

losing the immunity of indifference.
Monday, September 17, 2007

happiness is short-lived.

enjoy it while it lasts?


avoid it at all costs?


Sunday, September 16, 2007

afternoon was spent at my's house for her 21st. and i really love this photo. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

reminiscence is a dangerous path. it can bring back such wonderful feelings yes. but it can also glorify the past that little bit and make you blinded to the good of the present and future. and you end up just wanting to go back instead of forward. which ultimately sucks because in life, there is unfortunately only the forward option. hohum.

anyway. i have decided that i have delayed jetlag. seriously feel damn tired these days. apologies to those around me for the constant repetition of the words "i'm damn tired". i just can't help it. the only time i've felt this tired was when i was jetlagged. hence.

i am just typing randomly. dont even know why i'm blogging when i'm so tired and have that econs tute to do......will blog again when i find the energy i just lost.

just for now.
Sunday, September 02, 2007

so the past week's basically been school. dinners with jolene. trainride with xue. lunch with fi and her really nicely dyed hair haha. almost-881-but-ratatouille-instead with shiwen. was a good movie btw! definite reccomend. heh. and tonight was jamie's 21st. so finally got to see steamy ppl again after missing out on allllll they've been up to while we were away.

twas a school-themed party so most of us showed up in our old jc uniforms. or attempted to be teachers....

oh so very artistic pic of the birthday girl by hafiz. hahah. but aint the cake cute!

very steamy jamie with her class of steamy students. hahaha.

the five of us who came in uniforms couldnt resist some pics. attempting to be ahlians here =x

the classic 12345 pose.

those who cheated with pe shirts! hahah

go crazy :)

anyway was nice chilling by the pool with them and playing one gun our classic steamy game. ahahaha. and then i got a lift home from the nice fellow eastie khai :) i guess it's been a good week back. tho i still miss my second home and family so so so much!!

Making mountains out of molehills.

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