Friday, December 28, 2007

back from japan! was pretty fun tho we were rushed from place to place. and air china SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS DONT EVER EVER TAKE IT. the service sucks, the plane is noisy, there is no inflight entertainment, the food sucks AND! on one of the (short luckily) flights, the toilet couldnt flush. horrors of horrors man. anyway some photos! :D

hmm cant really be bothered to rearrange so they are pretty haphazard!

christmas in disneyland! the atmosphere was awesome! but it was crazily crowded :x

i love dumbo!!!
the japanese are really into lots of cutesy accessories like hats and ears. we succumbed to just these. haha

flight back! hair was bad, hence the spastic hand on the head :D

bullet train ride! i liked that :D
at what i call "egg mountain". they use the sulphur from the mountains to cook the eggs and make them black. the whole place smelt damn eggy man :x ooh but the eggs were really good! esp cos they were nice and hot and it was so freaking cold.

off to the hot springs!
at the royal palace with some of the other youngsters in the trip

shopping at ginza on christmas eve

universal studios! we ridiculously only got two hours there so we didnt bother queuing for any rides and just took photos! hahah was really pretty tho :D

back to disneyland. haha the mad hatter was really cute.

last meal in japan! and it was really goooooood :D

random pic at the royal park.
it was crazy trying to take pictures with the characters. hahah but was pretty fun mobbing them.

river cruise! the mountains in japan were rather pretty but they cant beat my alaskan mountains!!
mount fuji was gorgeous tho!

ok the end! :D

"how's your reindeer?"
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the weather is disgustingly schizo! and at night it's always so cold sometimes i shiver to sleep :(

anyway, shiwen's 20th celebration at holland! first stop was mex food at el something or other. haha "the one with the neon cactus". good ole mexican food :D haha pretty apt for our eating together. just that this time, the food wasnt free or over portioned in styrofoam boxes but slightly overpriced and sufficiently portioned and perhaps even yummier. haha. pretty nice place to go tho :)

then we headed over to.. (and the pics shall speak for themselves)

last photo before my poor camera died. still pondering if i should make attempts to revive it :x

Monday, December 10, 2007

to my dearest pardner,
happy happy twentieth!
hope you have a fabfab one!
here's to much more bitching&travelling in the years to come!

hello December.
Saturday, December 08, 2007

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!!! last paper was total crap. spent a good portion of it stoning/frantically calculating the 'worse case scenario' for my CAP score. grrrr. BUT nevertheless, exams are over! haha and december can finally be the feel-good month that it's supposed to be :)

caught golden compass yesterday and omg i seriously love the icebear! loved the part she rode him across the ice. and there were so many mountains!! mountains! i miss mountains :(

anyway first christmassy pic! :)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

i feel..

stressed beyond words. and i hate this feeling. it's so ridiculous.

couldnt resist this.
Sunday, December 02, 2007

if you value your health, DON'T EVER TAKE HEALTH PSYCH.

you have been warned.


this exam period has dragged on for toooooooooooo longggggggggggggggggg.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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