when did we become so pathetic.
Sunday, January 27, 2008

lately i've started seriously contemplating the concept of "ending my life" haha of course, i'm far too chicken to do something like that for real. it's just that i used to have things to look forward to. now, it's just a whole lot of shit ahead. and energy sapping shit at that. and i'm so tired. i kind of know i should freaking grow up or suck it up but the immature, selfish, lazy, full of inertia, angry part of me rules, for now at least. i just want to give up and lie down.

i'd have to admit, i dont know what i'm doing, what happened, and what i'm going to do. i need to talk, but i can't. the incoherence and confusion drives me nuts. and i've not talked for so long, i think it might be too late to start.

scoop me away from here.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the thoughts in my head can't leave and it's driving me crazy.

going NUTS.
Friday, January 11, 2008

wahhhhhhhhhhhh. these days of endless useless planning of my modules are driving me NUTS. if you ask me, i would tell you that it's pointless for an NUS student to do local exchange to NTU. because they have such strict prerequisite requirements i can basically only take 3 credit modules. which in itself is fine, i mean those modules are interesting and all. but tell me how ridiculous it is when NUS only accepts the mapping of 4 credit modules? half of me feels like going on and on about my most unfortunate plight but i feel my blood pressure rising.

i feel permanently tired these days. the kind of tired where you want to just lie down the whole day. and not think about the countless things you should be thinking about. and the only thing that makes you want to get up is the idea of running away.

stupid acronyms.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

it takes STARS to appreciate CORS.

roar i want sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

hoo boy.
Sunday, January 06, 2008


because i have no clue where my class is. like literally NO CLUE. and i don't know anyone in my class. like literally NO ONE. and i don't really know how to get to school. like literally DON'T KNOW. hahahahah omg someone save me. i am so not ready for school to start. my body still aches and is tired and i've yet to have my major sleep ins! i don't want to study already laaaaaaaaaaaaaa. WHINE.

i miss you already pardner :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Saturday, January 05, 2008

back from hongkong! loved the weather/food/shopping/company :)

life ahead is bleak. cos of local exhange school starts this monday. not to mention they are all morning classes and literally on the other end of the island. AND! i have no one to go with! freaking depressing. :(:(:(

Making mountains out of molehills.

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