Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i wish i could illustrate my life story and depict people and events in such a beautiful way too and most importantly, according to how i see it. muahaha. my fav part has got to be her depiction of love pre and post heartbreak. haha. goooood movie! :D

movie marathon.
Monday, February 25, 2008

"where are your friends?"

fool's gold.
Thursday, February 21, 2008

on monday, i sat for the worst paper i ever sat for in my life. hmm well at least papers set in the english language ha. grrrr the crazy crazy woman. really dislike her, tho it's possibly not entirely warranted. but grrr still. somehow ntu syllabus is a whole lot harder to cope with than nus. for me at least :x

anyways, super belated birthday post for my twinnieeeee!! haha

love this photo of her and her super awesome cake! (tho i did'nt take the photo haha) glad you liked the presents twinnie and thanks for having me at both your celebrations :):) may the big two-one bring you loads of new and exciting things!! ♥

ooh yes and finally,
watch this! pretty funny movie and i love their chemistry. ooh and the bimbo!! watch out for the bimbo who's so hilarious. hahah. i just realised 8days gave the movie 1star! injustice!

Friday, February 15, 2008

buddy bobbed! and finally we hit bugis!! haha was a pretty fruitful day :D can't believe the little amount of time we spent this time round :( but at least it ended well aye! haha

really like this pic of my 19year old babyy.

haha. ok so very screwed because i've got two tests on monday that i am in danger of failing despite them being mcqs. bio psych is so disgusting, tho i really love the text, it sometimes really feels like it's in a foreign language. and i've gone for a grand total of one cognitive development lecture so the notes are like pieces of a puzzle i have no time to put together. GRR PSYCH.

dress up.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

shopping with the vonster! i'm the evil sister and she's the good one. haha


watch this watch it!!! :D

reunion dinner.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

my grandma. she's really skinny now :( and takes a while to recognise who we are. reunion dinner was better this year. for some reason. oh and my flowers turned out prettier too. :)

helloooooooooo cny, hellooooooooo rolypoly.
Sunday, February 03, 2008

not to forget the just as important other member of my private stash :)

happy ending.

and so it goes. once i start, i keep blogging. i think mika has interesting lyrics. so very jaded but probably truer than any of those sappy crap.

swing by.

time for a happy post! not that i'm particularly happy. but i am feeling kinda high now. cos i just inhaled half a layer of kueh bangkit that my sister&dad bought just for me me me!

look at them! look how they shine for meeeeeee. woohoo ok over and out.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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