Saturday, March 29, 2008

poor rusty had to make a trip to the vet and came back with shitloads of meds. haha but don't let that picture fool ya, he's all up and happy and bounding about as per normal :)

utter oblitheration of your soul.
Friday, March 28, 2008

ok. this goes out to all us poor students who have to write paper after freaking paper


(disclaimer: it wont be much REAL help, cept to give a few laughs maybe haha)

it's ponning season for me. the only time i was in school in the past week was today, and even then, i skipped half of lecture for yongtaufoo. big fat lazy bum i am. yet another presentation tmr! this is one presenty sem :( can't wait for all this crap to be overrrrrrrr.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

i have this project at ntu that's due 9april.

in between i have a paper, two presentations and a test.

so it's not surprising that it's the least of my piorities now.

but my group actually put the deadline for individual parts as this wed.

when i mentioned out how ahead of time we were, one of them said it's good cos exams are three weeks away (are they really?!)

haha i'm not really complaining here (hope my tone doesnt come across as i am). i just believe i'm suffering from culture shock.

early late night.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

developmental psych is seriously the best choice i made at ntu. hahah. i seriously love my lecturer and my group. (almost enough to offset the horrible cognitive development, which after making me do a presentation and evil midterm, now requires me to write a 6page long research proposal in two weeks and present it wtfff)

what are the odds, but four of us in the group each stay at pasir ris, tampines, simei, and tanah merah! hahah. and i'm told! that ntu sleeping time is 2-4AM (insanity??) so i'm having a very early late night by their standards. nevertheless! i am going to bed now, or i shall conveniently sleep tmr's lecture away.

monday night nonblues.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

have serious shitloads of work to do. the next couple of weeks = three presentations, three papers, and one test. yet i managed to waste the entire night watching xiaxue's guide to life on youtube. hahah i seriously think i am a closet fan. horrors. ah tired. off to bed now. no school tmr! wheeeeee :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

had an EXTREMELY unproductive weekend. most of it spent lazing around at home on the bed/in front of the laptop. and a small escape to hooters.

hmm my black head sure stands out in the sea of dyed hair..

btw, watch horton! it's exceedingly adorable :D

Saturday, March 15, 2008

i'm procrastinating procrastinating procrastinating. on my stupid bio psych presentation. having one groupmate really is uncompelling (is there even such a word) when it comes to meeting deadlines and the such. cos you can just change it as you wish (within reason of course ha)

random, but i really can't stand bimbotic girls. thought my eyes would drop out (punpun ha) from excessive rolling today.

hmmmm..came up in a convo, but how come there are no love disorders in the DSM?? (or are there) hahaha.

water horse.
Saturday, March 08, 2008

this little thing is the cutest little ugly thing. ever.

progress report.
Monday, March 03, 2008

FINALLY, after a tortorous past few days eating up my term break (what term break?), i have finally finished reading those miserable 6 chapters of abnormal psychhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. now i just have to pray all those bits of information don't leak out till thursday.

i will now go to sleep and then wake up to drag myself two hours to the furthest point from my house for one hour of my most favorite class to either get back possibly the most disastrous paper of my life or just sit through boring presentations or even worse participate in them. and then! start reading the 11 chapters of developmental psych i have to complete in two days which shiwen has just certified impossible (i secretly agree).

after which! i will sit for two consecutive tests (again). and then i can start preparing my three upcoming presentations, two of which are possibly to the entire lecture group (so exciting!); two term papers, one of which is a group effort with my (nonexistent) groupmates; and one more "midterm" test for the module i have not read a single chapter of and which i unfortunately cannot s/u.

and after aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall that, it's back to the books for even more mindless reading and memorizing for the all important Finals. what's worse is, i have two bouts of exams. cos of this wonderful thing called partial exchange, i effectively have 3weeks of exams. for 5 modules.

wow my life rocks?

Saturday, March 01, 2008

argh i seriously seriously detest studying :'( i hate reading and reading and trying to memorise endless facts, theories, diseases, symptoms, treatments, ineffectual results (it really peeves me when they go "some studies have supported this while others have not" like wow wtf does that tell me?!) blah blah blah. i don't want to study anymoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

*throws all six bloody psych textbooks out the window*

after this hell of a semester, i only have four more psych modules to take, if i do a bachelor's that is. four modules over a period of two semesters which works out to a diluted two psych modules a sem! with such tempting prospects, TELL ME HOW TO STRIVE FOR HONOURSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

life is so bleakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. what comes after all thissssssssssssssssssssss???

bottle trees!

jocelyn's 21st at a cute little chalet in bottle tree (cutee!) park! tho i realise she isnt in any of the pics haha.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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