up for lots of happy air.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

woohoohoohoo! ntuexchange is officially (?) over. has been a completely stressful past two weeks cramming like siao. think it was possibly the hardest time i've ever had mugging for exams, and i'll be really happy if i can be rewarded with passing all of them :x

went to catch harold&kumar2 which was different, slightly less random, but still freaking funny. seriously love the two of them man. they should have a whole harold and kumar series!! oh and i think possibly the best part of the movie was the Square Root of Three poem - totally sweet in a geeky kinda way. haha. then sped off to catch the forbidden kingdom at the new cathay cinema in PASIR RIS!! damn freaking shiok that pasir ris finally has a cinema again. haha. movie was pretty interesting, think it's pretty cool how they merged east and west.

anyway i have a new crush! to replace my poor dead robey. which looks better..black or white!!

(now i just need to remember i have two more GRADED exams)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

(got him from my bk breakfast kids meal one allnighter at the airport and his expression superly conveys what i feel now.)

and so, the battle begins.

am super freaking scared because, despite reading all my chapters, i cant remember nuts. and biopsych doesnt seem like something crappable, simply because it's bloody fact. will seriously cry if i fail this and have to retake.

one thing this exchange experience taught me is that the optimal number of modules to take per sem is TWO.

stop creeping up my nose and taking out my eyes.
Sunday, April 20, 2008

i hate it when i'm "sick". everything seems so tiring and so impossible. like how am i going to pass my ntu modules, esp the very bleak biopsych and cognitive development of which i've been to one lecture each and less than half the tutorials for both. and i've mentioned this before, but why is it that the bio parts of biopsych are not written in english?? if you throw me some brain part/neurotransmitter or whatever thingy name now i'm pretty sure i would not be able to throw you back a vague idea of what it is even though (!) i've read most of the text already. and the freaking lecturer didnt even mention anything about the format which scares me greatly. 2 and a half hours of the Great Unknown for my first ntu exam. super super.

so tired. hate the battle that is the Finals and how i always seem to fall sick around that time. dont know which irritates me more - that being sick interferes with my studying or that studying (and the stress) exacerbates my sickness. hate my pathetically weak body and whatever it is in the air that is ATTACKING ME RIGHT NOW.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

have been awake for 22 hours straight but dont feel sleepy currently.. reminds me of this facinating sleep chapter i just read in bio psych that was really pro one-does-not-really-need-alot-of-sleep. random trivia: did you know that leonardo da vinci (i think, or some other famous leonardo person) had a really facinating sleep pattern whereby he only slept 1.5hrs a day - 15min naps every 4hrs, and survived and functioned very well! other people have been found to subscribe to this sleeping pattern as well. i think it's a damn useful sleep pattern for mugging period la. imagine all that extra mugging time. but as i was telling my groupmate, i will try it (maybe) during summer break, to maximise my freedom. ha.

omg i am so allergic to something. it's killing me, my nose, and my lungs!!!

el orfanato.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

went to catch THE ORPHANAGE (click for picture, i can't bear to put it up on my blog o.o) yesterday at kallang leisure park, which really, is the place to go if you want to feel like you rented the entire cinema. was just the three of us plus one lone guy at the back. anyway, the show was pretty good for a scary flick. the storyline was good, the little boy absolutely adorable, and the scares, well scary. haha. and i'm still intrigued by the spanish language!

unfortunately though, it was just me and my sister at home last night. and so it was really hard to get to sleep cos i kept thinking of the damn movie! dont think i'll be catching anymore horror flicks in the near near future...

anyhoos. exams are pending. the weather is a bitch. and my period came. whoop.

we will rock you.
Saturday, April 12, 2008

went to catch we will rock you in really fab seats (yay student concession haha). was overall pretty damn rocking. queen really has some very classic songs. and the cast was pretty good (esp the killer queen!!). the audience was damn on also (this really funny angmoh dude started waving a freaking man u flag during the we are the champions rendition hahah) so all in all goooooooood! :D

my stomach is so insanely screwed up these days. really hope it's PMCramps.

tired (lazy).
Monday, April 07, 2008

i am such a bad student. ever since cog test, i havent hit the books/touched my work.

caught definitely, maybe which was really really good, i thought. really liked the two of them :)

got shamefully trounced at monopoly :'(

lunch with mum and sis today.

and dessert at the hkcafe later at night :)

and a severe addiction to prisonbreak (which, really, is the thing that's taking over my life.) and rented movies (of which i though thewaitress and rumourhasit were pretty goood!)

i really have a pile of work waiting for me. and the exams lurking in the corner. but all i want to do is lie in bed/watch more shows/read my new book.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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