dirty, sexy, money.
Sunday, June 29, 2008

ooh and btw, highly reccomend this! :D

bite me.

scanned this one day when i was so bored at work. it's a donut! and it's utterly cute.

i cut my fringe!! feels very acomplished though i dont think anyone would know i cut it. but i do. and i'm really happy with it. plus i think it's super fun cutting hair.

am so darn bored these days. and the heat really disgusting.

Friday, June 27, 2008

went to catch wanted. plot was nothing fantastic but it was a pretty enjoyable movie. awesome action. and i think the two leads were pretty damn good. bullet's from probably one of the coolest (i thought) scenes in the show. haha.

i hate damn cramps. and reading a spot of bother makes me think of life and how it's so...long. and full of shit (even while we count our blessings it's not the catastrophic kind) i think mark haddon's really good in this book and i wish someone like him would document my life like that. just because it's so comprehensive (for lack of better word), and well put together and organized.

speaking of organize. work. what am i doing at work? i organize. i organize files, articles, namecards, spreadsheets, events. yes. lately there's been sufficient work for me to do without making me feel like tearing my hair out from either extreme boredom or extreme stress. which is kind of nice. this is probably the easiest job i've ever had, i realize.

gosh. this felt rather cathartic :)

last for one.
Sunday, June 15, 2008

went for a job interview last week (?) and was just lamenting my poor future job prospects as i was asked many psych questions (as in why i took it, what i learn blablabla), to which i had no awe-inspiring answer, as well as to read and edit (!!) a chinese article, of which i barely understood. i got the job, probably cos they really needed someone on short notice, and now am totally freaking out cos i start tmr. AH. i will really cry if they make me do anymore chinese stuff.

went to catch spin odyssey at the esplanade yesterday. was pretty good fun. and the guys were really good looking! hehe. they came out to greet the fans after the show. we were so starstruck we hesitated, left, and then came back again to try and get photos.

by then there were only three left. hahah and stupid liming chickened out. but was a pretty fun fan moment there heh.

ANYWAY. jason mraz is freaking coming to singapore again! but this time as part of singfest so higher ticket prices, long hours of standing with massive sweaty crowds, probably not as good sound, have to endure other singers (tho those on his day arent too bad) etcetcetc. butbutbut! i really want to see him again :(

Monday, June 09, 2008

i hate my dad's tendency to throw stuff in the fridge away. heck, not just in the fridge. i'm freaking starving and there's nothing substantially edible in the house. i mean there's cereal (with no milk), butter&peanutbutter (with no bread), noodles (with no egg!). i hate thwarted breakfast plans.

so i've been a complete bum this summer thus far. have only done one 3day job. am most definitely getting fat and poor.

ok. i think i should just go back to bed.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

caught this at the picturehouse today. pretty damn exciting! and i think she (carice van houten) is bloody gorgeous.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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