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Sunday, July 27, 2008

so other stuff that's been happening.

lovely beach day with mingming.

drinks at scottslounge after work one day, also with mingming.

i now own something bigbang!!! thank you mingming :D

post birthday with jol&yx.

team lunch at hollandse club. and i have come to the conclusion that dutch food is really gross unpalatable.

love the dutch club tho! would totally hang there if i were dutch.

bitterballen. not one, but two trays (for four of us)!! damn awful!! have no idea what's in it/how to describe it. but i had to force one down cos i was sitting right in from of my boss - who's dutch.

the dutch main my adventurous colleague ordered. (i went for normal dory fish) - HUGE boiled sausage with sour vegetables and dubious mashed potatos? oh they had pea soup (that was more like paste) too.

the dessert wasnt as bad. some egg liqeur thing, tho it was damn strong!

korean bbq at yx's!

introducing babygrill :D haha and I LOVE MUSCATO!

redcliff with vonvon and yaqi! got free tickets cos yaqi's bro works there. :D it was damn good. loved the battle scences, was laughing like mad at some parts. but seriously it was quite shiok. and given that i generally dislike chinese stuff PLEASE TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.

two of my favorite characters. :D (yes i'm referring to the red cliff of tony leung and takeshi)

and well, work. extended my contract twice already! and now working right till sch starts, maybe even after it does? :x i'm doing it again! selling sch for irresistable pay.


sososo. the 21st was a really awesome day.

lunch at the fab oomphaticos (which i highly reccomend for a happy meal, and no i dont mean the macdonalds kind)

ang pow time! :D

i'm 21! :D

then a lovely surprise at my favourite hotel with my favourite people in my favourite colours

photo courtesy of shiwen :)

and, cos i'm lazy to pick and post anymore pictures, i'll end off with the cake i love so much :D:D

photo courtesy of xue :)

muchmuch love to everyone who came and did such a fabulous job of keeping me in the dark and for contributing to the best birthday party i've ever had. hehe. was most touching to see each one of you! :D oh and special love to the two main planners :D

birthday season.

after that it was back to work work work. (more on that later)

july is birthday season tho!

brunch, dark knight @ goldclass with their damn awesome chairs, night safari!

youfei's greek party! damn impressively big scale, almost like wedding most of us concurred. but it was a nice opportunity to see pl-lites. :)

(disclaimer: pictures all not mine - only the editing. hahaha.)

other birthday would be mine. hahha in next post with BIGGER pictures. muahaha.

land of the tuktuks, padthais & twintowersss.

bloggy has been neglected!

so i shall backlog a little.

first up - bangkok!! was loads of good fun. shopping to a point of extreme exhaustion but pressing on cos there were so many things to buy! cheap alcohol! (make that cheap everything) fantastic hotels. massages! yummy food. tuktuks!! think the only bad thing about bangkok is the bad air and the..well very persistent shopkeepers/tuktuk drivers (tiger show, ping pong x100!). but all in all, i enjoyed it, and would love to go back! oh yeah, especially since our sightseeing day got rained on!!

some choice shots of the lovely trip. oh yeah. one other thing i love, that everything's so colorful! :D

hee i love this picture! taken at our beloved twin towers.

rainy rainy chinatown

tuktuks!! my fav way to mooooove.

hello fangfang

ripped from xue. sorry twinnie! but totally love this shot :) btw, i wanted to tell you, that i thought you behaved like a pretty seasoned traveller! ahaha :D

over full moon.
Friday, July 04, 2008

4hrs before i am to wake!

had a completely mind-busting day at work today. it started off slow with alot to do but no means of doing it as everyone else was so busy/not at work and i didnt have the appropriate software. so i did a little bit of this and that and stoned a bit. they were playing super corny colin ray songs on the intercom cos they were testing it and it was k i l l i n g me.

then post-lunch, somewhere around 3pm, i was bombed by an email loaded with webpage information for me to build freaking pages. which is fine la. i dont mind playing around with such things, it kind of intrigues me like figuring out a puzzle. but i had approx 2hrs to build ALOT of pages and my computer was soooooooo slow.

was so very relieved when 530 came around and huisze (my colleague) signalled for us to go! headed to fairmont hotel for mooncake tasting! hee. was served with a glass of champagne which promptly made me very woozy as i hadnt eaten in a while. she grabbed over a cup of chocolate balls to fill our tummies but guess what, they were liquor chocolates and they were strong. haha was starting to sway a bit when finally the mooncakes came out! borne by male waiters doing a wedding march. it was actually quite cute. haha. anw ate a shitload of mooncakes. their alcoholic snowskin ones are pretty damn awesome! they had baileys, bacardi and moet (the best!) flavours.

scooted out after trying all the flavors (pig pig pig). and came home to pack for bangkok! never had a speedier packing and an emptier bag. hahah. LOADS of room to fill up. alrights. better snooze now. be back in 5 days! :)

Making mountains out of molehills.

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