Thursday, August 21, 2008

i'm tired. and...cluttered.

i have issues, that i can't seem to verbalize, in any form and it frustrates me.

i must have gone wrong somewhere.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

on a lighter (kind of) note, caught

10 promises to my dog

where i bawled like a very embarrassing human. had to close my eyes as the dog died. certainly one of the most traumatizing movies.

bank job

pretty good! i liked the lead and the cleverness of it all.

bad habits (malos habitos)

interesting, bordering on weird. haha but spanishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i like. haha


one sick sick sick sick movie. definitely not for weak stomachs.

perspective please.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

i most definitely have an anxiety problem.

am going crazy worrying about everything and nothing. and altho somewhere in the back of my mind i know this is all not of catastrophic nature, i still worry till the point my heart races, head spins and everything tenses :| ok i sound a bit psychotic here.

school weighs down on me like a ticking bomb that will only denotate come december 1, post my last paper.

and i cant seem to stop working. today i got blinded by a thousand flashes. how do models not go blind?? talked to people about the randomest things. was pretty funny tho, how they were distracted by the large camera lens pointed at them. felt good not to be the one squirming in the spotlight! heheh.

on top of this, i have to pack to move house! and despite this all, i do not do anything that helps either of the three situations.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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