coffee addiction.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

i really got hooked onto coffee prince at the worst possible time.

just read pretty much all the episode summaries at this wonderful place (i love the blogger, she inspires me to be eloquent and insightful and she feels like someone i'd like to talk to) despite being in the midst of my exams. and am completely in love with this song that the gorgeous male lead sang the gorgeous female lead in the most adorable display of affection...

*cue melting*

so exams have finally started. was waiting for the paper to start when my groupmate came by and casually asked, "last paper?" HA HA unfortunately not.

the paper was held in a dungeon and was digusting and the only redeeming thing about this module was that it's probably the module that i've spent the least time on, ever.

i feel like i'm not even trying this semester and i feel guilty but not. mostly tired. tired of fighting to keep my CAP at a decent enough state but realizing that it could all come to naught in a mistake of a semester. i hate how school has become such a struggle, the undue stress that exams cause, and the ultimate lack of meaning studying has come to achieve. most of all, i hate that school interferes with life. but then again, i'm sure work will similarly do the same thing. it's so hard to know what you want. and even harder to have to courage to fight for it wholeheartedly.

ok floating away on an awesome soundtrack that's not helping the addiction.

it's raining now and so i shall sleep because that's what rain is for. tomorrow is nonstop mugging, i hope.

rabbit without ears.
Monday, November 24, 2008

great german romcom showing at gv europa!

and i am ashamed to admit that i have gotten hooked to coffee prince because of stupid channel u showing it's reruns. after a particularly good episode on thursday, i couldnt resist and dug up the dvd set that i had previously bought and then chucked aside after dissing the show for being lame and boring. haha i really hated the hype and didnt' particularly like the leads. but now i'm in loveeeeeeee. it's a bloody sweet and hilarious story and the leads did a really great job.

i'm so sick and tired of waiting for the exams to start. have been pretty much homebound except for a few trips to the airport and the one trip to the movies. and have never had a slacker period in my recent life - no school, no work. it fools me into thinking i have immense time to spare. hence all the show watching and sleeping in and general non mugginess. i really need the exams to start SOON before i just sleep through the entire thing.

and argh i am still suffering from coffee withrawaaaaaaaaaaaaaal.

again, sorry, the absurdity of psychology.
Monday, November 17, 2008

writing this lab report is driving me mental.

and then i inevitably come to the absurdity of psychology research.

you start out reviewing what other people have done. pointing out their flaws/contributions/shortcomings etcetc. (do remember to cite every and anything if you value your no-plagarism record).

then you make a small modification and then justify why what you are doing is worth the time (and perhaps money). and no, "as course requirement" doesnt quite cut it (even though it's the only reason that isnt bullshit, for my case at least).

then you launch into a very lengthy step by step of what you did. from who your unfortunate subjects were to the freaking machinery that was used.

then you report your (often insignificant, yes i said insignificant because what's the point of euphemisms such as not significant when it basically means. the. same. thing. YOU FAILED) results.

and then my favourite part. the discussion. where you then launch into why you didnt get your results. isnt' this ridiculous that psychologists get to talk about limitations of their research? like if we had a bigger sample, or if we did a better manipulation, maybe we'll get significant results. ridiculous!

and anyway, most psychology reports are full of bull, i mean things that aren't really important or necessary. sometimes you feel that this field was create just so aspiring academics have something to do.

and this is why psychology is absurd. and a waste of time.

not everything's better in retrospect.
Sunday, November 16, 2008

it's depressing. to look back and realise what a horrible person you are.

exam season.
Thursday, November 13, 2008

i can't studyyyyyy. i spent the entire day of today... doing essentially nothing. actually the studying part hasn't even started cos i'm still trying to write my stupid 17page lab report that is k i l l i n g me completely. i hate psych and it really frustrates me, especially when exam season is near. i really cannot wait to graduate. i write this down to remember, so that when i start to work in future, i will not be one of those people who still wish they were in school. WHY WOULD ANYBODY WISH THAT.

Monday, November 10, 2008

have a terrible show addiction. greys anatomy. gossip girl. tudors (not really now). DIRTY SEXY MONEY. heroes. and now 90210.

have no idea how i stretch my time. i've finished watching all of those up to date and am feeling very "itchy" to watch something else even though i have shit loads of things to do now. zzz.

worked on animal torture class project for the whole of today, and since our rat did not get to make it into the final report, i shall place him here for all to see. he is freakishly real in the sense that i feel that if i put my finger to the screen i would actually feel fur. hur. and oops did i say rat? i meant mouse.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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