eve of christmas eve.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

incredible last minute rush the past few days have been. the Great Christmas Shopping Task of buying christmas presents for all my cousins and aunts and uncles in aus was finally completed (well mostly completed) after days of joining the crazy last minute shopping crowd at orchard road. *shudders* this might have been the first year i did that. haha.

ooh nice wii day with yx and jol. well wii on jol's and my part at least haha. i love wii too much but always get these awful muscle aches the day after.

stayed over at sister's hostel in ntu that night as well and i am forever grateful for never having stayed in hall (not to mention for the lovely accomodation in alaska last year). nothing scares me more than communal toilets. i think i behaved like a real brat that night/morning and i am rather ashamed. but i was tired and cranky and the far flung place didnt help :x

anyway, so one more day to the flight! and guess what, my suitcase is still empty. awesome. haha

ooh, results day today. probably the best christmas present i got haha. hurray for computing! hurray for animal torture class! i'm really grateful i pulled off the working studying thing but i dont think i'll be trying that again..

pre-christmas brunch with li today. blueberry pancakes at cedele are pretty damn awesome! i love places with all day breakfast. :D

rusty and his christmas biscuits from us! :D i love how i captured his look of longingness. haha

well merry christmas and happy new year in advance singapore and all in it! :D

hanging up my duch shoes.
Saturday, December 20, 2008

so today was finally my last day, after multiple extensions of my stay. haha. maybe i'll go back next year, but who knows?

anyway, i think ultimately i did enjoy my 6 month stint there. so far i've enjoyed all my work experiences (except maybe the disaster that was ushering), because each of them, despite their trials and tribulations, are an adventure in themselves. this one was my first office job, my first 9-6, my first brush with the horrendous work herd. although at times the job was monotonous, menial, a bit too much for me to handle, there were the fair share of satisfying experiences.

and once again, i was really lucky with a pleasant work environment (i think their staff welfare is pretty gooood) and nice colleagues: my boss, tai djoe (how cool is her name?) - a nice enough lady who i've never heard scold anyone. tho i sometimes have difficulty conversing with her and understanding what she wants me to do haha. but still, definitely a boss i would not mind. plus she shares (most of) her presents! :D my "second boss", hui sze -in every job i've had, i've been lucky enough to meet people who are really good at what they do (with the exception of housekeeping i guess), and in this job, it's hui sze. besides that, she's a great supervisor and a friend i hope i can keep :) my third boss (? haha), yvonne - young at heart (not that she's exactly old in age), she's the one who i feel is most like my peer. haha. we're on the same wavelength in a sense, probably because she was from ac as well. the intern, terence - replacing me at the bottom of the pecking order. haha probably would have been a good friend if i'd made friends with him earlier instead of my last day. noteworthy: his chinese is truly, worse than mine. haha! then there are the (some) nice friendly people around. i mostly got along with the secretaries (since i'm almost like one), and the receptionist and delivery guys and cleaning aunty. hahaha everyone else is too intimidating :|

as always, it's a bit bittersweet at the end of a job. but i am glad for my freedom, my right to sleep in, and i guess i look forward to being a full-time student next semester. speaking of school, RESULTS IN 4 DAYS. shitty shit.

and it's 5 days to melbourne. have not packed whatsoever.

spring is here (figuratively).
Thursday, December 11, 2008

just finished watching yet another korean drama!

absolutely cute "may-june" couple. the show actually centers more on the female lead who is in her 30s and has yet to fall in love. yes sounds very cliched but it's really well handled! in fact i think this drama was way better than kim sam soon. for one, the female lead is much more likeable (to me) despite her horrific hair and makeup which actually grows on you. plus it's an extremely feel good show. problems arent dragged out (despite it being a relatively long drama) and there were virtually no evil characters (which can be so frustrating) yet it's not an airy fairy kind of show where everyone gets along and the world is beautiful. reality is very much present, yet the characters deal with it and make the most of it. definitely an encouraging kind of show.

anyway, went back to work today. i'm pretty much going to be a postwoman for the rest of my time there. my table or cubicle is practically flooded with packages of calendars and diaries to be sent out to so many different people. and red packets are coming in next week. superr. not to mention cbd is damn depressing. i dont think i could handle working there full-time and for the long haul. every lunch time, i am so tempted to just stay in the office cos that's the time when it's the quietest, emptiest and most peaceful. stepping outside into the massive morning/lunch/evening crowd is both depressing and frustrating.

anyway, picked up twilight to read during my lonesome lunch. was a bit hard to get into the narrative at first (not sure if i like her writing style). but the plot seems promising. plus i do want to finish the book before the movie comes out!! haha

and digressing back to my korean show, i think the male lead is a perfect candidate for a romantic vampire type character..

the pale skin. red lips. bloodshot eyes.

he even has vampire like teeth. haha.

real world.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

so in real world happenings,

less than a month ago, visited my cousin's new baby daughter (and tormented her as photographic evidence tells). i think it was the first time i was carrying such a young child and i was really mortified at how malleable (for lack of a better word) they are. but oh so soft, and warm, and adorable!!

sent liming off to her ski holiday in japan and pretended to be a fellow jetsetter (with luggage and all) and went for drinks at crowne hotel. i do quite like the interior of the hotel but the bar leaves much to be desired. that aside, i cant wait to go into t3 transit area!!!

bolt in 3D! (cannot find a cute enough photo of bolt which annoys me greatly.) 3D is a visual treat though the effects were not as spectacular as i had hoped for. the movie was actually pretty enjoyable though! am in love with bolt who is the cutest thing ever. how can anyone ever be mean to dogs? they are so loveable!

otherwise: reading, korean dramas (shall be raving about another one shortly), and wii! :D i love life now.

weather's really chilly these days! pretty cool (punpun!)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

my blog is practically turning into a review site. but my life is pretty much revolving around escaping into the world of fiction right now...

just finished watching this really awesome drama about dating and the idea of soulmates. i think it has a really nice mix of realism and romanticism, right down to the ending. which differs from the typical korean drama which leans more on romanticism. anyway, in general, this is a highly underrated drama/sitcom, but it's a real gem with many insights into dating and relationships. it makes you think and understand and most importantly, not harbour useless wishful thoughts. haha! great cast and concept as well :)

“There’s no such thing as a perfect man or a perfect woman. There are only imperfect men and imperfect women, who come together to make a perfect love.”

best of all, it has a really kickass soundtrack. all this shows with their killer songs. my ears are very happy :D

cape no. 7

went to catch cape no. 7 just now. i personally feel it's a bit overhyped BUT that said, the music is pretty awesome, and it is quite an enjoyable watch.

best: van fan is awesome!!!!

worst: i DO NOT get the love story between the two of them. plus she is really annoying (to me). she squawks and is unnecessarily aggressive and sad. she is not even very pretty nor can she act particularly well so i have no idea why she was cast either.

(sorry for being harsh. reading Grotesque, and the narrative is very harsh. perhaps have been influenced.)

speaking of squawking, i strongly feel that the population at large should not be punished for the poor parenting of well, parents. i hate little children who squawk or shriek in public, and i hate parents who do nothing about it even more.

it's here again.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

hello (short period of) freedom!!! hahahah

it's very ironic, that the two modules i took to make my sem easier are proving to be the two modules that will screw me over this sem. econs was a disaster. for the first time in my life, i actually forgot to bring any form of identification to an exam. luckily they didnt give me too much grief about it. still the paper was terrible. my mind was in a mess and i just couldnt remember the numerous formulas or how to use them :(

lessons learnt this semester:
1. never underestimate a module
2. there is a correlation between number of lectures attended (or time spent on a module), and how hard you will find the exam

next sem, i aspire to be a good hardworking student (with as few exams as possible). I AM FREAKING YEAR 3 AND SHOULD START BEING SERIOUS. seriously.


forgot to blog about this earlier, but caught avenue q end last month! very talented cast, enjoyable, but possibly overrated...

thinking of a new blogskin!

Making mountains out of molehills.

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