what's niu.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

what i hate most about CNY: lion dances. yes, even more than awkward family gatherings. which inconsiderate person has a lion dance performance in a housing estate at freaking 9 am on a public holiday?!?!? wtf man. if i were non-chinese, i would be finding it damn hard to be racially tolerant. even as a chinese i was damn pissed off. and as i was at kovan wanting to grab something from the supermarket, lo and behold there was a lion dance right at the entrance of the supermarket. and i had to walk through it bursting both my eardrums simultaneously. clearly i have no love for this cny tradition, it's just all incessant pounding of drums and, worse still, clashing of cymbals.

anyway, it was a good cny this year in terms of food, ang pows, gatherings. cooked (mostly heating up stuff) alot this break. haha it's fun, but i'm not chef material for sure. drank alot of wine. practically only ate pineapple tarts. (i need to get my hands on some love letters).

i miss these guys back in melbourne. lately, more than usual, i've been wanting to get out of singapore and live somewhere else. not necessarily melbourne. in fact, not melbourne. just somewhere else where i can be anonymous and have a new adventure.

anyway, it's back to school. luckily i have one extra day tomorrow. haha but my annoying new media module is so rah rah let's go. freaking webcast lecture is up as well as assignment due tomorrow morning 8am. not to mention that pile of readings i meant to dent this break but well never got to. it's a hard year for rabbits! (oh so the zodiac thingy says)

f4 fever.
Saturday, January 24, 2009

i think the f4 drama must be the most remade drama in asia. and each of them are received with big receptions and hype. given that i refused to buy into taiwanese (ew) or japanese dramas, i'm glad that a korean version has been made. haha. was a bit reluctant at first, because of well the (over) hype. and it was hard to get through the first episode because of certain overacting. but! i'm now embarrassingly hooked.

the korean f4. if you know the taiwanese f4, i think it's easy to spot who's who. in my biased opinion, this f4 looks 100x better. they probably sing better too (given half are from actual music backgrounds).

i love this picture. can't decide if i like her though..

and he is most awesome! he reminds me a bit of daniel henney and (unfortunately) jerry yan. the thing is, he can actually really act :)

this must be the first time i'm watching a korean drama on real time in a while. it's excruciating waiting for the episodes each week!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i'm starting to get used to the early mornings. it's actually quite pleasant to be in school so early, if only for the relative quiet and calm. the only downside is it really tiring, especially when i've not gotten use to this new cycle.

this sem i'm actually quite positive about my modules and the lecturers. the two psych lecturers are adequate - one who's german so, as shi wen pointed out, sounds a bit like heidi klum but is really quite a good lecturer; the other has this accent i absolutely love listening to, oddly enough. i don't particularly like either modules but they are bearable.

my maths of games lecturer is well - tacky. haha he comes from hongkong and i can't stand his accent or his fashion sense or his tendency to harp on unimportant matters e.g. making us watch the entire movie 21 (tho i didn't particularly mind it, it was a bit retarded to wake up at unearthly hours to travel all the way to school TWICE for something i could have just watched at home) or discussing in depth the plot of the movie when the main related point was the part about counting cards. i do like the module though, because it's quite facinating, so i am tolerant to him and the fact tha this module has seriously screwed up my timetable.

new media writing is another module that i really like. the lecturer is quite annoying but the good news is it wont be her anymore and the upcoming lecturers seem much better. and finally, the mental health module is possibly my favourite module so far. only because i love the lecturer. this is only the second time i've felt that psychology was more than just stupid experiments or ridiculous theories. i really like it when a lecturer brings to the table experience and real-life applications for what we learn. ironically enough, this is not a psychology module.

that said, i hope this sem turns out to be a good one. still cannot decide with absolute certainty if i should continue studying after this semester. i know it's good for me and blahblahblah but the interest is really not there and i'm really getting sick of studying and worrying about the oh so NOT important thing called grades.

back to school.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

i simply hate post holidays.

NEED to plan another holiday asap in order to make myself feel like there's something to look forward to in this dreary thing called life.

i've been feeling terribly displaced from the moment i touched down on friday morning. the change in lifestyle is too great.

and i've the most disgusting timetable this sem. with four days in the week starting at 8 freaking am. i swore never to bid for 8am classes. but interest won out convenience (something i think i might come to regret). congrats eunice. in fact i just realised i might even actually end up with a five day week kill me now.

i can't believe i'm in my last semester of year three.

want to blog about melbourne and shall try to do so soon.

other than that, How I Met Your Mother is a freaking awesome show (have i mentioned this yet?) and everyone should watch it.

hello 2009.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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