let the right one in.
Saturday, February 21, 2009

have just watched another 2 movies :| hahah am a bit apalled at my movie watching this week. but i seriously need to blog about this.

ok first - valkyrie. well-made movie. too bad we all knew what was going to happen, that hitler was not going to be killed. nonetheless, i still felt like it was a pretty exciting movie, once you get over the confusion as to who is who and trying to do what. just one gripe, that carice van houten was severely underused in the movie!! it's like her sole purpose was to kiss tom cruise, which is really such a waste. i can't help but draw comparisons with the other WWII film black book, and say that this really doesnt quite measure up.

ok so moving on to the main point of my post, let the right one in. it's a swedish vampire movie. not something i would usually go for, but the trailer for this was really captivating. anyway, i 100% reccommend this. it's hauntingly sweet, yet at the same time subtly grotesque that actually serves to make it more chilling. outside the plot, the (i thought) well use of sound effects and background music, and the general artistic direction, the thing that really makes the movie stand out is the two lead (child) actors, an acting debut for both of them. i love their natural interaction and how they each portray the characters so wonderfully. i want to read the book now!! and once again, i can't help but draw comparisons with the other oh-so-famous vampire film - twilight. and this time, my dissatisfaction with twilight was affirmed by this movie. LTROI is how a vampire movie should be like. and this is how the interaction should be like, not like the totally awkward onscreen interaction and development of the relationship between the two leads in twilight. hence my horror at finding out that LTROI is to be remade in hollywood. nooooooooooooooooooo.

can't help feeling this growing distaste for hollywood films. it's always the same old formulas, and someone should really ban them from remaking any more films. if the original was good, you don't mess with it. i hate shitty remakes or covers (for songs), especially when they end up overshadowing the (better) originals.

movie day.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

went to catch slumdog millionare and new in town yesterday. (serious movie marathon, both movies in the exact same cinema hall, in the exact same seats hahah). really enjoyed slumdog! was worried that it would fail to hit expectations because of all the hype about it but it was really quite enjoyable.

i think what makes an enjoyable movie for me is 1. gorgeous visuals (some of the scenes were so beautiful! especially loved the mass sari washing scene), 2. good (or at least plausible) acting and casting, 3. a plot where you don't know what is going to happen next (not so much original, but at the very least not predictable). oh standout soundtrack is a very big plus point! i think slumdog managed to hit all four :) so i would say, please watch it! and little jamal is too adorable (see above picture)

new in town on the other hand wasn't painful to watch but failed to hit all four and just left me feeling blah. i literally knew what was going to happen next, sometimes even the lines that were going to be said. and the leads werent bad but definitely weren't fantastic in any way. visuals? hmm there was alot of snow. haha and i dont remember a single song from the movie. but nonetheless, it's a decent rom-com to watch, especially given the standard of rom-coms these days.

i really really want to watch let the right one in and suspect x! but what i really should be watching is my webcasts zzzzzzzz.

speaking of which, i've come to totally love my timetable. ever since my math lecturer (really, someone should bestow him the most kind teacher award) made all lectures webcast, i've been having 3 day weeks, something i've never had in my 3 years in uni so WOOHOO!

i shall refrain from blogging about my latest korean obsession (yet another older woman-younger guy couple) for now, just because i don't want to turn this into an area just for my silly obsessions and also because i want to find a better picture (HAHA).

in other news, i might be going to korea for summer!!!! :D hmm shall elaborate when i decide.

Making mountains out of molehills.

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