inside the fickle mind.
Friday, March 06, 2009

was looking through previous entries and i've to say that

1. i am no longer a fan of boys over flowers (korean f4 series) because of its horrendous choice of female lead not to mention, criminal depiction of a supposedly intelligent, strong, and fiesty girl as a completely stupid, weak and all round unappealing girl.

2. i no longer like my modules. i particularly laugh at the fact that i said that "new media is another module that i really like" HAHAHA. oh. my. g. ok the rest of the modules arent as bad. except atypical just for it's vagueness, and emotions for all the brain parts. maths and social work are kinda off my radar for now (not a good sign)

3. i will be studying for one more year. only because i'm going away for summer school. fantastic reason i know. but the decision had to be made and i'm kinda glad it has been made for me.

4. i can't wait to be in korea. but i am most definitely not looking forward to the process of getting there (which is still unclear) or the fact that i will be studying nonstop from june onwards or the fact that i shall be friendless. i mean of course the purpose of such a program is to make friends, but i mean REALfriend-less. time to be independent eunice goh.

5. caught suspect x. was a bit too long for me but overall, i loved it. superb superb twist. and the thing about the suicide was particularly heartbreaking.

6. i need to do something with my hair.

the comedy is that it's serious.


to be honest, i'd been no where near as excited about the jason mraz concert this time round. for one, his music had fallen out of top spot for me ever since his mass popularity over that one song "i'm yours" that subsequently got so ridiculously overplayed on the radio. and i really didn't enjoy his third album - his voice still awesome but the songs..not so. also, there was another small distraction called BIG BANG.

but the moment he came out onto the stage tonight, the mraz fan in me was revived. haha. there are some people who are born to be on the stage, and he is definitely one. his voice was perfect the entire concert, as was his guitar playing and his moves (his oh so cute moves). not to mention he plays the crowd perfectly. speaking of the crowd, it was a totally awesome one. people screaming and singing along and dancing. i'd never seen a crowd like that (granted i'm not a frequent concert-goer). and it was packed too. there's nothing like singing along to your favorite songs (you and i, remedy, SLEEPING TO DREAM, unfold) with a whole hall full of crazy fans and the singer right in front of you.

so, this time round, bigger band, better crowd, more hyper mraz, way better stage and lighting. and i loved his song about his invisible gum. my only laments: he didn't sing wordplay!!, i am clearly no longer a no. 1 fan - not being able to recognise alot of songs till he was a few lines in, and all those songs from his third album. i think overall the esplanade concert was better in that it had a better set and better sound. hahah nonetheless, i conclude that a jason mraz concert is something i'll go for no matter how much i fall out of his fandom. because he is awesome, in a completely, well maybe not completely, unbiased and objective way. i mean his concert sold out in a day (or three? different sources, different facts :x).

anyway, i decided not to bring my camera in cos i didnt want to get hassled by ushers etc. so here i am leeching off others. WATCH THESE.

don't particularly like this song but i loved the guitar and the dance. and i loved that he started with this. way to get the mood up up up!

you and i is always a hit, but i died when he belted out "cos i'm dreaming of sleeping next to you like a lost little boy in a brand new town..." right out of nowhere :D

and this one. the guitar and the SAX and his voice. was possibly my favourite song of the set.

the start of this kills. his voice here is really soothing here.

(Warning: shakier videographer) i love this song. how therapeutic is it to scream "I WONT WORRY MY LIFE AWAY"?? i felt a little bit like i was in one of those cult(?) inspirational things midway though haha. love the bit of oasis.

now, if only i could see this other musical genius, and my life (for now) will be complete!!

Making mountains out of molehills.

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