watercooler talk.
Saturday, May 30, 2009

work has been funfun with yongernn (previously known as The Intern), and huisze (as always). plus liming has started her internship nearby. too bad next week is my last! i seriously worry that this might be the best job i'll ever have. in terms of colleagues, bosses, work envirnonment etc...

btw, tanjong pagar is a food haven. outside the numerous famous hawker centres and restuarants, please check out the delish muffins from either bake_of at amoy street food centre or chocolate and spices at tangjong pagar plaza. and my latest obsession - salmon and egg sandwiches. simply sandwich and the sandwich shop are THE places to go for this. especially loving the smoked salmon and egg sandwich at the sandwich shop. haha these are my sage words of food advice for whoever is to be working there in the future.

caught 1) angels and demons last weekend - no where near as good as the book but i loved the parachute scene towards the end 2) night at the museum 2 last night - super fun movie to watch, loved the three cherubs (whom i found out were voiced by the jonas brothers! pleasant shock i suppose) and the einsteins!

just finished my third book, yet another agatha christie one, cards on the table. trying to decide if i should continue with the murder mysteries or take a break from them haha.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The search for an idol has ended with Kris Allen. Yet another sign that American Idol is complete crap. I know I talk about the show a lot, but I really only started watching after happening to see Adam Lambert sing If I Can’t Have You and just being in awe of his voice. So basically I continued because I wanted to see him be crowned American Idol, the first real idol after the slew of less than idol-like ‘idols’ – Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks - who are really nothing without their ‘idol’ title and have (or will) all disappear into obscurity just a few years after winning.

That said, after watching the finale performance yesterday, and listening to the mother awful “winning” song that the winner gets to release as his first single, I was seriously hoping that Lambert wouldn’t win. It is a complete disaster of a song, and if it tops any charts, then well, we can safely say that America has no taste – in singers or songs. Ok Kris really isn’t that bad, he just isn’t that good. And next to Lambert, he is just plain embarrassing. Why would anyone want to listen to Kris Allen when there are better versions of him out there?

So Kris Allen, you can be “American Idol”, while Lambert can be an “iconic” “worldwide star” who doesn’t have to sing about metaphorical hurricanes and mountains.

an interpretation of murder.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It is not often you stumble upon a book that is quite completely written for you. An Interpretation of Murder is all my kinds of books rolled into one. Murder, mystery, psychology (yes I do like reading about psychology when it is written in an English that I understand) and a tiny bit of romance, all set in 20th century America (I like history in a trivia kind of way).

I love it because 1) it is well-written, 2) it puts Freud and psychoanalysis in perspective, 3) it has a pretty good twist . I am super excited about this book because beyond being a great read, it really changed my way of thinking about Freud, who I really used to just dismiss as a crazy guy with the most sexed up ideas. Now I guess I kind of realise why he is always included in psychology books.

And so that concludes book one of my summer reading list! Hahah I just reminded myself of those book reviews we always had to do in primary school during the holidays. Next book is yet another murder mystery set in the 20th century (in fact I am almost nearly getting a bit confused) - Clocks. While on the topic though (Clocks is written by her), I must say that Agatha Christie never disappoints! She is someone I’m really in awe of. How she conjures such fantastic plots, and writes in a manner that lets you just devour her books, sometimes in one shot. What is even more amazing is that she wrote for over 50 years. Her last book was written when she was freaking over 80 years old. Well I haven’t read that last book, so I can’t say for sure, but how on earth does one’s brain remain so lucid to write a mystery at 80. Hahaha am I underestimating the elderly :x Ok anyway, I seem to have completely gone off a tangent here.

Second week of work. I am so freaking tired!! It’s more fun now with the new intern, also from NUS, though. So for that I am grateful. I can’t wait for my break! Totally not looking forward to next job – selling mattresses.

Oh p.s. Chuck is a pretty damn good watch! Good comic timing and pretty exciting spy plots! Kind of like how I met your mother (the comic part) meets prison break (all the chasing and life-threatening parts).

P.p.s. Wrote this at work hence all the capitalization.

goodbye scofield, burrows, mahone, and sucre.
Sunday, May 17, 2009

so prison break has come to an end.

out of all the american tv shows out there, i think this might have been the least disappointing for me. it didn't sell out completely after becoming popular, extending the story in ridiculous (lost, heroes) and unsatisfyingly stale manners (desperate housewives, gossip girl), it didn't get cancelled in the middle of nowhere (dirty, sexy, money, lipstick jungle), and it didn't have a completely dumb finale (the l word).

of course it had its fair share of ridiculous plot turns and it was tiring watching them run and run and run and always be thwarted at the end of each season. but i think it succeeded in that it had a great cast of characters and each season delivered the clever escapes that made it popular in the first place. importantly it knew when and how to end.

which brings me to the finale, omg it was so sad but i thought it was a FANTASTIC ending. it felt really well wrapped up and poignant and not lame and i'm glad they tied up all ends properly. so goodbye to an overall very well done series, i shall miss you much! in fact i feel like rewatching season 1. haha

now on to the real world. amazingly, it has only been one week since exams ended! was knocked out by a horrible virus (not H1N1) in the one week break between my exams. but thankfully, the exams that followed didn't really require studying, or rather it wouldn't have helped. TSH threw a paper that was completely unrelated to her entire semester of (questionable) teaching, not to mention i was armed with her (redundant) readings. all i remember of the new media paper that followed was an annoying phone that kept ringing, mcq questions that toyed with my brain (is it A, A and B, A and B and C, or none of the above), and being way too tired to write the two news stories. as for math, horrendous morning traffic resulted in my being 10minutes late (and horribly frazzled) for my paper. the night before i had stayed up way too late to work on a cheatsheet that would be useless as the lecturer so very kindly provided formulas to use in each of his questions. there was no where near enough time, and i honestly don't know how i did. plus the fact that he never returned us our test papers, this module is like all the gambling that we learnt in it.

in the past week, all i've managed to do is watch season 4 of prison break and make a dent in the first book of my summer reading list - an interpretation of murder (which, by the way, i strongly reccommend especially to my fellow psychologists because freud is one of the main characters haha). perhaps i shall write about it after i'm done with it. somehow, instead of two days at work i ended up having a full week of work which was horribly tiring. i shan't complain though because more hours more money which i'm trying to amass to cover my living expenses in korea. speaking of which, i am getting more excited about. i just need a break from singaporeeeee. pronto.

the next month shall be - 1) work, work, work. whatever kind of work i can get my hands on. 2) cherishing no-school-ness. oh how i love guiltlessly reading what i want to, watching all i want to, sleeping all i want to (ok not really happening but), just not having to think about my grades which ironically brings me to 3) exam results on the 29th of may ahhhhhhh. 4) hopefully a little more shopping, catching a movie soon, lunch date fi and shiwen! and picnic? and frying that egg! hahah

p.s. adam lambert is freaking amazing, he NEEDS to win american idol. kris allen is so...mediocre how dare they compare him to jason mraz.

p.p.s. it appears i have not said this enough, but i love g dragon :D hahaha

Making mountains out of molehills.

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