if you knew my secrets.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

a week ago, i raved that i would "never get sick of japanese food". right now, i am so glad it's korea not japan i am going to. hahaha somehow i've had japanese food every single day! it's like the stars aligned to challenge my stupid statement.

anyway, today was (finally) my last day at work! i can't believe it's been a month (and a week, in fact). i will miss my colleagues who have been a whole lot more fun this time round haha. it almost feels like a family - literally.

anyway, i need to rave.

chuck: one of the best mixes of action, romance and comedy out there. great characters (right down to the smallest of roles), great lines, great acting. 100% recommend! i am experiencing withdrawal :(

veronica mars (haha this photo is quite irrelevant but i love it): i realise this show is actually pretty old, came out in 2004/2005. took me a while to finally get down to watching it. it reminds me of 90210 but less high school drama, more good old mysteries. plus kristen bell and jason dohring are amazing in their roles and have the best lines. well season one was great, i'm not so sure about season two because of the return of the dead (not literally) boring boyfriend...

ok brain dead. blog more soon :D

Making mountains out of molehills.

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