Friday, December 31, 2010

I feel so cheated by Twitter's incompetence at retaining my memories.

What better way to round up the year than revisit (and leave behind) 12 months worth of short blurbs reminding me of every tweet-worthy moment in 2010. But just like that, I lost 500 tweets. And I really really really wanted, no needed, to see tweets before April. April. It just had to start at April.

It's such a cliche to say this but 2010 has truly seen some of the highest and lowest moments in my life. I did and experienced a ton of things I never thought I would. Things I never thought I wanted to experience, and things I still wish I had never experienced.
Looking back, it has been freaking dramatic. There are so many things I regret. I've grown so much, but I also paid a really heavy price for that. And right now, I feel that I haven't grown enough and it was all, perhaps, in vain.

But I'm so ready to say goodbye to 2010. I know this whole "new year" thing is just an arbitrary marking in the grand scheme of things, something we have whoever created the calendar system to thank for. But we all need "new beginnings", so I'm thankful for this.

Here's to 2011. May I find that thing within me to become a better person.


Making mountains out of molehills.

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